Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires Settra the Imperishable -Tomb Kings overview, guide and second thoughts

Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires Settra the Imperishable -Tomb Kings overview, guide and second thoughts

Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires Settra The Imperishable -Tomb Kings Overview, Guide And Second Thoughts

Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires Settra the Imperishable -Tomb Kings overview, guide and second thoughts image 1

Hello everyone. In this guide I will cover:

- Victory conditions, faction and climate;

- Starting location;

- Diplomacy and outposts;

- Mechanics of the race and faction;

- Province edicts and army stances;

- Buildings and research;

- Lords and skills;

- Army compositions;

And give you my final notes on the specific faction. Hope you enjoy it.

If you prefer to watch the video (it also supports me):


If you prefer to read:


Short victory:

- Destroy the Followers of Nagash (Arkhan), the Cult of Sigmar (Volkmar), and the Drakenhof Conclave (Mannfred).

- Occupy, loot, raze or sack 30 different settlements.

Reward is casualty replenishment +15%, very useful to ensure you can continue your conquests much faster and without spending too many times to recover.

This is quite a very standard and easy campaign to do. All enemies are nearby, of course you will have additional ones while facing these ones off, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Long victory:

- Achieve the short victory;

- Occupy, loot, raze or sack 75 different settlements;

- Hold specific 11 settlements, mostly Desert capitals of other factions.

- Ensure that 7 specific buildings have been constructed (all within those previous settlements).

Reward is Winds of magic reserves to all armies, very good to ensure your casters will always have some way of assisting your army into the domination game.

Long victory is a bit more difficult as it requires you to conquer and grow specific settlements and then build the specific buildings to win. It will take time, but it does follow the general rule of thumb of trying to conquer the whole Desert area.

Settra is the Imperishable, implying he gains the following benefits:

- Allegiance points gained +50% with alliances with other Tomb Kings;

- Construction time: -1 for all buildings (minimum 1 turn) (!)

- Growth +20 to all provinces.

These are great buffs for the early game specially, and the construction time will be very useful well into the lategame. Tomb Kings do have quite an issue with growth so Settra compensates that a lot. There is an additional bonus to construction time being lower, because Tomb Kings get better units via the amount of buildings (more on that later).

Climate is rather painful, as most is unpleasant or uninhabitable. Other than the initial Desert area or Southern area, expansion will be difficult and this is a rather complicated faction to dominate the map with. The bonus from the short victory does help in this regard, though.


Your starting location is a 4 settlement province, great to get a nice base and foothold. In terms of enemies, however, you are quite surrounded and you need to be careful; Tomb Kings take a long time to obtain a 2nd army too.

The Black Pyramid of Nagash is very neutral until you decide to attack it, so it does act like a bit of a buffer and natural barrier to the West.

Skarbrand, Mannfred, Volkmar, Arkhan... and others, will soon attack you. You do not have many friends away from the other Tomb Kings, at least at start.


Tomb Kings are sort of into the neutral side of things. Allies will most certainly happen with the "enemy of my enemy" idea. You keep fighting, others will like you for fighting their enemy and you may have a chance for trade and alliance with that.

You may have to hand out gifts or even settlements for some treaties. Considering you are not short of unpleasant or uninhabitable climates, there are several that could be taken for precisely that goal.

Enemies are abundant, but unlike other factions, the same races may yet become your friends. It is one of the most difficult factions to perceive who will become your friend. Attempt to establish relations with the Ogres or the Vampire Coast, and if so, take the opportunity to get some cavalry or great missile units, or some infantry if you can.


- No Upkeep. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Niente. Lategame, you can support as much as you can muster.

- Instead, you have limits to the number of units considering the number of buildings you have. Research, traits, and skills may also provide you with some unit capacity.

- Hero capacity used to be a problem but it has changed and been solved now. You can now increase the capacity for those with the Mortuary Cult.

- Speaking of the Mortuary Cult, you can obtain a unique currency called Canopy Jars, and use those to get items for your lords and heroes. These range from simple ones to very good and even unique items.

- Rites give you access to some nice buffs:

1 - Lord recruit rank +3, recruit rank +2, Casket of Souls unit (artillery) available to recruit;

2 - Unique Necrotect hero that can colonize ruins at level 3; (given how slowly Tomb Kings grow their settlements, do not sleep on this one;

3 - Attrition to enemies in your lands, immune to that attrition, ambush success chance +50%, army ability (stalk); Very good defensive specially early game.

4 - Canopic Jars +1 per turn, growth +30 to all provinces, construction time reduction, army ability (damage); This one is the most standard rite to be used at nearly all times, specially when trying to grow your faction as a whole.

- You are also one of the factions collecting the Books of Nagash. These can be obtained around the world to give you great bonuses that effectively can change overall gameplay. One in particular gives you the possibility to recruit Liche Priests of Shadows, with the Lore of Shadows magic which is a great damage focused lore.

- Lastly, a sort of a mechanic in itself, army capacity is increased via research and via the Mortuary Cult. It may prove difficult to increase it after a certain point.



- Control +5 and corruption -2;

- Ambush success chance +15% and melee defence (defensive one) +5;

- Casualty replenishment rate +20% and +1 recruit rank (!);

- Construction cost reduced -10% and income from all buildings +5%;

- Campaign movement range +10% increase and growth +25;

All of these are great, sadly lacking anything giving research. Particularly good to note that you do have growth, and also replenishment, as well as some ambush one. Early game, these may prove helpful in ensuring you can withstand multiple fights with the same army or replenish a defending army much faster, so do not sleep on those.

Army stances:

- Channeling for more winds of magic, 10% movement cost;

- Entombed beneath the sands works like the Encamp one; allows replenishment and global recruitment, immune to attrition, and the Sand Veil army ability. It also allows vanguard deployment to some units. Costs 50% movement;

- Raiding costs 50% movement and immune to attrition. Sadly no Canopy Jars or anything different;

- Ambush at 25% movement cost;

- Forced march.

Fairly typical ones except the Entombed stance. It allows a great possibility to defeat ambush attempts or simply to lure the enemy into attacking you, as you will have a nice stalk army ability and vanguard deployment. Learn how to use Stalk effectively and you may be able to take out important enemy units prior to the fight;)

Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires Settra The Imperishable -Tomb Kings Overview, Guide And Second Thoughts (continuation)

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- Khemri has 2 special buildings, including a useful gold mine. The pyramid allows a variety of nice buffs including unit capacity and canopic jars generation.

- Military requires 10 specific buildings... different than anyone else, it is intended to force you to build more to support extra forces. At tier 3, however, you already have:

1 - Catapults;

2 - Chariots;

3 - Infantry;

4 - Necropolis Knights;

5 - Tomb Scorpions;

6 - Ushabti and Ushabti Great Bows

Most of these can easily be used in a lot of armies, which gives you great flexibility. The top tier ones are for most single entities, your best constructs, basically.


1 - Control and corruption, as well as Carrion building;

2 - Growth, replenishment and corruption;

3 - Income and campaign movement increased (note, stack this with the edict and your armies can move to intercept anyone really fast);

4 - Mixed building of giving good corruption, control, lord and hero recruit ranks, and more importantly, Canopic Jars production.

They are fairly circumstantial but nearly all useful. Tomb Kings suffer a bit from lack of slots to build everything, so you do need to plan out your settlements carefully.

Research works slightly different than others, a mechanic in itself, really:

- Each dinasty will give you an unique lord, and unlock some specific research. It also increases your army capacity, but decreases your research considerably;

- A common tactic is to research all the way until the very last turn, and change to another if you do not immediately need a new army; the progress is not lost.

- All the lords that you can obtain from the dinasties have some unique traits, so you might want to have them leading different army compositions just because of it.

- Finally, plenty of Heralds that can be used to change and enhance units in your army can also be obtained via Research. Plan these out as they massively alter them.

- As a rule of thumb, I always go into the research and plan for a bit before deciding the course of action. Combine the research path with the buildings that you are likely going to get for maximum effect.


- Settra is already a beast of a character and can go into Melee/caster without an issue. He also provides hero recruit capacity and unit capacity that helps a lot.

- The blue line has replenishment in the first part of the line, and I rarely go ever into the second line. This is particularly important with Settra since he has so many skills to choose from.

- Redline skills are decent and relatively inexpensive, which helps. Remember that due to heralds, traits, specific abilities, you have a tremendous variety of units that suddenly will become great and you can generate good and varied armies with them.

- As for heroes, Liche priests do provide replenishment, and Necrotects heal the constructs, which is excellent. Some of the army compositions will figure one or the other, but you can of course adapt to your playstyle.

ARMY COMPOSITIONS (see images below):

- Redline skills for the Tomb Kings are interesting, they have a rather small roster, but some nice combinations. Particularly because their low infantry and high tier infantry are all within the same, so you can pick that redline skill early and benefit from it until the end.

- All-Mighty Settra benefits Tomb Guards and Chariots, and I have found that a combination of those with some Khemrian Warsphinx works well. Notice how inexpensive this is in the redline.

Then you can have some different army types, one based more on a Monstrous Infantry style, the others on two different approaches to a basic frontline + missile army with constructs in the flanks. Somewhat average in terms of redline skill usage now.

Finally, a few combinations with Bone Giants and an only monstrous infantry army for your pleasure, with double necrotect for those heals. Note the change between armies for the redline skill expense.

Remember that all armies can be different depending on Heralds, specific lord traits (from those Dinasties you get), so it leads to an incredible variety if you choose to try and use those traits into an army conception idea.


- Settra is a nice challenge; surrounded by enemies, and only one army for the initial turns. He can, however, overcome that and soon become very powerful, but expansion may be tricky at first.

- it is one of the factions that will have lots of different lords that have benefits for different units. I recall that I had nearly no armies that looked the same, which is great in terms of also some replay value.

- Their army has tons of good option for anti-large, so they have no issue with that.

Army consists of:

1 - Good infantry;

2 - Average missiles; (not counting Ushabti great bows here)

3 - Good artillery;

4 - Good Monstrous infantry and cavalry;

5 - Great single entities;

6 - Lacks some flyers;

7 - Weak early game units;

Replenishment is good, but climate is always an issue away from the desert. In other words, taking the desert should be the easy part. Away from it, you will suffer.

Now, serve no more, under Settra, the Imperishable!

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2940469728					

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