Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires Skrag - Ogre Kingdoms Campaign Overview, Guide And Second Thoughts
Hello everyone. In this guide I will cover:
- Victory conditions, faction and climate;
- Starting location;
- Diplomacy and outposts;
- Mechanics of the race and faction;
- Province edicts and army stances;
- Buildings and research;
- Lords and skills;
- Army compositions;
And give you my final notes on the specific faction. Hope you enjoy it.
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Short victory:
- Win the Cauldron of the Great Maw quest battle;
- Destroy the faction of the Border Princes;
- Occupy, loot, raze or sack 30 different settlements
The reward is +3 recruit rank to all armies. This is good to ensure you get that extra edge for your units and armies as you are recruiting them, and helps since Leadership is something the Ogres have in short supply and it gets a bit increased with the XP.
The short victory does earn its name. The next advantage of it is that you have quite some freedom on where do you wish to expand to, making this quite a nice sandbox experience.
Long victory:
- Achieve the short victory;
- Occupy, loot, raze or sack 75 different settlements;
- Control 8 of a list of 11 specific settlements;
The reward is +2 global recruitment capacity. This is an average upgrade, it is still important to allow you some easier domination lategame and to pump up more units for your armies, though.
The settlements you need are quite spread out, including three that are in the Cathay area, making this quite a lengthy campaign. It will take some time to complete.
Skrag is the Prophet of the Great Maw, giving him the following benefits:
+10% movement range for all armies;
Hero capacity +1 for Butchers;
Hero recruit rank +2 for Butchers;
Average benefits, the movement range is the best part as it is always useful, but nothing really special concerning the Butchers either. He could receive a big upgrade.
Climate is fairly good. One of the best factions to capture the whole map, considering how in most areas you will not have the attrition issues others have.
Your starting location is a 3 settlement province, but the Ogres work slightly in a different manner. It is a bad location mainly because you do start in the middle of things, and further expansion will only lead into finding more and more enemies without easy chokepoints to defend.
You are very close to the Empire and the Dwarfs, and typical expansion will lead you into contact with Tomb Kings and Bretonnia. You should eliminate the Border Princes soon, and then either proceed North or East, both difficult to maintain.
Going South is possible, of course, but may just be forcing you into further enemies as there are plenty of Legendary Lords in that area.
Ogres are more of a neutral faction, basically, and you can always swing the tide towards one or another group. Since you start off at war with an Empire faction, it is predicted that you will gain favor with Greenskins, Skaven, or anyone else fighting against them, like the Vampire Counts.
Main enemies will be the Empire, Dwarfs, Wood Elves, maybe Vampire Counts depending on how the campaign goes. Other will be in your path of conquest. Plenty of opportunities to change this, although you may already be set to have a sort of "evil tide vibe".
Outposts potentiall will happen with Greenskins, Skaven, and Vampire counts then. Try to get their good infantry and missile troops to support your already great armies, and maybe even secure some flyers from the Vampires.
- Camps. They are your main bases. You need to research to be able to build more, and then you can settle these camps wherever you wish. Be careful that when you do it, they cannot be removed without you losing all the buildings.
- Therefore, where you build those camps is really important, to ensure a steady and reliable position that you can defend and to return to at any point. They have no garrison but you can recruit units which have lesser upkeep there.
- Big Names are a set of possible traits for your lords and heroes, that help either campaign or battle wise. It is a very straightforward mechanic, and it could have a bit more depth, unfortunately.
- Meat is your sort of secondary currency. It is used for many things, including giving you some benefits before going into battle, it can be used for some offerings for the Great Maw, and it also gets consumed by each army as a sort of upkeep.
- The Ogres also have some nice army abilities which they can unlock via the research tree. These are very useful and will drastically change how you play on the battlefield.
- Finally, Contracts are a nice "Mercenary Flavor" mechanic for this faction. You can receive offers from other factions to complete missions, and achieve rewards, basically.
Control +4; Campaign movement for enemies -20%; Growth +20;
Chance of a plague spreading -40%; Income from all buildings +5%;
Corruption -5; Recruit cost -5%; Local recruitment capacity +1;
Not the best, and not really that influential considering how most of your recruitment will be conducted at your camps.
Army stances:
Encamp, giving replenishment, global recruitment, immunity to attrition, costing 50% movement range;
Raiding, costing 50% movement range, giving +10 Growth to nearby camps;
Ambush for 25% movement;
Forced march
Very straightforward ones, but the absence of the Underground can be a tricky one for the Ogres, specially considering how they might have to go into the mountain passes very often.
Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires Skrag - Ogre Kingdoms Campaign Overview, Guide And Second Thoughts (continuation)
As for buildings, let us start with the basic settlements first. You get two buildings for military, although not everything you can build. Just the basic troops.
Infrastrucure there includes:
- Growth and replenishment;
- Income;
- Meat generated at the cost of half the income;
- Control and corruption.
In terms of the Camps, these are your main settlements.
- Can build nearly every building;
- 5 buildings for maximum military;
- Infrastructure:
1 - Income;
2 - Meat production;
3 - Unlocks recruitment for Butcher, more meat from battles, leadership buff;
4 - Camp Growth, +2 local recruit capacity;
Defense buildings are more like infrastructure, really. One of them provides replenishment and the Gluttony ability, and the other building gives you less upkeep and more income from post-battles.
Research is very good. It gives you army abilities, more camp building possibilities, and nice units upgrades. Overall, good to go through it and get some ideas on what you want for your own
Skrag has a summon ability and some great campaign upgrades. He also benefits from replenishing his armies and having research as well.
The redline is quite efficient and it allows great elite army compositions.
Tyrants are more into income and buffing their army; Slaughtermasters are more into replenishment and magic.
In terms of Heroes, Hunters give you some amazing bonuses for Sabretusk Packs, and Butchers give you replenishment. Firebellies of course offer you a nice fire caster for your army.
Skrag has a minor ability for Gorgers units, so of course we can attempt some combinations with it. Not the typical unit that you can revolve around, though.
Nothing wrong with having some maneaters supported by missile troops, and that is the main theme for some of the ideas showcased in the images below.
Finally, Ogres have some of the best cavalry in the game, and either granting them missile support or as part of an overall melee force, they will for sure shine on the battlefield.
Notice overall how effective it is in terms of the skill points you need to allocate to the redline to fully upgrade those armies (number in yellow below them). This is crazy good for a faction as the Ogres.
The Ogres have a massive army, which is quite fun, although not your typical army.
The fact that you start on a completely different location with different friends and enemies makes this a great choice for a different take on the Ogre Kingdoms, when compared to Greasus.
The army consists mainly of:
1 - Poor infantry;
2 - Great Monstrous infantry;
3 - Great missiles;
4 - Great Monstrous cavalry;
5 - Good single entities;
6 - Lacks flying units;
7 - Lacks numbers.
Replenishment is good, aided by the climate conditions. Stay out of the Desert for a long time and all is well.
So, time to Shrek around with Skrag of the Ogre Kingdoms.
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2965242599
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