Installation Start
I have assumed you have already installed Darktide and verified that it works.
Information pertaining to Linux is kept in spoilered blocks.
Important Folders>>>> Steam Library Path: Where your Steam Library is located. Will likely be something like
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam on Windows.
>>>> Darktide Folder: Where the game is installed.
(Steam Library Path)\steamapps\common\Warhammer 40,000 DARKTIDE\ on Windows. The part from the start up to and including "Steam" is the path to your Steam Lib
>>>> AppData Darktide Folder: Folder that stores your settings (including mod settings). It's located in your Windows User folder, which looks like
An easy way to find this is to open the Run command window (Windows key + R) then type '%AppData%' and press enter. This will automatically open up the AppData folder, from whence you can find the rest of the path. By default, the Roaming folder is hidden, so look up how to view hidden files.
On Linux, it will instead be in the compatdata folder inside the Steam Library. Go to something along the lines of
(Steam Library Path)/steamapps/compatdata/1361210/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Roaming/Fatshark/Darktide/.
1361210 is Darktide's game ID on Steam.
DMF InstallationCheck out the Darktide Mod Framework documentation page for mod installation[] . The DMF team's documentation includes step by step instructions with gifs along the way.
To toggle mods (step 3) on Linux, go to (Darktide Folder)/tools and make note of dtkit-patch.exe.
Go to your Steam library and add this executable as a non-Steam game.
Open the properties and set launch options to "--toggle ../bundle" without the quotes.
You may also have to force compatibility with some version of Proton. Thanks to Icy on the Darktide Modders Discord for sharing this.
Then, launch the executable through Steam.
Mod InstallationYou can use Vortex to manage your mods, and there's another tool[] that can also manage your load order automatically; I do manual installation because I'm Vortexphobic and a control freak.
The load order is managed by a text file located in (Darktide Folder)\mods\mod_load_order.txt. Mods are loaded in the order written here, top to bottom. Certain mods needed to be loaded before others, which will typically be stated in the mod description page. For us paranoid folks, open the mod manifest file located at (Darktide Folder)/mods/ModName/ModName.mod with any text viewer; it will list any "load after" requirements in this section:
The Mod Loader will ignore any line that begins with "--" in the load order file (commented out). You can use this to create separators for your mods, so it's easier to go through them at a later date. You can also use this to disable mods temporarily if they don't have an option in the in-game DMF options.
Guide FormattingThis guide lists my mods in the order listed in mod_load_order text file. I separated mods by theme and listed them in the following format:
>>>> mod folder name with a hyperlink to its mod page
Mod Name: short description of mod
Be sure to read the actual mod descriptions, since the mod authors have put a lot more work into their own projects than I have put into my short remarks. Note the Requirements tab on the Nexus page, especially if you won't install every mod here. If you run into any issues, reread the description and take a look at the Posts tab. You can also join the Darktide Modders Discord[] and ask for help in the #using-mods channel or the mod's thread in #creation-showcase.
This really is just a list of mods I use. I wrote documentation for myself in case of data loss and decided to share it.
Frameworks And Utilities
>>>> master_item_community_patch[]
Master Item Patch: Required for Weapon Customization and some of the inventory view improvement mods. They touch the same function and it needs to be the same or else you'll crash.
>>>> LuaScratchpad[]
Lua Scratchpad: Lets me write and run code in game so I don't have to keep restarting the game/reloading.
>>>> LuaGCInfo[]
Lua GC Info: Adds a tracker for the memory heap. Checking it lets me know when I need to restart the game while making mods, so I don't crash in the middle of fiddling with something.
Scoreboard>>>> animation_events[]
Animation Events: Required for Scoreboard to function. Only required to count staggered enemies, and disabling it gave me a bunch of fps so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>>> scoreboard[]
Scoreboard: Scoreboard lets you keep track of stats from the mission. Gives some numbers for you to judge your new builds on (though it's not 100% accurate at times).
I also like Power DI[] for its modularity and depth but prefer how Scoreboard runs out of the box. Feel free to run both.
Scoreboards are kept in (AppData Darktide Folder)\scoreboard_history, but you'll only view them in-game with the hotkey (because it's gibberish otherwise).
>>>> ovenproof_scoreboard_plugin[]
Ovenproof's Scoreboard Plugin: Scoreboard expansion. Splits damage and defence stats in a more detailed way and fixes damage calculation.
>>>> ScoreboardTagCounter[]
Scoreboard Tag Counter: Counts how many times each player tagged an enemy. Reminds me to tone it down a few notches when I have 300 tags.
>>>> LoadoutMonitor[]
Loadout Monitor: Keeps track of everyone's weapons and talents at the end. Can see weapons and certain talents (such as seeing that a Veteran took Field Improvisation) during the game.
Drip>>>> weapon_customization[]
Extended Weapon Customization: Lets you change weapon appearances, including adding scopes.
Weapon appearances are kept in (AppData Darktide Folder)\weapon_customization folder, where each weapon has its own lua file.
>>>> for_the_drip[]
For the Drip: Lets you modify outfits, including changing colours and adding/removing parts (such as removing the goggles on the Veteran's Munitorum Cap). Check out the tutorial on the GitHub readme (and my YouTube video hehe).
This needs to load after Extended Weapon Customization but before Syn's Edits.
Presets are kept in (AppData Darktide Folder)\for_the_drip\
>>>> for_the_drip_extra[]
For the Drip Extra: Lets you use cosmetics you don't own yet, including some NPC gear.
>>>> weapon_customization_syn_edits[]
The Syndonai Edits: Adds more options for Extended Weapon Customization, such as the Bolt Pistol shroud for the Revolver. Requires the MT Plugin but loads before it. The .mod file says to load after FTD.
>>>> weapon_customization_mt_stuff[]
MT Plugin: Adds a lot (a looot) of options for further weapon customization.
>>>> weapon_customization_no_scope[]
No Sights Plugin: Adds option for empty rail to aim with crosshair.
>>>> modding_tools[]
Modding Tools: Allows movement of individual parts added from weapon customization. Currently only applies in the menu, so it's just for screenshots (or making your own plugin). Disable it if you aren't actively using it.
Psykhanium>>>> creature_spawner[]
Creature Spawner: Lets you spawn enemies in the Psykhanium. Also allows you to toggle aggression, so you can practice fighting certain enemies in a controlled environment.
>>>> PsykaniumDefaultDifficulty[]
Psykhanium Default Difficulty: So you don't have to keep selecting Damnation every time.
>>>> PsykaniumInvHotkey[]
Psykhanium Inv Hotkey: Lets you access the inventory in the Psykhanium without needing to run to the box.
>>>> show_crit_chance[]
Show Crit Chance: UI mod to show crit chance on screen. There's a setting to only have it active in the Psykhanium.
>>>> loadout_config
Loadout Config: Tool that lets you spawn weapons with whatever stats/blessings you want in the Psykhanium. Perfect for testing breakpoints without needing to gamble. Join the Darktide Modders Discord and enter the Loadout Config thread in #creation-showcase[] to get the download link.
Note for Unlocked and Loaded: Currently broken, but some gigachad fixed it
>>>> debuff_indicator[]
Debuff Indicator: Displays debuffs on enemies. Lets me know Skullcrusher or whatever is actually working. Also works during missions but I don't like the visual clutter.
Mission User Interface
>>>> custom_hud[]
Custom HUD: Lets you move around and hide certain parts of the HUD. Also has a hotkey to toggle most of the HUD so you can take cinematic screenshots. Notable exceptions are the pickup pop ups on the right, chat, and subtitles; these can be disabled manually.
>>>> NumericUI[]
Numeric UI: Adds a lot of information that should've been there, including actual ammo/health values and dodge count.
>>>> better_buff_management[]
Better Buff Management: Provides multiple buff bars for you to customize. I put important ones near the middle of the screen and leave the rest at the bottom.
>>>> crosshair_remap[]
Crosshair Remap (Continued): Lets you change the crosshairs for each weapon type, such as giving the Plasma Gun a cross... shaped... crosshair. Huh.
>>>> hideprompts[]
Hide Prompts: Hides the keyboard input icons on your HUD. I don't need to be reminded that I have my Blitz on the 'G' key.
>>>> PerilGauge[]
Peril Gauge: Displays Psyker peril and Veteran heat as bars. Configurable to show the value to two decimal points. I don't like the bars, so I disable them with Custom HUD and keep this just for the decimal precision because it looks cooler (and so it doesn't round up and mislead me with soulblaze stacks for Venting Shriek).
>>>> KillfeedImprovements[]
Killfeed Improvements: Condenses killfeed reports by merging kills of the same enemy for each player.
>>>> Ration Pack[]
Ration Pack: Displays the amount of charges left on Medicae Stations and Ammo Crates (and if a Veteran took Field Improvisation). Huh, weird that the mod name isn't written in neither PascalCase nor snake_case.
>>>> RecolorStimms[]
RecolorStimms: Changes the colours of the physical Stimm objects. I made them a bit darker.
>>>> StimmsPickupIcon[]
Stimms Pickup Icon: Colourises the pickup icons for Stimms, which is a God-Emperor-send for those of us with karked up vision. Syncs with RecolorStimms.
>>>> ShowInsignias[]
Show Insignias: Keeps player insignias on during the mission. It feels like a shame to view them only at the beginning and end screens.
>>>> RecolorBossHealthBars[]
Recolour Boss Health Bars: Makes Daemonhost health bars purple because that's pretty.
>>>> AlternativeGrenadeIcons[]
Alternative Grenade Icons: No more pinging the grenades for the rock Ogryn when you see a red blitz icon.
>>>> PingMonitor[]
Ping Monitor: So I can blame lag
>>>> train_timer[]
Rolling Steel Timer Improved: Why look at a bar that fills up when you can look at numbers instead (the bar is still there though)
>>>> WarpUnboundTimer[]
Warp Unbound Timer: Adds a timer so you know how long you have to keep blasting at max peril before the suicide immunity wears off.
>>>> Spidey Sense[]
Spidey Sense: Adds visual indicators for Specialist audio cues to compensate for the silent audio bug. See Settings section to make sure you disable all the radar ticks because that looks too ugly.
>>>> true_level[]
True Level: Calculates and displays level based on total exp gained on that character. Finding people with >1000 levels feels good.
>>>> who_are_you[]
Who Are You: Appends username after character name. You can find some real funny names without needing to inspect everyone (shoutout to Juicy Bussy Squirt).
>>>> which_book[]
Which Book: Changes the mission icon to specify whether it has Grimoires or Scriptures. I don't even need this since I quickplay all the time, but it also should've just been in the game.
>>>> loadinglore[]
Loading Lore: Replaces the loading screen quotes with various texts from other Warhammer 40k media for some variety.
>>>> InspectFromSocial[]
Inspect From Social: yeah
>>>> CorrectMissionVotingInfo[]
Correct Mission Voting Info: Corrects reward counts for Auric missions. Honestly, I didn't even know I installed this.
>>>> Perspectives[]
Perspectives: Lets you play in third person. I just use it for screenshots.
>>>> camera_freeflight[]
Camera Freeflight: Free cam in solo lobbies for screenshots. Works on Mourningstar too so you can look at people's feet create more accurate drip.
>>>> PreventPlayerFade[]
Prevent Player Fade: For third person gameplay. I keep it disabled otherwise.
>>>> immersive_evasion[]
Immersive Evasion: Sick camera tilt when sliding (can actually make you motion sick but we ball).
>>>> Mourningstar_dialogue_improved[]
Mourningstar Dialogue Improved: Lets the vox voicelines play while you're in menus.
>>>> MissionBrief[]
Mission Brief: Shows mission details during load screens. Great for my fellow Quickplay homies. Why isn't this just part of the game (tbf it's kind of busy).
Inventory - Character>>>> more_characters_and_loadouts[]
More Characters and Loadouts: I love creating more loadouts than I will ever use.
>>>> LoadoutNames[]
LoadoutNames: Lets you name loadouts. Can be janky if you're on a page with hotkeys or forget to press "enter" to finish the naming.
>>>> InventoryStats[]
InventoryStats: Displays character stats based on current build.
>>>> MergedTalentStats[]
Merged Talent Stats: Calculates final effects of chosen talents, which also lets you know whether certain node boosts stack multiplicatively or additively.
I stopped reading these stats because I don't care anymore
>>>> how_did_I_get_that[]
How Did I Get That: Lists how a cosmetic item was unlocked (such as which penance was needed for it).
>>>> weapon_cosmetics_view_improved[]
Weapon Cosmetics View Improved: So you can preview premium skins and descriptions without owning them.
Inventory - Equipment>>>> ItemSorting[]
Item Sorting: Provides additional sorting filters. I like sorting by descending base stats with curios always on top.
>>>> MyFavorites[]
My Favorites: Adds multiple colours to the favourites feature so you can segregate them (I have one for great weapons and another for troll rolls).
>>>> name_it[]
Name It: Rename weapons and curios. I have some named after intended build and others after "clever" "jokes."
>>>> QuickLookCard[]
Quick Look Card: Displays weapon stat distributions directly on the list view.
>>>> ShowMeRealWeaponStats[]
Show Me Real Weapon Stats: Limits the bar and inspected stats to 80, since that's the max you can get for now.
>>>> EquippedIconPlus[]
Equipped Icon Plus: Also adds a marker to show weapons equipped by other loadouts.
>>>> GoToMastery[]
Go To Mastery: Adds a button to go to mastery page from the inventory.
>>>> DefaultToHighestBlessingTier[]
Default To Highest Blessing Tier: When you go to Hadron to rebless, it defaults to whatever the highest tier you have unlocked instead of Tier 1 blessings. Why does this have to be a mod.
>>>> WeaponFilter[]
Weapon Filter: Lets you hit tab to enable filters to only show weapons of a certain family. I still have too many weapons to sift through even after hours of cleaning lmao.
>>>> show_cjk_glyphs[]
Show CJK Glyphs: Displays Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters instead of little boxes.
>>>> WhatTheLocalization[]
What the Localization: Framework for replacing text.
>>>> ENLocalizationFIXAIO[]
Enhanced Descriptions: Adds coloured text and fixed descriptions for Blessings, Perks, Curios, and Talents. Default descriptions have a lot of inaccuracies and hidden text. Based on Kuli's guides which reviewed the source code and did tests for Blessings/Talents.
Quality Of Life
>>>> PreferAuric[]
Prefer Auric: Keeps the mission board on standard or Auric based on what you selected previously.
>>>> ForTheEmperor[]
For The Emperor: Adds responses to the communication wheel.
Shops>>>> psych_ward[]
Psych Ward: Adds buttons to shops/mission/psykhanium from the operative select menu. One less button press than Modular Menu Buttons (all the time I saved from that has been wasted writing this unnecessarily lengthy sentence)
>>>> modular_menu_buttons[]
Modular Menu Buttons: Gives you the option to have menu buttons to parts of the Mourningstar. Each area can be configured with its own set of shortcuts. For example, I have shortcuts for the Armoury, Melk, Hadron, and the Psykhanium during Character Select, but I only have a shortcut for Hadron while in the Psykhanium.
>>>> BetterMelk[]
Better Melk: Shows how many contracts you've completed on the Character Select screen.
>>>> buy_until_rating[]
Buy Until Rating: Upon purchasing a random weapon in Brunt's Armoury, it automatically buys and discards weapons until your defined threshold is reached.
>>>> Nothing New[]
Nothing New: Lets you go into the mod options to read all notifications.
Missions>>>> BornReady[]
Born Ready: Skips the end of mission screen faster and allows for automatic readying up in lobby.
>>>> ChatBlock[]
Chat Block: Blocks while you're typing or alt tabbed.
>>>> FullAuto[]
FullAuto: Adds a fire mode select to ranged weapons, so you can turn semi automatic weapons into full auto (they have an internal max fire rate). Makes using the Mk II Laspistol not painful.
>>>> KeepSwinging[]
KeepSwinging: Adds a hotkey to make your character keep swinging their melee. I could keep clicking for hours, but I like not injuring myself. It can also work with bayonets.
>>>> weapon_fov[]
Weapon FOV: Lets you change FOV for each weapon. Half the time the settings get reset but when it works I get long arms hehehehe
>>>> AutoLoot[]
Auto Loot: GRAB ALL THE PLASTEEL. But not the ammo because I'm not mean. Lag might make it auto pickup ammo if you're opening a chest, so YMMV.
>>>> GasOutline[]
Gas Outline: Bugfix that lets you see outlines while inside gas. See mod description for elaboration.
>>>> AutoTag[]
Auto Tag: Automatically tags enemies with a 10s cooldown that is reset on kill. Can be overwritten by manual tagging. Tagging often was already how I played because outlines help my horrid eyesight so this saves my finger from spamming Mouse 4. Plus it means I won't spam tag out of habit when there's a bunch of enemies at once.






InstallationGo to the ReShade website[] and download the executable file. Run the file and follow the onscreen instructions. Select Darktide.exe and patch it.
When you start the game, a bar on top should mention building ReShade shaders.
I was lazy so I used the ReShade Steam Proton tool[] by kevinlekiller to install the binaries for me.
Run the script ( according to their instructions. When asked for the game to be patched, give the path to (Darktide Folder)/binaries because this is where Darktide.exe is located.
Select the 64 bit install.
This should add d3dcompiler_47.dll, dxgi.dll (for DirectX11), ReShade.ini, and a folder named ReShade_shaders to the game files. ReShade_shaders contains the actual shader effects you can check/uncheck in the ReShade GUI.
You may need to add WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3dcompiler_47=n;dxgi=n,b" %command% to the Darktide launch parameters on Steam to work with Wine. I didn't need to do this to have it work, but it is necessary for some shaders to work (I don't know which and don't care enough to check).
Click the titles for the presets.
Bodycam Preset[]
I saw the shoulder-mounted pict casters on the Tempestus Scion minis and wanted to have a body cam preset, so I stole presets from tacticool milsim larp communities (at least I left an endorsement).
RECORDED or Not[] from the Ready Or Not community
If there's a custom shaders file, copy it (name.fx) and put it (ReShade_shaders)/Merged/Shaders/.
Most of the film effects are too overkill. I'm mostly in it for the fisheye effect.
I also disabled it on start by setting "NoReloadOnInit=1" in ReShade.ini (in the GENERAL section). Enable it manually by opening up the ReShade menu and clicking the "Reload" button.
Overlay ImageFor the font, I wanted something similar to the look of AXON body cam text, so I used Share Tech Mono[] in 14 point bolded.
For a more 40k vibe, something along the lines of Caslon Antique[] or Prince Valiant[] could work but feels too busy to me.
Other than that, I just made up some tactical sounding text and pasted some Inquisition pictures.
The file is BodycamLayer.png on the GitHub[] in 1920 x 1080.
Copy it to (ReShade_shaders)/Merged/Textures/ and rename it to Layer.png. It'll show up when you check the Layer effect in the ReShade settings. Make sure it's set to the correct resolution in the ReShade menu.
DarkTideTical + Night Vision Preset[]
Subtle changes. Just bit of saturation and sharpening. Mostly FakeHDR.
Night Vision
Gotta have that periphery vision, so quad nods it is. Hope you got a spare $45k for GPNVGs.
Take the overlay from Ready or Not again[] . This one is inspired by Ground Branch's version, so we're a few layers divorced from the real thing.
Press N to toggle NVG effect. It doesn't actually make it easier to see in the dark. All it does is make lights blind you with bloom. You can also bind it to add some DoF to your weapon in the Psykhanium (but during matches everything will blur).
Right click the effect to set the toggle key

Mod Options>>>> Scoreboard
Forge Materials: On
Ammo: Ammo packs
Everything Else: Off
They're covered by the plugins
Ammo: Off
Buttons Operated: Off
>>>> OvenProof's Scoreboard
Exploration: Off
Defense: On
Weakspot and critical rates: On
Offense (tier 0): Off
Offense (tier 1): Off
Offense (tier 2): On
Offense (tier 3): Off
Fun Stuff: Off
Bottom Padding: Off
Messages - Ammo/grenade pickups: On
Example of how it'll look afterwards (second highlighted block is because of the Ovenproof edits I made)
>>>> Extended Weapon Customization
Visible Equipment: Off
My poor fps
Randomization: All Off
Hide crosshair with scopes: Off
So you can have hitmarkers and charge bars
Attachment Names: Off
Keep packages loaded: Never
Setting it to 'Always' helps reduce error 2014, but it also demolishes my fps. Also didn't change anything in terms of error 2014, but YMMV.
>>>> For the Drip
Apply material on selection change: On
>>>> Psykhanium Default Difficulty
Default Difficulty: 5
>>>> Numeric UI
Color nameplate: On
Fade Out Max Dodges: True
Show Boss Health Numbers: Off
Show Ammo Gained: Off
Show Ping Skull: Off
Show Veteran Ping Skull: Off
>>>> Peril Gauge
Number of Decimals: 2
>>>> Ration Pack
Show Colours: On
>>>> Spidey Sense
Show Indicator (for each section): Off
Trapper Text Warnings
NET!!: On
Maximum Distance: 15
Font Size: 85
Font Color: UI Interaction Critical
Hound Text Warnings
Maximum Distance: 12
Font Size: 60
Font Color: UI Interaction Critical
>>>> Item Sorting
Curios on top: True
New on top: True
>>>> Modular Menu Buttons
Operative Only what's enabled
Party Finder
Sire Melk's Requisitorium
The Commodore's Vestures
The rest are accessible through Psych Ward
The Mourningstar Only what's NOT enabled
The Commodore's Vestures
The Psykhanium Only what's enabled
Party Finder
Armoury Exchange
Shrine of the Omnissiah
>>>> Auto Loot
Auto grenade/ammo: Off
Darktide Options>>>> Video
Portrait rendering: Off
>>>> Accessibility
Peril Intensity: 25% or something
>>>> user_settings.config
Raytracing (settings starting with rt_): All Off
rtxgi scale: something >=1 or else shadows will get vored
Worker Threads: 10
I have a Ryzen 7 5700X (8 cores, 16 threads). I've tried a bunch values and stuck with this. Not very rigorously tested but it felt the best so I've kept it as that. Rumors say to set it to the number of physical cores you have but idk lol.
I've noticed more error 2001 disconnects when using the weapon_customization plugins and if threads <6
Steam Launch Options --skip_movie --lua-heap-mb-size 2048
Skip Movie: Skips the Fatshark intro. idek if it's necessary anymore
Heap Size: Doubles memory limit. Workaround for out of memory errors.
Final Touches


Overlay and Scoreboard EditsThese mods require permissions to upload edits and I can't be assed so I hope my hard drive doesn't fail. Nobody's going to come after me but it's the principle.
Scoreboard Edit
Moved to the left to make space for penance/contracts.
Go to (Darktide Mods)/scoreboard/scripts/mods/scoreboard/. Open scoreboard_hud.lua and edit the line highlighted in the picture to the left (from 135 to -10).
Ping Monitor
Moves ping display to the top so it's not overlapping the penance/weekly/event display.
Go to (Darktide Mods)/scoreboard/scripts/mods/PingMonitor/. Open PingMonitor.lua and edit the line highlighted in the picture to the left (from 'middle' to 'top').
OvenProof Scoreboard Plugin Edit
Adds Infected Moebian 21st, Mutated Horrors, Cultist Captain from Rolling Steel, Shock Maul damage profile, and the giant spinning fan on the Hourglass map (idek if that's the name lol I'm just trusting some redd*tor).
Open ovenproof_scoreboard_plugin.lua and add the lines highlighted in the image.
For easy copy paste:
"chaos_armored_infected", "chaos_mutated_poxwalker", "chaos_lesser_mutated_poxwalker", "cultist_mutant_mutator", "chaos_hound_mutator", "cultist_captain", "shockmaul_stun_interval_damage" "kill_volume_with_gibbing", Moved total Melee and Ranged damage reports from Tier 1 to Tier 2. I wanted to keep these values without the other damage type breakdowns.
Still in ovenproof_scoreboard_plugin.lua, change the underlined values from 1 to 2.
Minor EditsThese are small enough and personal, so you should just do them yourself
Even More Loadouts
Change this value to get more loadout slots. After 30, you'll start covering up your character name.
Psych Ward
In psych_ward_localization.lua, change the text to whatever. It's mostly to change Shooting Range to Psykhanium
Downloadable FilesFor the rest of these, I uploaded them to GitHub[] . Download the relevant file, then remove the " --vXX edited" before replacing the original file (which you've backed up, of course).
Loadout Monitor Edit
Changes final talent tree breakdown to use shortened English names instead of numbers.
Config Files for Custom HUD, Better Buff Management, and Crosshair Remap
Go to the user_settings.config file in %AppData%. There will be a section that has
mod_settings = { }Paste the contents of the files in this area. ===>
Here's an example of how that'd look if it was Better Melk and Born Ready (the sections I edited are too long to screenshot). Find the entries with the correct mod names and replace that section with their respective text from the files on GitHub.
Custom HUD Settings
Better Buff Management Settings
Taken with 0.7 HUD scale.
Stamina and dodges closer to the centre.
Player health/ability/buffs to the bottom middle, with a priority bar closer to the centre.
Equipment and QoL indicators closer to the edge.
Teammate health moved down to fill the gap.
(Optional) Killfeed and Objective indicator to make space for ReShade flavour overlay.
More Warhammer 40,000: Darktide guilds
- All Guilds
- Serial Killer penance/achievement easy mode
- Ogryn rework
- Zealot Handbook
- Secret Trick to Speedrun the "Flawless Execution" penance Get the Achievement & Portrait Fast!
- The Ultimate Guide to Griefing
- Rolling Steel - an optimal Route between Bomb Position #1 & Bomb Position #2
- Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Guide 1223
- Darktide on Steam deck
- How to unlock "Long Bomb" easier (2024)
- Fy Chractr NME!