Plants Locations

Plants Locations

Gardening Skill

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I wouldn't say this is something useful, just a small introduction. Feel free to skip to the next part of the guide.

Level 1:

Nothing special, any gardening interaction will trigger to gain the gardening skill including the harvesting wild plant interaction.

Level 2:

Water all plants in nearby area. Also, research action available. Notes for research plants will be in the phone at the bottom right corner. It shows what that plant can be used for, such as food, flower arrangement and grafting. It also shows what the plant can be grafted with and what we will get.

Level 3:

Fertilize action available. Fish and harvested plants can be used as fertilizer, fertilizer increase the quality of the plant, increment depends on the fertilizer used.

Level 4:

'Harvest All' action unlocked (harvesting nearby plants). 'Talk to Plant' action unlocked, able to fulfil social needs.

Level 5:

'Take Cutting' and 'Graft' action unlocked, which is a set. We'll have to take a cutting to graft into plant. The most important interaction to unlock more plants. Quite some number of plants can be obtained by grafting, including the rare Cowplant, and Death Flower.

Level 6:

'Weed Area' available. (it said to weed plants in a larger area, I'm not sure if it's referring to weed area, or the action weed area covers a larger area. I will check on it later on).

Level 7:

We can now buy Uncommon Seed Packs and Farmer Seed Packs. The 'Spray for Bugs' action also covers more area. I will also post on what is available in the Uncommon and Farmer Seed Packs later on.

Level 8:

'Super Sell' interaction available, which enable Sims to sell all harvestable in 5 cells apart from the chosen plant instantly. There's also an interaction to sell all nearby plants one-by-one actually. Sims can also now trim the Bonsai Plant.

Level 9:

'Tend Garden' interaction unlocked. This is probably one of the most convenient interaction in taking care of the plants. The Sim will weed, spray for bugs, and water all nearby plants.

Level 10:

Not much difference. Just that Sims can now buy Rare Seed Packs, which I will also update the available plants later on.

Plant Information

Summary of the availability of plants:

**Overhaul in process

PlantRaritySPGfSeasonPacks 1 AppleCommon/FallB 2BasilCommon/Summer & FallB 3Bell PepperCommonSummerS 4BluebellCommon/Summer & SpringB 5 CarrotCommon/Fall & SpringB 6 CherryUncommonSummerB 7ChrysanthemumCommon/Summer & FallB 8Cowplant BerryRare/AllB 9 DaisyCommon/SpringB 10GrapeCommon//FallB 8 Lemon Tree Common 9 Mushroom Plant Common SP 10 Parsley Plant Common SP Gf 11 Plantain Tree Common SP Gf 12 Sage Bush Common SP 13 Snapdragon Flower Common 14 Spinach Plant Common SP 15 Blackberry Bush Uncommon 17 Lily Flower Uncommon 18 Onion Plant Uncommon 19 Pear Tree Uncommon 20 Potato Plant Uncommon 21 Rose Bush Uncommon 22 Strawberry Bush Uncommon 23 Tomato Bush Uncommon 24 Tulip Flower Uncommon

SP: Seed Packs

Gf: Grafting

B: Base Game

S: Seasons EP

*All the rare plants (bird of paradise, bonsai, cowplant, dragon fruit, orchid, pomegranate, and death flower) can not be found around the neighbourhoods (the festivals are exceptions if the city living pack is owned). Rare plants are obtained from grafting (and festivals). Grafting list is available in another section. The plants doesn't grow when out of season (unless sheltered).

Plant Location

Summary of the availability of plants:

1 Apple Tree F M Q E P LG 2 Basil Bush S E P G 3 Bluebell Plant F SQ P LGMP 4 Carrot Plant A B D R T 5 Chrysanthemum Flower F B D R T 6 Daisy Flower A B D R MP 7 Grape Vine G 8 Lemon Tree A B W DR 9 Mushroom PlantC F S Q P V G 10 Parsley Plant G 11 Plantain Tree G 12 Sage Bush A B D R T 13 Snapdragon FlowerC F M S Q E P V LG 14 Spinach Plant 15 Blackberry Bush W D MP 16 Cherry Tree S A W T L 17 Lily Flower M S Q E P LGMP 18 Onion PlantC Q E B W T V L 19 Pear Tree M S Q E P L 20 Potato Plant F Q L 21 Rose BushC Q P V MP 22 Strawberry BushC F M S Q E P B T V LGMP 23 Tomato Bush B 24 Tulip Flower A W

Willow Creek Oasis Springs NewcrestMP: Magnolia Promenade C: Courtyard Lane A: Acquisition Butte V: Bridgeview F: Foundry Cove B: Bedrock Straits L: Ridgeline M: Magnolia Blossom Park W: Skyward Palms G: Llama Lagoon S: Sylvan Glade D: Desert Bloom Q: Crawdad Quarter R: Mirage Canyon E: Sage Estate T: Parched Prospect P: Pendula View

*All the rare plants (bird of paradise, bonsai, cowplant, dragon fruit, orchid, pomegranate, and death flower) can not be found around the neighbourhoods (the festivals are exceptions if the city living pack is owned). Rare plants are obtained from grafting (and festivals). Grafting list is available in another section.

Seed Packs


Starter Fruit Starter Her Starter Flower Starter Vegetables Apple Basil Bluebell Carrot Grape Parsley Chrysanthemum Mushroom Plantain Sage Daisy Spinach


Farmer Veggies and Herbs Seed Pack Farmer Flowers and Fruits Spinach Grapes Basil Bluebell Parsley Plantain Sage Apple Carrot Chrysanthemum Mushroom Daisy Parsley Holly (S) Bell Pepper (S) Green Pea (S) Taro Root (IL)


S: Seasons Expansion Pack

IL: Island Living Expansion Pack


Grafting will be unlocked in Level 5. 'Take Cutting‘ from a plant and 'Graft' into another plant.

It doesn't matter whether which plant is grafted into which plant, as long as both the plant are grafted together. However, when taking cutting, the base plant shoot will be taken.

For example:

Apple grafting with cherry will give pomegranate.

No matter grafting apple into cherry, or grafting cherry into apple will still result in apple, cherry, and pomegranate as harvestable.

When apple shoot is grafted into a cherry tree, taking cutting from this spliced plant, you will get a cherry plant shoot, and vice versa.

Grafting is needed to unlock all the rare plants.

Here are the list of available plants from grafting:

1 Cherry + Apple = Pomegranate

2 Basil + Sage = Parsley

3 Bluebell + Strawberry = Grapes

4 Daisy + Strawberry = Bonsai Buds

5 Grape + Rose = Bonsai Buds

6 Snapdragon + Lily = Orchid

7 Snapdragon + Strawberry = Dragon Fruit

8 Dragon Fruit + Snapdragon = Cowberry

9 Pear + Lemon = Plantain

10 Chrysanthemum + Tulip = Bird of Paradise

11 Orchid + Pomegranate = Death Flower

Courtyard Lane

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There is a total of 17 spots that I've founded.

5 types of plants that can be found in Courtyard Lane. Rose bush is something special that worth harvesting in this neighbourhood!

#1 Mushroom

#2 Onion

#3 Snapdragon

#4 Strawberry

#5 Rose

Feel free to let me know if I missed any of them, I will add them in :)

Foundry Cove

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There is a total of 18 spots that I've founded.

7 types of plants that can be found in Foundry Cove.

#1 Mushroom

#2 Potato

#3 Strawberry

#4 Chrysanthemum

#5 Snapdragon

#6 Bluebell

#7 Apple

Feel free to let me know if I missed any of them, I will add them in :)

Magnolia Blossom Park

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There is a total of 26 spots that I've founded.

5 types of plants that can be found in Magnolia Blossom Park. Lily flower and pear tree are something worthwhile to harvest, but they're also available in Sylvan Glade.

#1 Pear

#2 Lily

#3 Strawberry

#4 Snapdragon

#5 Apple

Feel free to let me know if I missed any of them, I will add them in :)

Sylvan Glade

Plants Locations image 115

There is a total of 26 spots that I've founded.

8 types of plants that can be found in Sylvan Glade. Cherry tree is the most rarest amongst other plants that can be found in the neighbourhood.

#1 Mushroom

#2 Pear

#3 Lily

#4 Strawberry

#5 Basil

#6 Cherry

#7 Bluebell

#8 Snapdragon

Feel free to let me know if I missed any of them, I will add them in :)

Crawdad Quarter

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There is a total of 32 spots that I've founded.

10 types of plants that can be found in Crawdad Quarter, which is quite many. Visiting the Crawdad Quarter first definitely saves time to visit Courtyard Lane and Magnolia Blossom Park since the plants available are the same, and Crawdad Quarter has more types available than these 2 places.

#1 Mushroom

#2 Rose

#3 Lily

#4 Strawberry

#5 Pear

#6 Potato

#7 Bluebell

#8 Snapdragon

#9 Apple

#10 Onion

Feel free to let me know if I missed any of them, I will add them in :)

Sage Estate

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There is a total of 29 spots that I've founded.

7 types of plants that can be found in Crawdad Quarter, which is quite many. I think there isn't much plants in Sage Estate that worth the visit.

#1 Pear

#2 Strawberry

#3 Onion

#4 Snapdragon

#5 Lily

#6 Apple

#7 Basil

Feel free to let me know if I missed any of them, I will add them in :)

Pendula View

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There is a total of 41 spots that I've founded.

9 types of plants that can be found in Pendula View, which is the most plant spots in Willow Creek.

#1 Bluebell

#2 Mushroom

#3 Lily

#4 Basil

#5 Strawberry

#6 Snapdragon

#7 Rose

#8 Pear

#9 Apple

Feel free to let me know if I missed any of them, I will add them in :)

Acquisition Butte

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There is a total of 27 spots that I've founded.

6 types of plants that can be found in Acquisition Butte including cherry tree. There are quite some plants at the slope behind the Landgraab. The tulip flower can be quite important in grafting to get new rare new plant.

#1 Carrot

#2 Daisy

#3 Sage

#4 Cherry

#5 Tulip

#6 Lemon

Feel free to let me know if I missed any of them, I will add them in :)

Bedrock Strait

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There is a total of 24 spots that I've founded.

8 types of plants that can be found in Bedrock Strait including tomato plant. There’s also a small community garden here where the tomatoes are planted. I think it’s worth the visit for the tomatoes.

#1 Onion

#2 Strawberry

#3 Lemon

#4 Sage

#5 Tomato

#6 Carrot

#7 Daisy

#8 Chrysanthemum

Feel free to let me know if I missed any of them, I will add them in :)

Skyward Palms

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There is a total of 22 spots that I've founded.

5 types of plants that can be found in Skyward Palms. Not much, but you can find tulip and blackberries here. I would say it’s more worthwhile to visit Skyward Palms rather than Acquisition Butte just because of the blackberries that are available here.

#1 Onion

#2 Blackberry

#3 Lemon

#4 Cherry

#5 Tulip

Feel free to let me know if I missed any of them, I will add them in :)

Desert Bloom

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There is a total of 22 spots that I've founded.

6 types of plants that can be found in Desert Bloom. Nothing special, but there's only 1 carrot plant in the whole park. It’s not worth visiting if you have visit Skyward Palms and Bedrock Straits. There’s only an extra blackberry when comparing to Bedrock Straits.

#1 Sage

#2 Blackberry

#3 Lemon

#4 Chrysanthemum

#5 Daisy

#6 Carrot

Feel free to let me know if I missed any of them, I will add them in :)

Mirage Canyon

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There is a total of 25 spots that I've founded.

5 types of plants that can be found in Mirage Canyon. The plant types here are quite common, probably not a good choice to collect different type of plants.

#1 Sage

#2 Daisy

#3 Lemon

#4 Chrysanthemum

#5 Carrot

Feel free to let me know if I missed any of them, I will add them in :)

Parched Prospect

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There is a total of 21 spots that I've founded.

6 types of plants that can be found in Parched Prospect. There's not much to do in Parched Prospect, but there's quite many cherry plant here (I think?).

#1 Carrot

#2 Strawberry

#3 Chrysanthemum

#4 Onion

#5 Sage

#6 Cherry

Feel free to let me know if I missed any of them, I will add them in :)


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There is a total of 10 spots that I've founded.

It's not much spots when compared to Oasis Spring and Willow Creek, but the spots are easy to find. Only 5 types of plants that can be found in Bridgeview.

#1 Rose

#2 Strawberry

#3 Snapdragon

#4 Onion

#5 Mushroom

Feel free to let me know if I missed any of them, I will add them in :)


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There are 15 plant spots in Ridgeline.

The plant types are also quite many, 9 different plants available, and are mostly uncommon and graftable plants.

#1 Apple

#2 Bluebell

#3 Cherry

#4 Lily

#5 Strawberry

#6 Onion

#7 Potato

#8 Pear

#9 Snapdragon

Feel free to let me know if I missed any of them, I will add them in :)

Also there's a bit mistakes in the picture. One of the pear in the legend should be onion.

Llama Lagoon

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Some plants that are available in Llama Lagoon.

1. Snapdragon (1,7)

2. Lily (2,12,14)

3. Apple (5)

4. Strawberry (8)

5. Mushroom (10,17)

6. Basil (11)

7. Bluebell (13)

* The number behind the plants indicates the location number corresponding to the pictures.

Magnolia Promenade

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Plants available in Magnolia Promenade:

1. Lily (1)

2. Blackberry (2)

3. Strawberry (3)

4. Bluebell (5)

5. Daisy (6)

6. Rose (7)

* The number behind the plants indicates the location number corresponding to the pictures.


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