NPCs: Rick And Friederich
This is an introduction of the npc mentioned in this guide.
Note: you have to invest goldus to perform some actions, that suck but that's how it work. The game still in early access, so hopefully, that will change.
Rick is the NPC who can reinforce your equipment with the crafting resources (mainly slormites), and craft slormites.
Friederich is the NPC who can reforge stats and scores with slormandrites and slormelines, and craft those resources with fragments.
Resources: Slormite, Slormandrite, Slormeline And Fragments
First, let's look at this stash, we can find 4 types of crafting items.
-The first group (red) are slormites, you can use those items to Rick Manalan for item reinforcement.
-The second group (blue) are slormandrite, you can use those items to reforge the item special stats (or in the case of the slormandrite of fate, to reforge any stat) with Friederich or you can get bonus chance in different reinforcement stats when you reinforce an item with Rick.
-The third group (violet) are slormeline, you need those items to reforge stats or scores,for the last one you need the slormandrite of fate. If you use it with rick, it increase the chance of successful reinforcemente.
-The last group (green) are fragments, you can get those via drop, scrap items for fragments with Friederich or buy them from Jemma. You can go to Friederich to turn fragments into slormeline or slormandrite.
From left to right:
-of aptitude
-of harmony
-of fate
-of virtue
-of negation
-of true potential
(Fragments use the same color code)
From left to right:
Rick: Reinforcement And Slormite Merge
When you go to Rick, you have 2 tabs.
-The first tab is the reinforcement. When you see this tab, you have 5 values and 5 slots.
Potential: the base success rate, you fill this bar by gaining exp with the item equiped. You don't need to fill this stat to reinforce an item, but it's recomended.
Critical reinforcement: the chance of getting +15% stats in a successful critical reinforcement.
Double reinforcement: the chance of reinforce the selected equipment twice.
Failure: it's the chance of failing a reinforcement, this value is multiplier (ex: if you have a 80% success rate and 50% failure, the final number is 40%).
Calculated success rate: when i mention this value, is the one on the right, it shows the final succes rate.
Equipment (Top left): there's not much to say about this one, you drop the equipment you want to reinforce.
Slormite (Top right): In this slot you can drop any slormite, different tiers have different bonus/penalty depending of the reinforcement tier of your equipment. You can only use one unit.
Tier Critical (%) Double (%)(rounded down) Failure (%) item tier = Slormite 10 4,5 0 item tier > Slormite 10 4,5 50 per - tier* item tier < Slormite 10 + (10 per + tier) 4,5 + (4,5 per + tier) 0
*This value can exceed the 100%, but the game will not display the excess
-Slormite merge and Reinforcement base cost
Slormite tier Slormite merge cost Normal Magic Rare Epic Legendary 0 2 29 37 44 118 176 1 5 59 74 88 235 353 2 10 118 147 176 470 706 3 20 235 294 353 941 1411 4 39 470 588 706 1882 2822 5 78 941 1176 1411 3763 5645 6 157 1882 2352 2822 7526 45158 7 314 3763 4704 5645 15053 90317 8 627 7526 9408 11290 30106 180634 9 1254 15053 18816 22579 60211 361267 10 2509 30106 37632 45158 120422 180634 11 5018 60211 75264 90317 240845 361267 12 10035 x x x x x 13 20070 x x x x x 14 40141 x x x x x
Extras: The last 3 slots are optionals, but they can help with the reinforcement stats, you can use slormandrites or slormelines, with different effects. You can use 3 differents slormandrites and slormelines in any quantity. Adding items in those slots will increase the price of the reinforcement.
-Slormandrites effect
Slormandrite Effect of aptitude +5% Critical reinforcement
+3% Critical potential (i think this affect the bonus from critical reinforcement, i need to test that). of harmony -1% failure chance. of fate +1% Reinforcement chance, Critical reinforcement, Critical potential, Double reinforcement, and failure (yup, 1% of each) of virtue +5% Double reinforcement
+3% failure of negation The slormite is not consumed if the reinforcement fail. of true potential The potential of the item will not be reseted if the reinforcement fail.
-Slormandrite added cost per unit
Slormandrite Cost of aptitude +241~242 of harmony +231~232 of fate +154~155 of virtue +250~251 of negation +523 of true potential +3940~3941
-Slormeline effect
Slormeline tier Reinforcement chance Normal +0.1% Magic +0.5% Rare +2% Epic +15% Legendary +75%
Note: these bonus are aditive to the final calculated value
-Slormeline added cost per unit
Item tier Cost Normal +49 Magic +210 Rare +948 Epic +7585 Legendary +37926
Note: the cost is the same for all slormelines tiers, what change is the tier of the item.
-The second tab, is the slormite merge, you can merge different tiers of slormites using 3 of the slormites of the previous tier (tier 1 need 3 tier 0, tier 2 need 3 tier 1, etc), except the tier 0, this tier need 25 normal and 10 magic fragments.
Friederich: Reforge, Salvage, Resource Craft And Filter-o-tron 3000 Mk.II
When you talk to Friederich you have 4 tabs
With this option, you can personalize your equipment, you can take any equipment and upgrade the tier (normal->magic->rare->epic->legendary).
Reforge have multiple options depending of the tier of the item.
You can find the posible stats in the next sections
Non special stats
Reforge all scores 1x Slormandrite of fate Reroll the unlocked scores of non special stats (including legendaries scores) Reforge (tier) scores 1x (tier) slormeline and 1x Slormandrite of fate Only reroll the (tier) unlocked score Reforge (tier) stats 1x (tier) slormeline Reroll the stat of that tier Lock (name of the stat and score) 3x (tier) slormeline The locked stat and score can't be rerolled Unock (name of the stat and score) 9x (tier) slormeline Unlock the locked stat, now that stat and score can be rerolled Add (next tier) stats 5x (next tier) slormeline Upgrade the tier of the item
Special stats
Unlike the non special stats, these stats are not influenced by the item level.
Action Resource Effect Add reaper stats 5x Slormandrite of harmony Gives your equipment a random slorm reaper stat and level modifier Reforge reaper scores 1x Slormandrite of harmony and 1x Slormandrite of fate Reroll the score of thereapersmith level modifier (Up to 5 levels) Reforge reaper stats 1x Slormandrite of harmony Change the reapersmith modifier* Add mastery stats 5x Slormandrite of aptitude Gives your equipment a random mastery stat and level modifier. Reforge mastery scores 1x Slormandrite of aptitude and 1x Slormandrite of fate Reroll the score of the mastery level modifier (Up to 2 levels) Reforge mastery stats 1x Slormandrite of harmony Change the skill affected by the level modifier Add atribute stat 5x Slormandrite of virtue Gives your equipment a random atribute stat modifier and score Reforge atribute scores 1x Slormandrite of virtue and 1x Slormandrite of fate Reroll the score of the atribute stat modifier (Up to 3 levels) Reforge atribute stats 1x Slormandrite of virtue Change the atribute affected by the modifier
Note: these stats can't be locked, but can't be rerolled by reroll all. Also, they can be added in any item, ignoring the tier.
Note about the mastery: If you use an equipment with mastery bonus, let's say the mage, with arcane breach, if you use the same item with the knight, that mastery will change to wirlwind, because they're learned in the same level, it's the same with the specializations.This change with the character and it's not permanent.
Action Resource Effect Update item level 1x Slormandrite of true potentiale Increase the level of the item by 1 Extract slormite 1x Slormandrite of negation Turn the item into slorm*
*This function only work for legendaries. I never used this option so i don't know how's the exchage rate, i can't tell if it's faster to farm slorm via expedition or farming legendaries.
Turn items into fragments from their respective tier, you can use the hamer icon with the tier color to savage all non equiped items from that tier, for the legendaries, you have to drop the item manually.
Resource merge
Each slormeline require 100 fragments with the same tier, EX: normal need 100 normal fragments, magic use 100 magic fragments, etc.
Slormeline tier Cost Normal 33 Magic 140 Rare 632 Epic 5057 Legendary 25284
Item Fragments Goldus of fate 100x normal and 50x magic 103 of negation 100x normal and 50x rare 349 of true potential 300x normal and 50x epic 2626 of aptitude 200x normal, 50x magic and 4x rare 161 of harmony 200x normal, 50x magic and 3x rare 154 of virtue 200x normal, 50x magic and 5x rare 167
There's not much to say about this, but it's a time saver. You can turn dropped items into goldus, fragments or nothing and select the exceptions, without having to return with the full inventory to Jemma or Friederich.
Stats: Basics
Equipments have 5 different tiers, normal, magic, rare, epic.
Legendary is a different classification, an item can be normal/magic/rare/epic and legendary at the same time.
Each tier, come with stats of the same and the previous tiers.
Each item can have up to 2 normal (Rings, amulets, belts and cape have 1, the rest have 2), 1 magic, 1 rare, 3 epic, 1 legendary stat, 1 slorm reaper modifier (up to +5 levels), 1 mastery modifier (up to +2 levels) and 1 atribute modifier (up to +3 points).
Stats: Growth
as stated in the patch 0.2
"Reinforcement now offers diminshing returns. +1 Reinforcement gives a +15% bonus, +2 gives +14% bonus, up to +15 and above granting a +1% bonus to the Reinforced stat.
That is instead of the former Reinforcement that granted +15% bonus to stats, at any Reinforcement level."
This bonus is accumulative. That mean when you reinforce an item to 2, the next bonus is 29% (15%+14%) of the base stats. When you go past the 14 reinforcement, the rest of the reinforcement will add 1% to that bonus.
Also, this growth use the real stat value, stats in % are rounded to every 0,5% (except the leech stats).
"Yep, this is because internally, the game don't store the value as "12%" but rather a value from 1 to 100
Meaning that with the rounded value, the game shows you 12%, but in reality it's more like 11.9 (i don't know the exact value, but u get the point)
And therefore the multiplicative bonus of reinforcement don't give the exact same value"
Looking at the minion damage, all those items have the same base value. But all helmets have the same growth but the cape have a little bit more. All those bonus are from 0 to 1 reinforcement. That mean the cape have different real value.
Stats: Helmet
Stat Score Armor 224~320 Elemental damage 157~224 Elemental resistance 168~240 Evasion 235~336 Mana regeneration 67~96 Max life 381~544 Max mana 515~736 Minion increased damage 8,5%~12% Thorns damage 78~112
Stat Score All damage reduction 1%~1,5% Ancestral strike chance 2%~2,5% Ancestral strike damage 18%~26% Area increased effect 5,5%~8% Area increased size 5,5%~8% Armor(Flat) 144~208 Armor(%) 5,5%~8% Damage overtime 7%~10,5% Elemental damage(Flat) 101~146 Elemental damage(%) 2%~2,5% Elemental penetration 11%~15,5% Elemental resistance(Flat) 108~156 Elemental resistance(%) 5,5%~8% Elite damage reduction 3,5%~5% Evasion(Flat) 151~218 Evasion(%) 3,5%~5% Inner fire chance 14,5%~21% Inner fire damage 21,5%~31% Inner fire duration 14,5%~21% Life regeneration 22~31 Life on hit 4~5 Mana regeneration(Flat) 43~62 Mana regeneration(%) 7%~10,5% Mana on hit 7~10 Mana on kill 26~42 Max life(Flat) 245~354 Max life(%) 3,5%~5% Max mana(Flat) 331~478 Max mana(%) 3,5%~5% Melee damage reduction 2,5%~4% Minion increased damage 5,5~8 Projectile damage reduction 2,5%~4% Rebound chance 5,5%~8% Thorm damage(Flat) 50~73 Thorm damage(%) 3,5%~5%
Stats: Amulets
Stat Score Armor 8,5%~12% Elemental damage 3%~4% Elemental resistance 8,5%~12% Evasion 5,5%~8% Magic item quality 3%~4% Magic item quantity 3%~4% Mana regeneration 67~96 Max life 5,5%~8% Max mana 5,5%~8% Minion increased damage 8,5%~12% Raw damage 3%~4% Retaliation 33,5%~48%
Stat Score Ancestral strike chance 2%~2,5% Area damage reduction 2,5%~4% Area increased effect 5,5%~8% Area increased size 5,5%~8% Armor(Flat) 144~208 Armor(%) 5,5%~8% Armor penetration 11%~15,5% Attack speed 5,5%~8% Aura increased effect 7%~10,5% Critical strike chance 2%~2,5% Damage overtime 7%~10,5% Elemental damage(Flat) 101~146 Elemental damage(%) 2%~2,5% Elemental resistance(Flat) 108~156 Elemental resistance(%) 5,5%~8% Evasion(Flat) 151~218 Evasion(%) 3,5%~5% Fragments find 5,5%~8% Magic items quality 2%~2,5% Magic items quantity 2%~2,5% Mana regeneration(Flat) 43~62 Mana regeneration(%) 7%~10,5% Max life(Flat) 245~354 Max life(%) 3,5%~5% Max mana(Flat) 331~478 Max mana(%) 3,5%~5% Minion increased damage 5,5~8 Movement speed 3,5%~5% Raw damage(Flat) 50~73 Raw damage(%) 2%~2,5% Retaliation 21,5%~31% Tenacity 7%~10,5% Thorn damage 3,5%~5% Increased totem effect 11%~15,5%
Stats: Armor
Stat Score Armor(Flat) 224~320 Armor(%) 8,5%~12% Elemental damage 257~224 Elemental resistance(Flat) 168~240 Elemental resistance(%) 8,5%~12% Evasion(Flat) 235~336 Evasion(%) 5,5%~8% Max life 381~544 Max mana 515~736 Raw damage 78~112 Thorn damage 78~112
Stat Score All damage reduction 1%~1,5% Area damage reduction 2,5%~4% Armor(Flat) 144~208 Armor(%) 5,5%~8% Armor penetration 11%~15,5% Elemental damage(Flat) 101~146 Elemental damage(%) 2%~2,5% Elemental resistance(Flat) 108~156 Elemental resistance(%) 5,5%~8% Evasion(Flat) 151~218 Evasion(%) 3,5%~5% Life regeneration(Flat) 22~31 Life regeneration(%) 5,5%~8% Life on hit 4~5 Life on kill 29~42 Mana regeneration(Flat) 43~62 Mana on hit 7~10 Max life(Flat) 245~354 Max life(%) 3,5%~5% Max mana(Flat) 331~478 Max mana(%) 3,5%~5% Melee damage reduction 2,5%~4% Melee Recast chance 5,5%~8% Projectile damage reduction 2,5%~4% Raw damage(Flat) 50~73 Retaliation 21,5%~31% Thorn damage(Flat) 50~73 Thorn damage(%) 3,5%~5%
Stats: Cape
Stat Score All damage reduction 1,5%~2% Armor 224~320 Attack speed 8,5%~12% Aura increased effect 11%~16% Damage overtime 11%~16% Elemental resistance 168~240 Evasion 235~336 Experience gain 8,5%~12% Goldus 8,5%~12% Life regeneration 34~48 Magic item quality 3%~4% Magic item quantity 3%~4% Mana regeneration 67~96 Max life 381~544 Max mana 515~736 Minion increased damage 8,5%~12% Movement speed 5,5%~8% Slorm find 8,5%~12%
Stat Score All damage reduction 1%~1,5% Area increased effect 5,5%~8% Area increased size 5,5%~8% Armor 144~208 Attack speed 5,5%~8% Aura increased effect 7%~10,5% Damage overtime 7%~10,5% Damage to elite 9%~13% Elemental resistance 108~156 Evasion 151~218 Experience gain 5,5%~8% Fork chance 3,5%~5% Fragment find 5,5%~8% Goldus find 5,5%~8% Inner fire chance 14,5%~21% Life regeneration(Flat) 22~31 Life regeneration(%) 5,5%~8% Magic item quality 2%~2,5% Magic item quantity 2%~2,5% Mana regeneration(Flat) 43~62 Mana regeneration(%) 7%~10,5% Max life(Flat) 245~354 Max life(%) 3,5%~5% Max mana(Flat) 331~478 Max mana(%) 3,5%~5% Minion increased damage 5,5~8 Movement speed 3,5%~5% Overdrive chance 7%~10,5% Rebound chance 5,5%~8% Retaliation 21,5%~31% Slorm find 5,5%~8% Tenacity 7%~10,5% Totem increased effect 11%~15,5%
Stats: Belt
Stat Score All damage reduction 1,5%~2% Ancient strike chance 3%~4% Ancient strike damage 28%~40% Armor 224~320 Aura increased effect 11%~16% Critical strike chance 3%~4% Critical strike damage 17%~24% Elemental damage 157~224 Elemental resistance 168~240 Evasion 235~336 Movement speed 5,5%~8% Raw damage 78~112 Thorns damage 78~112
Stat Score All damage reduction 1%~1,5% Ancient strike chance 2%~2,5% Ancient strike damage 18%~26% Area increased effect 5,5%~8% Area increased size 5,5%~8% Armor 144~208 Armor penetration 11%~15,5% Aura increased effect 7%~10,5% Critical strike chance 2%~2,5% Critical strike damage 11%~15,5% Damage to elite 9%~13% Elemental Damage 101~146 Elemental resistance 108~156 Elite damage reduction 3,5%~5% Evasion 151~218 Inner fire chance 14,5%~21% Inner fire damage 21,5%~31% Inner fire duration 14,5%~21% Life regeneration 5,5%~8% Movement speed 3,5%~5% Overdrive chance 7%~10,5% Overdrive damage 16%~23,5% Raw damage 50~73 Rebound chance 5,5%~8% Retaliation 21,5%~31% Thorn damage 50~73 Thorn damage 3,5%~5% Totem increased effect 11%~15,5%
Stat: Shoulder
Stat Score Armor 224~320 Attack speed 8,5%~12% Elemental damage 157~224 Elemental resistance 168~240 Evasion 235~336 Raw damage 78~112 Retaliation 33,5%~48% Thorns damage 78~112
Stat Score Armor 144~208 Armor penetration 11%~15,5% Attack speed 5,5%~8% Damage to elite 9%~13% Elemental Damage 101~146 Elemental resistance(Flat) 108~156 Elemental resistance(%) 5,5%~8% Evasion(Flat) 151~218 Evasion(%) 3,5%~5% Fork 3,5%~5% Inner fire chance 14,5%~21% Inner fire damage 21,5%~31% Inner fire duration 14,5%~21% Max life 235~354 Max life 3,5%~5% Max mana 331~478 Max mana 3,5%~5% Melee recast chance 5,5%~8% Pierce 3,5%~5% Raw damage(Flat) 50~73 Raw damage(%) 2%~2,5% Retaliation 21,5%~31% Thorn damage 50~73 Thorn damage 3,5%~5%
Stats: Bracer
Stat Score Ancestral strike chance 3%~4% Armor 224~320 Attack speed 8,5%~12% Critical strike chance 3%-4% Elemental damage 157~224 Elemental resistance 168~240 Evasion 235~336 Raw damage 78~112
Stat Score Ancestral strike chance 2%~2,5% Ancestral strike Damage 11%~15,5% Armor 144~208 Attack speed 5,5%~8% Critical strike chance 2%~2,5% Critical strike Damage 11%~15,5% Damage to elite 9%~13% Elemental Damage 101~146 Elemental resistance 108~156 Evasion 151~218 Fork 3,5%~5% Mana leech 0,36%~0,52% Mana on hit 7~10 Melee damage reduction 2,5%~4% Melee recast chance 5,5%~8% Overdrive chance 7%~10,5% Overdrive damage 16%~23,5% Pierce 3,5%~5% Projectile speed 9%~13% Raw damage(Flat) 50~73 Raw damage(% 2%~2,5%
Stats: Gloves
Stat Score Ancestral strike damage 28%~40% Armor 224~320 Attack speed 8,5%~12% Critical strike damage 17%~24% Elemental damage 157~224 Elemental resistance 168~240 Evasion 235~336 Raw damage 78~112
Stat Score Ancestral strike chance 2%~2,5% Ancestral strike Damage 11%~15,5% Increased area of effect 5,5%~8% Increased area size 5,5%~8% Armor 144~208 Critical strike chance 2%~2,5% Critical strike Damage 11%~15,5% Elemental Damage(Flat) 101~146 Elemental Damage(%) 2%~2,5% Elemental penetration 11%~15,5% Elemental resistance 108~156 Evasion 151~218 Fork 3,5%~5% Life leech 0,36%~0,52% Life on hit 4~5 Melee damage reduction 2,5%~4% Overdrive chance 7%~10,5% Overdrive damage 16%~23,5% Pierce 3,5%~5% Projectiledamage reduction 2,5%~4% Projectile speed 9%~13% Raw damage(Flat) 50~73 Raw damage(%) 2%~2,5%
Stats: Ring
Stat Score Armor 8,5%~12% Damage overtime 11%~16% Elemental damage 3%~4% Elemental resistance 8,5%~12% Evasion 5,5%~8% Experience gain 8,5%~12% Goldus find 8,5%~12% Mana regeneration 67~96 Max life 5,5%~8% Max mana 5,5%~8% Raw damage 3%~4% Retaliation 33,5%~48% Thorn damage 5,5%~8%
Stat Score All damage reduction 1%~1,5% Area damage reduction 2,5%~4% Armor(Flat) 144~208 Armor(%) 5,5%~8% Armor penetration 11%~15,5% Elemental damage(Flat) 101~146 Elemental damage(%) 2%~2,5% Elemental resistance(Flat) 108~156 Elemental resistance(%) 5,5%~8% Evasion(Flat) 151~218 Evasion(%) 3,5%~5% Life regeneration(Flat) 22~31 Life regeneration(%) 5,5%~8% Life on hit 4~5 Life on kill 29~42 Mana regeneration(Flat) 43~62 Mana on hit 7~10 Max life(Flat) 245~354 Max life(%) 3,5%~5% Max mana(Flat) 331~478 Max mana(%) 3,5%~5% Melee damage reduction 2,5%~4% Melee Recast chance 5,5%~8% Projectile damage reduction 2,5%~4% Raw damage 50~73 Retaliation 21,5%~31% Thorn damage(Flat) 50~73 Thorn damage(%) 3,5%~5%
Stats: Boots
Stat Score Armor 224~320 Elemental resistance 168~240 Evasion 235~336 Max life 381~544 Max mana 515~736 Movement speed 5,5%~8% Raw damage 78~112
Stat Score All damage reduction 1%~1,5% Ancestral strike damage 18%~26% Area damage reduction 2,5%~4% Armor(Flat) 144~208 Armor(%) 5,5%~8% Aura increased effect 7%~10,5% Critical strike damage 11%~15,5% Elemental resistance(Flat) 108~156 Elemental resistance(%) 5,5%~8% Elite damage reduction 3,5%~5% Evasion(Flat) 151~218 Evasion(%) 3,5%~5% Inner fire chance 14,5%~21% Inner fire damage 21,5%~31% Inner fire duration 14,5%~21% Life regeneration 22~31 Mana regeneration 43~62 Max life(Flat) 245~354 Max life(%) 3,5%~5% Max mana(Flat) 331~478 Max mana(%) 3,5%~5% Melee damage reduction 2,5%~4% Melee Recast chance 5,5%~8% Movement speed 3,5%~5% Overdrive chance 7%~10,5% Overdrive damage 16%~23,5% Raw damage 50~73 Retaliation 21,5%~31% Tenacity 7%~10,5% Thorn damage(Flat) 50~73 Thorn damage(%) 3,5%~5%
Epic Stats
The epic stats are te same for every type of equipment.
Stat Score Slorm find 2,5%~5% Experience gain 2,5%~5% Magic item quantity 1%~1,5% Magic item quality 1%~1,5%
Stat Score Max life(Flat) 109~218 Max life(%) 1,5%~3% Life Regeneration(Flat) 10~19 Life Regeneration(%) 2,5%~5% Life leech 0,16%~0,32% Life on hit(Flat) 2~3 Life on hit(%) 5%~9,5% Life on kill(Flat) 13~26 Life on kill(%) 5%~9,5%
Stat Score Max mana(Flat) 147~294 Max mana(%) 1,5%~3% Mana Regeneration(Flat) 19~38 Mana Regeneration(%) 2,5%~5% Mana leech 0,16%~0,32% Mana on hit(Flat) 3~6 Mana on hit(%) 5%~9,5% Mana on kill(Flat) 13~26 Mana on kill(%) 5%~9,5%
Stat Score Movement speed 1,5%~3%
Stat Score Attack speed 2,5%~5% Raw damage(Flat) 22~45 Raw damage(%) 1%~1,5% Elemental damage(Flat) 45~90 Elemental damage(%) 1%~1,5% Critical strike chance 1%~1,5% Critical strike Damage 5%~9,5% Ancestral strike chance 1%~1,5% Ancestral strike Damage 8%~16% Armor penetration 5%~9,5% Elemental penetration 5%~9,5% Damage to elite 4%~8% Damage overtime 3%~6,5%
Stat Score Armor(Flat) 64~128 Armor(%) 2,5%~5% Elemental resistance(Flat) 48~96 Fire resistance 4%~8% Light resistance 4%~8% Shadow resistance 4%~8% Lightning resistance 4%~8% Ica resistance 4%~8% Elemental resistance(%) 2,5%~5% Evasion(Fla) 67~134 Evasion(%) 1,5%~3% Thorn damage(Flat) 22~45 Thorn damage(%) 1,5%~3% Retaliation 9,5%~19%% Tenacity 9,5%~19%% All damage reduction 0,5%~1% Elite damage reduction 1,5%~3% Melee damage reduction 1%~2,5% Projectile damage reduction 1%~2,5% Area damage reduction 1%~2,5%
Stat Score Goldus find 2,5%~5%
Stat Score Inner fire chance 6,5~13% Inner fire charges 3%~6,5% Inner fire duration 3%~6,5% Inner fire damage 9,5%~16%% Overdrive Chance 3%~6,5% Overdrive bounce number 13%~25,5% Overdrive damage 7%~14,5% Melee recast chance 2,5%~5% Knockback on melee 19%~38,5%
Stat Score Additional projectiles 1,5%~3% Pierce chance 1,5%~3% Pierce fork 1,5%~3% Pierce rebound 1,5%~3% Projectile speed 4%~8% Knockback on projectile 19%~38,5%
Area of effect
Stat Score Area increased sizes 2,5%~5% Area increased effect 2,5%~5%
Stat Score Totem increased effect 5%~9,5% Aura increased effect 3%~6,5% Minion increased damage 2,5%~5%
Legendary Effects (All Classes) Part 1
Shadow RepercussionInextricable TormentHelmet
Name Effect Slormandrite-infused diadem +19%~25% (+2% per reinforcement) Max Mana Multiplier Vitalizing helm of vitality +14%~18% (+1% per reinforcement) Max Life Multiplier Faith of the ancients Whenever you deal Ancestral Strike Damage, you gain Ancient Recognition reducing the cost of all your Skills to 0 for the next 2 (+0.2 per reinforcement) seconds. Young phoenix feather Whenever you should be Defeated, you restore 38%~50% (+2% per reinforcement) of your Max Life instead and become Invulnerable for the next 2 seconds.
This effect has a 3 minutes cooldown. Spectral sight +75%-100% Pierce Chance on the first enemy hit. Mental inertia Idle-related effects now disappear after a 2 (+0.2 per reinforcement) second delay after you start moving.
Name Effect Tear of Arah Whenever you cast a Skill in Combat, you have 11%~15% (+2% per reinforcement) Chance to restore 5% of your Missing Mana. Steamin ancestral fervor Whenever you cast an Ancestral Skill, you have 14%~18% (+1% per reinforcement) Chance to gain Ancestral Fervor, granting you +9%~12% (+1% per reinforcement) Critical Strike Chance for the next 10 seconds. Amulet of transference Reaper Damage is added to Elemental Damage instead of Skill Damage. Ancient frostfire talisman Ice-Imbued Skills apply Burn to enemies hit.
Name Effect Brightsteel warden +19%~25% (+2% per reinforcement) Armor Multiplier Heart of darkness +22%~30% (+2% per reinforcement) Evasion Multiplier Coat of the faithful +20%~27% (+2% per reinforcement) Elemental Resistance Multiplier Swift wings of Hermesal Movement Skills have -11%~15% (+1% per reinforcement) Cooldown Time.
The next Movement Skill you cast has its Cooldown Time reduced to 0.
This effect has an 8 seconds Cooldown. Indomitable mountain +15%~20% (+1% per reinforcement) Evasion Multiplier
You have +X Armor.
Armor is equal to 100% of your Evasion.
Whenever you're dealt damage, this effect is increased by 50% for the next 4 seconds.
You cannot Dodge anymore. The voltaroid Whenever you deal Critical Strike Damage, you gain an High Voltage stack that lasts until the end of the Expedition.
High Voltage can stack up to 225~300 (+10 per reinforcement) times.
Spark Machine deals +1 Additional Damage for every stack of High Voltage.
Note: this ancestral skill is not avalaible yet.
Name Effect Cloack of the insatiable +38%~50% (+10% per reinforcement) Overdrive Bounce Number Multiplier Black cape 4%~5% (+1% per reinforcement) of the Damage dealt to you is dealt to your Mana instead of your Life. Soul eating mantle Damage over Time effects and Channeled Skills deal Additional Damage equal to 1% (+0.2% per reinforcement) of the enemy's Max Life per tick. Golden fleece of Midos 4%~5% (+1% per reinforcement) Chance for enemies to drop Goldus whenever you deal damage to them. Repercussive cloak You gain the following Ancestral Skill:
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Cost: 24 Life
For the next 5 seconds, Incoming Damage is evenly redirected as Skill Damage to enemies Soul Bound to you.
Name Effect Coward's belt Every 5 seconds, you restore 5% of your Missing Life. Inextrincable waistguard You gain the following Ancestral Skill:
Aura Area of Effect
Cost: 0 Mana
While this Aura is toggled on, enemies within a 2 yard radius deal 10% (+0.5% per reinforcement) Reduced Damage and have +50% (+5% per reinforcement) Attack Speed. SAHRUSIEL'S PACT 6%~8% (+1% per reinforcement) of the damage dealt to you is Staggered and dealt to you over 10 seconds rather than being dealt instantly.
Whenever you deal Ancestral Strike Damage, Staggered Damages are removed.
Legendary Effects (All Classes) Part 2
Ring Of LifeRing Of ManaShoulders
Name Effect Biting fortress +15%~20% (+1% per reinforcement) Thorns Damage Multiplier Ethereal cloning pads 1 (+0.3 per reinforcement) Additional Projectile Heavens of steel +22%~30% (+4% per reinforcement) Max. Reaper Damage Multiplier Aiming assistance pads Whenever you deal damage to an enemy, you have +8%~10% (+1% per reinforcement) Critical Strike Chance Multiplier for each yard between you and him.
Name Effect Damasius awareness You have +38%~50% (+5% per reinforcement) Critical Strike Chance Multiplier on enemies with 90% Life or above. A link to the last Overdrive's last Bounce deal 150% Increased Damage.
Increased Damage is equal to your Critical Strike Damage. Shackles of the forest Whenever you're dealt damage, you trigger a Deadly Splinter.
The Deadly Splinter deals 0 Skill Damage, Pierces enemies, is a Projectile and inherits your Projectile Modifiers.
Skill Damage is equal to 75%-100% (+6% per reinforcement) of your Thorns Damage. Echoes of Vilinis Critical Strikes apply Echoes of Vilinis to the enemy hit.
After 2 seconds, Echoes of Vilinis triggers, deals Physical Damage equal to 11%~15% (+1% per reinforcment) of the Initial Damage and has 15%~20% (+1% per reinforcement) Chance to apply Echoes of Vilinis again. Neriya's Frenzy Frostbolts have +2%~3%) Critical Strike Chance and +11%~15% (+2% per reinforement) Critical Strike Damage for every Frostbolt shot in the last 6 seconds.
Note: this ancestral skill is not avalaible yet.
Name Effect Lestat's mythical mittens +1% (+0.1% per reinforcement) Life Leech Irondrive fist +27%~36% (+3% per reinforcement) Overdrive Damage Multiplier Immortal grasp Whenever you're dealt damage, you restore X Life over the next 7 seconds.
Life Restored is equal to 5% (+0.1% per reinforcement) of your Elemental Damage. Winds of harmony All Skills have -8%~10% (+1% per reinforcement) Cooldown Time. A path to the fist Whenever you deal Overdrive Damage, if there are no other possible targets for Overdrive, it deals 38%~50% (+5% per reinforcment) Increased Damage for every possible Bounce left. Primordial crusade Your Melee Skills have 15%~20% (+2% per reinforcement) Chance to cast a copy of your Slorm Reaper in front of you.
The Slorm Reaper deals X~X Skill Damage (75%~100% (+5% per reinforcement)) Reaper Damage), Pierces enemies, is a Projectile and inherits your Projectile Modifiers.
Name Effect Moonlight essence +10 Mana on Kill
+20%~26% (+3% per reinforcement) Mana on Hit Multiplier
+20%~26% (+3% per reinforcement) Mana on Kill Multiplier Sunlight essence +3 Life on Kill
+16%~21% (+2% per reinforcement) Life on Hit Multiplier
+16%~21% (+2% per reinforcement) Life on Kill Multiplier Aestia's ring of life You gain the following Ancestral Skill:
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Cost: 0 Mana
You restore 130 Life and 130 Life over 7 seconds.
Total Life Restored is equal to 10% (+0.5% per reinforcement) of your Skill and Elemental Damages.
If Aestia's is equipped, you also trigger its Mana Restoration over time effect. Aestia's ring of mana You gain the following Ancestral Skill:
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Cost: 0 Mana
You restore 325 Mana and 325 Mana over 7 seconds.
Total Mana Restored is equal to 25% (+1.5% per reinforcement) of your Skill and Elemental Damages.
If Aestia's is equipped, you also trigger its Life Restoration over time effect. Gazloka'S conquest Whenever you deal Critical Strike Damage, you gain a Conquest stack, granting you +1 Inner Fire Max. Charges for the next 5 seconds.
Conquest can stack up to 4~5 (+1 per reinforcment) times. Ancestral champion's present You gain +1 Rank on every Ancestral Gift (from the Ancestral Legacy).
Name Effect Sparkling boots of Midos +22%~30% (+3% per reinforcement) Goldus Find
Increased Goldus collection radius Greaves of stability When Idle for at least 0.5 seconds:
You gain a Stability stack every second, up to 4~5 (+1 per reinforcment), granting you +2% All Damage Reduction.
Stability disappears when you move. Bulwark's resolve You have +0% Armor Multiplier.
Armor Multiplier is equal to your Percent of Missing Life. Embertreads Whenever you deal damage with Burning Trail or Burning Rage, you have 22%~30% (+1% per reinforcement) Chance chance to apply Burn to enemies hit. Enlightening journey Whenever you pick up a Shield Globe, you gain between 1 and 2 (+1 per reinforcement) stacks of Enlightenment granting you +1 Elemental Damage until the end of the Expedition.
Legendary Effects (Class Exclusives)
Fenren's Barrage ShotsSeptimius BladeMage
Type Name Effect Boots Olorin's momentum boots Time Warp creates a Distortion Wave upon landing, dealing X - X Elemental Damage (8%~10% (+1% per reinforcement) Elemental Damage) and pushing enemies away within a 2.6 yard radius. Ring Wizard's catalyst Whenever Ray of Obliteration deals damage to an enemy, it has 11%~15% (+1% per reinforcement) Chance to apply an Elemental Weakness stack, increasing incoming Elemental Damage by 5%.
Elemental Weakness lasts 8 seconds and can stack up to 12 times. Ring Replica of the past Whenever you cast Chrono-Puncture, it has 9%~12% (+1% per reinforcement) Chance to be Remnant. Bracers Wristlet of the orb master Orb of the Arcane Master's Damage cannot be Decreased by Upgrades anymore.
Orb of the Arcane Master's Cooldown Time cannot be Increased by Upgrades anymore. Helmet Arcane lord You can control 1 Additional Arcane Clone. Amulet Archivium Book Smash's Critical Strikes trigger 2~3 (+0.5 per reinforcement) Book Smashes on random nearby enemies. Armor Battlemage mantle You have 15%~20% (+3% per reinforcement) Chance every 3 seconds to trigger Rift Nova.
If Autonomous Nova is equipped, you trigger it on a random nearby enemy. Armor Time traveling robe When Time-Lock ends, if Lost in Time Damage is superior to 50% of the enemy's Max Life, Lost in Time Damage is increased by 60%~80% (+5% per reinforcement). Belt Emblem manipulator Whenever you cast a Mage's Skill, all your Emblems become an Emblem of the skill's School of Magic. Belt Circle of doom The duration of Arcane Bond is increased by 1 (+0.4 per reinforcement) second.
Type Name Effect Boots Khalahan's conquest The radius of active Banners of War is increased by 1 yard every second. Boots Art of retribution Whenever Deflect ends, you gain a Revengeance stack for every hit nullified, granting you +5% (+1% per reinforcement) Thorns Damage and +5% (+1% per reinforcement) Retaliation for the next 5 seconds. Gloves Arcanic pledge The Mighty Swing's Critical Strikes have 38%~50% (+4% per reinforcement) Chance chance to trigger an Arcane Beam. Shoulder Earhbreak Grappling Hook's Critical Strikes trigger a Boulder on a random nearby enemy.
Grappling Hook's Ancestral Strikes trigger an Astral Meteor instead. Helmet Cosmic order Whenever you cast The Elder Lance, you have a chance to trigger Astral Retribution equal to the number of Cosmic stacks you have, up to 38%~50% (+2% per reinforcement). Amulet Crusader's faith Whenever you Block, you restore 24-32 (+12 per reinforcement) Life.
Type Name Effect Ring Ezdock's pandemy Whenever Poison ticks, it has 5% Chance for every previous tick to spread to another enemy nearby. Ring Fenren's desire You gain the following Ancestral Skill:
Cost: 0 Mana
While this Aura is toggled on, you have 3% (+0.5% per reinforcement) Chance to trigger a single Rain of Arrows on a random enemy nearby every second. Gloves Shaera's claw Whenever you cast Stab, you have 15%~20% (+1% per reinforcement) Chance to cast up to 5 additional Stabs in a line moving away from you. Gloves Archery gloves of adaptable steel After a Rebound, Arrow Shot has 75%~100% Fork Chance on the next enemy hit. Bracers Explosive frenzy Heavy Explosive Projectile's Cooldown Time is reduced by 2% (+0.3% per reinforcement) for each enemy hit by the explosion. Bracers Septimus arsenal You gain the following Ancestral Skill:
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Cost: 77 Mana
You throw a dealing 100% (+5% per reinforcement) of Skill Damage and Stunning enemies hit for 1 seconds before becoming a Ravenous Dagger. Shoulder Squad of eternity Wandering Arrow now triggers 1 (+0.5 per reinforcement) additional Wandering Arrow. Helmet The awoken Whenever you become Tormented or Delighted, the Cooldown Time of your Support Skill is reset.
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