Tips and tricks for 2017. FOR PLAYERS THAT HAVE PLAYED FOR 1 MIN

Tips and tricks for 2017. FOR PLAYERS THAT HAVE PLAYED FOR 1 MIN

The Intro. (And Other Things.)

If you have just bought turmoil, great! if you have already bought it and have played it for at least 5 mins, skip to the Point below.

I have made this guide as a helping hand to new oil diggers. It can be difficult to make and execuit stratageis. These are just some things I have picked up, and may help you! OK, let's start.

The Point.

Tips and tricks for 2017. FOR PLAYERS THAT HAVE PLAYED FOR 1 MIN image 4
Tips and tricks for 2017. FOR PLAYERS THAT HAVE PLAYED FOR 1 MIN image 5

Ok Now if you have, mabye a few bucks to spend, buy the pipe extender. Haveng 2 pipes out of 1 joint is very powerful.

If multiple oil deposits are found, rather than building a new 350$ rig, get a, minimum 10$ external pipe. Get 1 pipe, make 2 out of that. Use the 2 to make 2 more. Now you have 4 deposits flowing into 1 rig! Here you can see me haveing major sized deposits! Buying mulltiple rigs to get oil from major sized deposits is very usefull! You can drain it dry, and pullout early, and get a 1,000$ Bonus!

Now you can move to shop tips!

Shop Tips And Tricks. (And Spillage Avoidance!)

Tips and tricks for 2017. FOR PLAYERS THAT HAVE PLAYED FOR 1 MIN image 10
Tips and tricks for 2017. FOR PLAYERS THAT HAVE PLAYED FOR 1 MIN image 11

during your adventure you will get shops, like the Stable, Workshop, The Saloon, The bank and factory! Each indivdual shop has its caracteristics. The Saloon is where you will find deals. There, people will give you offers. The offers like "red inc will never have prices under 70¢." this is good. Do not sell your oil to incs that have less than 70¢. Store them if nethier inc has a good price. The Factory is where you get the joint extender. The upgrade in "The point" paragraph 1. the stable you should acsess last. That is for the, if ever, the last biome. By the picture to the left, you can tell that I spend alot at first, and gradually raise up. This is because i place down 3 dosers. Dowsers search for oil and are 100$ each. When you start, you have 2,000$ start money. so now you have 1,700, now what? Well, buy a hourse. Well what? "But its, Crazy to buy a horse first! " ah, but it is a practical solution!! You can select the horse to go somewhere. So the decrease chance of spillge happens! Spillage fines are hefty. If a rig is spillin, then buy a hourse. A 150$ horse is better than a 1,000$ spillage fine!

Thank You!

This is the end! Leave your ideas, comments, other tips I should impliment into the Guide.

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