100% Critical Chance in Space

100% Critical Chance in Space


100% Critical Chance in Space image 1

With the addition of the Starship Trait Terran Goodbye[sto.gamepedia.com] , a Critical Chance of 100% is now more achievable than ever before (albeit ludicrously expensive).

To measure your ships Critical Chance most accurately, I like to load up the TFO - Defense of Starbase One, open DPS tracker[www.sto-dps.com] , park myself in a spot near some enemy spawns and just mash spacebar to fire all weapons and activate all my BOFF abilites. After the 8 minutes are up, look at the tracker and check the critical chance for your weapon(s) of choice.

I'm aware that it would be more optimal to have less Critical Chance, and greater Severity, however, I like seeing the word Critical in-front of every big yellow number on my screen, what can I say.


5%13%23%23% (2.7%)48% (2.7%)57.6% (2.7%)60.1% (2.7%)62.1% (2.7%)67% (2.7%)87.3% (2.7%)94.8% (2.7%)99.8% (2.7%)100.2% (2.7%)Total : 108% (2.7%)

100% Critical Chance in Space image 20

Disclaimer: for this guide you DO have to be a Romulan, for Super Romulan Operative boffs, however other factions can access these to a limited extent, and I believe Jem'Hadar Vanguard and Cardassian BOFF's are also a good fit.

Be a Romulan -

⠀Any faction alignment, as long as your part of the Romulan Cool Club 8-)

Any Career path ( Tactical, Science, Engineer) -

⠀However Tactical does help as it gives you access to Attack Pattern Alpha[sto.gamepedia.com] ⠀and Tactical Fleet[sto.gamepedia.com] . These help fill gaps if you do not have other aspects of ⠀the build, or havent built up 3 stacks of Terran Goodbye.

The Build -

Aspect of Build Critical Chance Value Cumulative Critical Chance Value Captain Skills-

Advanced Targeting Expertise

Advanced Wep Spec

Offensive Co-ord

Energy Critical Chance (bottom bar)

Accuracy Rating (bottom bar) Critical Chance

+22 Acc Specializations (Intel + Strat)-

Intel, Unprotected Systems

Strat, Logisitcal Support 8% Critical Chance

(intel flanking is not required at all, although helps when certain traits are not at max stacks) Boffs (5x Superior Romulan Operative)-

Narrow Sensor Bands III

Cannon Scatter Volley III 10% Critical Chance

+50 Acc

-30 Acc (CSV) Personal Space Traits-

Adaptive Offense 2.7% 2.7% Critical Chance

Transforms to 9% Critical Severity almost instantly but included it regardless (2.7%) Starship Traits-

Weapon Emitter Overdrive

Terran Goodbye 2 Critical Chance

+125 Acc Space Reputation Traits-

Tyler's Duality Rank 2 (108k hull)

Precision Rank 2 9.6% Critical Chance Ship Mastery Unlocks-

Vaadwaur Juggernaut

Devastating Weaponry 2. Critical Chance Weapons-

Spiral Wave Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons [CrtX] modifier 2% Critical Chance Elite Fleet Intervention Protomatter Deflector Array [ColCrit] -

+4% Critical Chance

(+21.3 Advanced Wep Spec) 4.9% Critical Chance Consoles-

5x Fleet Locator Tactical

Lorca Custom Fire Control

Tachyokinetic Converter

Assimilated Module

Swarm Processor

D.O.M.I.N.O 20.3% Critical Chance

+55 Acc Endeavours-

Critical Chance Rank 15 7. Critical Chance

(Recently another 5 ranks for each skill were added so this can now go up to 10%) Duty Officers-

24 of 47

27 of 47 Critical Chance +10 Tactical Skill Boost (Fleet Store)-

0.4% Critical Chance

+1.5 Acc 0.4% Critical Chance

+1.5 Acc Accuracy Overflow -

224 (includes -30 from CSV) 7.77 Critical Chance

𝗧𝗼𝘁𝗮𝗹 : 𝟭𝟬𝟬% 𝗖𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲

For more information on Accuracy Overflow, please check here

I hope you both enjoyed this read and have a nice week :-)

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2391376557					

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