This guide is getting familiar with the keys.
PC Keyboard Controls Guide For Transport Fever 2
For conviction all PC keyboard controls are grouped into blocks.
The Keys
- Help - F1
- Close all - Delete
- Pause - ESC
- Cycle game speed - TAB
- Camera move up - W
- Camera move down - S
- Camera move left - A
- Camera move right - D
- Camera rotate left - Q
- Camera rotate right - E
- Camera tilt up - R
- Camera tilt down - F
- Camera zoom in - X
- Camera zoom out - Z
- Camera tool: Stop - Backspace
- Camera tool: Add keyframe - Insert
- Camera tool: Clear keyframes - Home
- Camera tool: Toggle play/pause - Space
- Camera tool: Capture - Return
- Show / hide street menu - 1
- Show / hide tracks menu - 2
- Show / hide water menu - 3
- Show / hide air menu - 4
- Show / hide terrain tools menu - 5
- Show / hide line manager - L
- Show / hide vehicle manager - V
- Activate/deactivate bulldozer - B
- Show / hide line statistics - F2
- Show / hide vehicle statistics - F3
- Show / hide station statistics - F4
- Show / hide industry town - F5
- Show / hide industry statistics - F6
- Show / hide land use layer - Keypad 3
- Show / hide contour lines layer - Keypad 1
- Show / hide stations layer - Keypad 7
- Show / hide destinations layer - Keypad 5
- Show / hide cargo layer - Keypad 6
- Show / hide navigable waters layer - Keypad 2
- Show / hide track speed limits layer - Keypad 4
- Show / hide street traffic layer - Keypad 8
- Show / hide emission layer - Keypad 9
- Show / hide warnings window - F11
- Construction option 1 - M
- Construction option 2 - N
- Construction option 5 - O
- Construction option 6 - P
More Transport Fever 2 guilds
- All Guilds
- System Requirements To Play Transport Fever 2
- Transport Fever 2 - All Ships List (Europe)
- Transport Fever 2 - Air Vehicle List (Europe)
- Transport Fever 2 - Air Vehicle List (Asia)
- Transport Fever 2 - Buses and Trucks List (Asia)
- Transport Fever 2 - Railway Vehicle List (Asia)
- Transport Fever 2 - How to Export FBX from Blender (Model Editor)
- Transport Fever 2 - Museum Line Achievement Guide (How to Obtain)
- Transport Fever 2 - Buses and Trucks List (America)
- Transport Fever 2 - Railway Vehicle List (America)