The Beginning 1533
In 1533 Dingleburg was created in Ireland. It was an innocent country it had a good economy good government until 1578
The First War 1567
The war was a battle between North Africa and east Europe also west Dingleburg stole The UK territory and dissolved The UK. Then Dingleburg stole Germany,FrancemPoland,Spain,and Portugal
The Middle Ages 1600
It's now 1610 Spain part of Dingleburg rebelled and started another war all the other kingdoms helped then Denmark "accidentally" stole one of Dingleburgs villages
The Great Awakening 1765-1805
its now 1765 Dingleburg is at peace with all of the countries for 14 years unfortunately the 15 Kingdoms stole 5 villages from DingleBurg then that caused the 40 year war
The 40 Year War 1765-1805
Dingleburg and the recently fallen Empire of shouljiu had a war the first strike was on 1790 when the king got assassinated by a villager in Yim then Dingleburg armies 10 at the time took 6 villages then in 1795 there was a village that was quiet since the war began then counter attacked vuioldf. 1810 this part of the war is called The Battle of Otoko Empire Capital. In 1814 The king assigned all the armies of the Kingdom to merge and charge at the capital it was a quiet evening then a roar of 500 men over the hill and killed every villager in the capital the king of the capital was kidnapped and got crucified at the coldest mountain then after that something tragic happened
The Collapse Of DingleBurg *kinda* 1818-1895
In 1818 the middle of Dingleburg seceded and wanted a Civil war this civil war lasted for 79 years after this happened the economy collapsed too They couldn't do anything so they had to surrender but it didn't end there a kingdom from Asia transported weapons for Dingleburg to use in 1848 they kept it a secret for 30 years southern Dingleburg thought it was a calm evening until Dingleburg reunite all of the villages and the southern king that did it got killed but they forgot one one of them left to a island north of Dingleburg then in 1895 the hidden empire struck and took half of the lives of Dingleburg the battle lasted for 2 years until the last stand the south got the plague and died.
The World War(The Great War) 1914-1925
In the 1910s the east provoked at war also the south the east took Ushinke Dynasty till collapse the on 1912 a villager from Dingleburg assassinated popopir a king from uytldh Kingdom and made a 10 year battle then a war that lasted from 1915 to 1925 after the war all the nations of the world signed a piece treaty to not go on war for 157 years but in 1939 something tragic happened
World War II 1939-1955
On the eastern side of Dingleburg The German part of dingleburg seceded and named its self The Nazi Empire the Empire Invaded Poland and the middle of Dingleburg the war lasted until 1955 then The Nazi Empire surrendered then reunited with Dingleburg and all the nations sign another peace treaty
During the 60s Dingleburg got in a 39 year war between the east and west the east collapsed then it was a party war one side was Good then then other was the Bad the the 70s rolled around in 1974 a battle between the two happend for 25 years
The World Peace 2000-2025
After the war there was a peace treaty for 25 years but then east Europe has gotten into a civil war then a world war
World War III 2025-2075
10 kingdoms were at war Dingleburg was the leading kingdom to have a united empire WWIII happened for 50 years there were many battle but this one is the brutal-est. on October 2074 The battle of rtyue Empire has started it was Great Dingleburg and United Nations of Loshfko the first strike happened on a peaceful afternoon soldiers were doing their routines then all of a sudden roars of 900 men rushed over the hill and struck Dingleburg village killing 387 people it lasted for 2 months until a peace treaty happened
Peace 2075-2132
The world was at peace again the news showed a new kingdom has formed under the name Kidghdbe Dynasty in 2098 Great Dingleburg Empire is worried but he others were fine of the acquaintance of Kidghdbe Dynasty. 21 Years past the news was spreading about Kidghdbe Dyansty taking over half of Europe.
World War IV 2135-2232
2131 was when Kidghdbe Dynasty took over a quarter of Europe then hell went loose the eastern eruope broke into pieces then joined with Kidghdbe Dynasty but the other kingdoms joined in with Dingleburg. the war lasted for 125 years.
Post War Of WWIV
During those 125 years it was more brutal than WWIII 142 battles started,new kingdoms appeared, and a new form of government appeared. In 2167 Kidghdbe Empire took 75% of Dingleburg nothing was left but at the last second Dingleburg dropped a tsar bomb from 230 years ago and countered attack this battle lasted for 89 years the battle was called, The Battle of Great United Dingleburg Empire.
millions up on millions of soldiers died during this period then something catastrophic happened.
Middle Europe Civil War Of 2199-2232
The Wud Empire has been collapsed into 54 pieces after that one of the new kingdoms destroyed the Wud Empire. During the civil war a huge tornado destroyed 5000 soldiers of Dingleburg all 54 kingdoms merged into one and called them selves Great Ionsflok Empire. The Ionsflok Empire took up half of Europe billions upon billions of soldiers and villagers got killed,
2225 Dingleburg formed an alliance with the other kingdoms they had war with but not Ionsflok.
They merged into one sacrificing their own empires to destroy Ionsflok.
2230 a battle was made called, The battle of Ionsflok Empire, and it took 2 years more strategies was planned assassination attempts were created but failed in 2232 Ionsflok surrendered and let go of their land.
Peace At Last *not* 2232-2387
This peace treaty lasted for 155 years and the ending is bad.
After Ionsflok Empire dissolved world was in hell for 50 years the economy was failing the government was failing so much that guerrillas formed but did not attack anarchist were spreading kings were abandoning kingdoms but in 2387 hell let loose.
World War V (The Last War In European History) 2387-2410
the guerrillas of Dingleburg formed their own kingdoms also the other kingdoms now everyone is angry they want war and no peace the bloodiest battles lasted for years and days also week on the news it was war propaganda spread like wildfire a huge plague started with the wars soldiers were sick and couldn't fight but the corrupted government said so millions of soldiers died of plague and thousands died on battle vaccines were made but some companies were putting more plagues to put more deaths 2392 the last battle was the turning point of everything.
The Battle of Great United Dingleburg Empire started trillions upon trillions died buildings were burned for 3 years the sky was red cause of all the fire millions of villagers went on boats for safety until the war was over.
December 31 2409 the king of Dingleburg empire killed the last king of Urukov Empire at 11:59:59 PM.
The Aftermath 2410-2430
Dingleburg was now renamed Dingleopa and is now a continent taking over North Africa,Balkans,Spanish,French,German,Russo,Ukrani,and viking.
Dingleopa will have no rebellion against the country and will live in piece and harmony.
The End.
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