Synchronise Your Game Across Multiple Computers

Prerequisites & Preparations

This guide is no longer needed since the game now supports Steam Cloud Saves. If you want to undo the changes made in this guide see FAQ #2

This guide requires you to have DropBox installed and running on all machines you wish to play the game on. The instructions are for Windows 7 and newer.

Follow these steps in the order they are given. Make sure your game is closed while you do so!


Open your DropBox folder by double-clicking on the tray icon in the bottom right corner. Create a new folder and name it "Turmoil" (without brackets).

Navigate to the Turmoil savegames folder, which is located in (your_username is your Windows username): C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Local. If you cannot see the folder named AppData see FAQ #1.

Move the entire TurmoilSteam folder to your Turmoil folder inside your DropBox we created in step 1.

I highly recommend you make a backup of the TurmoilSteam folder before you continue with this guide. Just copy the folder to your Desktop in case anything goes wrong.

Creating The Symbolic Link

Open the Command Prompt. To do that press the Windows Key and enter CMD into the search bar. Right click on "Command Prompt" and select "Run as Administrator". If UAC pops up, click yes.

Notice that we can type stuff in this black window (after the >). Now create a symbolic link by using the command below. Enter it into your Command Prompt carefully and make sure that you replace "your_username" with your actual Windows username. There is no linebreak in the command (just looks like two lines), so make sure you only hit ENTER after you typed the full command. If you did not install your DropBox to the standard folder you will also have to change the last part of the command so that it points to your DropBox folder. The Command Prompt should tell you whether it worked or not.

mklink /J C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Local\TurmoilSteam C:\Users\your_username\Dropbox\Turmoil\TurmoilSteam If everything went according to plan you should now have a TurmoilSteam folder in C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Local again that actually looks like a shortcut. If you double-click on it you should be able to see the contents of your C:\Users\your_username\Dropbox\Turmoil\TurmoilSteam folder.

Start the game. Every time your campaign progress is saved or you change your ingame settings, the DropBox icon in your tray will signal that it synchronises files.

Synchronising The Game On Other Computers

In order to synchronise the game on another PC, make sure that DropBox is running on it.

Navigate to your C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Local folder as already described and move the TurmoilSteam folder to your Desktop. You might delete it once you made sure that your synchronisation is set up successfully. Be aware that your Windows username might be different on your second PC.

Go through the steps of the last chapter "Creating the Symbolic Link" again.

Final Words

That's it. Have fun! If something did not work see the FAQ first and leave a comment if you need further help. Feedback on the guide is of course always appreciated.

Note that this guide will become obsolete once Gamious implements Steam Cloud into the game.


Q: I cannot see the "AppData" folder. A: You will have to show hidden folders (Google will help you doing it) or simply enter %APPDATA% into your Windows Explorer and navigate from there.

Q: I want to undo this. A: First delete the TurmoilSteam shortcut in C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Local. Now move the real TurmoilSteam folder from your Dropbox back into the "Local" folder.


minor tweaks are not listed

25.06.2015: Initial creation of the guide

26.06.2015: Added chapter about additional PCs

17.05.2016: Added note about the guide being outdated due to Steam Cloud integration


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