Turmoil 144hz / 144fps Guide

Turmoil 144hz / 144fps Guide


Turmoil 144hz / 144fps Guide image 1

EDIT: Don't go above 90 or it slows down the game too much.

Navigate to C:/Users/"username"/AppData/Local/TurmoilSteam

Open turmoil_settings.ini

Change framerate="60.000000" enter whatever number you want the cap to be. Don't go above 90 or it slows down the game a lot.

You can also edit resolution by changing height="-1.000000" and width="-1.000000" so if you had a 4k monitor you would put:

height="2160" and width="3840"

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1287044761					

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