Wobbledogs Guide 127

Wobbledogs Guide 127


Hello! This is 2nd time I'm doing this "guide", for some reason, the first one dropped off the face of the Earth.. IDK what happened... But take 2 is here! I hope you enjoy the new and improved home of cows! It will take a long while to get this guide to what I consider to be it's former glory, I cannot get all of EVERYTHING replaced and updated in one day, I'm assuming it will take a couple of weeks to get this guide up and running in full swing, either way as I stated earlier please take the time to enjoy the new home of Wobbledogs cows!

Caring For Your Cow

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When adopting a cow it is important how to know to take care of them! I have a small section here to help with you'r cows needs! (I do not know what I am doing any help from the comments is VERY appreciated)


Unless you want to give them certain mutations they should eat anything.

Basic Enviroment:

I recommend having a different room for your cows, they will often throw themselves about and get stuck in the craziest places (once one of my cows got on top of a food despencer). Your area should be pretty empty, although a couple decorations is nice. I also find that using a gravity machine helps them move around better. Do what you will this information.

Extra help:

If you are unable to get a gravity machine the best thing you can do is drag you'r pup around or keep them near food. I find having a small fenced area loaded with food works best (of course you'r cow must be in the pen) (Please note: This is for people who don't yet have a gravity machine)

Here is my cow on top of the food despencer:

Regular Cows

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Regular cows are what you would expect when you think "Wobbledog cow". There isn't too much too this cow. We have a very large amount of these cows for adoption ^^


Flavoured Cows

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These cows were inspired by food items, and as such have been placed in this section. Please note: These cows names have been changed over their short period of being in this guide!

Orange cow:


Blueberry cow:


Cotton Candy Cow:


Banana Cow :


Strawberry Cow


3 headed WaterMelon Cow:

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Zebra Cow:


Exotic Cows

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Now lets tour the more intresting section of this guide! With our exotic cows, these cows were bred with a goal in mind, they didn't turn out perfect but here they are!

Tiger cow:

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Pink Tiger Cow:


Squirrel Cow:


Cerberus Cow:


Cube cow: (has 1 leg)



Striped Cow:


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Cloudy Cow:


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I'll get this part later (Tomorrow..? maybey..??) I'm done for today :P

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2803073089					

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