How to get easy money in sims 4

How to get easy money in sims 4


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You can earn lots of money by simply painting! All you have to do Is Buy an easel and start painting. After you are done painting you then have the option to sell it! The better quality of the painting the more money you can sell it for!


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You can earn lots of money by hacking and making viruses. First buy the cheapest desk, computer, and chair you can buy. After that you need to practice programming. When you reach level 2 of the programming skill you can then hack and make viruses. The higher the programming skill is the more option you have to hack from.

Money Trees

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You can get a money tree for 5,000 aspiration points! Sadly you can only get it with the the seasons

expansion. After you buy your money tree you can now plant it! After you plant it it will take a couple days to grow. When it finally grows you can sell the money tree fruits or plant them.


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Guess what, you can dig up crystals! If you find one you will have the option to dig it up. Once you dig it up you can sell it. They amount of money you get depends on how rare it is. The crystals spawn alot so you can keep digging them up!


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