👹 MALWARE ALERT: [JAN 2025] | [JAN-FEB, APR, NOV 2024]
January 28, 2025 - It has been reported that there is a concerted effort by parties unknown, trying to convince simmers to download a new mod called Forbidden Passions. You are provided with a link to a website and a download that is or contains an EXE file that when executed apparently does the same !@#$ the last one did. Cheers! Happy 25-Year Anniversary!
On November 5, 2024 a malicious user somehow gained access to TwistedMexi and moxiemason's accounts on MTS and compromised four popular mods with malicious .TS4Script files! It happened again.
I need to devote some time to this section. I'm late to this party because I currently have no internet but you can read my write-up on it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/115791234
On January 27, 2024 malicious code was discovered inside a .TS4Script file on ModTheSims.
This was only the beginning... DUN DUN DUUUN! 🙀😸😹👹💀
Quick links for the tools:TwistedMexi's ModGuard[www.patreon.com]
Overwolf's SimsVirusCleaner[github.com] Quick links for the topics:Answers HQ's Pinned Topic
Scarlet's Realm's Mod Malware Information Page[scarletsrealm.com]
My very own Reddit Post
My very own Steam Discussions Topic
I'll copy over the condensed timeline and port over the list of simple safety tips directly into this section but I need to overhaul/refine them again first. Until then you can follow my Steam topic or my Reddit OP.
Why? Awareness. Really? Yes!
Awareness and some simple safety tips is what we needed then and it's what we still need now.
🎁 Whoomp, There It Is!
🐞 [BG] BAND-AID - Update 10/22/2024 Broke The "nude" Outfit.🐞 [BG] BUGFIX - Update 7/23/2024 Broke Our Bodies.🐞 [EP16] BUGFIX - Lovestruck's Costume Box Is STILL Busted.👹 [BG] FOMO Unlock - All-in-One Live Event Rewards Unlocker♾️ [BG] SGFX Override - LClick DISMISS + RClick PIN♾️ [BG] SGFX Override - NO PROMO GARBAGE!I didn't intend to peddle my wares here but then EAxis broke my spine.
I am currently without internet. Download & DIscussions posts will likely contain old ☄️ Updates and 🔄 Update Compatibility information. Links and information on new mods and updates can be found in my main 😺 Modding Announcements post on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/109291501
🎁 Download & Discussions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/117470145
⚔️ This affects everyone who installed Update 10/22/2024.
🚀 Initial Release - 12/9/2024🎁 Download & Discussions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/109088001
⚔️ This affects everyone who installed Update 7/23/2024.
🚀 Initial Release - 7/30/2024🎁 Download & Discussions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/109667885
⚔️ Requires TS4: Lovestruck Expansion Pack
🚀 Initial Release - 8/7/2024🎁 Download & Discussions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/120588981
⚔️ Requires TS4: Base Game
🚀 Initial Release - 1/23/2025🎁 Download & Discussions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/112728731
⚔️ Requires TS4: Base Game
🚀 Initial Release - 8/10/2024🎁 Download & Discussions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/112973547
⚔️ Requires TS4: Base Game
🚀 Initial Release - 10/1/2024
Updated 1/31/2025 - I have more SGFX Overrides to share, and I might replace these Post links with Collection links, since I now have Collections for almost everything.
🦄 About Me
CLICKY MY LINKTREE![linktr.ee] 🐲Hi! I'm Sej or Sejian, whichever you prefer. Janus is also fine. I create mods, usually overrides, and I help troubleshoot random game issues over on Reddit in r/Sims4.
If you're looking for my mods, Patreon is the best place to follow me. Everything gets done there first. Whether or not I ever add tiers, whatever I create will be free unless it's like some super-awesome-ultimate-game-changing-thing then it'll get the Early Access that EA allows.
You can add me on Steam. If I'm online I'm either at my computer or sleeping nearby.
I'm a Windows 10 user. I game on Steam but I sim on EA App. I don't trust EA's link service because I've seen enough reports about simmers losing access to DLC, so I will likely never cross-sim on Steam, unless it's just to share saucy screenshots. Keep this in mind while perusing help sections related to App troubleshooting because I do not have first-hand experience with The Sims 4 on Steam. I have experience with Steam, with other games on Steam, with The Sims 4, and with The Sims 4 on EA App.
Updated 8/4/2024 - I've now got myself a leafy Linktree!
🚧 ATTENTION: This Guide Is Under Construction!
QUE?! DIS IS SPAR- Steam!I'm compiling this AiO guide here first because Steam's formatting is a pain in the butt.
There will be gaps of no activity or unexpected pauses in completing sections because I'm also engaged on Reddit in the MALWARE ALERT thread and the r/Sims4 Troubleshooting Thread. I'm also modding more now.
I'm including multiple guides or tips I've done, including stuff for console simmers.
I don't care. Skip any sections that aren't relevant to Steam.
Let me know if you notice typos or inaccuracies or have something you'd like me to add or address.
All good?
Let's crack on!
🔨 A Quick, Clean Way To Verify That It's Your Mods Folder.
It only takes ONE outdated or broken custom content, mod or script mod to mess with your game.
Regularly simmers will report updating everything and still encountering errors then 50/50-ing for hours and still encountering errors.
The fact is, unless you properly manage your Mods folder and keep it tidy, chances are you've overlooked something, like forgetting to update that one mod you forgot you had or forgetting to remove that critical fix that's been officially patched or you didn't realize you have over 9000 duplicates of the same file, which is especially possible if you download those Mods+CC archive dumps some creators continue to peddle, much to my chagrin.
Please stop dumping duplicate sliders into your Mods folder for MY sanity, I beg you! 😹😾👹
Don't assume anything. NUKE THE WHOLE FOLDER! MOVE or RENAME your whole Mods folder.
DELETE your localthumbcache.package file. It's located in your USER FOLDER.
See if the issue is resolved in-game.This isn't foolproof when we have mods like Basemental that apparently use Base Game traits as a means to an end, which don't get auto-removed when mods are removed because they're Base Game huzzah, but it works most of the time to verify that...
YES, you have overlooked something Mods folder! 🙀
Updated 8/4/2024: Minor edits for grammar and clarity.
🎓 Learn The Difference Between The Two The Sims 4 Folders.
INSTALL FOLDERUSER FOLDERThis is important to know going forward because I will always refer to these folders as either the (TS4) or the (TS4) .
... is where the game installs.
The default location of this folder is as follows:
Steam: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Sims 4
EA App: C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Sims 4You never need to modify this folder or any files within, but you might sometimes need to run a Repair or Verify Integrity from your app to verify your install files aren't corrupted, and yes, they can become corrupted oftentimes during patches or new DLC install.
... is created in your Documents folder the first time the game is launched and recreated the next time the game is launched if it's deleted.
The default location of this folder is as follows:
Windows: C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4
Windows x OneDrive: C:\Users\<user>\OneDrive\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4The game creates this folder and all folders and files located within except custom user data, of course. If your game isn't creating the contents of this folder and/or is crashing on startup, then you've got a problem with the game itself or a third-party application.
The important folders in here are:
📁 Custom Music - if you've got custom MP3's in the game.
📁 Mods - if you use game mods or custom content.
📁 saves - this is where your saved games are located.
📁 Screenshots - if you've taken in-game screenshots.
📁 Recorded Videos - if you've recorded videos using the in-game option.
📁 Tray - possibly the most important folder. This is your personal Library / Offline Gallery where all your sims are saved when you save them in CAS, start a new game with them, or save them from the option in Live-Mode. This is also where your custom lots and rooms get saved when using the option in Live-Mode.The important file in here is:
📄 ExcludedMusic.txt - if you customize the in-game radio songs.
Updated 10/3/2024 - UserSetting.ini has been re-designated as the trash file it is, and now we have a new trash file called accoundDataDB.package.NUKE IT along with the rest. It regenerates.
You should NUKE aka "reset" your USER FOLDER after every patch.
Why? Because. Really? Yes!
But since you insist, NUKING covers multiple troubleshooting tips including Mods folder troubleshooting, deleting your localthumbcache.package file, deleting cache files and folders including the localthumbcache.package file, deleting corrupt configs, clearing old logs, removing rogue SDX, just generally keeping your USER FOLDER tidy.
It has the intended effect of keeping your game running smoothly by eliminating potential USER FOLDER problems proactively.
An important thing to note before we go into the instructions is that you will have to reconfigure any custom in-game settings. Also, doing this resets in-game prompts like the owned DLC popup, tutorials, and resets the very annoying CAS "Contains New Items" prompt.
The instructions look long and complicated but they're really not that complicated.
EXIT the game if it's running. RENAME your USER FOLDER to "USER FOLDER - Backup".
Alternatively, you can just MOVE your USER FOLDER to another location like your Desktop. Whatever you do, DO NOT DELETE it. REPAIR or VERIFY INTEGRITY your game files from your Library. LAUNCH the game, then EXIT the game, then RE-LAUNCH the game again (this is to trigger additional UI elements and the "new pack" popup). Now reconfigure your Game Options.
Graphics » Laptop Mode = DISABLED
Game Options » Other » Enable Custom Content and Mods = ENABLED
Game Options » Other » Script Mods Allowed = ENABLED <TROUBLESHOOTING STEP>
Now create a new household with TWO or more sims and start a NEW GAME.
This is a troubleshooting step for simmers experiencing in-game issues, Mods folder issues, save game issues, etc. This step can be skipped if you're just nuking your folder because tidiness or new patch. <TROUBLESHOOTING STEP>
Now play for at least a day and a half in-game time to ensure whatever problem you were encountering isn't still happening.
You shouldn't experience any issues related to:
Your Mods folder.
Corrupt caches including the localthumbcache.package file. If all is well, EXIT TO Main Menu and DELETE the save game you just created.
For a long time I kept forgetting to add this step. Now EXIT the game because it's time to migrate your old "- BACKUP" files. Open the old "USER FOLDER - Backup" and COPY & PASTE the following folders and files to the new USER FOLDER.
📁 Custom Music
📁 saves
📁 Screenshots
📁 Recorded Videos
📁 Tray
📄 ExcludedMusic.txt Migrating the Mods folder gets it's own entry.
Open the OLD Mods folder and DELETE the Resource.cfg file.
Now select everything else inside your OLD Mods folder and COPY & PASTE or CUT & PASTE it into your NEW Mods folder located inside the new USER FOLDER.
If your game fails to launch after migrating your old Mods folder contents then you've got outdated or conflicting mods or custom content. LAUNCH the game and verify your stuff is in. You can resume playing at this point.
Your mods and custom content should show in the startup Notification.
Your Tray files should show in the CAS Library.
Your old save game(s) should show in the Resume menu. After verifying all your old user data has been successfully migrated to the new USER FOLDER, you can safely DELETE the OLD "USER FOLDER - Backup" maybe keep your OLD "USER FOLDER - Backup" temporarily since EAxis insists on screwing with us.
Updated 10/3/2024 - UserSetting.ini removed. It was always a trash file.
💀 DELETE Your Localthumbcache.package File.
It is MANDATORY that you delete your localthumbcache.package file EVERY SINGLE TIME you make changes to your Mods folder.
Why? Because. Really? Yes!
This cache file stores old mod and custom content cache data that can conflict with new mods, updated mods and custom content and create issues in-game.
Short and sweet. Bye!
💀 DISABLE Online Social Features Access.
Do you have unreliable internet?
Does your Origin or EA App randomly lose connection?
Are you trying to play The Sims 4 with your app in Offline Mode?
Is it patch day or DLC day or just any random day where you're having a problem connecting to EA's servers?
Does your Sims 4 game randomly drop from 60+ FPS to under 30 FPS or, if you're not monitoring your FPS like I do, does your game randomly start lagging and freezing like your device is about to have a total meltdown?
The Sims 4 starts "malfunctioning" whenever it cannot access EA's servers because the internet is unavailable or your app is in Offline Mode or because EA's servers are "experiencing difficulties".
It's similar to how, on release, SimCity (2013) had a built-in kill-switch that kicked in and kicked you when it couldn't connect to EA's servers.
Maybe you weren't around for that fiasco. Would you like to know more?[www.patreon.com]
The only way to stop this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is to DISABLE Online Social Features Access:Game Options » Other » Online Social Features Access = DISABLED
PLEASE NOTE that this will disable your access to the Online Gallery.
You can reactivate Online Social Features Access at any time, however you should leave it disabled and only enable it when you need it if you have unreliable internet.
Enjoy The Sims 4 not running like trash simply because you don't have a reliable internet connection, because a $37.52 BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY WHAT INSISTS ON FORCING ALWAYS-ONLINE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ INTO EVERYTHING BECAUSE PIRACY can't invest in adequate servers for their legitimate customers, or simply because you prefer to have your app in Offline Mode.
💀 GO OFFLINE To Postpone Patches!
Why? Because. Really? Yes!I'm enjoying typing this silly thing.
The best reason is to see what's been broken by the patch, because who knows...
...maybe EAxis really ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up the game this time and a barrage of followup "emergency patches" are incoming.
Maybe the patch fixes nothing of importance and you'd prefer to skip it til later.
Maybe you just want to enjoy your functioning modded game for a little longer because the new patch breaks mods.
Maybe you just want to hold off patching until the mods you use are cleared or updated.
On Steam: On your app, on the top left, click on Steam > Go Offline...
Now RESTART Steam to properly enter Offline Mode.
Your update prompt should be gone. Cheers!
On EA App / Origin: On your app, on the top left, click on the ☰ icon > Go offline.
You're in offline mode! Piranha Gun! Oh yes!
Launch the game from the corresponding ▶️ play button or a Shortcut if you've got one.
🎓 Learn About EA App's Unreliable Offline Mode.
It's important to know that EA App's Offline Mode is not as reliable as other apps.
Sometimes if you're online and lose connectivity, the app will switch itself to Offline Mode and will even allow you to exit and launch it back into Offline Mode. Other times it will throw you a connection error with an option to restart and upon restart it will throw you another connection error and then exit itself.
If it does the former, you can still launch and play your games, if it does the latter, you're ♥♥♥♥♥♥.
I don't have a solution for this. It has been a long-standing issue with EA App and has never been properly addressed by Electronic Arts.
The best advice I can give is to keep the app in Offline Mode unless you want something from the Gallery.
I can't guarantee that being in Offline Mode before you lose connectivity will save you all the time but it has saved me some of the times.
If I'm not mistaken even EA's own Origin has a more reliable Offline Mode. GOG Galaxy loads directly into Offline Mode. Ubisoft Connect has a big ole "Go offline" button on the launch window if it doesn't find a connection, similar to Steam.
🎓 Learn About Save As... And Exit Without Saving - Simming The Right Way!
The title of this section says it all. I'll add visuals Later™.
SAVE AS...Get accustomed to using the SAVE AS... feature to create a new save game instead of using SAVE and SAVE AND EXIT, both of which archives and overwrites your save file.
This simple change to the way you save your game can save you hours of headache and many tears.
EXIT WITHOUT SAVINGIf it's patch day and you get ALL THE ERRORS because your mods are outdated AKA obsolete AKA broken AKA absolutely positively ♥♥♥♥♥♥, and you weren't paying attention, EXIT WITHOUT SAVING to avoid potentially wrecking your save game.
Short and sweet.
Added 7/24/2024
🎓 Modding 101 - Your Guide To Understanding This !@#$.
I'll expand this in the future, but for now I want to use a troubleshooting comment as a template to address some questions.
I'd argue that to some extent, The Sims 4 is not like most other games where modding is concerned.
HOW GAME PATCHES AFFECT MODS:Absolutely ALL of our mods depend on the game's internal code.
Whenever there's an official patch that fundamentally alters that code, our mods break AKA they become obsolete. This can happen to PACKAGE MODS, SCRIPT MODS, and even CUSTOM CONTENT like Hair and Clothing depending on what has been changed.
There is absolutely NO WAY to avoid this without never ever updating your game, and if you don't update your game, then you can't get any new DLC or download any new community mods that were made based on the new game code.
This is why it's important to stay in the loop when patch day is rearing it's unwelcomed head, turn off automatic updates and GO OFFLINE in your App settings.
HOW OBSOLETE MODS AFFECT THE GAME:If even ONE measly little 2 KB MOD or CC is broken in your Mods folder it can prevent your game from loading properly. This is why my go-to method for troubleshooting is always to NUKE my USER FOLDER.
It's the easiest thing to do. RENAME your USER FOLDER and LAUNCH the game, voila!
If it doesn't launch then your issue is Elsweyr with your INSTALL FOLDER or a THIRD-PARTY APPLICATION.
HOW MODS AFFECT SAVED GAMES:There are various types of mods for The Sims 4.
SCRIPT MODS are usually the most complex. If you've got a save with a complex SCRIPT MOD installed and patch day strikes and you have to remove this mod because it hasn't been updated, chances are your save game won't work properly. You shouldn't even load it.
PACKAGE MODS can be just as complex but they're sometimes more versatile. For eg. I made a simple little TUNING PACKAGE MOD that allows Odd Jobs to be scheduled after 8PM for the next morning. If the game code for this was altered with a game patch, this mod might cause a LastException error, but I can safely remove this mod and continue playing my save game.
CUSTOM CONTENT is frustrating. These things can become outdated due to changes to CASPart code. If you've got a lot of CC in your save game and you have to remove it, it will be unceremoniously stripped from every sim it's applied to in your save game the next time you load. If you save your game after this happens, you'll have to manually re-apply all of it when you dump it back in. To avoid this, EXIT WITHOUT SAVING or CREATE A NEW SAVE AS... GAME SAVE!
Added 7/24/2024
🎓 Modding 201 - Let's Talk About Scale Form GFX Mods AKA UI Mods.
I'm taking you off-site for this one because this !@#$ is LONG. Prepare yourselves.
This is not a lesson on how to make UI mods or how UI mods work. It is an observational analysis of some of our current UI mods and an argument for why I believe they should be rebuilt using updated UI files whenever these UI files are modified by EAxis in official updates/patches.
I discovered that quite a few of our UI mods are actually using outdated UI files and it concerns me. Their TS4SCRIPT files are updated, but their internal UI files which are extracted from the game are old.
To avoid confusion, I refer to these mods by the type of files they modify.
You call them UI mods, I call them SGFX mods.
This discussion starts here and I use my own Dismiss/Pin mod as an example:
And continues here, where I compare the SGFX files contained in two well-known mods against the SGFX files that came with the at-the-time-of-writing current patch:
That's all for now.
Added: 10/7/2024
⚙️ Consider These Game Options: #1 - Main Menu
THESEsettings are accessible from the Main Menu and are available everywhere.Other settings are only accessible from CAS / Live-Mode.
Game Options » GraphicsIF graphics processing unit EQUAL dinosaur THEN:
Display Type = FULLSCREENIF fullscreen THEN:
Vertical Sync = ENABLEDIF laptop EQUAL not baked potato THEN:
Laptop Mode = DISABLED
Game Options » AudioThese are my personal settings.
Music = 0%Match Speed Stereo Music = DISABLEDEnable Mood Sting = DISABLED
Game Options » MusicHere you can customize which songs play on any given radio station! Fun!
Custom settings applied here are saved to 📄 ExcludedMusic.txt.Custom MP3s inside 📁Custom Music sub-folders will show in the matching station list here.
DO NOT manually create the folders, instead click on each of the radio stations and the game will auto-create the corresponding folder inside 📁Custom Music.
Game Options » Game CameraThis is my personal setting. The Sims 4 camera feels wrong.
The Sims 3 Camera = ENABLED
Game Options » Screen CaptureBONUS: LOCATION PATH shows the correct location of your USER FOLDER in case you're experiencing OS or App sorcery.
Game Options » Screen Capture » Video CaptureI've never used the in-game Video Capture feature.
Capture Size = LARGECapture Quality = UNCOMPRESSED
Game Options » Screen Capture » Memory / Picture CaptureCapture UI = TOGGLE
DISABLED for funzies, ENABLED if troubleshooting.Show Dialog After Capture = DISABLED
What's the point of this?
Game Options » Sims DeliveryThese are my personal settings because I generally play with my EA App in Offline Mode. I manually click on Check for New Content when I know there's new SDX. It all gets patched into the game files anyway. If you missed it at the SDX drop you'll see it next patch.
Check for Sims Deliveries = NEVERAutomatically Download = DISABLED
Game Options » Other Enable Custom Content and Mods = ENABLEDScript Mods Allowed = ENABLEDEnable Dynamic Lighting = DISABLED
Maybe disable if you've got 🌈 peripherals and maybe this will screw with your 🌈 software and / or crash the game.Online Social Features Access = DISABLED
This nonsense has it's own entry in this guide. Read about it there.Online Notifications = DISABLED
This becomes inactive when Online Social Features Access is DISABLED.Auto-Reconnect = DISABLED
This becomes inactive when Online Social Features Access is DISABLED.Share Usage Data = DISABLEDEnable in-game surveys = DISABLED
Updated 7/21/2024 - Minor edits for clarity and formatting now matches #2 - CAS / Live-Mode.
⚙️ Consider These Game Options: #2 - CAS / Live Mode
THESEsettings are only accessible in CAS / Live-Mode.Other settings are accessible from the Main Menu.
Game Options » GameplayTraditional Social Menu = ENABLED
IF you don't like that "smart Social Menu" nonsense the game shipped with.Disable Autonomy for Selected Sim = SIMMER CHOICE
Mine is always set to ENABLED. Sims will still tend to their Needs if they become critical. Unless that's a bug I've been experiencing.My Auto Age settings are always DISABLED but that's a me thing.
Game Options » EnvironmentI'm fine with all DEFAULT settings in here except the Season Length.
Game Options » Environment » SeasonsSeason Length = DEFAULT 7 DAYS / SIMMER CHOICE
If you're gonna change your Season Length, you oughta do it at the start of a new game. Avoid the mess it creates by changing it in an ongoing game. I double mine to 14 DAYS simply because I don't like being rushed into Love Day in the first week. I've got frogs to collect, thank you very much.
Game Options » Pack SettingsThis is where a lot of the nonsensical in-game shenanigans originate. See below.
Game Options » Pack Settings » Get FamousSims Begin Opted Out of Fame = ENABLED
EAxis BROKE this in the Dec 2023 patch but allegedly fixed it in the Feb 2024 patch. If your venue NPCs disappear again in the future, you've got to DISABLE it again. I despise this setting because of the way fame makes (or use to make) every sim a stuck-up snob, too elitist to talk to the common-folk AKA their own family members.
Game Options » Pack Settings » Eco LifestyleEnable NPC Voting = DISABLED
DISABLED stops NPCs from enacting Neighborhood Action Plans (NAP) that affect gameplay in usually utterly irritating ways. With it DISABLED you can vote on whatever NAP you want for any given week and never have to deal with RNG, or not vote at all and ignore this "feature" entirely. Sometimes I leave it ENABLED for the chaos.
Game Options » Pack Settings » Bust The DustEnable Dust System = DISABLED
I swear, one day I will play with this again but today ain't that day.
Game Options » Pack Settings » High School YearsEnable Acne = SIMMER CHOICE
Simmers have reported acne remaining on their sims after aging up. I leave it on because no one ever ages in my world.NPC Relationship Autonomy = DISABLED
I still don't know the full extent of carnage this creates but I think DISABLED at least prevents NPC sims from breaking into your house while you're asleep to ask to be your best sim-friend.
Game Options » Pack Settings » Growing TogetherSelf Discovery = SIMMER CHOICE
The popups can get annoying. "No, I don't enjoy being Mean, you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥! Stop asking!"Career Layoffs = SIMMER CHOICE
Game Options » Pack Settings » For RentHide Units By Default = DISABLED ???
Who wants UNOCCUPIED units HIDDEN when they're in BUILD MODE?
Updated on 4/25/2024: Minor edits for clarity and the bloody formatting.
📦 MC Conman Center's OPTIONAL Modules.
TWOMANDATORYTWELVEOPTIONALYou can download MC Conman Center and MC Hoohaa here:
A "little known" fact about MC Conman Center is that you don't need to install absolutely everything in the .ZIP for it to work. This mod is MOD-ULAR. There are (2) files and the other (12) are basically add-ons AKA plug-ins AKA modules AKA OP-OP-! You can pick and chose which modules you want in your game.
Also, you don't need to install MC Hoohaa for MC Conman Center to work.
I've linked to individual documentation pages but you can find the main page here:
These are :mc_cmd_center.package
mc_cmd_center.ts4scriptThis is the main module. It is needed for anything else to work. All modules deployed should match the version of the mc_cmd_center module.[deaderpool-mccc.com]
These are "pick and choose" :I only use THREE or FOUR of these and the only ONE I really can't sim without is mc_tuner.
mc_career.ts4scriptHandles career-based functionality.[deaderpool-mccc.com] mc_cas.ts4scriptHandles the CAS body part settings, for example the width of an arm or a leg. Templates can be configured in MC CAS so Sims created by the game will have body parts falling within certain ranges.[deaderpool-mccc.com] mc_cheats.ts4scriptOffers various world-based and Sim-based cheat commands.[deaderpool-mccc.com] mc_cleaner.ts4scriptHandles some basic cleaning-the-game options. Getting rid of homeless ghosts, syncing married Sim names, removing undesired outfit categories from outfits, etc.[deaderpool-mccc.com] mc_clubs.ts4scriptGives some story progression to clubs.[deaderpool-mccc.com] mc_control.ts4scriptAllows the player to have limited control over NPC Sims giving them interaction commands to perform with other Sims as though they were an active Sim.[deaderpool-mccc.com] mc_dresser.ts4scriptAllows configuration of excluded and included lists for specific outfit items. This allows greater control of what Sims will be wearing and methods to run to “clean-up” Sims that are not wearing desired clothing items.[deaderpool-mccc.com] mc_gedcom.ts4scriptProvides support for the GEDCOM family tree export format to allow import of your in-game family tree into one of the GEDCOM-compatible family-tree programs.[deaderpool-mccc.com] mc_occult.ts4scriptAdds options for occult-specific gameplay including alien abductions and pregnancies as well as occult population options.[deaderpool-mccc.com] mc_population.ts4scriptSimulates other basic story progression of moving homeless Sims into households. It has some other moving-in/moving-out type options included as well.[deaderpool-mccc.com] mc_pregnancy.ts4scriptCreates a basic story progression of neighborhood Sims in that they can get married and have children as they age-up without direct user control.[deaderpool-mccc.com] mc_tuner.ts4scriptAllows configuration of some autonomous interactions like Mean and Mischief, as well as disabling annoying repetitive actions.[deaderpool-mccc.com]
📦 MC Conman Center - How I Use CAS And MC CAS To Update My Live Sim.
Live CASI don't modify my sim's Clothing or Appearance in .I prefer to do it in New Game CAS. I do this to avoid "THESE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BUGS JUST CORRUPTED MY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SAVE AND I LOST EVERY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ THING! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ YOU EA! I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ HATE YOU! ♪ NA NA NA NA!" frustrations that come with this half-baked game.
Whenever I update my Tray Sim in a New Game CAS, I create a new Tray Save with the date attached to the name then I pop into Live Mode and use MC Conman Center's MC CAS module to Paste my new Clothing and / or Appearance onto my Live Sim.
DISCLAIMER: My world doesn't age, so I can do this without first going into and saving my Live Sim to My Library, but if your world and your sims age and you want to try this, you'll need to save your Live Sim then modify them. This should only be necessary for modifying Appearance, as Clothing stays the same with the age group (FYI, Teen, Young Adult, Adult and Elder are all the same "age group" where Clothing is concerned).
ALSO: If you're updating your Appearance (this is genetics and "stuff" including Hair) you should do it with the same sim, not a different sim. Don't try to Paste Marcus' Appearance onto Johnny, is what I'm saying. If you really want to see what happens, make a new Save As... game save BEFORE doing it.
This is my BGC Live Sim's wardrobe.I want to update my Clothing with completely new outfits and I want to change my Appearance because I want to replace my Default Human teeth with the cute fangs from RedEarCat that aren't species-locked to Vampires.
FYI: You can just add new outfits by not removing the old ones, but the maximum of 5 outfits per outfit category remains in place. If I ever figure out how to mod this ♥♥♥♥ out, I'm gonna make it OVER 9000! <cackles maniacally>
The instructions look long and complicated but they're really not that complicated.
After modifying my Tray Sim and saving the new instance with an easily identifiable name, I click on my sim and open up MC CONMAN CENTER from the PIE MENU, then click on MC CAS.
Click on COPY/PASTE...
Scroll down to the end and click on PASTE TRAY SIM.
Click on ONLY MY SIMS for your sims OR any of the other self-explanatory options (I've never bothered with the ONLY INCLUDE TAG option).
On the TRAY HOUSEHOLD LIST that opens, find the Tray Household you want to update your Live Sim from and click on it.
On the TRAY SIM LIST that opens, click on the Tray Sim you want to update your- deja vu?
On the PASTE TRAY SIM options list that opens, SELECT / DESELECT the options you want and click on the DONE button. I want my new fangs and outfits, so I leave PASTE APPEARANCE and PASTE CLOTHING selected and deselect the others.
ET VOILA! 9 old outfits replaced with 33 shiny new outfits and my new fangs which I'm not showing you because you're not my dentist.
Before I figured out that inappropriate RestrictOppositeGender flags on Feet and Toenails were causing my sim's sculpted waist shape to warp, I used this method to "fix" my sim every time I loaded my save.
For two years I did this.
♥♥♥♥ inappropriate RestrictOppositeGender flags and whomever convinced the modding community that bad things would happen without this flag. Bad things happen BECAUSE RestrictOppositeGender is used incorrectly... but I digress. I'm passionate about PartFlags, sorry.
Added 7/21/2024
🚧🎓 Graphics Drivers And Gaming Laptops / Computers.
In the simplest definition, a driver is a program that tells your computer hardware how to work. Your Graphics Drivers tell your Graphics Card how to work. Yeah? Cool beans.
Updates to graphics drivers are meant to do a bunch of various things like improve performance, improve power usage, add support for new games or programs, etc. Sometimes you won't really see a difference.
The common advice on the internet and in tech circles is to update your graphics drivers regularly. Every single time a new driver is released you must download and install it immediately or your computer will explode in your face!!!!!1111 Y2K style!
That's some of the most irresponsible ♥♥♥♥ I've ever heard / read.
Only update your graphics drivers if you're experiencing an issue or if your graphics drivers are over 6 months old.
FYI: If you've got a gaming laptop / computer and you're not really computer savvy, which is nothing to be ashamed of, chances are your graphics drivers haven't been updated since your laptop was manufactured - NOT BOUGHT, manufactured - or since your computer was built (if it was a DIY project), which means it's likely over 6 months old and outdated as ♥♥♥♥. That doesn't necessarily mean you need to update, but as previously stated, if you're experiencing issues, you probably do.
If you're not experiencing an issue and you update your drivers and you start experiencing an issue, UNINSTALL the graphics drivers and install an OLDER version.
Manufacturers aren't in the habit of notifying their customers when they put out a bad driver unless it's causing widespread catastrophe and consumers are threatening lawsuits. These people ain't your friends.
If you're a simmer, graphics drivers are like EAxis official patches, some of them are complete and total ♥♥♥♥. In RARE instances, half-baked graphics drivers have been known to completely destroy graphics cards, and if you know the price of a graphics card, you know that ♥♥♥♥ ain't cheap to replace.
🚧🎓 Adding MP3 Songs To In-game Radio Stations.
🚧🎓 Taking In-game Screenshots.
🚧🎓 Console Simming Tips!
🚧🎓 OneDrive - The Horror!
One Day™
🚧🎓 Patching 101 - Backing Up So You Can Rollback The ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
This is going to be techie as !@#$.
You need to read 🎓 LEARN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO THE SIMS 4 FOLDERS before trying anything I eventually type in here. We will be working with BOTH folders.
To the best of my ability, I will explain what some of these files do, how patching works, and what files you need to copy / backup in order to rollback the game when EAxis breaks it as bad as or worse than Update 7/23/2024.
Started 8/4/2024
🪦 The End?
<cackles maniacally>
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3128600854
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