How to Reincarnate Your Dawgs!!! Spooky spooky necromancy!

Examples First!

MY PRECIOUS!!! bird was precious he only wanted to fly! but old age death had to come and swoop him away to early... UNTIL NOW

The Process Of Reincarnation!!! Or Necromancy!

So! you wanna know how to preform necromancy huh! is that so!

Well I'll show you how!!!

The first things you will need is a dawg that you praise!

One that you wish to reincarnate using your dark knowledge!

wait for death to come and subsume them! and for their corpse to be consumed by their fellow Dawgs...

Then memorialise them! have them isolated in a separate room! once enclosed! or unreachable by the un-chosen!

The we wait! Grab a coffee' Drink some tea... practice the dark arts a little... use the necranomacom!

Make your evil praises to what ever dark entity it be... or to ME!

Alternatively you could invoke them yourself you Monster! can't even let them sleep for 3 seconds... how despicable

Anyway! once your fallen Dawg! has reincarnated as a ghost for their first time! the process is simple from here. All you have to do is follow these definitely 100% CRUCIAL steps!

Step 1: Have them in the centre of the room and targeted!

Step 2: Make any Unholy chants you want!

Step 3: open the pen storage menu!

Step 4: export the necromantic essence of your Dawg, And copy their soul code down!

Step 5: Reincarnate them by importing and cloning their essence!

Congratulations MY apprentice... you reincarnated your first Dawg of many! your precious!

You have practised the highest form heresy in wobble dogs!

And you're a monster now!

However you will enjoy this power... because we all know you will... so go forth! start your cloned ghost armada and reincarnated lesser mortals within a simulation! practice more heresy!

Alternative Uses... Hehe...

So you want to know more?

Well are some tricks and tips you can use with the information you have gathered.

By repeating the process over and over you can do the following

- Make a core farm, to feed to your ever lasting mortals! (but the limit is 3 hours of life)

- Make thousands of cloned ghost! (and yes i mean thousands with the new commands and options!)

- Have living clones of your precious baby! that is your Dawg!

- Practice Heresy of murder, by having the Dawg's trained to grab, throw, and dig! until only one stands to consume...

And that is pretty much it... what else where you expecting! the guide to my entire codex? Never! that's my secret to keep... you'll already be evil enough after this!


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