1. How "Minos Boss" Actually Works
1. Go to singleplayer mode
2. Select any character you'd like in player 1
3. Select "Prime" in player 2 and (preferably) give Prime a #FFFFFD colored style.
4. When the map loads, always select "random" as Prime's move, and you do anything you'd like.
5. Make sure to always turn "free cancel" off for Prime, as it's on by default for some reason(????)
2. What To Look Out For.
If Prime selects "Come Here", "Judgement", "Prepare Thyself", or "Die", get as close as you can, get a good amount of hits in, and block whenever the attack comes out.
If Prime selects "Uppercut", uh good luck cuz no way in hell are you predicting that one unless you are literally the most paranoid person on earth. However, if you have Burst and you get hit with uppercut, PLEASE USE IT. Prime has a lot of options out of uppercut he could easily combo you in, like "Die" and "Prepare Thyself", and if you don't have burst, hope that the RNG selects a move that doesn't keep you in a combo.
Do note that the RNG does usually select "Hustle", "Block", "Push Block", etc during a combo. If Prime does this, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. Even if Prime selects an option with super armor, it's better to lower his HP than give him more combo options by backing away.
3. What NOT To Do.
For the love of god, please, even though Minos doesn't have that many options, DO NOT TAUNT HIM OR GIVE HIM A FIGHTING CHANCE. I have done this numerous times and have lost time and time again because of this.
Also, do not just attack. If you do, and Prime selects "Uppercut", "Die", "Prepare thyself" and/or "Judgement", he can and will counter you pretty quickly.
4. How To Counter EVERY Move.
Remember, YOMI Random gives no modifier to the moves Prime picks.
The following is every option Prime has; ground, and air, and what to do if he were to pick it.
1. Wait
If prime uses wait, do not hold back and go in to attack him.
2. Super Dash
If Prime uses super dash, use a move with 7 frames or more start lag.
3. Omnidash
YOMI Random always picks the move and doesn't angle it anywhere, so using a move like Ninja's dropkick should do the trick. Do note that using dropkick does give Prime 1 frame to do anything.
4. Come Here
If Prime uses come here, ALWAYS ATTACK UNTIL HE CHOOSES SOMETHING ELSE. Come Here just gives him super armor, and his health will still be lowered no matter what.
5. Punch
Punch comes out in about 5 frames, and unless you somehow see him about to use it, you are not predicting this.
6. Gut
Same as punch, but gut comes out 1 frame quicker. Remember to keep a safe distance from Prime.
7. Kick
Same advice as punch and gut.
8. Overhead.
Why do i bother it's the same as all of his normals
9. Sledgehammer
Sledgehammer is an air-only option, and slams you down. It's very quick, and can be used out of "Uppercut", so BE WARY.
10. Judgement
Judgement has 40 frames of startup, so use this to your advantage. Go in and do as much damage as possible, and when he actually does the dropkick, block, and attack him again with the few frames of endlag.
11. Prepare Thyself
Prepare Thyself is a very weird move to counter, but the best way I found to do as much damage as possible is: Attack before the move comes out, block, attack, block, attack, block, attack, block, and attack. I would recommend moves with short startup like Ninja's punch or Cowboy's HSlash.
12. Die
Die teleports Prime upwards, and he comes back down slamming into you. You can't really reach him in time before he slams, so I would recommend blocking it. DO NOTE that the slam has two hit boxes, the actual slam, and the shockwave. If you block the slam, you will always parry the shockwave, so take advantage of that parry and go ham.
13. Uppercut
Uppercut has 8 frames of startup and no way in hell are you predicting this uh good luck lmao
14. Burst
If Prime bursts randomly, good, but if he bursts while in a combo, BOO HOO BAD. YOMI Random does sometimes select to just hold and not do anything, so if he bursts uh you're screwed and there goes your combo lol
15. Protect
Protect is just a block. If he parries you, bad, if he doesn't, good.
16. Dodge
I mean hey you know what dodge is
17. Hustle
Prime has a lame hustle it just takes the last sprite and holds it boo womp :(
5. How To Fight Minos (if You're Cool)
Here's somethings you can do to make the fight more challenging (what I did):
-No command grabs
-No blocking
-No changing moves (if you clicked an option you're stuck with it even if it misses or if you just wanted to check it out)
-Play as Prime and choose the same style (people won't know if you actually beat him and that's sick as ♥♥♥♥!!
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3205683942
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