Double-Barelled Shotgun Psyker

Double-Barelled Shotgun Psyker



I've been playing Gun Psyker in all his variants since Darktide's initial release in November 2022. This class and style of gameplay is just the most fun to me.

I also love double barreled shotguns. However, they seem to be kinda underwhelming in general. Nevertheless I tried to make them work on a Gun Psyker anyway - and kinda succeeded? Maybe? Hopefully?

I hope you enjoy this very unorthodox approach on a Gun Psyker as much as I do.

Have a nice day!

The Core Skills

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The idea behind the build is to hard counter one the biggest weakness of the Double Barelled Shotgun: It's very long reload animation. The weapon itself is a beast whenever you can actually shoot it. That's why we use Surety of Arms.

True Aim is used to make sure, our initial shot is a guaranteed crit. We do not use the crits for pure damage reasons (Double Baralled Shotgun has a comparatively weak crit damage modifier) but moreso to trigger Man-Stopper blessing consistently. Warp Rider buffs our damage passively when Surety of Arms increases our peril.

Venting Shriek is both used to quell peril in an instant if necessary (to continue the usage of Surety of Arms) as well as a general crowd control tool. We stun enemies in front of us to be able to shoot at them longer and more safely.

Our Beloved

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Ahhh. ... isn't she a beauty?

With 80% reload speed stat, +10% reload speed perk and Surety Of Arms we're very serious about being able to reload this clunky thing in the fastest way possible.

Scattershot / Man-Stopper combination us used to make sure we crit consistently and cleave through mixed hordes with ease.

Flak Armored Perk helps us to hunt down our main targets: Maulers, Scab Ragers and the like in mixed hordes.

Full Build

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Empowered Psionics with Brain Rupture is another counter to one of the Shotgun's weakness: Lack of long range. We snipe specials / gunners whenever necessary with our Blitz ability. Oh... and we also open up crushers and bulwarks with it.

Kinetic Flayer is just a fun way to further improve our anti-elite power.... speaking of which: We do use Kinetic Presence over the other auras. We are not really crit damage based, and thanks to Scattershot, we still consistently crit to trigger Man-Stopper.

Our thougness replenishment is a bit lacking. However, we have as much toughness a Psyker can get: Up to 225 in total. Not too shabby should we get hit in combat.

Melee And Curio

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Meelee Weapon

Pick a melee weapon you are comfortable dealing with hordes. I personally ended up using the Agni Shock Maul variant. It's a save and reliable tool to me. But your mileage may very. Catachan Swords as well as Illisi Force Swords come in mind too.

Just pick whatever works best for you.


I prefer learning how to avoid damage and not go down in general. But... i'm not perfect ... so I will take chip damage! Thoughness helps us to negate that chip damage (and other fkups XD). As long as our actual health isn't affected too much, we're fine.

+12% combat ability regen does not seem like much at first. But remember, having Venting Shriek ready or not in that exact moment you need it .... can and will make the difference between a glorious clutch and a sad wipe : )

Who's Got The Most Drip?

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Mad Max?

The Terminator?

Shotgun Psyker?

What's your opinion on this matter of life and death question? ;)

Thank you for reading this little guide on how to make the double barrelled shotgun enjoyable on Gun Psyker! ; )

My Other Current Guides:

Charged Strike Psyker:

Gun Slinger Psyker

Outdated, yet still a fun read and relevant in some aspects I hope!


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