Recommended Decks

Recommended Decks

USSR Unspec Intro

Recommended Decks image 1

Up to date as of 3/09/2016


I'd like to show you guys one of my favorite decks, USSR. In general, USSR units are expensive but well armed, which reflects in the deck's playstyle. Soviet decks perform best when focused on a singular front, using the sheer quality of their units to force a breakthrough and crush the enemy line. Soviet units are heavily specialized and not cost effective, many of them have a very specific role and will require support from other specialized units to stay alive. Soviets are at their weakest when spread across many flanks, as their units are simply too expensive and specialized to cover multiple areas at a reasonable price.

They key to performing well with Soviets is unit preservation. As the Soviets, you will simply have less units than your opponent due to the relative cost of your units compared to other factions. You'll have to use your units intelligently, and having them support each other is much more important than it is in other nations. Very few of your units are effective on their own, and your deployments should reflect this. Offset your cost efficiency disadvantage but controlling the open fields with powerful tanks and even things out for your infantry with effective fire support such as the Buratino and 4HE tanks.

Despite their disadvantages, Soviets are one of the most adaptable factions in the game and have a tool for every conceivable situation. Indeed, you're spoiled for choice when deck building and this can be very intimidating for some people. A good Soviet deck acts as the "swiss knife" of their team, powerful on their front while having tools to support their teammates in any situation.

USSR Unspec - Logistics

Recommended Decks image 8

Komandnoe Otdelenie / Mi-8MTV

Command Infantry in a rocket pod helicopter is the crème de la crème of CV choices. Infantry CV's are small and hard to spot, and most of all very beefy. Having a 5man squad instead of an easy to spot, poorly armored vehicle can save you a lot of trouble, especially in zones that the enemy enjoys bombing. Use Infantry CV to cap important sectors (such as your spawn) and town-heavy sectors. After you've dropped off your CV, the helicopter they come in can function as a solid fire support unit or be placed on the flanks to prevent enemy sneaking.



A cheap, fast and readily available jeep CV. Not much to say here, it's almost never worth it to buy lightly armored vehicle CV's as they reduce availability and don't provide any real survivability. It's best to take the cheapest and most readily available unit possible.



A fairly sturdy tank CV. Use the T-72K1 to capture heavily contested sectors or leave it at spawn to secure yourself against cheap helicopter flanks. While it does have a gun capable of defending itself, it will trade poorly against enemy tanks and should avoid combat unless absolutely necessary.



It is always good practice to have a FOB in your deck, teams need supplies to win games and in all but the most specific cases it's almost always better to have a FOB. You're using this slot not only for the supplies but for the tactical flexibility of owning a FOB. Remember that you can always choose to delete it during deployment if you feel you don't need one.



Having at least one card of supply trucks is always good practice. Being able to resupply and repair your units is crucial, and no deck can go without it.

Note 1: You can shuttle supplies between your units and your FOB instead of buying more supply trucks, this saves you points and can really add up.

USSR Unspec - Infantry

Recommended Decks image 25

Motostrelki '90 / BMP-3

An odd combination, one of the worst infantry units in the game paired with one of the best IFV's in the game. You essentially buy Motostrelki '90 just for the BMP-3 they come with. BMP-3's are an extremely versatile unit that come equipped with four ATGM's with 21AP and 2800m of range that are excellent at dealing with enemy vehicles of all kinds at range. Deadly to enemy fire support, recon and AA; BMP-3's high AP value still ensure that only the heaviest tanks can shrug off their Arkan missiles. The BMP-3 also double as being a very powerful fire support vehicle against infantry, as their main gun and autocannon are identical to those of the BMPT. Keep these units at maximum range and well out of the way of enemy anti-tank weapons, and they'll more than pay for themselves. Motostrelki '90 can be unloaded in a town, forest or used in the open to screen for the BMP-3's.


Motostrelki '90 / BMP-1D

The BMP-1D is a decent enough unit that simply suffers from the infantry that it comes with. Armed with a grenade launcher and a 1575 range main gun, the BMP-1D is a fairly potent fire support unit, which performs better in forests because of the high stun potential of their AGS-17. A solid unit that one can use to screen their infantry in forests, and the 24AP of Motostrelki '90 are a decent deterrent for enemy vehicles that may try to take it down.


VDV '90 / BTR-D

Your bread and butter infantry. While many other coalitions can rely on line infantry to trade with their opponents, USSR absolutely cannot. Motostrelki are simply terrible and perform sup-bar in both the anti-infantry and anti-tank departments. VDV '90 will similarly not win you infantry engagements, their rifle and machine gun can be most generously described as "average". However, their anti tank weapon: the RPG-29 Vampyr is the best in the entire game. With an amazing range of 875m, accuracy of 70% and AP Value of 24 you have a unit that can hit vehicles further than any standard infantry squad, miss very rarely and deal tremendous amounts of damage to even the heaviest of tanks. VDV '90 are a fantastic unit because of their ability to provide a constant threat to any vehicle your opponent could deploy throughout the match. While VDV '90 come in a wide variety of interesting transports, it is generally best to stick with the cheapest possible, the BTR-D. As said earlier, this is your bread and butter infantry and as such we should focus on making sure we have access to as many as possible at the cheapest price possible. The BTR-D also functions as a solid fire support unit both in the open and in forests, and have a surprisingly high DPS against enemy infantry.

Always take at least 2 cards of VDV '90 in BTR-D's


Spetsnaz / BTR-D

In a deck that largely relies on fire support to trade against infantry, Spetsnaz provide some much needed infantry-to-infantry fighting ability. Armed with an extremely potent 533-rpm SMG, a solid machine gun and a napalm launcher, Spetsnaz can rip through enemy infantry at close range. Try to keep Spetsnaz supported with a GRU or VDV '90 squad, as they have no anti-tank weapon and will die to any armored transport with a gun.

Spetsnaz are intended to compliment VDV '90, not replace them.


VDV '90 / Mi-8MTV

A compliment, *not* a replacement to VDV '90 in BTR-D's. At 55pts a pop, VDV '90 in MTV fill a few expensive but very useful roles in our infantry tab, that of an excellent fire support call-in or a quick reinforcement squad that we can use to reinforce failing fronts (especially towns). The Mi-8MTV is a beefy transport helicopter armed with twenty 4HE rockets that absolutely melt infantry. The MTV will shred enemy infantry even if they are entrenched within forests or garrisoned within towns. It's best to call in this combination of units when the enemy is attacking a town sector through open ground or you're attacking an enemy town sector with infantry garrisoned at the front. It is not recommended to attempt to flank with this unit, as the MTV has no means of defending itself against enemy helicopters.


Gornostrelki '90 / Mi-8MTV

Gornostrelki '90 are a unit you park in a town sector to consolidate territory, and provide very little utility outside of this goal. Armed with the exact same anti-infantry weapons as Motostrelki, Gornostrelki '90 can only trade against infantry attacking them through open ground and are used for their excellent Metys-M ATGM missile. With 1575 range and a towering 26 AP worth of damage, the Metys-M blows clunks through even the heaviest of tanks and turns the Gornostrelki '90 into a very powerful and beefy ATGM squad. As they need to be static to fire their missiles, Gornostrelki '90 are best placed into strategic town sectors overlooking important, open fields.


PTUR Konkurs-M

It's always useful to have some sort of support squad if we can spare the INF tab for it. In this case, we can. It's generally better than have an ATGM squad rather than a MANPAD squad as they provide us with far more map control and are useful at sniping advancing enemy units.

USSR Unspec - Support

Recommended Decks image 49

TOS-1 Buratino

The ultimate equalizer. Eugen designed BLUFOR infantry better but the Buratino made them equal. USSR's poor cost effectiveness can be largely offset by the Buratino, which can with a few well placed volleys panic entire areas full of enemy units, allowing your units to trade much better than they otherwise would have. The Buratino is impressive both offensive and defensively, but Buratino strikes must be followed up by sending in your own units, or they will largely be wasted.

Note 1: The Buratino, although capable of dealing decent amounts of damage should not be used to kill enemy units. Rather, volleys should be fired to panic enemy infantry and armor, reducing their combat effectiveness before moving in your own calm squads to clean them out.

Note 2: It's generally not a good idea to use all 30 rounds of ammo in one salvo, as morale damage can be achieved with 10-15 rounds. Instead, consider saving the other half for another salvo somewhere else on the map.


BM-30 Smerch

Powerful cluster artillery, excellent at forcing enemy units out of forests, delaying enemy deployment and countering artillery. Just as with all artillery, make sure to move your smerch after it's fired its salvo. Best used to finish off repairing enemy units or to soften up a target before a big push.


2K22 Tunguska-M

Expensive, versatile SPAAG piece. The Tunguska-M's main gun has one the highest dps of any AA unit in the game. This, coupled with their powerful secondary missiles that have 3375m range against helicopters, makes it a potent unit against all air targets. Additionally, still being able to fire on enemy planes and helicopters while the main gun is off means this unit does not need to be babysat as much as some other SPAAGs. We take these upvetted as with their price, It's highly unlikely we'll buy more than 3 per game.



General purpose anti-air unit. The OSA-AKM is good, but not amazing. A solid 3500 range against planes along with 2800 range against helicopters make it a good buy for any aerial threat, the AKM fills the niche between solid anti-plane radar AA and a helicopter killer.



May as well be renamed "kill any plane with a 2-stack". The most cost efficient anti-plane unit in the game, period. The OSA-AK combined above-average range, fast speed, good accuracy and a ridiculously cheap price that no deck can do without. Buy them in stacks of two and plant them in some forest, watch planes fall out of the sky. Keep in mind that their 2450 range against helicopters is fairly poor, and while they can defend themselves if helos get close, it's a good idea to have something else nearby.


9K37 BUK-M1

Closest thing you'll get to a patriot. Extremely long range combined with a massive punch makes the BUK-M1 a solid choice if you're more concerned with neutralizing planes before they drop their payloads instead of just killing them. They'll need to be well supported, as although they have solid range against helicopters they're simply too slow, expensive and clunky to be relied on.


MT-LB Vasilek

A good general purpose mortar. With a very fast RPM the Vasilek does a respectable job at both suppressing enemy units and lobbing down smoke.

USSR Unspec - Tanks

Recommended Decks image 73


The classic soviet superheavy. Every unspec deck needs a superheavy, and this is ours. Fortunately, It's quite good. Fairly straightforward stats and purpose, the only thing that sets the BU apart is it's ATGM which can be used to engage enemy tanks at range or to trade against enemy ATGM carriers without charging them with your main gun. Use superheavies for zoning out enemy tanks, spearheading a push or to lock down a sector.



Your faux superheavy, the UM, is quite a unique tank. Extremely fast for a tank and armed with long range (2800) hard hitting ATGMs, the UM is capable of dueling with enemy heavies if used properly. Its lower armor and main gun AP are more than made up for in its mobility and the zoning capability of its ATGM. Low (3) top armor makes the UM very vulnerable to enemy LGB planes and one should keep a mortar nearby if line of sight needs to be broken quickly.



Bread and butter medium tank. A former favorite of USSR players, the B1 still serves as a solid tank that is more than capable of dealing with most medium tanks in it's price range. Solid armor, AP and most importantly, medium optics make the B1 a good choice for a front line tank. Very capable of operating independently, good at clearing enemy vehicles and lighter tanks. The B1 can pose a problem in that it's not expensive enough for the enemy to risk a plane, but generally forces them to have a heavier tank in order to engage.



Excellent fire support tank. The T-64A is best used in forests supporting allied infantry. Their high HE value and 9RPM make them deadly against infantry, quickly thinning out enemy squads. Their low armor makes them poor at taking damage, and enemy infantry should be engaged by your own first before pushing up the T-64A to start taking shots. Their poor optics value make them a bad choice for covering flanks, and they generally do not perform well acting independently.



A more general purpose light tank, the T-72A trades fire rate for slightly more damage, armor, accuracy and mostly importantly, medium optics. This is a very important distinction that changes the role of the unit from a fire support vehicle to a support tank that's adept at handling enemy light vehicles and covering flanks. Medium optics also increases the unit's ability at operating by itself.

USSR Unspec - Recon

Recommended Decks image 89

Spetsnaz GRU / Mi-24D

It's kind of interesting that we find our best infantry squad in the recon tab. Spetsnaz GRU are absolutely fantastic, and no soviet deck can do without them. Equipped with a strong carbine, a powerful anti tank weapon and a sniper rifle, Spetsnaz GRU are powerful against both infantry and vehicles. Such combat efficiency is only made better by their very good optics value, creating a unit that operates amazingly both as a front line unit and behind enemy lines. By taking one squad of our GRU in Mi-24D's we gain an excellent unit both for flanking and dealing with enemy incursions into our territory. There is no better response against a sneaking or flanking enemy unit than calling in a Mi-24D. Their powerful YAK cannon, decent rocket pod and ATGM will make short work of any unsupported enemy unit, and the GRU can be unloaded to add to our flank security or join the front. The Mi-24D, being one of the fastest and tankiest helicopters in the game, is also an excellent unit to lead helicopter openers.


Spetsnaz GRU / BTR-90

There is no need to take both out cards of GRU in the Mi-24D. By taking our second card in BTR-90's we gain a much safer motorized ground transport that we can use to quickly get to key locations, the BTR-90 being superior to almost all motorized vehicles at the same price should ensure the GRU reach their destination safely; the BTR-90 will serve as a good fire support or flanking unit after the GRU are unloaded.


Razvedka / Ural-3750

As fantastic as GRU are, they are punishingly expensive and we don't get many of them. This is where Razvedka come in, very cheap infantry-based recon that we can spread around the map, spotting units. This frees up our more expensive, combat-capable recon for more important matters.



A fairly unique recon chopper, that packs a lot of utility. Armed with an autocannon, 4 anti-air missiles and 2 SEAD missiles, the KA-52 is a good unit to have on the vanguard of a helicopter opener, securing against a potential helicopter push and providing quick recon during your own opener or at the back of a strong ground push. The Ka-52 is very good at defending itself from enemy helicopters but has limited anti-ground capability, with only the autocannon being able to damage ground units. It's 3500m range sead missiles will automatically detect and fire upon any radar AA in the vicinity, and makes the Ka-52 excellent at suppressing enemy radar AA as they are forced to either turn off their weapons or risk the unit dying. The Ka-52 should generally not be bought just for it's optics value, as it has far more useful uses to make up for the expensive cost.



A solid unit both for flanking and flank defense. Good optics combined with good speed and a strong autocannon make the BRDM-3 a good general purpose recon vehicle. Able to provide limited fire support, keep them away from tanks.

USSR Unspec - Vehicle

Recommended Decks image 105

ZSU-23-4 Afganski

A poor man's CS. The Afganski does a respectable job at supporting allied infantry in forests, their very high RPM ensures that they'll panic and stun squads quickly but being very fragile, you'll need to take care to protect them against enemy vehicles and anti-tank weapons.



A very popular unit that unfortunately fills an extremely niche purpose. The BMPT is excellent against infantry, make no mistake. 15 front armor provides respectable resistance against enemy anti-tank weapons and it's armed with an autocannon, long range high explosive cannon and a grenade launcher allowing it to tear through infantry at a fantastic pace. It is however, simply too expensive. Even when operating where BMPT's shine the most, forests, they tend to not be able to kill enough units to pay for themselves, and die off fairly quickly to the abundance of high AP anti-tank weapons available to BLUFOR nations.



The only real fodder unit available to USSR. Armed with a respectable enough cannon but with no real standout features the ASU exists for the sole purpose of dying so your more expensive units don't have to. Use this to screen large pushes and to take the brunt of the enemies ATGM's and first volleys. Can double as useful fire support when spammed against enemy towns.

USSR Unspec - Helicopters

Recommended Decks image 115


The Mi-28 is a great all purpose attack helicopter that has the tools to clear any ground unit. Equipped with powerful rocket pods and strong ATGMs, the Mi-28 is excellent against all ground targets. Highlights include a good stabilizer and high veterancy, which makes the Mi-28 very accurate even while on the move. Lack of AA missiles makes the unit vulnerable to enemy AA choppers, this unit is best used as cleanup crew in a sector where enemy AA has been sniped.


Ka-50 Akula

A slightly different variation of the attack chopper role. Missiles are slightly more accurate but have a worse stabilizer, the Akula is slightly less mobile than the Mi-28. Rocket pods have been replaced by 4 AA missiles, which makes the Akula a better choice for helicopter openers.



Meaty, powerful AA chopper. Essentially an Mi-24D with 8 AA missiles, the Mi-24V is very, very good at killing enemy helicopters. It's missiles can be fired on the move and due to the high hp value and strong armor the unit has, it can easily close in on enemy helicopters and start to burst them down with it's Yak-B gun. Can double as a very expensive Mi-24D if you run out of them and desperately need a helicopter to react to enemy incursions.

USSR Unspec - Planes

Recommended Decks image 125


Absolute beast of a plane, and the best multi-role in the game. The Su-27M comes with four 30AP missiles, making it capable of bursting down *two* full strength superheavies in the same run. Elite veterancy coupled with 4 long range anti-plane missiles makes the SU-27M a threat to even high tier ASF. These factors, extremely strong anti-tank and powerful anti-plane capabilities explain the punishing price (200!!) of the unit. Despite the price , the SU-27M is absolutely worth it and if used correctly can completely turn the tide of the game.



If you feel uncomfortable using a plane as expensive as the Su-27M or simply dislike the fact that you have no bombers, the Su-24M is a strong bomber for USSR. The sheer amount of 250kg bombs on the Su-24M ensure that the bombing pattern will be well spread and makes the unit harder to dodge than other bombers. ECM is a bit on the low side, so the bomber is not very survivable.



A great ASF to have loitering behind your lines waiting for a target. The SU-27PU trades well against almost all enemy planes, can stay in the air for a long time and has many missiles to spare. Don't hesitate to keep circling this unit after unleashing a few missiles, as it has quite the ammo count. Be mindful not to dive enemy planes too deep into their AA net, and just engage enemies at distance until they come into your own air defense network.



The plane you buy when you need to take care of enemy superheavies. Armed with two 30AP missiles, the MiG-27K is capable of killing any enemy tank in one pass, so long as both of the missiles hit. As we are taking these on rookie, the chance for a one-pass kill is not so high, but simply having the presence of an ATGM plane is a very important part of any deck.

Note 1: If the enemy tank is in the open field, and you know there is no anti-air nearby, you can turn the ATGM of the MiG-27K off and wait for it to dive the enemy tank with it's main gun before turning the ATGM on again. If timed properly, you can fire off both ATGMs with much higher accuracy.

Note 2: Accuracy scales to range, the closer you are the more likely you are to hit ground units



Formerly one of the most overpowered units in the game. The MiG-27 is still a very strong ATGM plane, but has since lost much of it's gun damage and with the prevalence of cheaper radar-based AA, has become much less survivable. The crowning feature of the MiG-27 is that because it dives tanks with it's main gun, the second missile it fires has a much higher chance to hit than the first.



A cheap and effective SEAD plane. Run it behind plane strikes and bombing runs to suppress the enemy ADN or to thin out their AA presence.

USA Unspec - Intro

Recommended Decks image 146

Up to date as of 7/09/2016

Deck Code: @AM8J2glB6PSgdU5OOUlhqMAmgjmTQTAE45IUcRM6KARLEopakStknBIKSeknhJ8WmkqJL0SblKJUEFmldEWWFxlHQR+F0lHxSkTEkuRUOA==

USA is not an easy nation to play, and an even harder nation to describe. Many American units and tactics simply do not follow the general rules that other nations follow, and one cannot succeed by playing USA as they would other nations or coalitions. USA Decks rely on key, specialized units that are largely unique not only in their stats, but their mechanics such as the AH-64A Longbow, M270 ATACMS and perhaps most importantly, the SMAW. USA plays a more defensive role than USSR, their most obvious counterpart. Similarly poor when spread out across many flanks, USA decks are at their strongest when locking down a defensible but important sector while providing heavy support for their teammates.

Succeeding with USA will requires a high level of game sense and understanding of how the more gamey mechanics of Wargame: Red Dragon work. As USA, your goal should largely be to make life as easy as possible for your team by supporting your allies with planes, long range AA and ATACMS fire. USA works well at securing bridgeheads, consolidating an advantage, denying map control from your opponent and punishing careless play. Use your M270 ATACMS to punish static enemy units, and bring in your AH-64A Longbow to decimate overextended or unsupported convoys. Town combat should largely be avoided when possible and left to more capable teammates, as our ability to trade in CQC is fairly poor. Similar to USSR, we must rely on fire support such as the M163 CS, M728 CEV and LVTP-7A1 to cost effectively trade against enemy infantry.

USA is a specialist nation, and the closest thing the game has to a viable support deck. It's generally not a recommended nation for a player to start off with, but a truly good US player can turn a mediocre team into a fantastic one.

USA Unspec - Logistics

Recommended Decks image 153

TACOM / UH-60A Blackhawk

Our standard Infantry CV / Helicopter combo. As USA has no attack helicopter transport option, we'll have to make do with the Blackhawk. Infantry CV's are small and hard to spot, and most of all very beefy. Having a 5man squad instead of an easy to spot, poorly armored vehicle can save you a lot of trouble, especially in zones that the enemy enjoys bombing. Use Infantry CV to cap important sectors (such as your spawn) and town-heavy sectors. After you've dropped off your CV, the helicopter they come in should be placed on the flanks to prevent enemy sneaking or simply used to dive enemy AA to waste a missile or two.


CMD M1 Abrams

Heavily armored tank CV. The CMD M1 Abrams comes with a respectable 15 armor and the standard Abrams loadout of main gun and two machineguns. Generally capable of tanking a few shots before death and even stunning enemy infantry attempting to snipe it, this unit is a solid choice to cap heavily contested sectors or placed in our spawn to provide extra security.


M1025 Humvee CP

If the CMD M1 Abrams seems too clunky to use, or you simply deem it unnecessary, bring the M1025 Humvee CP instead. A fairly standard fast Humvee CV, this unit will serve as a cost effective capping unit that we can purchase a lot more freely.

Why not the M151A1 CP?: At a glance the M151A1 CP may look like a more logical choice. After all, It's 10pts cheaper and all we lose in a bit of off-road speed, no big deal right? Wrong. Having fast off-road speed is critical for unarmored CV's, as that extra bout of speed is what will help us dodge artillery and bombing strikes, which will destroy Humvee CV's even on the outside range of their area of effect.



Having a FOB will be critical to this deck, as USA's top performing units are incredibly supply intensive. As a general note, It is always good practice to have a FOB in your deck, teams need supplies to win games and in all but the most specific cases it's almost always better to have a FOB. You're using this slot not only for the supplies but for the tactical flexibility of owning a FOB. Remember that you can always choose to delete it during deployment if you feel you don't need one.



An uncharacteristically large supply truck. The HEMTT runs us 40pts and comes with a whopping 2400L of supplies each, allowing us to resupply large amounts of units off of on truck. Although 20pt supply trucks are generally much more versatile, our only alternative is a 10pt supply truck, which simply requires far too much babysitting to use. Try to not lose your HEMTT's, as we have far less of them to work with and they run a pretty penny.

Note 1: You can shuttle supplies between your units and your FOB instead of buying more supply trucks, this saves you points and can really add up.

USA Unspec - Infantry

Recommended Decks image 171

Riflemen '90 / M2A2 Bradley IFV

Very middling line infantry combined with a solid anti-vehicle IFV. Serves a similar role to Motostrelki in BMP-3's, highly accurate ATGM's with 25AP should deal with most light vehicles and medium tanks very well; while still threatening superheavy tanks that get too cocky. Use your M2A2 Bradleys as if they were ATGM carriers, the bushmaster autocannon is fairly poor and it's not worth putting your 35pt IFV at risk to get off a few shots on enemy infantry. Leave fire support to other units and hide your M2A2s in forests edges instead, providing a screen against enemy vehicles.

Note 1: When engaging enemy armor, push up the M2A2 Bradleys behind your tanks to allow them to take potshots at enemy heavies while your Abrams tank the damage and dissuade the enemy from getting any closer.


US Marines '90 / LVTP-7A1

The closest US Decks will come to a well rounded infantry unit, US Marines '90 are a 15-man squad that come with a solid rifle, acceptable AT launcher and fairly strong MG. Players who find Riflemen '90 solid but just wish they were better against infantry may enjoy using this unit. However, a restrictive price (45pts) coupled with only above average anti-infantry capable make US Marines '90 a very cost inefficient unit, and players that have mastered the art of spamming SMAWs will find them to be obsolete. The LVTP-7A1 is a solid unit to have supporting our infantry. Works best in forests where the grenade launcher can quickly stunlock and kill enemy infantry while they're busy engaging your own.

Note 1: Enemy infantry will not automatically fire their AT weapons on vehicles if they're already engaging your infantry. Take advantage of this by moving up your infantry first, and then coming in with the LVTP-7A1 when the enemy squad is already occupied.


Delta Force / V-150

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to tell a good US player from a bad one is their opinion of Delta Force. Bad US players will tell you that Delta Force are horrible units, after all, their M72 LAW with 525 range, 13AP and 30% accuracy is absolutely awful. Indeed, It's one of the worst in the game, how can we expect Delta Force to kill anything? This line of thinking ultimately misses the fundamental point of Delta Force, CQC and town combat. If you've been paying attention, you will note that US units are strongest in the open and forests but poor in cities. Our infantry is simply bad against other infantry, but our fire support renders that irrelevant. In towns, especially large ones, we cannot rely on fire support. If the enemy is intelligent they'll move out of the edges, rendering our tanks and CEV's useless. This is where the Delta Force come in. Armed with a impressive 533rpm submachine gun, Delta Force are exceptional at clearing blocks of enemy infantry at a relatively cheap price. When used correctly and to it's purpose, Delta Force become one of the most cost effective units in our aresenal, coming in at a very cheap price for Infantry SF. There is nothing special about the V-150, it is simply better than the Humvee and there is no reason to take such a specialized unit in clunky helicopters.

Note 1: SMG's scale well to close range, try to get Delta Force as close as possible to enemy infantry, ideally inside the same block.



The actual teeth to your infantry tab. The necessity of relying on units like these is why US Decks are not recommended to beginners. SMAW are 5-man shock squads armed with a standard rifle and very powerful rocket launcher. What sets them apart from other units, however, is that their rocket launcher has both an AP and HE value. Put simply, this means that their anti-tank weapon can attack both vehicles and infantry. Let's take a closer look at the stats of our rocket launcher: 875 range, 70% accuracy, 21AP, 2 HE and 15/rpm. What's fairly obvious is that this weapon is powerful against vehicles, capable of making quick work of enemy vehicles and medium tanks. What's less obvious is the powerful anti infantry capability this weapon gives us. Most infantry rely on staying in an engagement, slowly whittling their enemy down with machinegun fire. SMAW are different, SMAW quickly burst down enemy squads, killing two men per shot and applying large amounts of suppression for every shot from their rocket launcher. SMAW will be the unit we rely on to take out enemy infantry, but they cannot operate alone. Their poor survivability coupled with the fact that they're much more vulnerable to morale damage means they work best when well supported by other units for the enemy to shoot at. SMAW work best in forests, and to a lesser extent, defending the edges of cities. We take a card of SMAW in LVTP-7A1's to offer enemy infantry a problematic choice in forest combat: either shoot the LVTP-7A1 and get burst down by our SMAW, or focus on eliminating the SMAW and get stunlocked by our LVTP-7A1. Either choice is a win for us.

Note 1: It is possible to kite enemy infantry in forests with SMAW. Much in the same way it is possible to kite vehicles, the SMAW move up, fire their rockets and then immediately move deeper into the forest. Wait a second or two for the cooldown, and then attack move forward again.

Note 2: SMAW tend to work best in stacks of two, providing some resistance to getting burst down themselves and giving a solid 4HE burst per shot.

Note 3: Try to keep easily killed vehicles (such as cheap transports) away from your SMAW. When vehicles are destroyed next to an infantry squad, the squad takes morale damage and loses accuracy and fire speed. This affects SMAW much more than other infantry units as we must rely on the rocket launchers hitting their first shots to be able to trade effectively.


SMAW / M998 Humvee

The M998 Humvee provides us with some extra flexibility, allowing us to deploy SMAW when we need them to reinforce a point quickly or to seize ground in an opener.


Riflemen '90 / M113A3

Cheap line infantry to pad out our forces. Ideally used when coverage is more important than killing power, Riflemen '90 in a cheap five-point transport can be used to cover large areas of a forest or to tank for more important units when advancing on a forest or town sector.

USA Unspec - Support

M270 Atacms

Few units are capable of changing the dynamic of the game as much as the M270 Atacms. With one of these on the field, moving spotted units is no longer simply recommended for the enemy player, it is NECESSARY. Omnipotent range and damage output, the M270 Atacms is capable of killing any vehicle in the game with a single shot. A true sniper unit, it has a very long aim, reload and travel time and is best used for punishing players that don't have the focus or foresight to continuously move their units around. Keep in mind, with a very low dispersion value the M270 Atacms must be dead-on the target to score a kill, and opponents that pay attention to the map and move their key units preemptively will be able to mitigate a lot of the damage you can do. Theoretically, an enemy team that is aware and coordinated enough could likely avoid every salvo you fire for the entire game. Don't take this as too much of a negative however, no team is perfect and everyone will make mistakes and have lapses in concentration. You only need one well-aimed hit for this unit to be worth it, and the sheer pressure you've put on the enemy by forcing them to be constantly aware of an Atacms shell flying across the map is a powerful asset in it's own right.

Note 1: The M270 Atacms is loaded with two rounds, but one is enough to kill any target it fires on. If not babysat properly, an Atacms that is ordered to fire will do so twice on the same position, wasting you half the salvo. Make sure to order the unit to stop and re-target another area after the first round has been fired.



Extremely long range combined with a massive punch makes the I-HAWK PIP III a solid choice if you're more concerned with neutralizing planes before they drop their payloads instead of just killing them. Although a clunky, slow unit, the I-HAWK PIP III comes with a stunning 3500 range against helos. This combined with it's massive 9HE value guarantees a one-shot kill on all but the beefiest of helicopters.



The longest ranged ground-based AA unit in the game. The Patriot is punishingly expensive but fast, mobile and hits very hard. Like the I-HAWK PIP III, best purchased when you are more concerned with stunning enemy planes as they come to drop their payloads rather than killing them as they evac. Being the only AA piece in the game that is incapable of firing against helicopters, it is very important to keep the Patriot supported with something that is, lest something very embarrassing happens.

Note 1: Be mobile. If you think the enemy is breaking through, don't hesitate to book it. Move the Patriot after it's fired, this unit is far too expensive and vulnerable to be left as an obvious artillery target

Note 2: While the Patriot does out-range SEAD missiles, that doesn't mean it's a good idea to leave it on.


M48A3 Chaparral

Pray to your new RNG God, the M48A3 Chaparral. Fairly average accuracy, poor anti-plane and excellent anti-helo range makes up one of the more flexible AA pieces in America's arsenal. While more than capable of zoning out enemy helicopters, the Chaparral is fairly unreliable at killing planes by itself and is best used supporting something heavier. A fairly interesting feature of the Chaparral is it's Fire & Forget missiles, allowing the unit to land a shot even if it dies or is stunned while the missile is flying.


M163 Pivads

A high rate of fire SPAAG, which leads to high stun potential. Helicopters that fly a little too close to a Pivads will find themselves quickly stunned and killed off, while planes will be stunned and start losing large chunks of HP if they don't quickly evac. Good at chunking a few points off of a plane's HP, allowing a missile to finish it off. Keeping in mind the fairly low range, the Pivads is best used supporting longer range anti-plane pieces, or as a screen against helicopters.


M1097 Avenger

Very accurate, very fast, very short ranged. The M1097 Avenger provides a strange but deadly niche in the US AA arsenal as a unit that is simply focused on getting somewhere quickly, and destroying helicopters at stunning precision. Fast speed combined with Fire & Forget missiles make countering helicopter openers the natural usage of this unit, but keep in mind that the low range missiles will generally mean the helicopters will be able to shoot back. Can also be quite deadly when placed in unexpected spots, as enemy helicopters and planes surprised by the avenger have a fairly poor chance of surviving.



Your standard general purpose mortar. Valuable for sniping enemy support vehicles, suppressing infantry or laying down smoke. As most of our best units are expensive and fragile, it is good to have a mortar on hand to provide them smoke cover if they need to retreat.

USA Unspec - Tanks

Recommended Decks image 220

M1A2 Abrams

Every unspec deck needs a superheavy, and this is ours. Fairly straightforward stats and purpose, the only thing that sets the M1A2 apart is the fact that it has two machineguns instead of one. This provides us with some extra suppression and damage against enemy infantry and should not be taken lightly. The M1A2, like all superheavies should be used for zoning out enemy tanks, spearheading a push or to lock down a sector.


M1A1[HC] Abrams

When building a deck it is good practice to always take the second heaviest tank possible as a compliment to your superheavy. This is because in longer games it's highly likely that you will lose both, and your deck should have something to fill that gap when this happens. The M1A1[HC] is basically the same as the M1A2, just with slightly less armor and slightly less damage. It remains nonetheless a very formidable tank and should serve you well. Like all superheavy or faux-heavy tanks, best taken on lowest veterancy possible.


M1IP Abrams

Poor range and damage compared to tanks in it's price class, but very good armor. The M1IP is a bit of a misunderstood medium tank, and far better than many give it credit for. It's heavier armor allows it to make up for its range disadvantageous by simple taking less damage per shot, allowing it to advance on and slug out with enemy tanks of a similar price class just fine. Exceptionally useful in forests, as having a high armor value will allow the M1IP Abrams to absorb many anti-tank weapons while laying down heavy supporting fire with its main gun and two MG's.



If the M1IP is designed to tank, the M8 AGS is designed to kill. A long range cannon, high accuracy, solid damage output and exceptionally high rate of fire make the M8 AGS very deadly against enemy light vehicles and tanks. This combined with a small unit size mean the M8 AGS is ideally used at out ranging and picking off fire support, or flanking enemy tanks as it's armor value of 3 will make it easy pickings for a real tank.

USA Unspec - Recon

Recommended Decks image 233

AH-64D Longbow

Anyone who's played this game long enough can probably tell you horror stories about the Longbow. They are all true. The Longbow ultimately exists as a unit that punishes carelessness and lapse in judgement. With exceptional optics and armed with sixteen highly accurate, long range ATGMs, the Longbow is fully capable of decimating entire columns of enemy tanks all by itself. Fly it into the range of enemy AA however, and you'll find yourself with a very expensive heap of junk that will make you question why you bought it in the first place. The Longbow is best kept teetering at the edge of enemy AA, lying in wait for enemy units that have overextended and quickly removing them from the game. If you're confident the enemy back row of anti-air units have been dealt with, charge the enemy tank column and you've essentially won the game.

Note 1: The Longbow has ripple fire. This means that when a Longbow fires it's missiles, it fires two at the same time. This allows the Longbow to quickly burst down enemy armor but can also result in a large amount of waste when firing on light targets. Try to only fire on valuable targets, and not 5pt transports.

Note 2: The Longbow is too fragile to be wasted on firing at enemy infantry, and it should be kept well away from their machineguns.


M3A2 Bradley CFV

Recon variant of the M2A2 Bradley IFV, boasting far more missiles, an impressive "Very Good" optics value and perhaps most importantly, medium stealth. The M3A2 Bradley is a fantastic unit that is best used holding down key positions from advancing enemy armor and light vehicles. Hard to spot without recon, which will be equally hard to advance due to the Bradley's powerful missiles, the M3A2 can cause a great deal of pain for an enemy that wants to push without losing too many of his units. Much like the M2A2, M3A2 is far too expensive to be used as fire support, and the bushmaster should only be used in desperate situations.

Note 1: It is difficult to express how good this unit is. Use it.


Rangers / CH-47C Chinook

A solid recon squad and some of our most combat capable infantry. Rangers come with a very respectable weapon loadout and shock training. Their relatively cheap price and average availability make rangers a good choice as both force and passive recon. Infantry recon is mandatory in any deck, make good use of them. We take one card of Rangers in the CH-47C Chinook as rangers are very capable of operating independently, thus making them excellent units to insert into enemy flanks.


LAV-25 Scout

Alleviates the current decks problem of not having a cheap, spammable recon vehicle. The LAV-25 does a solid job at both protecting our flanks and probing our enemy's. Though armed with an autocannon, the LAV-25 outputs fairly poor DPS and does not trade well against most other autocannon vehicles.


Rangers / V-150

A more general purpose card of Rangers taken in a fast ground transport.

USA Unspec - Vehicle

Recommended Decks image 252

M728 CEV

Your infantry clearer in forests. The M728 CEV comes with a short range but absolutely devastating main gun that will instantly chunk and panic any infantry squad that has the misfortune of coming across it. CEV's that surprise enemy infantry will always end up firing first, meaning any retaliation they receive will be far less accurate than they would be in fired from a healthy squad. As a US Deck, our ability to trade with infantry is fairly poor, so fire support vehicles such as the M728 CEV should be relied on to even out the odds. With very high armor and the ability to quick neutralize large stacks of infantry, the CEV is invaluable in forest combat and should be used generously. Best used accompanying meatier squads of infantry in deep forests, where the relatively short range of the CEV is not an issue.


M966 Humvee TOW-2

Much more useful in maps with large, open ground. Humvee TOW-2s, much like Bradleys are great at zoning away enemy units and providing support for our heavy armor in tank engagements. Fairly cheap and incredibly mobile, Humvee TOW-2's can be used to quickly get into key positions overlooking an open field, lying in wait for the enemy push. While a good unit, fairly ineffective against USSR as they have both longer range ATGM Carriers and ATGM Tanks capable of trading against our TOW-2's at long range.


M163 CS

Another fantastic forest support vehicle. The M163 CS is great at suppressing enemy infantry in forests or the open. Push your infantry squads forward and enage enemy squads before bringing up the CS, your opponent won't be able to react in time to kill the CS before it has stunlocked their valuable infantry. The CS serves best as an "infantry-killer" killer, as buying expensive infantry will become very cost inefficient for your opponent once these units are on the field. The CS must be used to support allied infantry, as it has paper-thin armor and will simply die to AT weapons if left on its own. Can also serve as an excellent "tripwire' unit to put near your CV or around the flanks, fairly decent against helicopters that get close enough.

USA Unspec - Helicopters

Recommended Decks image 262

AH-1W Supercobra

Fragile, deadly and the fastest helicopter in the game. The AH-1W Supercobra comes loaded with a Vulcan, eight Tow-2 missiles and two AIM-9M sidewinders. Keep in mind that these are the same missiles we find on air superiority fighters and thus gives this unit some of the great anti-air capability. At 2800 range against helos, the Supercobra is capable of out-ranging anything in it's class and can be used as a great tool for denying helicopter openings or otherwise zoning out enemy attack choppers. Keep in mind, however, that owing to a poor ammo capability of only two missiles, the Supercobra is fairly screwed if even one of it's missiles miss, and should not be operating too far from AA or cheaper helicopter support such as a DAP. Optics are also poor so the Supercobra is best used with the support of other units that can spot for it, ATGMs can be used against caught out enemy vehicles, but be only 6HP, the Supercobra dies very easily.


AH-64A Apache

An attack chopper much more focused on ground support. Armed with a powerful autocannon, rocket pods and eight excellent hellfire missiles, the AH-64A Apache is great at dealing with lone. unsupported vehicles or infantry squads. Its role is largely overshadowed by that of the Longbow, however, which is a much more potent unit for only a slight price increase. Can be used as a substitute if you've run out of Longbows or otherwise don't have them in your deck.



Powerful support helo. Cheap, relatively fast and with respectable optics, the MH-60L DAP fills a great role in our helicopter tab as a unit we can deploy to deny helicopter openings at a very cheap price. Their Fire & Forget stingers may be short ranged, but will absolutely decimate enemy helicopter convoys if they're annoyed to fire their full salvos. Best used in groups ( but never stacks ) as having one DAP tank damage while the others fly in is a viable strategy. Twin autocannon and miniguns provide some outside utility against infantry and light vehicles but make no mistake, this is an AA chopper.

USA Unspec - Planes

Recommended Decks image 272

F-15C Eagle

Top of the line ASF. Armed with a respectable amount of missiles, very high ECM and great accuracy, the F-15C Eagle is a solid choice of ASF. Armed with a high damage M61A1 Vulcan autocannon, the F-15C Eagle performs very well in dogfights, but be careful of diving too far into the enemy air defense network, as you only get one. It is good practice to take high tier ASF such as this one on Elite, as they become far more potent.


F-15D Eagle

A powerful multi-role bomber, the F-15D Eagle excels at both clearing sectors and dog-fighting, but is generally far too valuable to waste on trying to engage enemy ASF. Best used against critical targets or otherwise large concentrations of enemy forces, above average ECM should ensure decent survival chances provided the enemy AA presence is not overwhelming. Do not go on blind bombing strikes, as we only get one of these per deck.


F-45 Phantom II

Somewhat of a more forgiving unit, but it fills a different role. The F-45 Phantom II is a solid bomber that drops eight 340kg napalm bombs. Napalm bombs, unlike regular bombs, do not deal damage on impact. Rather, they drop down napalm that covers are area and starts dealing HP and morale damage on all units within its area of effect. The F-45 Phantom II is best used in openers to deny critical roads to enemy convoys, allowing your troops to quickly seize territory and gain a defenders advantage.


F/A-18C Hornet

An absolute beast of an ATGM plane, the F/A-18C Hornet is fast, survivable and comes with four fire & forget 30AP ATGMs. Being able to kill any tank with two shots, the F/A-18C should be a death sentence for any enemy tank it dives. Also comes with the same dog-fighting capability of the F-15D Eagle, but it's primary focus should be on clearing the ground of enemy superheavies. Try not to be too aggressive against enemy medium tanks and lighter targets, as it should be saved for more expensive units unless you're sure the run is safe.


F-117 Nighthawk

The only "stealth" bomber in the game, the F-117 Nighthawk fills an interesting niche and is completely unique to USA. Armed with two 20HE paveway bombs and "exceptional" stealth, the Nighthawk is generally only revealed to the enemy when it's very close to its target or already dropping it's payload. Exceptional stealth does come at a cost, however, and the Nighthawk has no ECM to speak of making it one of the least survivable planes in the game if actually spotted. Capable of killing enemy tanks with 3 top armor in one pass, and dealing around eight to those with 4. Best used against unsupported or otherwise overextended units, as it should be able to get out before your opponent has time to react. Generally a poor idea to send against where the enemy is concentrated unless for a "hail mary" strike.

Note 1: Like all LGBs the bombs on a Nighthawk can be "split" by targeting one unit, releasing firing the first bomb and then quickly re-targeting another.


EF-111A Raven

The most survivable plane in the game, which is an excellent feature for SEAD aircraft. Fast speeds, high T.O.T, good stealth and a whopping 60% ECM make the Raven a fantastic unit at picking off enemy AA. Like all SEAD planes, the Raven works best when circling behind your own planes supporting bombing / atgm plane runs.


F-4G Wild Weasel V

If having only one SEAD plane is a bit intimidating, the F-4G Wild Weasel V is an acceptable alternative. Although cheaper and slightly less capable against AA, the Wild Weasel is more versatile in that it has a few sidewinders that may be useful at sniping helicopters or dealing with planes in desperate situations.

CMW Unspec - Intro

Recommended Decks image 295



So this is the mighty Commonwealth deck, great infantry, fantastic armour and a whole host of unique units in support. In this guide I'll go over the play style of the deck and also why I take the units in it. Play Style:

This deck is formatted around it's fantastic infantry and armour capabilities, you want to use your other units to keep your infantry safe and support them as they fight into towns and forests and then use your infantry to cover for the tanks and create a zone of control enemy armour cannot approach without trouble.

Commonwealth has a lot of very unique units, such as the Vickers MK.11 which is excellent for fast pushes and the AVRE, one of the most brutal anti-infantry units in the game . I feel the only thing it really lacks is a good helicopter roster and fast motorised AA but with correct play you can compensate for these deficiencies without too much hassle.

Commonwealth excels at combined pushes, using your fast motorized units, SBS and SAS to capture strategic locations before bringing the heavy firepower in mechanized units to back that up.

This deck is fun to play with and very competitive at the moment. It is important to remember that this deck is formulated in a way that works best while the user is drinking tea, if you lose using this deck while not drinking tea it's your own fault.

CMW Unspec - Logistics

Recommended Decks image 304

HQ Section / Lynx AH.7

You take these for the AH.7's, they're fantastic helicopters and can provide brilliant fire support, so it just makes sense to deploy the CV and then use your AH.7 as a fire support unit.


Command Squad / Grizzly

Honestly this is just an alternative for those who would rather have the safer option of bringing their infantry CV in a good fast transport, I prefer the Grizzly because it has a larger autonomy.


Rover CP

A cheap and cheerful CV that's excellent for capping your sectors although be aware that it's very weak and will die very quickly if spotted.


CMD Chieftain MK.10

A nice heavily armoured CV with decent fighting potential, this CV is great if you want to have a very hard to kill unit capturing frontline sectors or strong CV to hold down your spawn, be aware of it's low availability though.



Pretty self explanatory, the FOB is a place to refill your logistics vehicle in and I feel this deck has the points to bring one.



A very good supply vehicle with a large 1750 supply amount, these offer a good supply/cost ratio and I take these over the Canadian HLVWs because Australians have slightly cooler accents.

CMW Unspec - Infantry

Recommended Decks image 323

Commandos '90 / ASLAV-PC

These guys are killer infantry, they have shock training and a brilliant AUG carbine, they also carry a very respectable Carl Gustav M2 launcher which, while not as good as the LAW 80 used by the Fusiliers '90 will still do significant damage to enemy vehicles. With 18AP, this will kill enemy 2 armour transports in one shot. Use them as part of your fast attack force with the ASLAV as a nice transport to get them where they need to be.


Canadian Rifles '85 / TH-495

I'll go into the role of these in a little bit but basically you can swap out the Commandos in order to have more of these extremely cost effective infantrymen and transports. Worth considering if you're looking to build for a slower, more methodical playstyle.


Fusiliers '90 / Saxon

While not the best infantry vs infantry fighters they carry the incredibly potent LAW 80 with 22AP which will destroy anything with 3 Armour in one shot and do incredible damage to higher armoured targets as well, these along with the Eryx squad provide an incredibly potent zone of control around towns that enemy vehicles struggle to approach. These are a must to mix into your infantry fighting forces in both forests and towns. I take them in the Saxon so they can be part of a fast opener.


Canadian Rifles '85 / TH-495s

You don't take these guys for their fighting prowess, you take them for the incredible 15 point TH-495, this APC is extremely good in the fire support role with it's excellent damage to price ratio. Use the infantry to reveal enemy units in cover and then hammer them with the TH-495's autocannons. It also has medium optics which is honestly pretty broken for a 15 point vehicle, all in all it's an extremely formidable fire support unit.


Eryx / Bison

The Eryx is an incredible infantry support unit, it does a mammoth 25 AP and also puts out 2 HE damage per shot with a high suppression value, this means if anything comes into it's zone of control it's going to have a bad day, I take these in the bison to be a fast and slightly up-armoured part of my fast pushes. Use these to occupy a town block and it will be a very potent defense because most enemies will unload within the 1050m range and the eryx can kill off their fire support. Enemies that seek to avoid LAW fire by unloading their units and walking them up will find themselves quickly suppressed and picked off.


SAS / Lynx AH.7

These are one of the reasons to take Commonwealth, the SAS provide an incredible fast attack unit, with anti air capability, these killers provide a multi purpose role with a great AT launcher, a great AA launcher and infantry vs infantry combat capability. You take them in the AH.7 because the rocket pods provide excellent fire support and also for the speed of the heli.

CMW Unspec - Support

Recommended Decks image 342

Tracked Rapier FSA

This is the only real anti plane option Commonwealth has, a solid AA piece with good range and accuracy. It's speed is quite poor but it remains quite cost effective and can provide an adequate anti plane defense for a good price. Note the poor anti-helicopter range and make sure to keep it supported with a marksman or stormer.


Stormer HVM

This is a fantastic unit that has an exceptional 3150m range against helicopters, it comes with a 12AP value against ground units but it's best kept away from enemy units unless you really know what you're doing or are desperate to stop a push. With an insane rate of fire, large ammo count and the ability to fire off eight missiles before reloading, the Stormer is mandatory for any deck. Keep it just behind the frontline and it's missile range should cover your front.


Challenger Marksman

This is the crème de la crème of SPAAG pieces, it has a challenger chassis with a very effective 2800m range AAA gun. It is a brilliant unit to kill off pretty much any enemy helo, it can even take a hit directly from a KA-52 and then shoot down or at least stun the KA-52 before the second missile fires if it's in range. It can also provide incredible fire support, the AAA gun will shred enemy infantry in forests and the high armour gives it a role similar to a BMPT. The one downside of the unit is it's low ammunition count and reasonably high price.


Centurion Marksman

This alternative trades armour and speed for a better value, personally I much prefer the armour on the Marksman but the Centurion does a similar job but with a lower cost and better availability.


Bison 81mm

I take the Bison mortar as a fast motorized mortar to use for smoke, I don't really think a heavy tube artillery or a heavy mortar is really necessary in this deck. It's very effective at smoking a position then moving very quickly around the map, I value it's maneuverability which is why I take it over other mortars.

CMW Unspec - Tank

Recommended Decks image 358

Challenger 2

The Challenger 2 is an extremely powerful super-heavy tank, it trades evenly with the T-72BU, the best Redfor tank and you can bring 3 of them trained. I personally always take superheavies as trained because their stats are already good enough and it's much more valuable to take 2 rather than 1, or in this case, 3 rather than one. Make sure to take extreme care, the tank can take a lot of hits but if your micro is on point then you can keep the tank on high hp by firing and then retreating immediately into cover, another trick is to smoke behind the tank so you can reverse it into the smoke if an enemy ATGM plane arrives.


Challenger 1 MK1

A powerful high end tank, with 17AP and 19 Front Armour it's very competitive for the price. I take 7 hardened because you'll be hard pressed to use all 7 in a game. It's a very effective tank for holding ground and has a much higher survivability (due to it's front armour) than most tanks in it's price range.


Challenger 1 MK3

You can take the MK3 instead of the MK1 to add heavier capability to your tank tab and then replace the MEXAS with the MK1. The MK3 is a very powerful tank at a good cost although it's no superheavy, it does trade well with T-72 OBR 1989s when in gun range so it's a valuable tank to have if you want to bring a bit more high end capability to your tank tab.


Leopard C2 MEXAS

The MEXAS is a very good medium tank with a great rate of fire, at 10 rounds per minute, this makes the MEXAS very adept at clearing out enemy light vehicles and providing fire support against infantry at range.


Challenger 1 MK1

You'd take this for the same reasons I mentioned before but in the event that you want to have a high end tank tab, so your tab would be Challenger 2 and both the Challenger 1 MK3 and MK1.

CMW Unspec - Recon

Recommended Decks image 374


This is the best motorized recon that Commonwealth has to offer, at 25 points it can hold it's own and be used as an effective fire support vehicle. Do not expect it to trade well against other autocannon recon vehicles such as the BRDM-3 or the Hachi-Nana-Shiki, be careful and engage enemies from cover where the ASLAV-25 will be in have a defenders advantage.



This is a more expensive option but it has better recon capability, it has to be used in a slightly more cautious role than the ASLAV, as it's 45 point price tag will set you back further if you lose it and as with the ASLAV. Trades slightly better against enemy autocannon recon, but is too expensive to be cost effective.


Green Jacket / Saxon

I take a squad of Green Jackets as a cheaper recon infantry unit that still has some bite, it's a 10 man squad with decent infantry vs infantry capabilities but really it's supposed to be more of a well valued recon unit to spread around the map with a lower point cost and a better availability than the SBS. I take them in the Saxon to give them a high amount of mobility around the map.


Gazelle AH.1

The Gazelle is an exceptional recon helo, it's very expensive but provides an eye in the sky unmatched by any other recon helo in the Commonwealth arsenal. Use this helicopter in a very reserved posture as it will die incredibly quickly if engaged by enemy AA. The Gazelle will set you back a whopping 65 points but if used correctly, the vision provided is invaluable.


Gazelle AH.1 SNEB

This is the same as the AH.1 but for 10 more points (75) you get a rack of SNEB HE missiles, these provide the Gazelle with a little bit more utility on the battlefield but personally I think if your Gazelle is in range to use the rocket pods you're probably doing something wrong. It does allow the Gazelle to defend itself though which can be very useful.


SBS / Saxon

SBS are the best combat recon infantry that Commonwealth has, their relatively recent buff giving them the the Carl Gustav MK2 gives them a good fighting prowess against vehicles and their elite training enables them to engage and perform well against other enemy infantry. I usually take 2 cards, one in the AH.7 and one in the Saxon. The Saxon provides a fast and safe way to deploy your SBS squad without having to run the gauntlet of enemy AA.


Recce / Grizzly

Recce are a 2 man recon squad with impressive stealth and an armor piercing rifle that does 1AP Kinetic damage against enemy units, it's an alternative to the SBS in the Saxons but it does fill a different role, these guys are a bit like the Gazelle SNEB, they can protect themselves to some extent but really they should never be directly fighting the enemy, put them in overlooked positions and turn their weapons off, they are extremely hard to spot with their stealth value and will provide you with a lot of information.


SBS / Lynx AH.7

These guys form a slightly different role to the SBS in the Saxons, they provide a forward element in any fast push at the start of the game and along with the SAS in Lynx AH.7s, their excellent capability as combat recon and the brilliant fire support provided by the Lynx AH.7 makes them a very formidable combination.

CMW Unspec - Vehicle

Recommended Decks image 399

Vickers MK.11

The Vickers MK.11 is one of the best motorized combat units in the game, it carries an impressive 17AP, 2275m range, 60% accurate gun and will make mincemeat of most enemy motorized transport units. This forms the core of the Commonwealth motorized push and for 45 points it's a steal. Make sure not to rely on the Vickers too heavily though, once the opening stages of the game are over and the enemy has armour in play the Vickers (with it's very low armour values) will struggle greatly in open engagements against enemy armour. Think of them like a highly mobile guerrilla force, sniping enemy low armour targets and then retreat into cover before looking for more targets, protracted engagements with armour are a death sentence for the MK.11.



The ASLAV-25 TOW-2 fulfills a similar role to the Vickers in the early game, it's a very strong and fast support unit that can put a hurt on enemy vehicles from long range with it's TOW-2s and then once enemy armour arrives it can use it's superior speed to retreat, ready to ambush another unit. Later on into the game the ASLAV can continue it's hit and run fighting style or it can use it's TOW-2s to hold a zone of control around strategic forest positions.


M113 TUA

For 10 more points you can swap out the motorised chassis and the autocannon for another 4 TOW-2 missiles. The TUA has a very different role to the ASLAV, it isn't so useful in the opening pushes but becomes a formidable tool to keep enemy vehicles away from valuable forest positions. Make sure that you place it in a position that can make use of it's max range of 2625m because if it engages an enemy tank inside that tanks gun range it will die a very fast death.


Centurion AVRE

This is the king of fire support, for 30 points you get a decently armoured vehicle carrying a 165mm cannon with 70% accuracy and 8HE, this vehicle will wipe squads out in the open and in forests but will generally only kill half a squad when firing into towns. It has a relatively short range of 1050m but assuming you're firing at enemies with RPGs 1050 is plenty of range to keep the enemy at bay. MAKE USE OF THIS UNIT, I see far too many people bringing it in their decks and not calling it out, it will not let you down if you give it some love and attention and you keep it safe.

CMW Unspec - Helicopter

Recommended Decks image 412

Lynx 3

The only decent helo in the helicopter tab, the Lynx 3 can pack quite a punch with it's hellfires and stingers but it's very expensive and also very easy to kill. A situational unit you should deploy either in an emergency or if you know you've cleared out the enemy AA net.

CMW Unspec - Planes

Recommended Decks image 416

CF-188 Hornet

A very cost efficient Air Superiority Fighter, the CF-188 Hornet can be brought as 2 planes on veteran and this in combination with the 6 Sidewinders, 2 Sparrow SA missiles and 30% ECM makes it a very formidable opponent for any errant enemy planes. It can be worthwhile to buy one very soon into the game, sometimes at deployment to keep the skies clear for fast pushes (because Commonwealth fast AA isn't the best). Note the above-average amount of short-range missiles makes the CF-188 Hornet a much better dogfighter than most ASF in it's price range.


Eurofighter Typhoon

The Typhoon is an excellent high end fighter that will go toe to toe with any redfor fighter, it costs a lot of points (175) but with 50% ECM and the best NATO F&F missiles (except for the Rafale, French bias) it provides an extremely formidable air defence system. It is standard to take heavy fighters on elite but you can also take 2 rookie if you prefer, it's a little more forgiving.


EF-101B Electric Voodoo

The Voodoo is a 90 point SEAD plane which isn't too outstanding except for it's 50% ECM. An extremely survivable plane with medium stealth which means it will be spotted and identified later than other planes. A good way to use the Voodoo is to send out a bomber first and have the Voodoo a little bit behind the bomber, the voodoo won't be spotted until it's in range to fire it's missiles at the turned on Radar AA.


Sea Harrier FA.2

The Sea Harrier trades speed and a bit of ECM for a much better missile, the ALARM missile has 70% accuracy and 22AP. It, however, doesn't have the stealth bonus the Voodoo has so it will be spotted sooner. It does have two sidewinder AIM missiles which make it a bit more capable of fighting enemy planes and sniping helos.


Harrier GR.7

In the hands of a good player the GR.7 is a nightmare, it has a slow speed of 750km/h and a high price point of 120 points but carries 4 GBU-12 Paveway bombs which are fire and forget. Each of these bombs do 10HE damage and once they're launched they'll home in on their target and not miss, even if the target is out of vision or the GR.7 dies. A good player can split the bombs by dropping one, then quickly changing target before the others drop. It's possible (but incredibly difficult) to split all 4 bombs to different targets which is great for wiping out or suppressing split up enemy units. Note that this plane should largely be used for it's anti tank capabilities, if you drop all bombs on one target as long as that target has 3 top armour (top armour is always used for the calculation) it will kill it in one pass. A GR.7 that manages to drop all four bombs on a vehicle will kill it, so long as that vehicle has less than 4 top armor, vehicles with 4 top armor will take eight damage and become panicked.

Note 1: GR.7 bombs will only stay accurate so long as they are fired while the target is still visible, but once flying, the bombs won't miss.

Note 2: The GR.7 is nonetheless very effective at destroying and suppressing infantry squads, don't hesitate to use it to take out stragglers or give yourself a strategic advantage.


Jaguar GR.1A

The Jaguar is an interesting replacement for the Harrier in the anti tank role. Armed with two 30 AP Semi Active ATGM missiles with 40% accuracy, this means that if boh missiles hit a tank it will be destroyed in one pass, take 2 on elite for a great accuracy bonus. The missiles are semi active so you have to keep your target in vision.



The Destroyer, armed with four 1000kg bombs, the F-111C combines a devastating payload with above average survivability and a very agreeable price. Use it to completely annihilate enemy positions or pushes, not much will survive a bombing run from the F-111C.

Scandi Unspec - Intro

Recommended Decks image 440

Up to date as of 11/09/2016

Deck Code: @Hh8CCxtpyNSeNuKcwzwuYZ4XMJyp2WK5FqEKe0ngDGS3AuSLb021N1LZy3st7TeU44lVJfEZlODTpi6EsDLD4tI=

Scandinavia is a coalition focused on infantry. Powerful fire support, light and medium tanks complement a fantastic infantry tab, which largely makes up for the lack of superheavy tanks and vehicle-based anti tank options. Scandinavian decks excel in forest and city combat, where combat is in close quarters and enemy vehicles are easily flanked or burst down by potent AT squads as FSK or Eryx. Against Scandinavian infantry, there exists no easy counter. Enemy infantry cannot trade against a line fulled of MG3 shock and SF squads, instead being forced to rely on fire support which will only help them in open fields. Scandinavian decks work best when on top of the enemy, where their fire support is too close to shoot with impunity and heavy tanks unable to trade at range.

Scandinavia is at it's worst when slugging against enemies from long range, as the core tab of the deck: infantry cannot be used to full effect. Scandinavian tanks are poorly armored and cannot trade with enemy armor at range, instead needing to rely on close quarters combat to take advantage of their superior rate of fire. Scandinavia has fairly middling vehicle-based AT options, and must instead largely rely on their infantry to deal with enemy heavy tanks. Scandinavian AA is powerful and versatile, with the Otomatic and LVKV 90 being able to double as fire support and vehicle destroyers. A good Scandinavia player is a constant thorn in his opponents side, able to lodge himself into important towns and forests, forcing the enemy to invest a large amount of time and units in order to take them back. Open fields should largely be avoided and left to teammates with more fitting decks, while you handle most of the heavy infantry slogging.

In summary, a powerful and cost effective deck that while somewhat lacking in the open field, becomes a monster in enclosed spaces. A great choice for anyone who favors infantry.

Scandi Unspec - Logistics

Recommended Decks image 447

Stabsdeling / Lynx

Our standard Infantry CV / Helicopter combo. As Scandinavia has no attack helicopter transport option, we'll have to make do with the Lynx, as it is our fastest transport helicopter. Infantry CV's are small and hard to spot, and most of all very beefy. Having a 5man squad instead of an easy to spot, poorly armored vehicle can save you a lot of trouble, especially in zones that the enemy enjoys bombing. Use Infantry CV to cap important sectors (such as your spawn) and town-heavy sectors. After you've dropped off your CV, the helicopter they come in should be placed on the flanks to prevent enemy sneaking or simply used to dive enemy AA to waste a missile or two. Stabsdeling come armed with an MG3, and are a thus bit more capable of defending themselves compared to other Infantry CV squads.



Your standard cheap and fast capping unit. Use primarily for capping safe sectors that you don't expect to see much combat, the STABSTGB 1313 is unique in the fact that it's 5 points cheaper than other CV's in it's stat range.



Absolute beauty of an armored CV. Coming at 130 points and a whopping five availability, the STRIPBV 90 provides an excellent meaty CV at a cheap cost. Used best when capping contested sectors or sectors you expect enemies to hit with artillery and bombing strikes, survivability is good at a respectable 2 top armor.



It is always good practice to have a FOB in your deck, teams need supplies to win games and in all but the most specific cases it's almost always better to have a FOB. You're using this slot not only for the supplies but for the tactical flexibility of owning a FOB. Remember that you can always choose to delete it during deployment if you feel you don't need one.


P93 Scania

Having at least one card of supply trucks is always good practice. Being able to resupply and repair your units is crucial, and no deck can go without it.

Note 1: You can shuttle supplies between your units and your FOB instead of buying more supply trucks, this saves you points and can really add up.

Scandi Unspec - Infantry

Recommended Decks image 464

Pvgrp RBS 56 / STRF9040

The most survivable and hard-hitting ATGM squad in the game. Pvgrp RBS 56 are unique in the fact that they come with a squad of five, allowing them to take a lot more hits to get rid of compared to other ATGM squads, which all come in squads of two. This, combined with their extremely high 26 AP value and relatively good accuracy, makes them extremely hard to approach for enemy tanks, as even if they are spotted and being fired upon they will be able to absorb enough shots to still do the damage necessary for a cost-effective trade. Despite a high damage value and squad size, Pvgrp RBS 56 only have 2275 range, meaning that when firing they will always be within the range of enemy tanks. This drawback makes the RBS 56 less useful at zoning off large areas of open ground, and they should always be kept in town sectors or patches of forest, where the combination of a high stealth value and damage reduction should more than make up for the lower range. The STRF9040 serves as an excellent compliment to Pvgrp RBS 56, armed with an extremely hard hitting and long ranged autocannon STRF9040's are perfect at quickly picking off fodder units such as empty transports and cheap vehicles that enemies will throw at your ATGM Squad to distract it and waste it's ammunition. After offloading their Pvgrp RBS 56, they can be used elsewhere as fire support or kept close to the ATGM squad, offering excellent protection and posing a unique problem to enemy advances. Infantry and cheap vehicles cannot be pushed up, as the STR9040 is there to pick them off, while tanks cannot advance to eliminate the STRF9040 as they'll be fired upon by the ATGM squad.


FSK / XA-186NO

Coming with a fantastic rifle, amazing anti-tank weapon and excellent machinegun, FSK are strong contenders for being the best SF squad in the game. Excelling both in forest and city combat, FSK are a very versatile squad that need little babysitting to perform well. With their high level of veterancy and powerful weapons, FSK are capable of trading against all enemy infantry and will deal tremendous amounts of damage to tanks that get too close. Their above-average range against vehicles will present major problems for enemy fire support and reinforcing transports, but suffer from the fact that they are guided, meaning that any morale damage FSK take while their anti-tank weapon is in-flight will negatively affect the accuracy. Best used when liberally mixed in with a line of cheaper infantry, such as Gevaermenn or Stormers. FSK can deal with all targets well, but take care not to risk them needlessly, that's what the fodder is for. The XA-186NO is an absolutely fantastic transport for 10 points, not only is it fast but it also comes with a whopping 3 armor, making the apc extremely survivable against enemy fire and ensuring that our infantry arrive at the front in the best shape possible.


Stormer / XA-186NO

Great all-rounder shock squad, Stormer come with an exceptional array of weapons for a very reasonable price. Armed with the exceptional I.MG3, Stormer will trade very well against even dedicated anti-infantry squads. This is your front line, bread and butter infantry squad, keep them supported with a squad or two of FSK or Stormingenior '90 as while the respectable Carl Gustav M2 is more than capable of dealing with most enemy vehicles and fire support in forests, it will have trouble penetrating heavier enemy tanks.


Stormer / CV9030N

Similar to the STRF9040, the CV9030N is an exceptionally capable IFV. Armed with a powerful gun and above average armor, they are perfect at dealing with cheap autocannon recon, fire support and enemy IFV's. Can also be turned against enemy infantry when assaulting the edge of a forest or town sector. Keep them away from enemy infantry range however, as their armor is still not good enough to survive AT weapons.


Stormingenior '90 / XA-180

Great fire support infantry. Stormingenior '90 come with the same Eryx AT missiles that FSK do, with one added bonus, their Eryx can fire on infantry too, dealing 2HE and severe morale damage for every shot. This makes Stormingenior '90s excellent at both defending town edges and supporting our infantry in forests, they perform best on the outer rim of infantry engagements, dealing suppression damage to enemy squads as our Stormer or FSK take the brunt of the engagement or popping enemy tanks, vehicles and fire support that try to show up to even the odds. Although capable of holding their own against infantry, Stormingenior '90 should be kept out of extended infantry slogs and deep town engagements, as their small squad size makes them exceptionally vulnerable to concentrated fire. Taken in XA-180's because the extra armor afforded by XA-180NO's is not so important for a support squad, which generally does not charge up the front line.

Scandi Unspec - Support

Recommended Decks image 480


Mobile, fast firing but expensive AA piece. NASAMS come with respectable range and accuracy but are ultimately fairly price inefficient and not worth the cost. Fairly unique in the fact that their missiles are Fire & Forget, which is uncommon for long range AA pieces. Keep a supply truck nearby as they spit out missiles at an alarming quick pace.



Essentially a HAWK PIP III that trades lower range and accuracy for a very interesting lack of [RADAR] tag. This puts the EOTS I-HAWK in a very unique position of being unseadable despite having a very impressive 4200 range against enemy airplanes. A great unit to have in your deck, as it saves you the micro of turning your long range AA on and off, especially useful if radar micro is a particular weakness of yours. Keep a supply truck nearby, as ammunition is limited and missiles fly very slowly.



One of Scandinavia's most versatile units. The Otomatic can do everything: kill planes, kill helicopters, function as fire support against infantry and light can even kill tanks. The best part? It does all of this well. Armed with a ridiculously powerful naval gun that is capable of melting aircraft in a few mere bursts, it's not much worse against ground units. A high rate of fire allows 3HE shells to be pounded on enemy infantry and light vehicles, reducing them to cinders in a matter of seconds. Even more amazing is its ability to quickly burst down enemy armor, though this is best done when surprising them in forests, where the [KE] value of its main gun can be put to full use. Despite all of it's great versatility, the Otomatic should still first and foremost be used as an anti-air weapon as it doesn't enough armor to survive tank shots, just don't hesitate to use it as fire support when you know it's safe.



Best thought of as an economy version of the Otomatic, LVKV 40's are far less impressive in general but can be used a lot more liberally. Deals very poor dps against planes but can handle it's own quite well against helicopters and light vehicles. Like an Otomatic, the LVKV can double as fire support, and is slightly more survivable owing to it's increased armor.


Rover RBS-90

Effective cheap and fast anti-helo AA. With very good anti-helicopter range, decent accuracy but poor anti-plane range, the Rover RBS-90 is best used in fast openers, supporting your infantry in XA's, and making sure they don't get caught out an stunned by enemy helicopters. Excellent at denying helicopter openings or as a quick reaction to enemy air breakthroughs.



Very hard hitting mortar than fires at rapid speed, the AMOS is a favorite of many a Scandinavia player. Excellent at laying down smoke or turning the tide of an extended infantry engagement, the AMOS suffers from having a very low ammo count and being extremely supply hungry. Comes armed with a main gun that is absolutely useless.



For those who aren't that crazy about the AMOS. Your standard general purpose mortar. Valuable for sniping enemy support vehicles, suppressing infantry or laying down smoke. It is good practice to have a mortar on hand to provide them smoke cover for valuable units if they need to retreat.

Scandi Unspec - Tank

Recommended Decks image 502

STRV 121

It's arguable to say whether the STRV 121 is a true superheavy or not, but regardless, it's the heaviest tank we get. Boasting a very powerful 23AP 65% accuracy gun for it's price at 155, the STRV 121 lacks critically in armor, with only 19. Relatively cheap for their damage output but very fragile, STRV 121's work best when quickly bursting down enemy heavies but will lose extended engagements at range. Try to use the superior card efficiency and availability of STRV 121's to your advantage, as with proper unit preservation it's possible to simply swarm and eliminate enemy superheavies before they can react.



A very cost effective tank on the defense, but terrible at fighting open-field engagements and highly immobile. STRV 103D's are relatively well armored and fire at a whopping 15rpm, fully capable of taking on any tank in their price range, they suffer due to their horrible lack of mobility. With no stabilizer and a fixed turret, not only must the STRV 103D remain static to fire, but the entire tank must rotate in order to fire on enemy units at angles. Due to this unique set of strengths and weaknesses, the STRV103D is best used as fire support in a forest line or behind a town, and should not be used in open fields unless absolutely necessary.


Leopard 1A5NO2

Superb all-round medium tank. Capable of dealing excellent damage with a fairly high rate of fire, the Leopard 1A5NO2 suffers only in its comparatively weak armor for price. Excellent as a supporting tank to fill out your lines, and does good work against lighter enemy tanks and vehicles. Keep well out of the range of infantry anti-tank weapons, Leopards are exceptionally vulnerable.


STRV 105

A cheaper class of medium tank, the STRV105 trades optics and some armor but retains a highly accurate and powerful main gun. Good in all the ways a Leopard 1A5NO2 is and a solid alternative.

Scandi Unspec - Recon

Recommended Decks image 515

Jaegere / MD Jupiter

Extremely potent Anti-infantry force recon, Jaegere come armed with an exceptional SMG and the MG3. With a fairly high availability of 5 per card, Jaegere are a good compliment to an already powerful infantry tab, able to trade well against infantry and deal with most enemy vehicles. Base Jaegere are preferred over Jaegere '90s as they have a better machinegun. Nothing special about the MD Jupiter, it is just a better choice than the Lynx.


Fallskarmsjagare / TGB 13

Fairly solid shock recon, with respectable anti-tank and anti-infantry capability, Fallskarmsjagare are a good choice for infiltrating enemy position or as cheap forward recon. Use them in place of Jaegere for more dangerous positions, as Jaegere should be saved for their brutal anti-infantry ability. TGB 13 are simply the cheapest available transport at 5 points.


M41 DK1

The M41 DK1 serves a dual role. One, as solid a solid flank defense that trades well against sneaking autocannon or other types or wheeled recon. Secondly, as an excellent flanking vehicle in it's own right, not so much at intercepting enemy convoys but more so against heavy tanks. While not capable of dealing a one-shot kill, the M41 DK1 is capable of inflicting a solid amount of damage on superheavies that are showing side or rear armor. Being cheap and plentiful, put them on forest edges and out of the way positions that give it the best chance of getting off a powerful shot, their stealth value should provide reasonable protection against detection. Can also double a decent fire support unit that pushes up and spots for your tank column.


M8 Panserbil

Honestly more of a fire support vehicle than a recon unit, the M8 Panserbil is very capable at putting out large amounts of fire on enemy infantry squads, excellent for accompanying a push while seizing the edges of forests or town sectors. Fairly solid in openers, as they can be used to deny fast enemy transports when used in groups.

Scandi Unspec - Vehicle

Recommended Decks image 528


Very useful in maps with large, open ground. LARO TOW-2's are great at zoning away enemy units and providing support for our heavy armor in tank engagements. Fairly cheap and incredibly mobile, LARO TOW-2's can be used to quickly get into key positions overlooking an open field, lying in wait for the enemy push. Try to conserve ammo for vital targets, as they have a fairly small ammo count.


IKV 105

Fairly powerful tank destroyer with a strong for cheap cost. Capable enough at spotting for itself, but poorly armored. Don't get stuck in extended slugging matches with enemy armor, hover around flanks and forest lines to get some nice potshots at enemy units while they're engaging your own tanks.



A cost efficient fire support unit, capable of putting out a strong burst of autocannon fire against enemy infantry and light vehicles. Excellent support for pushes across open grounds into enemy town sectors or shooting into enemy units as they attack into forest edges.

Scandi Unspec - Helicopter

Recommended Decks image 538

Fennec TOW-2

Despite being armed with solid ATGMs, a poor ammo count, bad optics and extremely squishy strength make the Fennec TOW-2 a fairly middling unit. Only really valuable at zoning off enemy tanks that have extended far beyond their AA net, as the Fennec TOW-2 will go down extremely quickly to anything capable of shooting at it.

Scandi Unspec - Planes

Recommended Decks image 542


The only real ATGM plane available to Scandinavian decks, F-16A MLU's do not perform well. Armed with four 26AP ATGMs, they require three shots to land to even kill an enemy superheavy while also performing poorly against enemy planes, despite their long range missiles. Compared to other ATGM planes, the F-16A MLU is horrible, but in a game where tank busting is so important, it's still better than nothing.


AJS 37 Viggen

Cluster planes are generally a poor choice when targeted ATGM planes are available as they require enemy vehicles to either be static or some clever pathing prediction to be accurate.This is, however, not the case for Scandinavia. Compared to the F-16A MLU, the AJS 37 Viggen is much more capable of doing it's job. Armed with four heavy-hitting anti-tank bombs, it is capable of doing large amounts of damage to superheavies or wiping patches of static enemy vehicles.

Note 1: Cluster bombs do no damage to infantry, only use them against vehicles

Note 2: When dropping cluster on tanks in the open, try to predict the path they will take to maximize damage. Enemies generally start reversing once they see a plane charging their tank, so consider dropping the bombs a bit behind the tank.


F-5A Puff

An extremely cheap and effective SEAD plane, the P-5A Puff is fantastic for it's price, solid at kill enemy radar AA and diving enemy helicopters, the Puff is a very cost efficient plane. Can also function adequately as a dog fighter in desperate situations.

Note 1: The puff is extremely good at diving enemy helicopters, don't hesitate to sic it on an akula or longbow if the opportunity arises.


F-16A Fighting Falcon

Hands down the best bomber in the game. Armed with two superb 1000kg bombs, The F-16A Fighting Falcon is capable of leveling entire patches of forests and large portions of city sectors. Coming at a very agreeable 125 points and with an availability of two per card, Fighting Falcons are very cost effective and can also double as decent dogfighers, owing to their two sidewinders and M61A1 Vulcan. Much more survivable than their 20% ECM would suggest, as their flying altitude and evac pattern help avoid a lot of AA fire.


F-16A Block 15

Amazingly cost effective ASF. Strong base stats combined with Elite veterancy and available of 2 make the F-16A Block 15 a fantastic addition to any air tab. Fantastic at diving any planes, with high damaging long range missiles, good sidewinders and an excellent main gun. While they lack a large missile count, F-16A Block 15's are generally capable of finishing off most planes and can hold their own against even high tier ASF.

Eastern Bloc Unspec - Intro

Recommended Decks image 561

Up to date as of 7/09/2016

Deck Code:


Eastern Bloc is a very competitive faction and for good reason, they are a very good all rounder and have units that excel in almost any situation. Their infantry and combat recon infantry are second to none and contain the most cost effective infantry in the game: Mot. Schutzen / BMP-1

Eastern Bloc doesn't really have any 'super units', no Nighthawks, no Patriots, no SU-27Ms, just a good roster that provides adaptability in all situations. This deck is best used by making taking advantage of that versatility, Schuzten provide a strong contest to mg3 infantry and the incredibly cost effective Polish tank line will get some very worthwhile trades in tank engagements. Cost effectiveness is the name of the game, so don't be afraid to put some of your units at risk to gain some ground, you have two cards of super heavy tanks at your disposal, which means you have incredible staying power, don't be afraid to trade your superheavies for enemy superheavies because you will always have more than them.

This is a very forgiving to play yet extremely strong deck and I hope to see you guys giving it a try on the battlefield!

Eastern Bloc Unspec - Logistics

Recommended Decks image 569

Velitelsky Stab / Mi-17

Infantry CVs and good fire support helos are a great combination, you get the amazing Mi-17 with it's rocket pods and of course the CV squad for the dirty work of actually capturing sectors. It's a great opportunity to add even moor umph to an opener, you drop out your infantry in a sector and then push up the Mi-17 to engage enemy fast transports (especially against enemies with bad fast AA like Commonwealth) or keep it in reserve for fire support.


Fuhrungstrupp / SPW-80

This is the option for those who don't want to spend the extra points on the helocopter, just a fast infantry CV in a good transport, It's recommended to always go with the helo, owing not only to it's cost effectiveness but also speed and versatility, but if you prefer to have a safer transport for your CV then this may be the one for you.


Fuhrungs UAZ

A standard 100 point command vehicle for capturing non contested sectors at the lowest price possible, it also has a very high availability as far as other types of CVs go.



The M1K is a solid command tank, with a good main gun and decent armour it provides an extremely resilient option to capture forward zones. It can defend itself well enough but in an ideal world it will never have to fire a shot. The armour provides a good defense against blind bombing and artillery.



The venerable FOB is a one of a kind unit that veryone needs in their deck, it offers by far the best supply/point cost at 75 points and a whopping 16000 supply. Make sure to use it to refill your logistic trucks and helos so they can ferry the supply to the frontline.


V-LKV T813

This is a good all around supply truck, I think the 30 point options offer the best bang for your buck and I would personally always take a 30 point when available.

Eastern Bloc Unspec - Infantry

Recommended Decks image 588

LStR-40 / SPW-80

LStR are a fantastic unit, similar in role to the British SAS but superior in every way. They have a fantastic carbine, a fantastic RPG and a fantastic infrared AA launcher which gives them unparalleled utility on the battlefield. Start a battle by deploying these commandos to strategic positions on the frontlines ahead of your slower mechanized units and watch as they destroy enemy helos and vehicles galore. Also provides some much needed strong AT capability to an infantry tab that is otherwise quite lacking.


Mot.-Schutzen '90 / Spz BMP-2/c

These troops operate as a mid tier infantry unit, not quite special forces but they hold their own very well against enemy infantry and also carry a formidable RPG. Take them in the BMP-2/c's to have them function as an all around combat unit, with the BMP-2 providing an excellent IFV with strong ATGMs and a good autocannon. Drop your troops into town and forest fights and then pull back your BMPs to engage enemy armour and vehicles with their ATGMs.



Konkurs-M are an incredibly effective ATGM that excel at area denial, stick 2 of those in a building and even the most heavily armoured tank will have to take notice. This deck has plenty of combat infantry so I really think it's worthwhile to add this capability into your infantry tab. I take them in the OT-62A because if you took the wheeled option it would set you back 40 points as opposed to the 30 points with the 62A, there is something to be said about using these in openers with wheeled transports but I prefer to use the Konkurs defensively, so the speed of the transport isn't too important.


Granatomet AGS-17 / OT-64C

The Granatomet is a fantastic 5 man support unit that will shred enemy infantry in forests and city blocks, use them in support to engage enemy infantry that are already fighting your own infantry. Personally I prefer the Konkurs for more anti tank power but the Granatomets will provide a formidable opponent to enemy infantry units. I take them in the fast OT-64C because I use them as part of a fast opener to support my infantry in the frontlines.


Mot.-Schutzen / SPz BMP-1 SP-1

Mot.-Schutzen or "murderschutzen" as some people call them are good contenders for the most cost effective infantry in the game. They have fantastic anti infantry capability with their very effective LMG and their reasonably strong rifle and shock training. More importantly however, is that they're 15 points and not only are they 15 points, you can take them in the BMP-1 which is currently one of the best bang for your buck APCs in the game. use these as a spammy infantry unit to cut their way through towns and forrests and don't be afraid to put the BMP-1s in the firing line, they make short work of enemy transports and can even destroy tanks at close range. This unit is the backbone of the deck and should be treated as such, don't push anywhere without a handy group of murderschutzen.

Eastern Bloc Unspec - Support

Recommended Decks image 604


The East German Tunguska, this unit provides a daunting air defense against enemy helicopters and if a plane gets in range of the main gun they'll be made short work of too. One thing to note is that the main AAA gun is Radar but the missiles are not. So if you turn off the main gun it'll be immune to enemy SEAD but still have the anti helo capability with it's extremely long range infrared missiles. Because of this range, the FLA-SFL can sit a decent way behind your front lines and take down enemy helos from relative safety.



The STROP 2 fulfills a similar main role, which is the destruction of enemy helos, it's a non Radar AA piece but it still carries a 2800m AAA cannon which will make short work of enemy helicopters. It isn't as versatile as the FLA but it does provide a cheaper anti helo alternative that's also wheeled. Make sure to bring specific anti plane AA with the STROP it lacks anti-plane capability



The 65 point Polish OSA, it has the same stats as the Soviet one and we take it for the same reason, it's a very effective fast AA piece that excels against enemy aircraft while maintaining a very respect range against helicopters. Use these as part of a fast push to cover your column from enemy Helos and Planes. Note that it's a Radar AA piece so remember to micro the missiles on and off.


Fla-Kom OSA-AK

The 40 point OSA-AKs are flat out broken at the moment, at 7HE, good accuracy and range for such a low price unit a 2 stack of them will kill pretty much any enemy plane. They do lack effectiveness against enemy helos but that's a job for another AA piece, these are godlike against enemy planes and with their motorized speed they will be able to get to where they're needed very quickly.



The NEWA is a strong alternative to the OSA-AK with 9HE and a very long range. It costs a whopping 90 points though for the motorized variant (which I'd advise taking) and you can get 2 OSA-AKs for that price. For that reason I'd always advise taking the AKs but if you want a long range AA piece to kill enemy bombers before they drop their bombs then this is the one for you.



I think mortars provide a certain capability you'd miss if you left them out of your deck, they're good at harassing enemy soft targets but more importantly they give you the capability to drop smoke either offensively or defensively which is a capability I really value in decks. I take the 40 point variant for the higher HE but really any mortar will do.

Eastern Bloc Unspec - Tank

Recommended Decks image 623

T-72M2 Moderna

The Moderna is a fantastic super heavy tank with a powerful gun, great armour and also an autocannon which can fire in conjunction with the main gun. While it's the strongest tank in the deck the real advantage is availability. There are 3 Modernas in this deck and when combined with the Twardy, gives the deck an insane 6 superheavy tanks, which is by far the most in the game. This availability allows you to trade your tanks for enemy superheavies while always having more superheavies than your opponent. Make use of this mismatch, use your superheavies to bait enemies into trades that you'll always come out on top of. The Moderna is also extremely powerful in forests against enemy vehicles and infantry, owing to their autocannon which can put out additional damage and suppression while the enemy is still reloading their main gun.



The M2 WILK is a very competitive heavy tank at 120 points and is an excellent choice for players who want a very strong tank at a very good price. It has a fantastic gun and at 9r/m the gun fires rather quickly compared to comparable REDFOR tanks. Use it where a superheavy would be overkill but a lighter tank wouldn't survive, such as destroying enemy support vehicles and transports or providing a brick wall for enemy tanks.


KPz T-72S

The T-72S costs 5 more points compared to the WILK but comes with a Svir ATGM missile and slightly better armour. Take it instead of the WILK if you want to have the standoff capability to kill BLUFOR tanks out of their gun range with your ATGM.



The T-72M1 WILK is the best tank in the game for the price it costs, similar to the pre-nerf K1 of South Korea. Use it's formidable firepower and armour as a staying force to engage and destroy enemy light and medium armour and to support your infantry with it's 4HE vs enemy infantry squads. This is the workhorse tank of the deck.



The Twardy is fairly weak for a superheavy, that being said as before with the Moderna you get 3 per card and that more than makes up for it's somewhat low stats. Use this the same way you would another superheavy, a nigh unkillable brick wall to attract enemy attention and lay waste to their lighter units. Remember though, even though you do have a lot of them, still take care of them and make sure to keep an eye on their positioning.

Eastern Bloc Unspec - Recon

Recommended Decks image 639

Specialni Jednotky '90 / OT-64C

The Special Rokis are the best combat recon in the coalition and make a strong case for being the best Redfor combat recon unit. They have fantastic stats and come in at a reasonable 30 points per squad. Use them as a frontline fighting unit and watch enemies melt away in perfect HD with their very good optics, make sure to use a few at the start of the game to occupy desirable positions.



The Snezka fills the role of autocannon recon for Eastern Bloc and does this job very well, use it to provide a large net of self sufficient recon that can stand up against most enemy units that don't have a lot of armour. Deploy them with your armoured forces for maximum impact where their recon values will show enemy units for your armour to engage. Perfect for protecting flanks or covering large but unimportant open fields.


AHS Mi-2

A cheap recon helo, it really is a simple as that. Use it to get a bit of vision where a ground based unit won't suffice but be careful with it as it has a low HP value and no weapons with which to defend itself.



The Mi-2Ro fills the same role as the above Mi-2 but with exceptional recon instead of very good. It does, however, cost 20 more points and is still just as weak in combat as the Mi-2 so you have to be eminently careful when using this unit as losing one is costly.


Specialni Jednotky '90 / Mi-17

The Special Rokis return but this time in the formidable Mi-17, use these at the start of a battle to occupy important positions and then use the Mi-17 rocket pods as fire support after. The Mi-17s will absolutely demolish enemy infantry in the open so if you see and pesky infantry squads in open ground prepare to watch them disappear as the rocket pods annihilate them.


Spezialaufklarer / LKV URAL

These recon squads are a great unit to place around the map for a good price, they can hold their own against enemy infantry but they're much better used as units to keep eyes on certain positions on the map whilst also forcing the enemy to invest significant resources to kill them. I take them in the URAL for the price, so they only cost a total of 25 points.


Kampfschwimmer / LKV URAL

The Kampfschwimmer are a 2 man recon team that can give you excellent vision on the map, I personally don't really use them and would advise using the Spezialaufklarer instead because they're more multi-purpose but the 2 man recon teams do fill a very specific niche and can be very good for giving you unparalleled vision behind enemy lines.

Eastern Bloc Unspec - Vehicle

Recommended Decks image 661

ShM vz.82 PRAM-S

The Pram is a multi role support vehicle with a 5HE gun that has a range of 2450m, this makes it a very good fire support vehicle against infantry in buildings. It also carries the 20AP Konkurs missile which will allow it to keep tanks at bay. For 35 points this unit is a fantastic pickup and has a place in every assault and defense.

Eastern Bloc Unspec - Helo

Recommended Decks image 665

DHS Mi-24P

The Mi-24P is a fantastic helo, it has the formidable Konkon-M Atgm and also carries R-60M anti air missiles. This allows it to make short work of enemy helos in the opener and still have a lot of use against enemy ground units, be careful however, as it's a pricy unit and can be downed reasonably easily, especially to units such as the Crotale. If you care for this unit correctly it'll reward that care with a lot of kills.


Mi-24 S-24

Whereas the Mi-24P had versitility, this helo is good for one purpose, annihilating infantry. It's 10HE 240mm rockets will destroy squads in the open with ease. It's a very situational unit but if used correctly it'll make your opponent cry into their keyboard as those poor elite commando units get wiped in one shot.

Eastern Bloc Unspec - Plane

Recommended Decks image 672

Su-22M4 Seria 30

The Seria is a fantastic ATGM plane, it's 2 30AP missiles are fully capable of one passing any tank if both hit but with reasonably average accuracy at 2 per card, don't rely on it to always kill in 1, use it in conjunction with other tanks to severely tip the scales of tank-tank battles in your favor. Do be wary of it's low speed however.



The Hind of the skies, this plane is armoured and loaded for bear (russian bear), it has armour which makes it much more survivable than most other planes and carries 4 SA 28AP missiles, don't expect it to one pass a tank but use it to wreck havoc on an opponent who's AA net has deteriorated. It's HE missiles can also put significant hurt on enemy soft targets such as infantry and transports.


Mig-29 9-13S

The 9-13S is a decent fighter and honestly the best you can get as Eastern Bloc, don't expect it to clear the skies like a eurofighter or Su-27PU but at 2 Hardened it's a very respectable ASF option and I personally prefer it to any of the other ASFs EB has.


Mig-29 9-12A

The 9-12A drops thermobaric bombs, meaning it has a high HE value and also sets the area it drops on on fire. Use it in two roles, both as a conventional bomber and also as a napalm unit to block off areas enemies might try to push through. I love this plane and think it's dual role cements it as one of the premier bombers in the game.


Mig-25 RBF

The RBF fulfills more of a classic bomber role with a ridiculous amount of bombs. This bomber will saturate a target and cause massive damage to anything in it's wake, 8 15HE bombs tends to do that to any target. Be careful with it however, as it has slightly less ECM (30%) than the 9-12A and at 140 points, it's very pricy.



The M4P is a respectable SEAD option, carrying 4 long range SEAD missiles it'll make short work of any Radar AA your enemy has foolishly left on. Bring it in just behind your bombers to force your opponent to chose, do they turn on their radar to kill the bomber, which the SEAD plane will kill or do they let the strike land, forcing your opponent to make choices like that with no good answer is what will win you games.


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