Personality Traits

Personality Traits


Personality Traits image 1

Personality Traits image 2

Hello there!

If you've been playing Wobbledogs for a while, you'll eventually end up with a Wobbledog that not only exhibits new physical mutations, it's gained a little icon by its preview:

This is a personality trait, and it affects your dog's behavior, giving it a little more life of its own! Hovering over it will reveal a description:

Personality traits can be passed down by breeding, or they can show up randomly, just like physical traits. So far, I've discovered 13 of them - if there are more, I'll add them as I find them! The next section lists their icons and descriptions, and then I have a few additional notes at the close.

List Of Traits

Because 12 of the traits are in 6 oppositional pairs, I've listed them next to each other in the table below. If a dog has one of the traits in a row, it can't have the other. The 13th trait, "Unpettable", is at the bottom.

Icon Description Icon Description


As I said, I have some final observations and notes:

Since 6 of the traits are mutually exclusive, any given dog can only have 7 personality traits at a time.

I don't think dogs can gain or lose personality traits as they grow, either - they're locked in at birth.

You can get some dogs with personality traits guaranteed by completing achievements! One of the dogs in the introduction, Granule, is obtained this way.

Food averse dogs will eat more slowly, in addition to eating less frequently.

Similarly, gluttons will often eat quickly, overeat, and choke on their food...

Petting an unpettable dog won't calm it down, if it's upset. Instead, command it to eat or sleep, or have it interact with a calming object like a TV or music player.

If you would like to share your codes for any dogs with fun personality traits, feel free to do so in the comments! This is my first Steam Guide, too, so any feedback would be much appreciated.

Thanks for reading, and have fun with your quirky little Wobbledogs. :)


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