5 Steps for Beginners to Planet Crafter


I don't want to ruin any of the discovery of the game for you, but these 5 steps can help you avoid some mistakes and get off to a strong start. Of course learning how the game works is part of the fun, but this should help smooth over a few things that you may be confused or annoyed with.




Learn how progression works with your Terraformation Index

Choose a better build spot at the start

Explore with resources to make small bases everywhere

Upgrade your gear when you can

Pay attention to stat escalation

A Few Extra Tips...

Don't be afraid to set up meaningful operations in multiple places, eventually you'll unlock some things that help with logistics problems!

Rockets can also call down meteor storms which can bring you some much needed resources!

Wrecks are great to explore, but so are caves, there are many out there you'll want to discover!

Speaking of wrecks, you'll find heaters in them sometimes before you have a great source of iridium, be sure to deconstruct them!

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3244809058					

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