From New Player to Chief

From New Player to Chief

Before We Start

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Click on the pics to zoom.

The basics are for beginners to learn the basic elements of the game.

As experienced player you can skip the basics.

The First Steps chapter at the end of this guide is really recommended for beginners too.

The rest between, will give you an in depth look of the functions in the game.

I have to say sorry, English is not my native language so if you have corrections or suggestions please comment.


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Lets learn how to move and fight.

Default Key Use W Forward S Back A Left D Right C Crouch/ Hold to Hide LShift Sprint Space Roll F Interact G(Hold) Abilitys Z Drag LMB Fire RMB Aim R Reload Q Switch Camera 1(Hold) Weapons 2(Hold) Quick Item 3(Hold) War Party E(Hold) Quick Abilities Numpad Enter First/Third person Tab Menu/Map T Chat Caps Lock Auto-Travel

When you are holding c the enemy cant spot you so easy.

Tribe Basics

Now we learn wat the icons mean and do.

The Map

Click me to Zoom

First the interaction with the camp

Click me to Zoom

Travel To

You can fast travel from every camp or outpost to this camp.

You see how much time will past, until you arrive.

Put Items

You can Put from every camp or outpost items from you Inventory to this camp.

When you hold LShift and click on Put, the hole stack will go to the camp.

When you hold LAlt and click on Put, you will have to choose how many, you want to put to the camp.


Upgrade your camps to get access to more options and room for more warriors.

Smoke Signal

Needed when someone attacks your camp.


Will disband your camp dont forget your items.

When you place a map mark you can auto-travel on foot or with your horse to the location(Caps Lock).

You have learned the interaction with the camp now lets learn about interaction with your warriors

Click me to Zoom

Send to Attack

With this icon we can send warriors to attack.

In this example we send some warriors to attack

Fort Yuma, with a left click on the Prison sign.

Dont hurry here you have 2 important options.

Send them with horses or not and burn the target after clearing or not.

Here we can abort the attack so that the warriors go back to camp.

Send to Gather

We send in this example 3 warriors to hunt for meat, important is that they will stop hunting when they have no arrows anymore or room for meat.

We can abort this action too, like the attack from the previous example with a click on the little X

Send to Settle

With this icon we can send warriors to settle to a new camp, left click.

Rope and Wood is needed.

The warrior is on his way to the new camp nucowax.

Hes arrived, now we have a new camp.

Send to Tame Horses

With this icon we can send Warriors to tame horses, dont forget the hay bait.(crafted under the category bait)

Send to Patrol

With this icon we can send patrols out.

When your camp gets under attack, while your warriors are on patrol you can call them back by aborting the order or with the smoke signal.

Send to Other

With this icon you can move your warriors from camp to camp.

They can be attacked by enemys or animals on there way, so a horse will be fine.

Create War Party

With this icon you can create a war party.

Look for some healing for your warriors and of course ammo.


When you have too many warriors in the same camp, you will need to feed them with 10 meat per warrior and day(in this example 1), always check your camp capacity. When you have too many warriors in the same camp, send some to an other camp.

After learning the basics you should constantly working in getting better in all aspects of the game.

You have learned the basics go and play have fun or learn wat to do first when you jump in to a new game. (The First Steps down on the bottom of this guide) of course it will be the best when you read the rest of the guide too but that takes some time.


Lets see how the inventory system works.

Different inventorys

In the basics we have learned how and when to use the inventory.

But they are more than one kind of inventory.

The personal inventory

Thats is your own where everything that you collect or find will be stacked.

You dont have unlimited space depending on your skills, warpaints and start sign it varies.

The carrying capacity is the key factor here.

You can take,put and drop things to or from your inventory.

The camp inventory

It has unlimited space, so you can put everything in your main camp and distribute from there to needed locations.

The loot inventory

In every of you camps they are lootbags, you can put stuff in it if you dont wont to go the way with the Map.

The horse inventory

Important, use it when you go on a looting trip it can be upgraded.

The social inventory

Is needed for trading with other players.

Here you can take your social skill points (Take SP), but they are needed as example for war painst.

Lvl up your weight capacity this will help you when you are on a looting tour.


Dont do all the work all by yourself you are a chief, command, give orders.

Orders and Order sets Add an order

Lets give an order

In this example we give the order to gather wood.

100 Wood


Here we can cancel the order if needed.

We have given a second order, now we can change the priority as higher in the list so higher the priority.

Order sets

The orders that we have given can be saved to use them on other camps.

now we can use this set over and over again on other camps and dont have to do the micromanagement again.

Let you warriors do the daily gathering and crafting of simple weapons and health goodies.


Lets see how the crafting function works.


Relation between crafting and skill points.

Here we see how the crafting works.

Which material we need.

How long it takes until its crafted.

How many SP = Skill Points we need to learn new things and which materials we will need to craft them.

And where we find out how many SP we have.

You need sp to learn new recipes bear that in mind because you will maybe give all your sps for skills and cant learn new things to craft then.


Most of the skills are self-explanatory but some have some links to some mechanics that we should give a closer look.

To play this game without lvl up your skills will make it really hard.

Warrior Skills

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The best weapons wont help if you dont know how to use them properly.

The Warrior Skills

Bow Accuracy

This skill will let you shot much more precisely on higher lvl, look out arrow drop.

Pistol Accuracy

This skill will let you shot much more precisely on higher lvl, look out bullet drop.

Rifle Accuracy

This skill will let you shot much more precisely on higher lvl, look out again bullet drop.

Each lvl up gives you a better accuracy.

But always take care at the range of your weapon and his drop.

With lvl 1 you will only hit 1 of 4 times the center of your aim, so better lvl up.

Short Range


Long Range

Weapon Damage

On max lvl you have 100% more dmg, that means double dmg as normal.

Not with the Knife!


Lvl up gives you a bigger range and more tomahawks.


Lvl up gives you a bigger range, like the tomahawk, is the spear a one shot kill.

Heal Wounds

Lvl up gives you more % of manual healing.


Lvl up gives you more health.

Health Regeneration

Restores slowly your health, lvl up for faster healing.

Backpack Capacity

Lvl up for a higher weight lvl.


Lvl up gives you more stamina.

Stamina Regeneration

Lvl up gives you a faster stamina regeneration.




Heal Wounds

This are abilities that you have to choose with

Hold E and use them with Hold G

Scout Skills

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To see your enemy before he can see you is very important.

Scout Skills


You can mark enemys, with higher lvl faster marking.


You can longer sprint with higher lvl.

Improved Grab

Lvl up to grab enemys with higher health %

Improved Intimidation

With higher lvl you can faster intimidate enemys.

Improved Stone

You can one hit knock out enemys.

Detect Enemys

When you lvl up the ability the detection distance increase.

Reveal terretory

Higher lvl increase your map sight.



Improved Stone

Detect Enemys

This are abilities that you have to choose with

Hold E and use them with Hold G

Chief Skills

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This skills will have an impact on your whole tribe.

Chief Skills

Tribe Gathering

Higher lvl increase the gathering of your warriors.

Improved Hunting

Higher lvl allows your warriors to find rare materials.

Improved Gathering

Higher lvls allows your warriors to find rare plants.

Clean Reputation

Sets your karma back on neutral that makes it easyer to recruit new camps.


Lvl up to increase the number of warriors when new ones arrive.

Warriors Weight

Higher lvls increase the weight that your warriors have

needed to give them more ammo or heavyer weapons.

To invest early some sp into your chief skills will make you progress faster and easier.

Hunter Skills

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Needed to get more materials from gathering and hunting.

Hunter Skills


Higher lvls increase the amount of meat and sinew that you get by hunting.


Higher lvls increase the amount of materials that you collect.


Each lvl increase your knife dmg.


Lvl up to increase the % of getting pelts.


Higher lvl increase the chance of getting rare plant parts.


Gives you the ability to slow down the time when aiming.


With each lvl up you get harder to spot in thegrass.


Lvl up to higher the chance to catch a common fish.

Fishing Mastery

Each lvl decreases the chance of scaring fish.



This is an ability that you have to choose with

Hold E and will slow down the time when you aim.

Starting Name And Starting Location

The names will change every month.

The actual ones are :













Starting location

Normal will let you start in the north of the map

Hard in the middle of the map

Insane in the south of the map

When you start a new game check the new names and wat is positive and wat they bring negative to your new start.

Dont forget the bonuses as example more health points are cumulative to them you can get in the game so you can have more health then nomaly possible.


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Like little camps, from where you can fast travel or send your loot to other camps.


Not a big deal but also important.

You can save or rest and save(12 h later) but only when no enemy is near the outpost.

Careful dont break up the game while is loading or saving, this can kill your save game.

When You Get Stuck

Can happens when you upgrade you camp and boom, you are inside a new tent and cant go out.

When you get Stuck

Fast travel

It will work when you are near an outpost or a camp.


Your last chance, but it costs.

Dont stay in a camp when you upgrade it or you can get stuck in a tent.

Arrow Fishing

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In some areas of the game there is not much to hunt but to fish.

Arrow Fishing

On many spots, you will see sometimes that some fish is jumping out of the water, thats your chance to get some fish.

Only with bow and arrow you can get the fish.

When you lvl up the skill fishing mastery you wont scare other fish when you kill one.

You can catch different kind of fish on different locations.


Lets take a look at Baits.



Meat baits

You can use them for hunting (carnivores) or to bring some trouble to enemy camps.

Hay bait

Needed to heal your horse or for send your warriors to tame new ones.

Grass baits

Makes the hunting (herbivores) easyer.

Sound baits

Great to make some ambushs.

Baits makes hunting a lot easier and can bring your enemies a little surprise.


Lets take a look at Traps.



Bush Hideout

Great to get closer to enemy camps or to hide the other traps.

Paralizing traps

Will paralize your enemys but can been seen by them.

Poisoned Traps

Will poison your enemies but can been seen by them.

Spiked Traps

Will hurt your enemies but can been seen by them.

Road Block

Perfect for wagon ambushs the driver will get off his wagon to destroy the trap thats your chance.

Gunpowder charges

Needed to open closed fort doors ore to blow some guys up.

Hide and use a combination of baits and traps to get rid of a bunch of enemies.


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They are important for the late game.


You can find them mostly in citys and forts but also sometimes in wagons or by leaders.

After you have learn them, you can craft this upgraded weapons.

Weapons are classified as Low, Regular, or High Quality the durability and damage that the weapon deals grows with the quality class.

War Paints

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Can be a game changer.

War paints

Different war paints give different boni and when you use the whole set (hair,head and body) you get a bigger bonus.


In the store you can buy new war paints in different qualities. You can use them then in every of your campaigns.


That is cosmetic and gives you the possibility to change some equipment and jewellery.

Social sp and trading tokens you can get by killing named (from other players) npcs ore by social trading(tokens) of course.


To understand how the karma system works and what are the changes do, karma is fundamental.


Neutral karma

Thats how you start.

Gives you the good chance of recruting new camps, can be set back to this state by using the Clean Reputation ability.

Blue (good +) karma

When you intimidate people, free some land or do some quests then you get + good karma points.

Red (bad -) karma

When you kill farm animals, ppl or their horses you get - bad karma points.

They are some changes that happens when you play with + or - karma.

Good Bad cheap prices (trader) expensive prices (trader) few prisoners more prisoners more warriors join less warriors join

The recruiting is different when you have + karma you can easy recruit camps

but when you have - karma you have to make something to get the recruitment(example free prisoners).

Kill,Stun,Intimidate Or Interrogate

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How its works and why to use them.


They are alot of options how you can kill.

Not always go in all guns blazing is the best.

Using of baits or traps can be a massive help when you try to solo a fort.

Explosives and sound baits can let you force the enemy out of his position.

If you do a red karma playthrough killing will be your first choice in many situations.


Stones, special arrows or hand to hand, you can knock out people mostly easy and it gives you all options how to let it end.

For karma + and karma - you decide.


When you make a karma + playthrough or want to get the max sp then this is your choice.

After the enemy wakes up he will be confused and will run away, no danger anymore he cant attack you.


The best option get the enemy leader and he sings for you, sometimes for a quest or for more infos about the enemy progression, this should always be an option for you.

How you end it is your decision karma + or - both possible.

But this way you will always be ahead of your enemy.

Interrogation will be a key factor, get the leaders, get as much infos as possible.

Dirty Warfare

Most times its better to be dirty then dead.

Dirty Warfare


You can sneak in an enemy camp and poison their food.

You can choose from many kinds of poisons, take a look at your crafting section.

Poisoned groceries

Of course you can put some poisoned groceries in some enemy camps or wagons too.


You can blow your enemies up with some gunpowder in their kitchens or campfires(turn it off first).

Take care to not put poisoned groceries into your camps or your warriors will eat them and die.


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You get a lot of sp and can clear a whole sector with some of the quests.


We make this quest to show how the quests are look like.

We can see on the map where the target is.

We can see on the compass too where we need to go.

Always read carefully what you have to do with the target.


Quest completed and we got the reward.

And the enemy left the whole sector, so we only need to settle here and burn his empty camps, so we can free the whole sector.

Every time when the enemy knocks you out, he will loot you and you get a new revenge quest.

But careful you have lose some skill too, and the enemy has lvl up.

The most other quests, you will get them by finding letters(looting) or Interrogate enemies.

Making quests can let you progress a lot faster than when you free the sector by burning camp after camp.


Can really makes the game a lot easier especially at the beginning.


Trading post

They are big ones with many traders and some with lonely traders, but they all have something to trade.

You can exchange your stuff and get early good guns or some coins, your karma has an impact how much you get.

Social trading

After putting stuff in your social inventory you can sell it or go and buy stuff with your tokens.

Keep looking sometimes you can make a bargain by the npcs and the social traders.

Your Connections Between Campaigns

When you start a new campaign you can help yourself.

Your connections between campaigns


You can send items from your other campaign to your new one.

Lets send our old camp a mail.

Check the name.

Lets attach an item.

From mine personal inventory 1 wood.

Dont forget the letter topic.

It was sended.

We can delete it.

Now we have changed to the old campaign and take the items.

Choose where to send the item.

And take it.

When you start a new insane game, it will help you alot to send yourself some stuff from your older campaigns.


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Without, you have to walk a lot.


At the beginning of your game you have to choose which of the horses you wanna bond.

After that you can make some cosmetic choices and name your horse.

Different names are giving you an other bonus.

Then your journey with your new horse begins, upgrade it, it will learn to follow you and can carry more weight.

Dont forget that you can sneak while you are on horseback.

When you have to leave your horse maybe because you had to steal a wagon then fast travel and it will meet you at your destination.


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The wildlife has some nice carnivores and herbivores for you to meet.











Most of the animals will give you meat and materials, but take care not all are friendly(red ones).

Use baits to get them where you want them to be for the deadly game.


Know your enemy then you cant lose a battle.



The most common enemy especially at the beginning of the game mostly 1-4 ppl.

Low dmg weapons and not the best shooters but can be deadly if you are not careful.

Wagon crew

If you get them in an ambush, they will try to flee, weapons and awareness like the settlers but can have up to 12 ppl. Underrate them and you can die easily.

Calvary members

Dont think that will be easy, this guys have high health and good weapons the awareness is also high.

When you accidentally meet them you have a problem, they can have patrols with up to 20 ppl.

Soldiers and Leaders

You can identify this guys easily, they wear a hat and have a star icon if they are a leader. This are the best they have the best weapons and awareness, health and dmg is on the highest lvl. This guys have mostly good information so sneaky is the best option.

If you meet accidentally a group of them better run fast. Only go with a plan and good weapons into an open fight with them.

Fighting against an enemy is more a fight against yourself,

Dont rush, dont move into bad positions, dont force something, be patient, use the night, ambush, cut off the supply lines, lvl up yourself and your warriors.


The logistic of the enemy, his achilles heel.


Farm wagons

This one will be the most common, hit them hard, ambush them, poison their groceries or take the wagons to your camp to disassemble them.

Post wagons

When you need good weapons this is your deal. This guys driving a lot nice stuff in their back, so always a good target.

Prison wagons

Always good to free some of your warriors,

dont wait get them.

The key is by one of the guards.

Prison wagon opening.

Disassemble a wagon in your camp.

When you disassemble a wagon you get everything from the wagon inventory and materials too.

You dont need to loot it manually it goes all to your camp inventory.

Enemy Facilities

The backbone of your enemy.

Enemy Facilities


You find maybe 5 enemys here and a leader, all options are on the table.

Forrest bivouac

Careful, can have 10 ppl or more sneaky will be recommended.


Come at night and try it sneaky, can have alot ppl over 20.


Mostly 10 enemies can be harsh when you try to open fight them.


The ultimate test, take a look maybe you need some explosives for the gate.


A lot of enemies, well armed but when you get them it will weak the whole region.

Mining camp

The enemies have gold, it has a high value when you go to a trader with it, 5-10 ppl.

Come prepared dont rush take your time.

Towns can get support from patrols or farmers so retreat is an option then when you get knocked out the enemy gets stronger.

War Party

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For bigger attacks or as support for an ambush, use them.

War party

In the basics you have learned hot to create a war party, here we take a look at the commands.

Hold 3 for the war party commands.

Open fire/ Fire back

When you give them the order, open fire they shot on every target in sight.

Fire back is more needed for ambushes or travelling.


Mark a place or a target and your warriors move to it and attack.

Follow me

Your warriors are following you.

When you travel is this the normal command you give.

Mirror me

Your warriors do wat you do, used when you scout, try to sneak to an enemy, or hide.


If your warriors have horses, mounting or dismounting.


They will stand up.


They will crouch.

Loot ammo/ Heal

Your warriors heal themself or loot for ammo by dead enemies.

Send to nearest camp

You warriors go home.

All squads

The current order for all squads.

Current order

How many and wat your squad members do.


Here you can see which weapons, health, stance,set 1/2, how much ammo and if they have something for healing.

Dont lead wounded warriors without ammo or something to heal into a fight.

Give them good weapons and different ones in all ranges.

Dont forget you can lvl them up when you give them groceries to eat.


Without burning their camps you wont make progress in freeing your land.


Before you burn a place you need to kill all enemies and the best is to loot everything.

Clear the area

However you do it, sneaky or with fire and arrow.

Kill or not, you need to get them all.


After looting use the ability to burn it down.


You will, believe me after a hard fight you will.

They wont come back

That is the most important reason why to do it.

Night attacks are the best, some forts will close their gates so you need some explosives.

Burn all camps of your enemies only so you will free your land.

To get the controll over the sector you need of course to make your own camp in the sector.

Tips And Tricks

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Here are all the tips and tricks from this guide with some expansions.

Tips and Tricks

When you are holding c the enemy cant spot you so easy.

When you place a map mark you can auto-travel on foot or with your horse to the location(Caps Lock).

After learning the basics you should constantly working in getting better in all aspects of the game.

Lvl up your weight capacity this will help you when you are on a looting tour.

Let you warriors do the daily gathering and crafting of simple weapons and health goodies.

You need sp to learn new recipes bear that in mind because you will maybe give all your sps for skills and cant learn new things to craft then.

To play this game without lvl up your skills will make it really hard.




Heal Wounds

This are abilities that you have to choose with

Hold E and use them whit Hold G



Improved Stone

Detect Enemys

This are abilities that you have to choose with

Hold E and use them whit Hold G

To invest early some sp into your chief skills will make you progress faster and easier.



This is an ability that you have to choose with

Hold E and will slow down the time when you aim.

When you start a new game check the new names and wat is positive and wat they bring negative to your new start.

Dont forget the bonuses as example more health points are cumulative to them you can get in the game so you can have more health then nomaly possible.

Careful dont break up the game while is loading or saving, this can kill your save game.

Dont stay in a camp when you upgrade it or you can get stuck in a tent.

You can catch different kind of fish on different locations.

Baits makes hunting a lot easier and can bring your enemies a little surprise.

Hide and use a combination of baits and traps to get rid of a bunch of enemies.

Weapons are classified as Low, Regular, or High Quality the durability and damage that the weapon deals grows with the quality class.

Social sp and trading tokens you can get by killing named (from other players) npcs ore by social trading(tokens) of course.

The recruiting is different when you have + karma you can easy recruit camps

but when you have - karma you have to make something to get the recruitment(example free prisoners).

Interrogation will be a key factor, get the leaders, get as much infos as possible.

Take care to not put poisoned groceries into your camps or your warriors will eat them and die.

Making quests can let you progress a lot faster than when you free the sector by burning camp after camp.

Keep looking sometimes you can make a bargain by the npcs and the social traders.

When you start a new insane game, it will help you alot to send yourself some stuff from your older campaigns.

When you have to leave your horse maybe because you had to steal a wagon then fast travel and it will meet you at your destination.

Use baits to get them where you want them to be for the deadly game.

Fighting against an enemy is more a fight against yourself,

Dont rush, dont move into bad positions, dont force something, be patient, use the night, ambush, cut off the supply lines, lvl up yourself and your warriors.

When you disassemble a wagon you get everything from the wagon inventory and materials too.

You dont need to loot it manually it goes all to your camp inventory.

Come prepared dont rush take your time.

Towns can get support from patrols or farmers so retreat is an option then when you get knocked out the enemy gets stronger.

Dont lead wounded warriors without ammo or something to heal into a fight.

Give them good weapons and different ones in all ranges.

Dont forget you can lvl them up when you give them groceries to eat.

Night attacks are the best, some forts will close their gates so you need some explosives.

Burn all camps of your enemies only so you will free your land.

To get the controll over the sector you need of course to make your own camp in the sector.

When you need more warriors look out for prison camps, stun an enemy and kill the rest, loot and free the warriors come after some time back and do it again but let one enemy alive.

Bows are the fastest weapons headshots are deadly and you cant hear them really, one of the best weapons in this game.

When you see a farm, poison the groceries ore burn the farm down, dont let the enemy lvl up.

Groceries are heavy, you can use a stolen wagon to transport them to your camp.

When you need help ask in the ingame chat (T) and help others.

Enjoy the game.

The First Steps

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So you have read the basics and now you need some advice.

Of course reading the whole guide would help, but thats not why you have jumped right down here.

So lets start.

The First Steps

After you have make the quick ingame tutorial you have a bow, some arrows and a horse.

You need a better weapon, the hunting bow is for the first hours the best choice.

Take more than one with you, they break.

One of the best skills at the beginning is, if you wanna go into fights the Improved Stone.

Attack the small woodcutter camps, try it sneaky get some sp.

To kill will only gives you the half amount of sp, when you let them run the full amount of sp.

But maybe you wanna kill all because you make a red karma playthrough, its ok but makes it harder for you, the awareness will grow and the patrols will come.

Get some warriors and let them make bows, arrows and buckbrush tea, dont forget the hay baits for your horse.

Look for some warpaint that help you with your stats.

The start can be chaotic if you have chosen the insane or hard start, and kill all.

After some expansions and some new camps, something will change.

You will come to a point where you get attacked the whole time, fast travel from camp to camp defend and then go for the towns and forts were the troops are coming from.

Burn them down(hold e and choose).

Every time you get knocked out the enemy gets stronger, loots your stuff and you lose some skill.

By all of this, dont forget to save and to use outposts(you cant use them when an animal or enemies are nearby).

Lvl up yourself, your camps and your horse.

You have done it ?

Then you have survived your first hours (maybe time for some quests), the rest is your thing enjoy and have fun.

You dont understand a mechanic of the game ? ask in the ingame chat (T) or read the rest of this guide.

Good luck and have fun.

Thx For Reading

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Thx for reading my guide.

The game is in EA so there will be some changes to the game and to this guide.

If you have corrections or suggestions please comment.

I hope you enjoy the game and we see us in the social chat.


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