The Math Free Zone
Numbahs not really your thing, Vagrus? Don't worry, I got chu.
Town Low Priced Goods High Priced Goods Kernak Waystation Herbs, Wine Mushrooms, Iron Torzag's Shelter Mushrooms, Mushroom Beer, Pottery Ceruleus Crystal, Marble, Silver Arken Marble Ceruleus Crystal, Pottery, Silver Lumen Ceruleus Crystal Bronze, Copper, Iron, Mushrooms, Pottery, Silver, Tin The Twin Towers Nothing in decent quantity Bone, Bronze, Coal, Copper, Iron, Jade, Tin Deven Chitin, Dyes, Mushroom Beer, Mushrooms, Pottery, Oil, Spice Brightkelp, Bronze, Ceruleus Crystal, Copper, Iron, Obsidian, Silver, Tin Drusian Quarry Obsidian Coal, Dyes, Herbs, Jade, Mushroom Beer, Mushrooms, Pottery, Wine Ioscian Quarry Bone, Ivory Coal, Dyes, Grain, Herbs, Jade, Mushroom Beer, Mushrooms, Pottery Acherus Quarry Obsidian Coal, Dyes, Jade The Crimson Gate Chitin, Coal, Dyes, Grain, Hides, Linen, Pottery, Salt, Spice, Timber, Tin, Wine Ceruleus Crystal, Flavo Crystal, Luxury Wine, Marble, Mushroom Beer, Obsidian, Scrap Metal, Silver
Now if managing your wealth really is your bread and butter, see below for trading profitability figures by settlement.
Profitability is calculated from the buy/sell prices only, and does not consider the cost of supplies. Please use your own judgement regarding most profitable routes for your personal comitatus.
Start Town Destination Trade Good Profit % per Stack Arken Lumen Marble 18% Arken Torzag's Shelter Marble 30% Arken The Crimson Gate Marble 33% Arken Deven Marble 28%
The Crimson Gate
Profitability is calculated from the buy/sell prices only, and does not consider the cost of supplies. Please use your own judgement regarding most profitable routes for your personal comitatus.
Start Town Destination Trade Good Profit % per Stack The Crimson Gate Arken Chitin 32% The Crimson Gate Arken Grain 26% The Crimson Gate Arken Linen 40% The Crimson Gate Arken Timber 22% The Crimson Gate Torzag's Shelter Chitin 40% The Crimson Gate Torzag's Shelter Dyes 27% The Crimson Gate Torzag's Shelter Grain 31% The Crimson Gate Torzag's Shelter Linen 26% The Crimson Gate Torzag's Shelter Timber 30% The Crimson Gate Lumen Chitin 31% The Crimson Gate Lumen Dyes 25% The Crimson Gate Lumen Grain 38% The Crimson Gate Lumen Linen 54% The Crimson Gate Lumen Timber 34% The Crimson Gate Fort Viridium* Chitin 65% The Crimson Gate Drusian Quarry Dyes 44% The Crimson Gate Drusian Quarry Timber 43% The Crimson Gate Deven Grain 34% The Crimson Gate Deven Hides 33% The Crimson Gate Deven Timber 34% The Crimson Gate Deven Wine 38%
*Fort Viridium quartermaster only purchases Chitin in one full stack of 20, every in-game 25 days.
Drusian Quarry
Profitability is calculated from the buy/sell prices only, and does not consider the cost of supplies. Please use your own judgement regarding most profitable routes for your personal comitatus.
Start Town Destination Trade Good Profit % per Stack Drusian Quarry Lumen Obsidian 16% Drusian Quarry Torzag's Shelter Obsidian 28% Drusian Quarry Arken Obsidian 45% Drusian Quarry The Crimson Gate Obsidian 44% Drusian Quarry Deven Obsidian 53%
Ioscian Quarry
Profitability is calculated from the buy/sell prices only, and does not consider the cost of supplies. Please use your own judgement regarding most profitable routes for your personal comitatus.
Start Town Destination Trade Good Profit % per Stack Ioscian Quarry Torzag's Shelter Bone 35% Ioscian Quarry Torzag's Shelter Ivory 31% Ioscian Quarry Arken Bone 45% Ioscian Quarry The Crimson Gate Bone 31% Ioscian Quarry The Crimson Gate Ivory 31% Ioscian Quarry The Twin Towers Bone 54% Ioscian Quarry The Twin Towers Ivory 47% Ioscian Quarry The Twin Towers Hides 28% Ioscian Quarry Deven Bone 50% Ioscian Quarry Deven Ivory 41%
Author's note: Ioscian Quarry has very limited food supplies available for purchase and is several days away from other towns by road. Destination recommended only for small, highly mobile comitati without beasts of burden, or larger comitati capable of heavily augmenting supplies through hunting/foraging.
Kernak Waystation
Profitability is calculated from the buy/sell prices only, and does not consider the cost of supplies. Please use your own judgement regarding most profitable routes for your personal comitatus.
Start Town Destination Trade Good Profit % per Stack Kernak Waystation Torzag's Shelter Luxury Wine 27% Kernak Waystation Torzag's Shelter Wine 30% Kernak Waystation Fort Viridium* Luxury Wine 61% Kernak Waystation Drusian Quarry Wine 57%
*Fort Viridium quartermaster only purchases Luxury Wine in one full stack of 25, every in-game 90 days.
Profitability is calculated from the buy/sell prices only, and does not consider the cost of supplies. Please use your own judgement regarding most profitable routes for your personal comitatus.
Start Town Destination Trade Good Profit % per Stack Lumen Torzag's Shelter Cerulean Crystals 14% Lumen Arken Cerulean Crystals 16% Lumen Deven Cerulean Crystals 23% Lumen The Crimson Gate Cerulean Crystals 28%
Tor'Zag's Shelter
Profitability is calculated from the buy/sell prices only, and does not consider the cost of supplies. Please use your own judgement regarding most profitable routes for your personal comitatus.
Start Town Destination Trade Good Profit % per Stack Torzag's Shelter Lumen Mushroom Beer 44% Torzag's Shelter Lumen Mushrooms 25% Torzag's Shelter Lumen Pottery 41% Torzag's Shelter Arken Mushroom Beer 31% Torzag's Shelter Arken Pottery 34% Torzag's Shelter The Crimson Gate Mushroom Beer 50% Torzag's Shelter Drusian Quarry Mushroom Beer 59%
More Vagrus - The Riven Realms guilds
- All Guilds
- Vagrus - The Riven Realms
- Crew Composition
- Vagrus - The Riven Realms Guide 106
- Vagrus: Event Trading
- Rare Achievements
- Vagrus - The Riven Realms Guide 76
- Vagrus Achievements Guide (work in progress)
- Random tips to help get started
- Playable area map with all locations for making money[contains spoiler]