Mutant combo guide

Mutant combo guide

Main Things To Learn For Mutant:

1)Resource management

2)How to end in oki



1– A mutant without jukes is dead, whenever there is an opportunity to get jukes you should take them. You gain juke pips from the 5th frame of dash 100, frame 9 and 18 from super dash and a pip from hitting your opponent. Keep in mind that the jukes gain from dashes have a one turn cool down,

DON'T waste juke when you opponent has a completely safe option

2– ALWAYS END IN KNOCKDOWN. Mutant’s advantage state is rps, knockdown allows this to be extended.

3– don't pick stupid options, always pick an move that beats at LEAST 1 or 2 good options from the opponent's side

4- NEVER BLOCK AS MUTANT YOU WILL DIE. IF YOU MUST THEN PUSH BLOCK. You can't juke after blocking meaning you just die

Additional resources

doc on the basic terms used in this guide

Video to watch if you don’t know how frames work

Ground Combos:

You should be aiming around 3k to 4k damage before you end your combos into oki

Oki tools:

Caustic Spike covers dodges(usually aim it right on top of the opponent), and can be toggle off allowing for some good mixups

Shockwave allows you to combo from envenom and is good oki tho the spacing is a bit of a pain

The general idea is that you shockwave next to them so it hits the frame after they get up then you juke dash so that the shockwave its hits them in like 11f this should allow you to punish block with envenom

Corkscrew meaty puts you into +2 frame advantage while giving you jukes

Unless you hit good starters like these you just be aiming for 3-4k –aim for 5-6k for these if you check two of the boxes listed



–Sneak attack

–Dash attack(both hits)

–Caustic barrage(if it converts)

Checklist for big damage

Have 3+ jukes

slop dash

4+ bar of meter

In the corner(this where nearly all of your big damage combos come from)

You need at least two of these to do more than 4k( consistently)


Don’t pick a random move and pray–save that for RPS– always check your options when given the chance. Move di wheel around the 4 edges for one prediction each and if there is a move that gives you enough frames to continue on all di then do that. If you take away nothing else then remember this

The usual

Your main ground combo is just hitting sweep into Shockwave until the di escapes the Shockwave then you either hit another sweep into MBD*, or a corkscrew angled at 0.99(down) into a sweep, pounce(FLIP THE ATTACK FOR THE LOVE OF GOD) or jump into throw depending on the di after the cork .

If your starter is a low swipe

Do overhead then into a slash then Sweep+Shockwave til they escape

If your starter Is a swipe(3f) then just ->slash->sweep-> MBD

This is because it has 5 prt meaning it does like no damage like max 2.5k on bad di and with using a lot of resources.

So it's better to get sweep oki than to continue


Hacid combos

A)Dash100-> caustic spike-> slash-> dash 100-> sneak attack -> the usual

B)shorthop (below the green line) -> caustic spike-> overhead -> dash 100-> the usual

C)Juke short hop-> caustic spike-> Caustic barrage->dash 100-> dash just pass your opponent->sneak attack-> shockwave-> the usual

(This is the most optimal route)

Credits to Carbage for c)

Overhead combos

This is kinda ass midscreen since its a air combo so you are gonna be looking at 3k

Jump(super if its +10)-> leap slash -> caustic barrage/vlslash-> do whatever to end oki


If they are close to the ground you can just dash into another overhead then you route into the usual

Notes on Dash attack If it is hit on the ground just route into the usual but if they di wrong for the second hit aim for a restand the combos are too fin

Tip:You can juke the hold right after the first hit of dash attack so you can land the second hit

Tips when routing for juke

1)if you are +11 do corkscrew angled slightly up(.99)

2)After a shockwave there is enough for a dash 100 into a slash(if you didn’t hit one before) or a dash attack

3)If you have slop dash after shockwave you can slop dash angled diagonally into the ground to save a juke on sweep

4) don’t juke when you can a hit an attack without juke

Remember always end your combos with either a sweep, pounce( to catch opponents in the air)or a throw


Use kick– this drops on di down

Use low swipe– this launches your opponent making it a air combo,

Use swipe(3f)– kills your damage and gives low hitstun

Use shred– 95% of the time this drops

Use hacid– ♥♥♥♥ does no damage and should only be used for positioning for a scaled corner combo

Slash after the first time in a combo– the second slash only gives you +9f mean you either do a caustic barrage or other moves that give you bad frames on di down. If this happens just go a for throw or a slash meaty to end it or get funky and just upswipe til they reach the corner

Use more than 2 meter if your starter is not good(see above) that meter is not worth it on weak starter

Using caustic barrage past the fourth hit by the fourth hit the combo scaling halves your damage, Adding the fact more often than not you only hit like 2-3 pellets it's just not worth it the bar


Avoid them as much as possible unless you are in the corner then you can actually do damage

And the main goal for air combos is just to end in oki – like even 2k is fine if you got little juke since 3k requires some meter and or bad di

What to think about during air combos


1-2 juke/0-1 bar should hit a pounce and or throw as soon as possible

+3 juke, don't worry this about unless you drag out the combo

2) Positioning

Do I need to jump to continue/end the combo?

Are they being launched too far?

How do I bring them down?

3) Air options

Do I need to use a air option to continue this combo?

Your personal combo alarm, your combo will end without air options


Doubly so in air combos where most of your normals are kinda ass

Things to hit – stuff you should hit when given the chance

Vslash that gives +17, +9/14 (+7 and 8f can work just need to be close to them)

+17 you can hit a pounce, dash attack and a lot of other options

+14 If you close to the ground you can hit an corkscrew restand or if higher do a kick after hiting this

+9 when it close to the ground this is enough frames so that caustic barrage restands them

Overall one the better moves to hit in the air

DownPounce: that is +31 or more frames on di down and you have a air options you are able to hit a cork restand, usually there a angle where It's plus ten on any di except di up(note that DownPounce is 12f not 13f)

Caustic barrage: that leaves you right next to your opponent. From there you can either jump into a vslash or pounce.

Rebirth: I don’t recommend to use this move often but when it works, it does wonders. This its nice damage boost on ground when it doesn't launch. Great combo glue as it refreshes your air options. Note: Try jumping before hitting rebirth as this doesn't launch them into the sky most of the time. Just be mindful on spending that meter

Throw: the ideal position to land a throw is when your hitboxes are overlapping even if its a tiny corner that overlaps

Pounce: great combo ender, keep in mind that pounce should be flipped to hit it most of the time. Other thing to note is that after hitting a pounce you should hold(juke if need be)it so that you get some plus frames so you do a spike or a shockwave depending on the spacing, you shouldn’t be afraid to hit this early on if you have no meter

Leap slash: if you have speed and or you hit them with the bottom most part of the hitbox


Greed– attacking more than necessary makes it much harder to drop for oki

Hacid– straight up dog water in the air, the damage is small, gives a huge knockback overall not worth it.

However if it restands it actually good

Shred(unless its a land cancel shred then go for it)-this drops 98% of the time

Use leap slash later in combos or with little speed like from juke middle leap slash–Both of these situations are very likely to drop as it launch them so far

Use vault high up– ♥♥♥♥ does not pickup, you can't even hit a pounce, and if you're lucky juke down dash into dash attack and or caustic barrage catches them


The method

1)Meter? Dump it

a)Fit as many caustic barrages as you can as soon as possible. Those barrage should be doing about 800-1k damage for barrages worth doing

b)Usually after two barrages you have to jump then from there you just do another barrage(low usually) or leap slash

c)If you doing it right you should be doing about 4k at 90% damage scaling(from a hacid/overhead starter


a)After doing your barrages slop dash up to hit dash attack(this might have to be juked but that come with experience)

b)After the wall splat you do a caustic spike(juke neutral/up if you have a lot speed) angled vertically

c)From here it depends on your air options and where or not you have rebirth

i)One air option? dash attack-> pounce -> end in oki


3)Check the di wheel

a)Mutant combos are very finicky and as such its a good idea to edit your replays for combos that dropped and or did little damage

Without meter, good starter or slop dash(this one is the big one)

You should be conservative with the routing so like 4-5k while keeping them in the corner is fine if you don’t the checklist done but with the check list its about 6k-8k


Mutant combo guide image 124
Mutant combo guide image 125

Mongolian Ball Detonation

After a di away from a sweep you do a caustic spike, and free cancel shockwave. From there are 2 main options, the safe option is to keep the spike toggled on and do a cork or the risker option is turn off the spike and envenom

the Ideal distance is where envenom catches dodge back which is about 2 floor pips denoted by the floor lines

credits to carbage for the picture and sheet below

To check what frames your opponent is at see the picture above

how to do mbd for frames 41-46

IF THE OPPONENT IS -46 AFTER SWEEP : insta cancel -> caustic spike -> shorthop -> caustic spike again -> [whatever juke is necessary] FC shockwave

IF THE OPPONENT IS -45 AFTER SWEEP : caustic spike -> shorthop -> caustic spike again -> neutral juked FC shockwave

IF THE OPPONENT IS -44 AFTER SWEEP : insta cancel -> shorthop -> caustic spike -> FC shockwave

IF THE OPPONENT IS -43 AFTER SWEEP : insta cancel -> sweep again -> mbd

IF THE OPPONENT IS -42 AFTER SWEEP : insta cancel -> caustic spike -> FC shockwave

IF THE OPPONENT IS -41 AFTER SWEEP : you already know lmaoo

1.3) the thing against robot

IF THE OPPONENT IS -46 AFTER SWEEP : insta cancel -> caustic spike -> shorthop -> caustic spike again -> [whatever juke is necessary] FC shockwavens below to do proper oki

IF THE OPPONENT IS -45 AFTER SWEEP : caustic spike -> shorthop -> caustic spike again -> neutral juked FC shockwave

IF THE OPPONENT IS -44 AFTER SWEEP : insta cancel -> shorthop -> caustic spike -> FC shockwave

IF THE OPPONENT IS -43 AFTER SWEEP : insta cancel -> sweep again -> di mix ranging from -43 to -41, use the sections above to do appropriate oki

IF THE OPPONENT IS -42 AFTER SWEEP : insta cancel -> caustic spike -> FC shockwave

IF THE OPPONENT IS -41 AFTER SWEEP : you already know lmaoo


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