Weapon and ship optimization v1.0


SPAZ has a lot of options on how to build your ships; and it's not very clear on how to figure out how much is too much. It's easy to add way too many guns, via triple mount turrets or large aounts of weapon slots, and actually hurt your damage output.

Here's a generic process that can be used with any tech level, any weapon layout, any ship, to figure out what the best weapon/booster caps are for your current spot and current ship.

This is best done at your Mothership; as this will take a few passes of rebuilding and tweaking your ship layout, and the rebuilds go much faster there.

Also note that as your booster and reactor upgrade and installed reactors change; those will be major shakeups to what you've set out already, and you may want to re-do this process with your new booster and reactor levels.

Sometimes you won't have enough modules or tech to reach the perfect mix; in that case you have to make a choice between cycling weapon speed (prioritizing the right number of guns) vs power draw (prioritizing a stable energy level).

One is better for hit and runs, the other is better for lots of continuous shooting with shields up, taking a bettering, and manuevering around.

Determine Maximum Number Of Guns


For projectile weapons, SPAZ fires one weapon, then moves on to the next.

But projectile weapons have a recharge value. If you're firing a small gun and that adds time to the whole weapon cycle that puts your bigger guns over their recharge rate, you're actually losing damage.

tldr; too many small guns will make your big guns take too long when they can go faster.

To determine the best number of guns; only install your biggest guns. Fire them a few times, and note how long they take to recharge.

Add the next series of the next smallest guns. Take note of how long it takes to fire your biggest guns.

If, with the new guns adds, your biggest guns are coming online too quickly: Add more guns.

If, with the new guns adds, your biggest guns are coming online well after they're ready: Take away some guns.

If, with the new guns adds, your biggest guns are coming online right when they recharge: Stop, you've found the right amount of Gun. Congratulations!

Determine Number Of Reactor Boosters

Weapons are naturally limited by the reactor output of your ship; chances are good that after determing the maximum amount of gun you can have, you're burning through power too fast.

So the next step is to bump up your reactor output just enough to never stop your dakka.

How to determine the right amount of Reactor boosters:

Add, in your smallest module, a Reactor Booster. Rebuild the ship and go full auto. Your goal here is to have your energy levels to where you can continuosly hold down the fire button and your energy stays level.

If, after adding the module, you are not at the desrired energy level: Remove the smallest module, and add a reactor boost to your next largest module available.

Odds are good you might need two, or mix and match sizes. In that case the general idea is the same; after adding a module of one size, add in the smallest module of Reactor Booster you can until you get the desired energy level.

Finishing Touches

After optimizing weapon and reactor modules; you'll have some module slots left. What you do with those is up to you; I tend to prefer cannon or beam booster modules.

Different ships will work better for this, the # of modules a ship has is sometimes more important than the number of weapon modules.

The Colt is an excellent ship to test this out on; it's very easy to add too much gun at too much weapon draw.


This is the first version of this guide; any comments or constructive feedback are welcome.


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=785295535					

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