If you want to help, please reach out in the comments! (there is no small contribution)
This guide will go through all the main steps in modding for WARNO. Either you want to simply modify an existing configuration or create something from scratch such as a unit, weapon, etc.
The different parts will be progressively filled in the next months. If certain topics are not yet covered and you would like them to be, please leave a comment and we will take it into consideration.
ToolsTo mod WARNO you will need some tools to edit .ndf files. This format is proper to Eugen Systems.
All in one solutionThe modding tool Warno Mod Editor (WME) regroups all the needed editing tools with an integrated GUID generator for required unique IDs.
AlternativesIf you prefer other tools you will need ...
A text editing software, such as :
- Sublime Text
- NotePad++
- Etc.
A GUID generator.
GUID are random IDs that allow each element to have an unique identification.
Useful linksWARNO DataThis WIKI gives a description of all major attributes and mechanics available in the .ndf files of WARNO.
While we will go through all the data in this tutorial step by step, this WIKI is always useful to have a reminder on what means what.
WARNO ArmoryA recap of all units statistics from the base game. Useful to learn all the different data and what they mean in context. You can also use the armory to give yourself an idea of how unit are balanced.
WARYESSimilarly to the previous link, you can take a look at the data of all game units and have a look at some hidden values not viewable in game.
Initial Setup - Create Your Mod
In this part we will go through the initial creation process of your mod. Those steps are also available in the modding manual provided by Eugen Systems.
First go to the "Mods" folder in the game files of WARNO on your computer:
Inside you will find two PDFs we highly recommend you to read :
- the "Modding Manual", that gives a first look on how to mod the game (we will go through all the steps more in detail but if you want to speedrun modding with a surface explanation the guide provided by Eugen Systems is for you)
- the "NDF Reference Manual", as explained previously you will go through .ndf files that is the text based language developed by Eugen and used in all scripts, this document gives you a basic understanding on how the language can be understood.
Creating a new modThis part is mostly taken from the modding Guide provided by Eugen Systems.
Go to the game installation directory (in steam: Library → WARNO → Properties → Local Files →
Browse Local Files), and enter the Mods subdirectory.
Open a console in the Mods directory (either by using cd <path_to_Mods_directory> or by shift + right-click in windows explorer > "open console here" or by typing cmd in the path bar of the file explorer while in the folder) and run CreateNewMod.bat with the mod name as argument.
CreateNewMod.bat MyAwesomeMod
The name must be unique ; it will not work if a directory already exists with that name. If all goes well, you should see a message indicating that the mod was created, and a new directory named
MyAwesomeMod has appeared. It should contain the following directories:
• CommonData
• GameData
and the following files:
• CreateAssetDefinitionFiles.bat
• CreateModBackup.bat
• GenerateMod.bat
• RetrieveModBackup.bat
• UpdateMod.bat
• UploadMod.bat
These 7 files ( and the 6 .bat) are part of the modding tools, please do not modify them or
you will likely compromise your mod.
If something is missing, try to delete the mod directory and recreate it.
Create A Weapon
Create A Unit
Create A Division
More WARNO guilds
- All Guilds
- WARNO - The complete map modding guide
- Username Symbols, Flags, and Colors
- Blkler
- RebsFRAGO Mod Guide
- KE and HEAT Damage Tables
- Game mechanics, hidden and non-obvious
- Game mechanics, hidden and non-obvious [Rus]
- How to stop worrying and love Ranked