USAR un jostick / play jostick

English Tutorial

First you must download anti micro




sudo apt install antimicro

note :when I put x or triangle in play I mean control as in xbox switch or play.

this is my file you can use it to have my configuration you should open it

note you must keep antimicro always open for it to work, don't close it.

my archive

https:// //mega .nz /file/JJhCTCKB#9FppR6bDSgyT3LZvX--2_3TIW-y5scFNLa0_u9hvyC8


walk wasd / move with analog

menu esc / enter ps button etc

wave c / L1

with f open expressions /L2

b open bag / with x u triangle on play

when editing object

left shift left rotate object / Square on play or xbox wii jostick Y

b put into the backpack / x u triangle jostick play

right click cancel /R1

left click place object /R2

use object with e / with b wii xbox and X on control play

with q you can quickly remove object / R3

with r you can open as a menu with the two objects that you can select in your hand / with A jostick on xbox switch or circle play

with I disappear menu / date above nintnendo jostick on play not sure

with the ball of jostick increase or decrease the display

with the other stick you move the mouse

left click place object /R2

use object with e / with b wii xbox and X in play control

with q you can quickly remove object / R3

with r you can open like a menu with the two objects you can select in your hand / with A jostick of xbox switch or circle play

with I disappear menu / date above nintnendo jostick on play not sure

with the ball of jostick increase or decrease the display

with the other stick you move the mouse


Primero debes descargar anti micro




sudo apt install antimicro

nota cuando coloco con x u triangulo en play me refiero a control tanto como de xbox switch o play

DE Un lado la tecla de teclado otro lado jostick mas o menos

NOTA / note

este es mi archivo puedes usarlo para tener mi configuracion debe abrirlo

nota debe mantener abierto antimicro siempre para que funcione no lo cierres

https:// //mega .nz /file/JJhCTCKB#9FppR6bDSgyT3LZvX--2_3TIW-y5scFNLa0_u9hvyC8


caminar wasd / se mueve con analogo

menu esc / enter boton de ps etc

saluda con la mano c / L1

con f abrir expresiones /L2

b abrir bolsa / con x u triangulo en play

al editar objeto

mayu izquierda girar objeto / Cuadrado en play o jostick de xbox wii Y

b meter a la mochila / x u triangulo jostick play

click derecho cancelar /R1

click izquierdo colocar objto /R2

usar objeto con e / con b wii xbox y X en control play

con q puedes sacar rapido objeto / R3

con r puede abrir como un menu con lo doss objeto q puede selecciona en la mano / con A jostick de xbox switch o circulo play

CON I desaparecer menu / fecha arriba de jostick de nintnendo en play no estoy seguro

con la bolita de jostick aumenta o desminuir la patalla

con el otro stick te mueve el mouse


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