Wargame guide: Soviet overview and redfor tactics

Wargame guide: Soviet overview and redfor tactics

The Udaloy [Multi Purpose] Destroyer.

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The Udaloy class are generally considered the Soviet equivalent of the American Spruance class destroyers. There are variations in SAM and air search radar among units of the class. Based on the Krivak class, the emphasis on ASW left these ships with limited anti-surface and anti-air capabilities.

ingame this ship is capable of taking on any nato battlegroup by itself, as long as you can keep it supported by anti enemy ordnance ships. It is armed with a dual 100mm gun station, that is good at shelling land defenses to prepare for an amphibious assault. Or for attacking nato ships that dare close in range of this mighty Sea Dragon. It is also armed with 8 SS-N-22 missles that it can use to combat nato ships. The missles speeds are incredibly fast and reach mach speeds I believe. Nato CIWS isn't accurate enough to shoot down these missles as quickly as most soviet ships. Therefore if you can keep your range on the enemy fleet, you can shieldscreen your Udaloy with destroyers and frigates while u hit the enemy fleet with your mighty SS-N-22 Missles. Then close in for the kill! It also is armed with 64 SA-N-9 Gauntlet anti air missles that can destroy enemy missles and air vehicles with inccedibly lethality. The Udaloy doesn't shine here though. it TRULY shines with it's elite crew training and amazing AA batteries and CIWS. Approximately 4 x 30mm AA guns (4 x6 AK-630 CIWS 30mm gattling guns are onboard this ship. With Extreme accuracy and high penetration at all ranges. You can broadside or shieldscreen against in all kinds of situations if your escort ships are ever destroyed. 1 Broadside of the gatling guns from the Udaloy can destroy a Kongo/Arleigh burke class in a matter of seconds due to it's Devastating penetration.

Sovremenny [Anti Ship Screening] Command Destroyer Warship

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The Sovremenny class destroyer is the principal anti-surface warship of the Russian Navy. Soviet designation for the class was Project 956 Sarych (Buzzard). Its primary role is to attack enemy warships while also providing sea and air defense for warships and transports under escort. The project began in the late 1960s when it was becoming obvious in the Soviet Navy that naval guns still had an important role particularly in support of amphibious landings, but existing gun cruisers and destroyers were showing their age. A new design was started, employing a new 130 mm automatic gun turret. Single-and twin mounts were developed, and the twin mount chosen for its superior rate of fire. In 1971 a go-ahead was given for the Severnaya design bureau to design a ship capable of supporting amphibious landings.

This ship is incredibly deadly in deep waters. It's armed with 8 Anti ship [MACH SPEED] moskit missles just like it's Udaloy sister. And is capable of engaging ships inclose range with it's 4 100mm high velocity cannons. No nato ship can stand a chance against this ship unless they take out it's radar. Which disables it's CIWS defense capabilities. Allowing nato's fleets to begin stinging it to death. This ship also has an elite crew just like the Udaloy. It is also armed with 4× 30 mm AK-630 Gatling guns which are incredibly powerful against aircraft and ships just like the Udaloy. It's also armed with 2× 24 Shtil SAM(SA-N-12 'Grizzly) missles that give it the ability to defend itself against some aircraft and enemy missle strikes. Be careful. The main role of this ship is siege support. Which is being in a battlegroup blasting the enemy at mid range with its heavy guns and sniping with its super missles. DEFEND THIS SHIP AT ALL COST when on retreat. Losing this ship weakens the bite of your fleet and lets NATO chase down stragglers. Make sure you shield the ship with escorts that have CIWS capable of shooting odwn Nato jet missles or nato Ship-To-Ship Missles.

Russian GRU Spec Ops Naval Tactics

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The Spetznas are russias elite special forces troops. Trained in espionage and elimating critical targets and performing black ops missions for the Russian Govt

Ingame they are heavily armed with a multitude of weapons. Snipers. Ak 47's. Napalm launchers and a MI-24 Heli or a naval chopper to provide them with support against armor as they are anti infantry units tasked with eliminating the Commanding units/troops of Nato forces on land with their special weapons. They have high morale. Elite training. And will not break easily unless they are hit with a multitude of enemy fire that can suppress them When launching an amphibious assault. Always send the Spetznas in behind enemy lines. They are not frontline troops such as conscripts and whatnot. But they are damn good at what they do. Sneak attacking enemy units and taking out critical targets.

Sukhoi Air Support Tactics

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The Sukhoi SU 27 Flanker series comes with many different types of combat presets. From multi purpose, to Anti air or even Anti Ship. It is a fierce jet and it's amazing 1000km/h speed is great for intercepting Nato jets from vulnerable angles It also has a turn radious of 300 which gives it an edge in air combat.

For example

The SU 27M is multi purpose. Therefore it will be a jack of all trades -> In combat. It's got 4 TV missles (HEAT VARIANT) that guide themselves to the enemy targets (Lock on range is 3500) with maximum lethality if the missles electronics don't fail on the way to target. It's got 4 R-77 vympel missles that are extremely accurate against enemy jets. Helicoptors cannot be locked onto with this type of configuration.

The SU 27PU is the same as its SU 27M counterpart. Only difference is that it has a prototype radar detection system onboard. Giving it better chances of picking up enemy missles or jets. It's Air superiority configuration is 4 R-73A Vympel missles with close range lock ons against enemy aircraft(3500m) and Choppers (1750). But the accuracy isn't bad. But it's still risky using this missle system. It's also fire and forget and has a damaging AOE effect on blobbed craft or heli's. It's greatest weapon is the R-77 Vympels which it also carries. About 6 of them in total. Their aircraft lock on range is 6300m and they have a damned good accuracy rating.

The Sukhoi SU 25 Frogfoot is an attack plane capable of performing a variety of combat roles. It's extremely slow which gives it the advantage in dogfights but it's truly able to bring the pain against nato aircraft/tanks with it's deadly 30mm GAU gatling gun that is designed to destroy abrams. Therefore if this plane gets on a nato crafts tail. It is royally screwed. The Frogfoot carries some anti air missles useful for self defense against enemy jets. And also carries anti ground rockets that can bust an abrams, infantry, and a NATO capital ship in a few shots if it's hit in a critical area. This jet should always be escorted by Mig 25's or SU 27's to ensure it reaches its destination to bring the pain against the enemy

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25

Incredible speed. Great hit and run fighter, and is configured with Armament

2x radar-guided R-40R (AA-6 "Acrid") air-to-air missiles, and

2x infrared-guided R-40T missiles

1000kmh speed. a good turn radious for a fighter like this, and it's pilots are quite capable of defending themselves. Best used for escorting and anti bomber operations.

The IL2 jet bomber is a super bomber designed to destroy as much as possible before heading out to re arm itself. It is armed with a 30mm cannon in the front and 1 for the rear gunner. It's extremely slow, due to the massive bomb load it carries but it's high explosive cluster bombs can destroy any, and everything the enemy has. It's extremely useful at bombing campaigns, and must always be escorted by mig's and SEAD aircraft to prevent the enemy from taking out your bomber.

Russian Black Sea Marines

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Amphibious assault troops. The Russian marines are fierce troops ingame. They will rarely break easily when put under pressure, just like their spetznas brethren. And they have quite a huge armament. Morskaya Pekhota as they are called. They can be transported to enemy beacheads or inland positions, via MT'LBV's for mechanized support. Or BTR's for a more IFV effect. They are armed with AK 47's, RPG-7VR's and a heavy machine gun aka PKM which can supress enemy forces easily. Now the Morskayans can only be used with BTR transports. Or by dropping in via helicoptors. Just like Spetznas. Good news is that their BTR's weapons and configurations vary. Allowying you quite a lot of flexibility when employing these troops on the battlefield. They fight in 15 man squads and are trained in shock tactics. The Morskayans are incredibly good at ambushes.

Their basic Conscript counterparts are armed exactly as the Morskayans. Only difference is that conscripts have regular training and are fresh recruits. Therefore in combat they won't be as effective. They are pretty good at ambushing enemy forces as well. But their drawback in availabilty is that they fight in smaller squads than morskayans.

In conclusion. Soviet Marines excel in a variety of combat roles in many different types of terrain and situations. USE THEM WELL!

Chinese/Korean Naval Reinforcement/ship Overview (WIP)

This section is a WIP

Russian Titan Armor And ATGM Capability.

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Ok. Lets start off with the T-90 MBT. When using it playing as the USSR's armored modern deck. You will be given a special protype T-90 variant. You will not have mass numbers of them because this tank was still a designated prototype near the close of the cold war. Therefore the Russian Defence ministry didn't send this tank into mass production like the T-34's from the old war. The T-90 tank has a 125mm cannon that fires shells capable of knocking out any heavily armored allied tank such as Leopards, abrams, AMX Heavies and the mighty british challengers. Albeit penetration chances are higher for chobham armor damage if you get closer to their vehicle. Problem is, the T-90 isn't able to withstand the depleted uranium shells from rival Nato tanks. But the good news is that the T-90R (russian variant) Has an onboard ATGM missle system which allows it to ambush Nato tanks from the safety of forest and being camoflauged. In doing so, you can fire the ATGM weapon which will speed and slam into an enemy tank. hopefully stunning the crew, or perhaps crippling the electrical systems permanently or temporariliy. Allowing your T-90 to close in and deliver the finishing blow with its 125mm velocity cannon. it also has a DSHK Heavy turret for keepin back infantry. But beware. It has no anti aircraft capabilities and can still be beaten in open terrain combat. Always try to ambush with this tank and keep it gaurded by T-72's and atgm's.

The T-80 combat platform. Capable of destroying medium tanks and light vehicles with its heavy cannon. The T-80 has many different varients. Anti tank, siege support, and chobham destruction tactics.

Polish Special Forces Overview (WIP)

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Kirov Scorched Earth Tactics (eugen Add This Ship)

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Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=256533066					

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