Welcome to the WARNO complete map modding guide!
We hope that this guide serves as a great resource and learning tool to help you in your journey in creating some amazing maps for this game. This guide won't just drop you straight into creating a map, it's aim is to help you build an understanding of what the files/folders/tools are and what you use them for, helping you get a better understanding of what you have the ability to do.
Even after this guide comes out it will still be a work in progress and we aim to keep it as up to date as possible with new changes that Eugen makes to the map modding suite.
With that out of the way, we hope you all enjoy, lets begin!
Folder Structure
Before any actual map making is done, we first need to find the two locations that all the tools and files you need to create your map. I recommend having two sets of documents browsers open at the same time as it will make your life easier when moving files around (we'll get to why later).
This first section contains only two folders that you will need to use, the and folders.
You can also get to this file easily by Right Clicking on WARNO -> Properties -> Installed Files and then hit the Browse button to open a windows document explorer straight to this location.
The tools folder contains all of the .bat files that Eugen have provided to help with automatically generate the files needed for your map. Don't worry about what ones to run when, this guide will let you know when you need to run each one for both initial upload and updating.
This folder contains the 'packed' version of your mod. Save for a few more .bat files that will need to be run at certain points, you won't have to modify anything in these files.
Saved Games\EugenSystems\WARNO
The saved games folder is one that you will have more interaction with early on.
These folders where your generated files from the .bat files are generated prior to the final steps of uploading your mod to Steam.
contains the files like the Heightmap (what defines the terrain heights in game), minimap, overview, preview and others. We'll go into more detail later about what to modify here how and when.
The mod folder contains the 'prepacked' version of your mod, it is where you add the data about the terrain, buildings, zones etc after you've finished building it and before you're ready to build everything and upload.
This folder contains s that are separate from your maps. To explain the difference between scenarios and maps is simple. A map is the physical terrain and buildings that exist on a given map. A scenario is then built on top of a map and this then adds deployment zones, command zones, spawns and defines the playable area. You can have multiple scenarios per map and is Eugen's clever way of saving space if you want to have 20 versions of the same map with different zone layouts.
Launching The Editor
Launching the editor is as simple as clicking "Play" and then "Launch Map Editor"
However some of you may just launch into the game directly. If that is the case right click on WARNO -> Properties -> General and select the drop down for Selected Launch Option. Select "Ask when starting game"
Simply then close this modal and relaunch the game, you should then be provided the option and the journey can begin!
How To Use The Editor (Part 1)
Now that you've launched the editor we can start to have a look around as to what we have to work with here. In the next two sections we aim to take you view the different screens/views
You should be initially presented with this odd looking map.
For those of you who have already realised, this is the armoury map!
Take the time to get used to moving the camera around and panning in and out. The controls should be the same as your WARNO controls you are used too. WASD for forward (W), backward (S), right (D) and left (A). Mouse wheel scroll for zoom in and out, and hold mouse wheel + mouse move for camera rotation. For a full list of the default shortcut controls, see the list at the end of this guide.
Now we are going to have a look at some of the Windows that you will be using a lot of when making your map later.
You can either open these windows from the windows pane in the top bar of the page or by pressing the hotkeys 1-6 for each item respectively.
Unit Creation
The Unit Creation is the most important window that you'll use when creating your map. It contains every road, building, terrain layer and many, many more things that will be all very useful to you.
At the top is a drop down box that will only show items of that type. Under that is a filter box which will search through all items of the current type from the box above. If nothing is selected in the top box, then the text search will search through all items.
In the drop down there are the following options:
- Bezier
Beziers, are models that you can choose multiple points and for each new click it will create a line of that item from your last clicked point to the point just before that. This is usually used for roads and fences.
Here you can see a guard rail with several points having been placed.
- Filler
Fillers are a your way of adding textures on top of the base grass texture. You place them like any other object, however, for it to draw you must connect you last point to your starting point (to create a shape) for the texture to apply.
- FX
Currently unknown what these items do or what their function is. This guide will be updated when the information becomes available.
- Impostor
Currently unknown what these items do or what their function is. This guide will be updated when the information becomes available. They do however seem to seem to act the same as models.
- Model
Models are your run of the mill items, they cover everything from static (not interact-able) vehicles, buildings and every other item that makes the maps look alive.
- Navigation
Navigation layers define how a unit will behave when on top of a certain type of terrain. For example by default a forest will have a terrain attached to it to block LOS and make units move slower through it, same goes with roads and buildings. This tab allow you to place terrains on top of items that usually would not have them. So with this you are able to make a field of wheat act like it was a field of trees!
- Pattern
Patterns are groups of Models that have been saved together. These are extremely useful for adding a lot of detail to your map, especially in towns, very quickly and easily.
Later on in the guide there is a section about how you can edit and create your own patterns to use.
- Random
Random items are honestly awesome. They act the same as models, but, when you move them at all, they will quickly cycle between random versions making no two the same.
These 4 items are all the same!
- Selection
This list is currently empty and has no use at the moment. This guide will be updated when the information becomes available.
- Smartline
Smartlines act a bit like the items from random above, however instead of being like models that randomize when you move them, they are Beziers that randomize when you move them and when you place more nodes down.
- Snap
Currently unknown what these items do or what their function is. This guide will be updated when the information becomes available.
- StateDBModifier
Currently unknown what these items do or what their function is. This guide will be updated when the information becomes available.
- Sticker
Stickers are small pieces of decoration that you can add on top of the terrain, such as bomb craters, airport line markings, and road arrow markings. Stickers can be placed on top of terrain that you have already placed.
- Tag
Tags are added to buildings to determine properties around health and what happens when the district takes enough damage. Currently there are only four tags:
- tag_Small_District, 15 health points.
- tag_Mid_District, 45 health points.
- tag_Big_District, 60 health points.
- tag_HLM_District, 90 health points and will stay garrison-able even when destroyed. Designed
for tallest buildings of urban maps.
Every district can also be garrisoned by up to 4 infantry units, regardless of its tag.
To place an item from the Unit Creation menu, select the desired item and then right click on the terrain to place the item. In a later portion of the guide we will cover how to move and place these items around your map easily.
Layer Control
Layer Controls is another important window. It can change what you see on the map and help greatly with identification. We won't go over each option but will quickly touch upon which ones are useful and what you should have on by default and what ones can be useful.
Below is a list of items that we feel you should have on while making your map:
- Terrain
It shows the terrain, sort of required really!
- LevelBuild - Stickers and LevelBuild - Stickers_LongRange
Shows stickers both close up and far away.
- LevelBuild - Models
Shows all models, when off only the terrain is shown.
- Road
Shows the pathing that the units will take when fast moving along a road. This won't be entirely accurate, but is a good approximation.
Below is a list of useful layers that can be useful, but aren't required to be on full time when map making:
- District
District layer shows several things. The red blocks are each building, the green are the zones that you can garrison units in. A green zone must contain at least one building.
- Navigation
Shows a green/red highlight over terrain that has an effect on units. Red is non traversible and green is forest.
- Snap Grid
Shows the snap grid in world over your mouse.
The selection menu shows what items you are currently selecting and the number of that item. It has filter options just like that of unit creation.
How To Use The Editor (Part 2)
Transform Rotation
Transform Rotation tool allows you to adjust the X, Y and Z properties of an object within the world. You can also change the rotation and scale of the objects too.
Item Properties
Item Properties won't be used at all when you are making your map, however it will be used later on in the process when you are placing down your command zones, deployment zones and the like.
Distance Displayer
While in the map editor, it can be hard to see the distances between items due to the lack of the LOS tool. This distance displayer is a simple way of seeing this.
How To Use The Editor (Part 3)
Finally, on the left hand side of the screen you will also see several buttons. Some of these buttons are duplicates of things we have already covered, while others offer new and great functionality.
The create option is the default one that you will have selected most of the time. While selected it allows you to select items to then edit with other tools, like rotate/reposition, or edit their properties. You also have to have this selected to be able to place new items. If you have any of the other options selected you will not be able too.
Translation / Rotate / Scale
All of these are shorthand options for things you can find within the Transformation window that we have previously discussed.
- Ruler
The Ruler tool allows you to accurately measure the distance between two points, just click and hold to get an in game distance.
- Knife
The Knife tool allows you to sub divide a filler easily without having to delete and replace the whole filler.
Start the knife tool outside the desired filler you wish to cut. The plot a course crossing the filler and ending outside the desired filler.
The press enter to "cut". This will divide the filler.
Notice as well that the fields here changed after the cut. That is due to this field being a "random" field and it changing due to the cut. This is very helpful to introduce variety easily.
- Destruction
The Destruction tool allows you to destroy buildings while in the editor.
The buildings are not actually destroyed, it just gives you a useful idea of what it would looks like after the town/cities are fought over. To have ruins, you will have to place the ruin version of the building.
Creating Your First Map
Now that we have some idea of how to use the editor it's time to get our hands dirty!
Follow these simple steps to make your own map:
- Go to File -> Create New Map
- Enter the name of your map
- Enter the size of your map under the Case X and Case Y sections, this determines how big your map will be. For example, Urban Frontlines is a 1x1, Deathrow is a 1x2 and Rocks is a 3x3. I do not recommend (and neither does the game) going above a 3x3 as the map will be too large and lag horribly for lower end computers as well as taking an age to finish.
- Choose which decors set, this determines what assets you will have access too. Fulda + CommonSet is a good one to start with for now.
After hitting create you should be presented with a clear blue screen. This may seem like something has gone wrong but it's all to be expected. If you zoom in, then the ground will appear. In the next few steps we will perform the steps to correct this.
Now go out of the editor and open your documents folder and navigate to Saved Games\EugenSystems\WARNO\LevelBuild\{YOUR_MAP_NAME}
Inside should be a number of default images and documents.
Div_map.png: RGB used as base color influencing terrain, fillers and vegetation color.
- HeightMap.png: 16-bits grayscale used for terrain elevation. If you edit it, make sure you save
it in 16-bits grayscale, or you shall suffer a heavy precision loss, making your slopes look like
- Minimap.png: RGB used for in-game minimap.
- Overview.png: RGBA interface texture used in skirmish and multi lobby menu when selecting
this map.
• Preview.png: RGB interface texture used in advanced map selection mode as a map top-view.
- sdb.png: RGB mask erasing items depending of its color: magenta erases some trees, yellow
erases all trees, blue erases everything.
- Splat_map.png: RGB mask selecting base texture for ground : red selects rock, green selects
semi-rock, black selects grass.
- Waterflow.png: RGB NormalMap representing water flow direction
When modifying any of these files, you need to run a generation with LaunchGeneration.bat in your
SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\WARNO\Tools directory, then restart the editor to see your changes. Additionally, when you edit HeightMap.png you will also need to run LaunchMapBaking.bat to see the changes.
For now we do not have to modify anything here for now and will come back to modify these later in the process.
Now navigate back to SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\WARNO\Tools and run LaunchGeneration.bat then LaunchMapBaking.bat. Depending on your PC specs these processes may take a while, this is normal. Additionally when baking, the game will seem like it is starting up and then shrink to a small box, DO NOT CLOSE THE GAME. This is all normal and could take a few minutes to more than a hour, depending of your map size, map complexity and your CPU/GPU’s capabilities. While this is running you can just have it minimised and running in the background, it does not need to be focused.
Once these two processes have finished load up the editor again, load your map through File -> Open Map and you should be presented with a nice flat ground like so!
How To Create Your Own Height Map (Optional)
Simple one, will mostly be linking out to other resources and what you’d need
Run through steps of baking the map after the heightmap has been made
mention that this step is optional and can be skipped if they don't want any terrain features
Maybe give an example height map? that they can just use as is
Placing Your First Items
Now that the height map has been generated you can start placing buildings, roads, water and all manner of objects on the map. This step is by far the most time consuming but also the most rewarding when it is complete.
There isn't much we can offer in terms of help here, it's up to you to let your creative skills run wild. If you need help with what the items are then please refer back to the How to use the editor (Part 1) section of this guide.
Don't forget to save often! Either with Ctrl + S or File -> Save
Creating Scenarios
Once you have decided that you have placed enough detail on your map, or just that you want to do a rough play test, you will have to perform some steps each and every time you want to test a change. Thankfully, the steps to making a scenario are simple.
But first, we should probably explain what a scenario is.
In short a map mod is split into two parts:
1. The terrain, roads, buildings etc all of this is considered the map.
2. The deployment zones, capture points and reinforcement zones as well as defining the playable area, this is 'a' scenario.
For your map mod, you will have one map, and then one or more scenarios that you can define.
Your 2 player, 4 player and 6 player versions, lets say, will all use the same base map, but can have widely different zones and playable areas. It is done this way to minimise the amount of duplicated data and thus make the mods smaller and quicker to download.
Now, lets make a scenario!
Go to File -> New Scenario
The Name field can be anything, but I would name it something like _{PLAYER_NUMBER}P_{MAP_NAME} for ease of tracking
So for example, the map name would be Fulda and the different versions would be _2P_Fulda, _4P_Fulda etc
Note: You cannot have a map starting with a number, hence the underscore at the start
Once that process is complete you can then open your scenario
Go to File -> Open Scenario -> {YOUR_SCENARIO_NAME}
Once you load in you should see your map in all it's glory!
If things keep disappearing or not looking right, remember to double check you have performed the correct steps in the previous section at running the .bat files.
You can see it here, my roads are disappearing which means I need to run the map baking bat to get it to load properly.
Once all baked and working properly, it now time to add the details to this scenario to make it playable!
Firstly, we need to define a playable area that the players are allowed. If you wish for the whole map to be playable, then you can skip this portion.
TODO: How to define playable area here pls future me
Next we will define the capture zones, starting zones and spawn points.
Capture points
To place down capture points simply search for Command_Zone and place it down like you would a Filler or Bezier.
Once placed it'll looks something like so. With the Window -> Open Item - Properties window open and the zone selected we can also modify the number of points that this zone will be worth when captured. Leave all other properties unchanged.
Initial Deployment Zones
Open Unit Creation by pressing 1 or by going to Window -> Open Unit - Creation
The search for Deployment Zone and draw your desired deployment zones for each side. The arrows within the deployment zone defines what way the units face when a player is initially deploying.
To rotate just the arrows (and thus the units starting rotation) you need to select and rotate the AutoName that is created for every zone. I find the easiest way is to select the whole deployment zone, then use the Keep Highlighted on just the AutoName and then rotate it to whatever direction you require.
Once we have the deployment zone that we want, now we need to edit it's details.
Open Window -> Open Item - Properties and select the zone. it should look like so.
All you need to do is define one of the deployment zones to AllianceNum = 0 and one to AllianceNum = 1. It is that simple!
Leave all the other fields as they are for now. We will come back to changing them later.
Air and Land Spawns
Now we need to define air and ground spawn lines, these are the places that the units that you buy after the start of the game will appear.
Interestingly, initial deployment zones don't need groundspawn lines for the players to place ground units at the start of the game, but do need an air spawn for player start the game with planes.
To place a ground or air spawn, simply search for Tag_ReinforcementLand or Tag_ReinforcementAir and place them in the world. One part must start outside the zone and then end within the zone for it to work automatically as the details from the zone are inherited by the spawn lines.
You can also do the same to Command_Zone, the spawns will activate when the zone is captured by either side.
Camera Start Positions
One last thing to set up in the editor is the camera start positions. This is just telling the game where each players camera (depending on what team they are on) should start when they first load in.
Open Window -> CameraPath Editor. It should look like so.
You will need to create two camera paths (a camera path can be a number of points, but for this scenario it will be a single point) one for each side.
Firstly create two new camera paths with the Add button : one for each alliance, giving them two unique names. In my case I have named them Dire and Radiant.
Select one of your items in the drop down list, move your camera to where you want the players camera to start and hit Add Key.
Then using Window -> Open Item - Properties and having the desired zone selected, add the name of your path to the WarmupCamPath field. Repeat for the other side in the same fashion.
And that is it for changes in the editor! You are nearly there but there are a few more things to change outside in the files before it is playable and publishable to the Steam Workshop!
There is one last step and that is to export the scenario, this exports it to your machine and can take a few minutes depending on your PC specs. There is no visual indicator that it has completed, but when you are able to move again it will have completed.
Go to File-> Export-> Scenario to export.
Scenario Final File Preparations
After exporting your scenario in the editor it isn't quite yet ready to play. There are a few more extra files that need to be created and/or modified first.
Navigate to C:\Users\{USER}\Saved Games\EugenSystems\WARNO\Scenario\{SCENARIO_NAME}. You should see a number of files and folders including a Scenario.ndf file.
Create a new text file underneath called MapPack.ndf and add the following
unnamed TemplateMultiMapInfo ( ScenarioName = "_2x3_Death_Row_2vs2_CONQ" Description = "deathrow" DefaultNbSlotsOpened = 4 GameMode = EDeploymentMode/Skirmish CombatRule = CombatRule/Conquest EnvironmentSettings = [ $/M3D/GraphicSettings/EnvironmentSettings/Death_Row, $/M3D/GraphicSettings/EnvironmentSettings/Death_Row_Night, $/M3D/GraphicSettings/EnvironmentSettings/Death_Row_Afternoon, $/M3D/GraphicSettings/EnvironmentSettings/Death_Row_Morning, ] MapSize = "SIZESMA" Density = "DENSHIGH" HasRivers = false ) unnamed TLocalisationDicoResource ( DicoToken = LocalisationConstantes/dico_maps FileName = "ScenariosData:/{NAME_OF_YOUR_SCENARIO}/SCENARIO_DEFINITION.csv" )
and another file called SCENARIO_DEFINITION.csv
Note: You do not need a program like Microsoft Excel to do this, creating a new file using notepad and then going File -> Save As -> SCENARIO_DEFINITION.csv works just as well and easier.
"TOKEN";"REFTEXT" "TOKENNAME";"DisplayNameOfYourScenario"
ScenarioName: must be the exact same name than the one you entered in Map Editor.
Description: Localisation token linked to your scenario display name
DefaultNbSlotsOpened: recommended player number (both teams combined, so 4 for a 2v2)
Gamemode: Must be EDeploymentMode/Skirmish.
CombatRule: Defines the game mode, must be either CombatRule/Conquest or CombatRule/Destruction
EnvironmentSettings: The list of graphic settings (ColorGrading, Skybox, Lighting etc) available for this scenario. You can use any settings listed in Graphic Settings → Environment Settings window.
MapSize: Localisation token for size indication in detailed scenario list view. Must be one of the following:
◦ SIZESMA (small)
◦ SIZEMED (medium)
◦ SIZELAR (large)
Density: Localisation token for density indication in detailed scenario list view. Must be one of the following:
◦ DENSLOW (low)
◦ DENSMED (medium)
◦ DENSHIGH (high)
HasRivers: Indicates in the detailed scenario list view if your scenario contains rivers
TOKENNAME: Custom token name, must be 9 characters or lower. NOTE: This value and Description must be the same.
DisplayNameOfYourScenario: Display name of the map to be shown in the lobby.
Completed Example
And here's one I made earlier! This is for Setons Clutch (You should totally check it out wink wink)
unnamed TemplateMultiMapInfo ( ScenarioName = "SetonsClutch" Description = "Setons" DefaultNbSlotsOpened = 8 GameMode = EDeploymentMode/Skirmish CombatRule = CombatRule/Conquest EnvironmentSettings = [ $/M3D/GraphicSettings/EnvironmentSettings/Cyrus, $/M3D/GraphicSettings/EnvironmentSettings/Airport_Night, $/M3D/GraphicSettings/EnvironmentSettings/Airport_Evening, $/M3D/GraphicSettings/EnvironmentSettings/Airport_Noon ] MapSize = "SIZELAR" Density = "DENSHIGH" HasRivers = false ) unnamed TLocalisationDicoResource ( DicoToken = LocalisationConstantes/dico_maps FileName = "ScenariosData:/SetonsClutch/SCENARIO_DEFINITION.csv" )
TOKEN;REFTEXT Setons;Setons Clutch
Once you have completed this step, navigate to SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\WARNO\Tools and run LaunchDataPacking.bat.
Local Testing & Final Touches
Now that your map has been built, objects placed and zones defined it is time to test it locally!
Simply navigate to SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\WARNO\Tools and run LaunchGameWithLocalData.bat. The game will start and you should find your mod within the skirmish list like so.
Repeat the steps for getting this far if any changes are made to either the map or scenario. Once satisfied with your map. There are some last steps to that technically are optional before publishing to the Steam Workshop, but will make all the difference quality wise!
Adding Preview, Minimap and Overview Images
Navigate to Users\{USERNAME}\Saved Games\EugenSystems\WARNO\LevelBuild\{MOD_NAME}. There are 3 files here that
Uploading To Steam Workshop
Why Can't I Use The LOS Tool In The Editor?My Infantry Units Cannot Enter A BuildingWIP
The LOS tool uses data make from the map baking and packing processes to be able to work. While you are making your map, it is it's raw form and the data hasn't been generated yet for it to be able to work.
Common Errors And Fixes
Errors when trying to run bat files - (ie run auditor and fix)
Error code 413 when uploading.
Error code 9 (I've seen this but need to find out exactly what it is)
Buildings not enterable?
Tall building can't shoot over short buildings
Why does the buildings/roads disappear when I zoom out?
Maximum number of lakes reached error
Spawn points on minimap going off screen
Tips And Tricks
Background image layering
Snap modes
Snapping roads together to auto create junctions
Copy/pasting from other maps
Water placement (water tech tag vs placing water filler + navigation mesh)
Editing and creating your own pattern groups
Hotkey Shortcuts And Controls
Links To Discord(s)
More WARNO guilds
- All Guilds
- Is it a dive bomber? [PACT]
- WARNO modding guide
- Username Symbols, Flags, and Colors
- Blkler
- RebsFRAGO Mod Guide
- KE and HEAT Damage Tables
- Game mechanics, hidden and non-obvious
- Game mechanics, hidden and non-obvious [Rus]