General Commands
Commands that are helpful:
IMPORTANT: Always select the object you want to change or very bad things can happen. Example: I used the command to change the type of planet and forget to select the world, the result was that all the planets in the galaxy changed to that type of world, I ruined everything, very careful
To open the console "|" I use the key located on the left of number 1
debugtooltip Allows to see the IDS of certain objects, useful to use certain commands
play- Switches player control to empire [empire ID]
activate_all_traditions Activates all Traditions
minor_artifacts 10000 Adds [amount] of Minor Artifacts, default 10000
invincible Player ships will not take damage
pp # Receive X number of Minerals
food Receive 500 food
physics - Adds [amount] of Physics tech points.
society - Adds [amount] of Society tech points.
engineering - Adds [amount] of Engineering tech points.
max_resources Fills all resource storages
cash 500 Adds energetic credits
unity # Receive X number of Unity
research_all_technologies Investigate all technologies instantly:
Instantly researches all non-repeatable technologies. Add 1 for creature and crisis techs too. Add a second number for repeatable technologies. Ex: research_all_technologies 1 4
debug_yesmen Empires accede to any requirement or treatment
grow_pops # Add population to the selected world
mature_galaxy -Simulates a 100 years of galaxy.
advanced_galaxy -Simulates a game in year 2400 (every default empire gains colonies, technologies and fleets).
own -Take ownership and control of the specified fleet, starbase or planet
effect add_planet_devastation = -effect add_planet_devastation = 10
free_policies -Toggles allowing player to change policies without restriction, including policies previously disabled
free_government-Toggles allowing player to change governments without the time limit
planet_size # Modify the size of a selected planet, I have tried a maximum size of 150, it seems that the worlds can still be bigger, I do not know the maximum size allowed.
ftl This command enables or disables (toggles) faster than light travel.
Ascension Perks
activate_ascension_perk ap_mind_over_matter
activate_ascension_perk ap_master_builders
activate_ascension_perk ap_galactic_contender
activate_ascension_perk ap_defender_of_the_galaxy
activate_ascension_perk ap_lord_of_war
activate_ascension_perk ap_interstellar_dominion
activate_ascension_perk ap_grasp_the_void
activate_ascension_perk ap_archaeoengineers[/bactivate_ascension_perk ap_mind_over_matter
activate_ascension_perk ap_transcendence
activate_ascension_perk ap_eternal_vigilance
activate_ascension_perk ap_enigmatic_engineering
activate_ascension_perk ap_synthetic_evolution
activate_ascension_perk ap_the_flesh_is_weak
activate_ascension_perk ap_synthetic_age
activate_ascension_perk ap_colossus
activate_ascension_perk ap_consecrated_worlds (Holy Worlds)
activate_ascension_perk ap_executive_vigor
activate_ascension_perk ap_nihilistic_acquisition
activate_ascension_perk ap_galactic_force_projection
activate_ascension_perk ap_engineered_evolution (ADN 1)
activate_ascension_perk ap_evolutionary_mastery (ADN 2)
activate_ascension_perk ap_galactic_wonders_utopia
activate_ascension_perk ap_galactic_wonders_megacorp
activate_ascension_perk ap_galactic_wonders_utopia_and_megacorp
activate_ascension_perk ap_galactic_wonders
activate_ascension_perk ap_machine_worlds
activate_ascension_perk ap_world_shaper
activate_ascension_perk ap_hive_worlds
activate_ascension_perk ap_mastery_of_nature
activate_ascension_perk ap_one_vision
activate_ascension_perk ap_reach_for_the_stars
activate_ascension_perk ap_shared_destiny
activate_ascension_perk ap_technological_ascendancy
activate_ascension_perk ap_transcendent_learning
activate_ascension_perk ap_arcology_project (Mega Corp) Ecumenoplis
activate_ascension_perk ap_xeno_compatibility (Mega Corp)
activate_ascension_perk ap_universal_transactions
activate_ascension_perk ap_become_the_crisis
activate_ascension_perk ap_hydrocentric
activate_ascension_perk ap_voidborn
activate_ascension_perk ap_imperial_prerogative
activate_ascension_perk ap_detox
Or maybe you want to make sure you get the exact benefits you're looking for. For that reason I use the specific traditions that I need, genetics, cybernetics and psionics.
activate_tradition tr_psionics_adopt
activate_tradition tr_genetics_adopt
activate_tradition tr_cybernetics_adopt
Here some of the technologies that I consider most important personally.
Note:I crossed out some of them because they didn't work for me but in theory they are correctly written, I leave them in the guide in case someone is lucky and they work.
research_technology [tech id]
research_technology tech_crystal_armor_1 -Crystal-Infused Plating
research_technology tech_crystal_armor_2 -Crystal-Forged Plating
Artificial Dragonscales- research_technology tech_dragon_armor
Positronic AI- research_technology tech_sapient_ai
Dark Matter Drawing- research_technology tech_mine_dark_matter
Dark Matter Power- research_technology tech_dark_matter_power_core
Dark Matter Propulsion- research_technology tech_dark_matter_propulsion
Dark Matter Deflectors- research_technology tech_dark_matter_deflector
Psionic Shields- research_technology tech_psionic_shield
Gateway Activation- research_technology tech_gateway_activation
Gateway Construction- research_technology tech_gateway_construction
Enigmatic Disruption Field- research_technology tech_enigmatic_disruption_field
Enigmatic Encoder- research_technology tech_enigmatic_encoder
Enigmatic Decoder- research_technology tech_enigmatic_decoder
Synchronized Firing Patterns- research_technology tech_repeatable_improved_military_station_damage
Matter Compression- research_technology tech_repeatable_improved_armor_output (Note:increased armor and damage)
Cell Revitalization- research_technology tech_repeatable_improved_leader_life_span
Applied Superconductivity- research_technology tech_repeatable_improved_tile_energy_output (Notae: energy)
Extraction Patterns- research_technology tech_repeatable_improved_tile_mineral_output Nota:(Note:Minerals general)
Hull Integrity- research_technology tech_repeatable_improved_ship_health
Transgenic Crops- research_technology tech_repeatable_improved_tile_food_output
Colossus weapons:
research_technology tech_pk_shielder
research_technology tech_pk_neutron
research_technology tech_pk_godray
research_technology tech_pk_nanobots
Customize Worlds:
HabitablePc_desertPc_alpinePc_arcticPc_aridPc_continentalPc_oceanPc_habitatPc_savannahPc_tropicalPc_tundraPc_nukedPc_gaiaPc_relicPc_cityPc_machinePc_hiveNon-HabitablePc_aiPc_asteroidPc_rare_crystal_asteroidPc_ice_asteroidPc_barrenPc_barren_coldPc_brokenPc_egg_crackedPc_frozenPc_gas_giantPc_moltenPc_gray_gooPc_shieldedPc_shroudedPc_toxicPc_cybrexMassive Gravitational BodiesPc_b_starPc_a_starPc_f_starPc_g_starPc_k_starPc_m_starPc_m_giant_starPc_t_starPc_black_holePc_neutron_starPc_pulsar
"planet_class pc"
ASSOCIATED BUGS: I have found important bugs related to the creation of habitable worlds.
-If you create a habitable world from a gaseous world, wasteland or any non-habitable body you can not build generating, mining or agricultural districts, you can only build urban districts. The only way I found to fix this problem was to turn the world into a "" so that you can occupy the entire planet without problems.
-If you modify a world that was originally habitable then there will be no problems when modifying the type of planet or the size, only the bug occurs with worlds that were not originally habitable
-UNEXPLICABLE ANOMALIES: Once I created a "" world from a non-habitable world and when I converted it to another type of world I did not have problems to build districts, it was strange. I do not pass again
NOTE: For Fix this use the commands in the "Add Districts" section
planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class
Non- planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class _cold planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class
planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class planet_class
Add Planet ModifIer
add_modifier = { modifier =/remove_modifier = { modifier =
Ex: effect add_modifier = { modifier = carbon_world }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = atmospheric_aphrodisiac }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = asteroid_belt }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = carbon_world }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = ultra_rich }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = mineral_rich }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = lush_planet }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = natural_beauty }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = strong_magnetic_field }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = titanic_life }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = paradise_planet }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = ocean_paradise }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = pm_wenkwort_zen }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = eat_the_titans }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = soothing_crystals } gives a 33% boost to governing ethics and a 10% boost to happiness.
effect add_modifier = { modifier = food_rich_planet } gives a 10% bonus to both happiness and pop growth.
effect add_modifier = { modifier = bleak_planet }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = irradiated_planet }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = mineral_poor }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = tidal_locked }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = weak_magnetic_field }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = holy_planet }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = unstable_tectonics }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = contingency_sabotage }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = slave_riots }
effect add_modifier = { modifier = wild_storms }
Add Districts
effect add_deposit=d_geothermal_vent (generator district+1)
effect add_deposit=d_rich_mountain (mining district+1)
effect add_deposit=d_tropical_island (agriculture district+1)
In test:
add_district = no work/ add "effect add_deposit=" So it works well but does not add anything, I leave it in case someone serves it. look for other commands
add_district = district_city
add_district = district_generator
add_district = district_mining
add_district = district_farming
Ring World:
add_district = district_rw_city
add_district = district_rw_nexus (Machine Empire)
add_district = district_rw_generator
add_district = district_rw_commercial
add_district = district_rw_science
add_district = district_rw_farming
Deposits Of Resources
They are divided into two types, the reason is that different stations are needed for their extraction, so only A) or B can be used)
NOTE 1: A resource can not be assigned to a habitable planet
NOTE 2: You can not assign a resource to a body that you have a resource assigned to and can only be assigned to Non-Habitable worlds such as toxic worlds, wasteland, asteroids, suns, etc.
Personal recommendation: I go to a solar system NOT DISCOVERED YET, I assign the resources to the worlds that I need and later I scan it, this is how the game says "You have discovered a new strategic resource". that way it gives you the option to investigate the extraction technology needed for that resource (I do this mainly when I start a new game)
"effect add_deposit ="
A) Mining station
Command Range effect add_deposit = d_living_metal_deposit - effect add_deposit = d_zro_deposit_1 1-3 effect add_deposit = d_volatile_motes_1 1-5 effect add_deposit = d_rare_crystals_1 1-5 effect add_deposit = d_exotic_gases_1 1-5 effect add_deposit = d_alloys_1 1-5 effect add_deposit = d_trade_value_1 1-10 (It seems that it does not work but it works, the console lies :v) effect add_deposit = d_minerals_1 1-10 effect add_deposit = d_energy_1 1-10 effect add_deposit = d_nanites_deposit - effect add_deposit = d_food_10 3 & 10
B) Research station
Command Range effect add_deposit = d_vast_unity_deposit - effect add_deposit = d_dark_matter_deposit_1 1-3 effect add_deposit = d_society_1 1-10 effect add_deposit = d_physics_1 1-10 effect add_deposit = d_engineering_1 1-10
Curiosity: You can add the same resource infinitely times to the same body, creating incredibly rich deposits, in this way I obtained legendary solar systems
Add Or Remove Traits In A Species
"debugtooltip" This command allows you to see the IDS of certain things, with this you can see the ID of the species to be used with the trait commands (Place the cursor over the portrait of your spice in the section where you modify the species). Normally your ID is 1
add_trait_species # trait_erudite Where # = ID
add_trait_species 5 trait_erudite
remove_trait_species # trait_erudite to remove trait
remove_trait_species 5 trait_erudite
Robost (Positive Traits)
add_trait_species 1 trait_mechanical /=Mechanical
add_trait_species 1 trait_machine_unit /=Machine
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_domestic_protocols
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_double_jointed
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_durable
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_efficient_processors
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_emotion_emulators
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_enhanced_memory
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_harvesters
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_learning_algorithms
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_logic_engines
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_loyalty_circuits
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_mass_produced
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_power_drills
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_propaganda_machines
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_recycled
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_superconductive
Robost (Negative Traits)
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_bulky
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_custom_made
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_high_maintenance
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_luxurious
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_repurposed_hardware
add_trait_species 1 trait_robot_uncanny
Organic (Positive Traits)
add_trait_species 1 trait_delicious
add_trait_species 1 trait_erudite
add_trait_species 1 trait_extremely_adaptive
add_trait_species 1 trait_fertile
add_trait_species 1 trait_robust
add_trait_species 1 trait_venerable
add_trait_species 1 trait_very_strong
add_trait_species 1 trait_latent_psionic
add_trait_species 1 trait_psionic
add_trait_species 1 trait_cybernetic
add_trait_species 1 trait_adaptive
add_trait_species 1 trait_agrarian
add_trait_species 1 trait_charismatic
add_trait_species 1 trait_communal
add_trait_species 1 trait_conformists
add_trait_species 1 trait_conservational
add_trait_species 1 trait_enduring
add_trait_species 1 trait_industrious
add_trait_species 1 trait_ingenious
add_trait_species 1 trait_intelligent
add_trait_species 1 trait_natural_engineers
add_trait_species 1 trait_natural_physicists
add_trait_species 1 trait_natural_sociologists
add_trait_species 1 trait_nomadic
add_trait_species 1 trait_quick_learners
add_trait_species 1 trait_rapid_breeders
add_trait_species 1 trait_resilient
add_trait_species 1 trait_strong
add_trait_species 1 trait_talented
add_trait_species 1 trait_thrifty
add_trait_species 1 trait_traditional
add_trait_species 1 trait_enigmatic_intelligence
Organic (Negative Traits)
add_trait_species 1 trait_decadent
add_trait_species 1 trait_deviants
add_trait_species 1 trait_fleeting
add_trait_species 1 trait_nonadaptive
add_trait_species 1 trait_quarrelsome
add_trait_species 1 trait_repugnant
add_trait_species 1 trait_slow_breeders
add_trait_species 1 trait_slow_learners
add_trait_species 1 trait_sedentary
add_trait_species 1 trait_solitary
add_trait_species 1 trait_wasteful
add_trait_species 1 trait_weak
add_trait_species 1 trait_nerve_stapled
World Preference Traits
add_trait_species 1 trait_pc_arid_preference
add_trait_species 1 trait_pc_desert_preference
add_trait_species 1 trait_pc_savannah_preference
add_trait_species 1 trait_pc_continental_preference
add_trait_species 1 trait_pc_ocean_preferenc
add_trait_species 1 trait_pc_tropical_preference
add_trait_species 1 trait_pc_alpine_preference
add_trait_species 1 trait_pc_arctic_preference
add_trait_species 1 trait_pc_tundra_preference
add_trait_species 1 trait_pc_gaia_preference
add_trait_species 1 trait_pc_nuked_preference
add_trait_species 1 trait_latent_psionic
add_trait_species 1 trait_psionic
Special Enhancement Traits (Toxoids DLC)
add_trait_species 1 trait_artificial_intelligence
add_trait_species 1 trait_crafted_smiles
add_trait_species 1 trait_crack_miner
add_trait_species 1 trait_elevated_synapses
add_trait_species 1 trait_excessive_endurance
add_trait_species 1 trait_expressed_tradition
add_trait_species 1 trait_farm_hands
add_trait_species 1 trait_gene_mentorship
add_trait_species 1 trait_juiced_power
add_trait_species 1 trait_low_maintenance
add_trait_species 1 trait_preplanned_growth
add_trait_species 1 trait_spliced_adaptability
add_trait_species 1 trait_technical_skill
Leader Traits
Leader IDs can be read by hovering over a leader in the Leaders or Empire menus. If a modded starting system was not used the player's starting leaders will always be 0 (ruler), 1 (governor) and 2-5 (scientists).
add_trait_leader 0 trait_ruler_corvette_focus
remove_trait_leader 0 trait_ruler_corvette_focus
leader_trait_ruler_brainslug (DLC Distant Stars)
effect force_add_civic =
effect force_add_civic = civic_corporate_dominion
effect force_add_civic = civic_fanatic_purifiers
effect force_add_civic = civic_functional_architecture
effect force_add_civic = civic_mining_guilds
effect force_add_civic = civic_technocracy
effect force_add_civic = civic_crafters
effect force_add_civic = civic_corporate_crafters
effect force_add_civic = civic_pleasure_seekers
effect force_add_civic = civic_death_cult
effect force_add_civic = civic_death_cult_corporate
effect force_add_civic = civic_reanimated_armies
effect force_add_civic = civic_machine_warbots (MACHINE)
effect force_add_civic = civic_ancient_caches_of_technology (Fallen Empire)
effect force_add_civic = civic_revanchist_fervor
Generate Mega Structures
create_megastructure dyson_sphere_5 (1-5)
create_megastructure dyson_sphere_ruined
create_megastructure matter_decompressor_4
create_megastructure matter_decompressor_ruined
create_megastructure spy_orb_4
create_megastructure spy_orb_ruined
create_megastructure think_tank_4 (Estacion Cientifica)
create_megastructure think_tank_ruined
create_megastructure strategic_coordination_center_3
create_megastructure strategic_coordination_center_ruined
create_megastructure mega_art_installation_4
create_megastructure mega_art_installation_ruined
create_megastructure interstellar_assembly_4
create_megastructure interstellar_assembly_ruined
create_megastructure gateway_final
create_megastructure gateway_ruined
create_megastructure mega_shipyard_ruined
create_megastructure mega_shipyard_3
create_megastructure L-Gate
create_megastructure habitat_0
create_megastructure orbital_ring
create_megastructure orbital_ring_ruined
create_megastructure hyper_relay
create_megastructure hyper_relay_ruined
create_megastructure quantum_catapult_3
create_megastructure quantum_catapult_ruined
Create a Complete Ring World:
create_megastructure ring_world_2_intermediate
This command will create an unfinished ringworld at the system where you want.
effect finish_upgrade
Use this command at each section to finish the upgrading.
event crisis.1000 The Unbidden
event crisis.2000 The Contingency
event crisis.199 Prethoryn Scourge (Immediately spawns Prethoryn invaders. Use "crisis.10" to initiate the crisis' natural progression)
Add Buildings
effect add_building = Adds [building id] to the selected celestial body
Ex: effect add_building = building_fe_dome
Fallen empire
Dimensional Fabricator: effect add_building = building_dimensional_fabricator
Class-4 Singularity: effect add_building = building_class_4_singularity
Auto-Forge: effect add_building = building_nano_forge
Master Archive: effect add_building = building_master_archive
Affluence Center: effect add_building = building_affluence_center
Nourishment Center: effect add_building = building_nourishment_center
Sky Dome: effect add_building = building_fe_dome
effect add_building = building_building_nanite_transmuter
effect add_building = building_resource_silo
effect add_building = building_grand_embassy
effect add_building = building_food_conglomerate
effect add_building = building_private_mining_consortium
effect add_building = building_virtual_entertainment_studios
effect add_building = building_private_shipyards
effect add_building = building_military_contractors
effect add_building = building_public_relations_office
effect add_building = building_private_research_initiative
effect add_building = building_amusement_megaplex
effect add_building = building_commercial_forum
effect add_building = building_corporate_embassy
effect add_building = building_wildcat_miners
effect add_building = building_bio_reprocessing_facilities
effect add_building = building_underground_chemists
effect add_building = building_wrecking_yards
effect add_building = building_pirate_haven
effect add_building = building_underground_clubs
effect add_building = building_syndicate_outreach_office
effect add_building = building_illicit_research_labs
effect add_building = building_smuggling_rings
effect add_building = building_disinformation_center
effect add_building = building_akx_worm_3
Add Relics
Grants the [relic id] relic, writing all instead of the ID grants all relics
add_relic all =all relics
add_relic ID =one relic
-Cybrex War Forge =add_relic r_war_forge
Javorian Pox Sample =add_relic r_pox_sample
Vultaum Reality Perforator =add_relic r_reality_perforator
Yuht Cryo Core =add_relic r_cryo_core
-Extradimensional Warlock =add_relic r_unbidden_warlock
-Isolated Contingency Core =add_relic r_contingency_core
-Prethoryn Brood-Queen =add_relic r_prethoryn_queen
Scales of the Worm =add_relic r_worm_scales
Ether Drake Trophy =add_relic r_dragon_trophy
Khan's Trone =add_relic r_khans_throne
-Blade of the Huntress =add_relic r_ancient_sword
Head of Zarqlan =add_relic r_severed_head
Miniature Galaxy =add_relic r_galaxy
Psionic Archive =add_relic r_zro_crystal
The Defragmentor =add_relic r_the_defragmentor
The Last Baol =add_relic r_the_last_baol
-The Omnicodex =add_relic r_omnicodex
The Rubricator =add_relic r_rubricator
The Surveyor =add_relic r_surveyor
The Galatron =add_relic r_galatron
activate_relic -Activates the triumph effect of [Relic ID]
Ex: activate_relic r_unbidden_warlock
federation_add_experience /Adds [amount] of Experience to the Federation, default 1000
federation_add_cohesion /Adds [amount] of Cohesion to the Federation, default 200
federation_add_cohesion_speed /Adds [amount] of Monthly Cohesion to the Federation, default 10
skip_galactic_community_cooldowns - Allows proposing resolutions from the same group without cooldown
end_senate_session -Passes/fails the currently voted resolution
force_senate_vote -Ends the current senate recess
Menace Level: menace - Adds [amount] of Menace, default 5000
Ex: menace 3000
imperial_authority - Adds [amount] of Imperial Authority, default 10
Ex: imperial_authority 20
Add Ships
Note: Contingency, other Leviathans and Fallen Empire ships spawn as a box.
add_ship +Design name
Star-Eater : add_ship NAME_Crisis_Star_Eater
Herald: add_ship NAME_Herald
Unbidden battleship: add_ship NAME_Revenant
World Cracker colossus : add_ship NAME_Reaper
Global Pacifier colossus : add_ship NAME_Enforcer
Neutron Sweep colossus : add_ship NAME_Cleanser
Fallen Empire Massive Ship: add_ship NAME_Alpha
AI Core : add_ship NAME_AI_Core
Final AI Core: add_ship NAME_AI_Final_Core
Cybrex Core: add_ship NAME_Cybrex_Core
AI Large Ship: add_ship NAME_Euthanizer
Power Over Others Empires
KingdredgenXforce_integrate [empire id]
kill_country [empire id]
Warning: This command is misleading since when you use it you will die yourself. to use it it is recommended to play as the empire to destroy and then return to play with your own empire. it's complicated sometimes. Steps to follow:
2. play (empire id number here) [Enemy Empire]
3. kill_country
4. play (Your empire ID here) [Go back to playing as your own empire]
Special thanks to for his warning and usage recommendation for this command.
You should be able to see any empire IDs by typing 'debugtooltip on' into the console and then mousing over the empire's territory
War Goal
Ex: "war 5 0 wg_tribute" .where 0=PLyer empire and 5 is another empire in the game
If empire 5 is in a federation with one or more other empires, and you want to guarantee a war, you need to enter the command once for each empire in the federation. This way all members "vote" for war.
Example for federation:
war 5 0 wg_tribute
war 9 0 wg_tribute
war 11 0 wg_tribute
In Test- Caution! No Use Yet
NOTE: PLEASE IGNORE THIS SECTION OF THE GUIDE. These commands were found in exhaustive searches indirectly or unexpectedly. For that reason I have no information about them and I have not been able to make them work, the only thing I know is that they may or may not be real. it is the land of the unknown. I have my reasons for having them here. just ignore this section and everything will be fine. I know! It would be amazing to use them! I hope one day to find more information about them.
spawn_system -Spawns a new system at a position relative to the scoped system/planet/ship
Ex: spawn_system = { min_jumps = <value> max_jumps = <value> min_distance = <int 0-100> max_distance = <int 0-100> initializer = <key for pre-defined system> hyperlane=<yes/no> is_discovered=<yes/no> }
spawn_natural_wormhole -Spawns a new natural wormhole in the scoped system.
Ex: spawn_natural_wormhole = { bypass_type = <wormhole/sealed_wormhole> orbit_distance = 100 orbit_angle = 90 random_pos = yes/no }
link_wormholes -Link the wormhole from the scoped system to the wormhole in the target system.
Ex: link_wormholes = from
add_hyperlane -Adds a hyperlane between two systems
Ex: add_hyperlane = { from = <system> to = <system> }
remove_hyperlane -Removes existing hyperlane between two systems
Ex: remove_hyperlane = { from = <system> to = <system> }
spawn_planet -Spawns a planet in a system.
Ex: N/A
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