my dog named death research

The Puppys Code And Info

if you pupate its head you go inside its body soo keep it a puppy make room clear only put a food dispenser colors black ears black body white legs and head

code 0Ba821E06bB7FB8046FEFF0F8Fc3CF:B7baCFCF3538160^FFFPF5;:30FFABFF383=Ft^eFFF9EF1F=0Ec8cFFF0FF18FF5FF:::acbF;FFFFF8FaF0F9FAFFFEFFFC7FFa0FF0FFFFFFFF;FFF=eE80F5F:FDFF3F3Fb1;FFEa:3c=83;a;:caFEaF<F:83:c:F2aeF4F96=a8FE^AB3FFE9CEbb^FUPjYF160111F0^3^FFhe035F2F1C3dhF0<7<9A06EDFFF331aE8C8FFFD3FFF0F0D09FB0FF3P3FFF=F8F39CF8CF

Sum Things

i made death in doglab i hop you injoy your new big dog

warning again

if pupate its head will go inside its body idk whys this is happening


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