Blackout always had seen Whiteout as his own interactive guide. She always calmed him down when he thought to much about the world outside the dark and light pen. Whiteout saw him as a depressed lump of sadness. "Whiteout?" He called. "Whiteout where are you?" He called out again. "I'm right here, you empty cocoon!" She whispered tauntingly, phasing out of a white wall. Every time i try to look and call out for her she calls me that. He thought for the 51st time. Every time Whiteout called him that, he felt unworthy of her love. She didn't know he'd always fall for her. "Don't- don't call me that please." He said, uneasily. Her ears perked up as if there had just been an "i'm not lying" face stuck on his snout. He shifted uncomfortably in the grass, folded his wings and closed his eyes laying on the ground. Whiteout curled up next to him and fell asleep soon after.
"No!" He shouted. "Oh yes, i certainly will." Said a strange voice. "I will kill you and your little friend." The voice said again. Blackout woke up from a nightmare. He breathed heavily and calmed down. It was the middle of the night, and Whiteout was still asleep. He sighed with relief. "Phew." He whispered to himself. "Just a nightmare." He whispered again. He curled up again and fell asleep. When he woke up again, he saw Whiteout was bringing him a dog biscuit. "Here you go, silly." She said with grace. He got up and ate the biscuit gently. Blackout liked being gentle. He just wanted to be peaceful so no one could interrupt his life choices. "Hrrrruh!" he said muffled by the food he was eating. "I can tell its your favorite by now." She said, giggling. "Mmmpffff!" He shouted agreeingly. Whiteout liked when he did this, she thought it was hilarious when he did this. He smiled and swallowed his food. Whiteout walked over to a red wall and bumped into something.
"Ahh!" Whiteout screamed helplessly. "He he he he he..." Laughed the strange voice from Blackout`s nightmare. "Wonderful... Something to kill." He laughed again. Blackout got up and had a hopeless look on his face. "Oh look, its the puppy from my dream visit!" He laughed gracefully. "Whiteout!" He shouted with despair. The monster took out his claw and put it against Whiteout`s throat. Blackout HATED fighting. He pounced onto the core sniveling beast and ripped out a spine from his back. The beast laughed. "That didn't even hurt!" He snickered. Blackout`s claws extended and his wings grew, his teeth grew sharp and his tail extended. Whiteout looked confused by this. Blackout sliced through the skin of the core beast and stabbed his tail through his mouth. The core beast spat out what seemed to be core liquid. The core beast`s body parts popped off of him and his eyes turned into crosses. The corpse soon decomposed and the core was left behind. Blackout put it somewhere safe where no one could get to it. He turned back and collapsed, passing out. Whiteout passed out too, because she had gotten too confused for her own good.
When he woke back up, there was only blood, core liquid, and puke. Blackout went to see if the core was still in it`s hiding place. IT WASN'T... He went to check on Whiteout (Which had woken up WAY before him) to see if she was okay. But she didn't seem like it... She had been seizing herself with her claws and banging her head on the wall. She puked and puked and puked. Core liquid was the only puke now... Blackout searched and searched for the cure and couldn't find it. *BANG BANG BANG BANG!* Is all he heard... Blood and core liquid everywhere on the walls. Whiteout fell onto her side hopelessly and tried to break her neck. She tried ripping off the front of the big fan that cooled them down on hot days and stuck her head into it, but Blackout pulled her back. "AUGHHHHH!" Whiteout shouted distortedly. "What happened?!" Blackout shouted to her. "I- AUGHHHH! I ATE- GRRR! A- RAHHHH! C-CORE- GRAUGHHHH!" She shouted in pain. She kept on screaming and howling until she passed out. Luckily, their pen was right next to the emergency pen and the medical dogs came to check out what was happening. They saw all the blood and core liquid and looked at Blackout. Blackout pointed to Whiteout and a tear rolled down both Whiteout`s and Blackout`s snouts. They eventually took them both to the emergency pen and got Whiteout on a bed to have a comfortable sleep.
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