Troubleshooting with NML


Wow. You come to me to seek help? How about going to Syn's guide that's more popular? What? You tried that and it didn't work? You even checked back at your files? Oh no! Let me help you.


Yeah, pretty much just one or more of these reasons:

1.The file downloaded differently and not one of the ones you were supposed to download.

2. You're an idiot.

3. You didn't subscribe to any mods. (You would still have the panel though.)

4. You didn't subscribe to the NML page on Steam. (Don't know how you would mess this one up)

5. You don't have experimental mode on. (Or this one)

6. You just don't care.

The End

And scene! If I missed anything, tell me in the comments. Go check out the guide if you haven't already. It's good. Here it is


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