Soma Quicksavew & Quickload

Soma Quicksavew & Quickload


Much like the Amnesia games before it, developer Frictional doesn't let us quicksave or quickload by default. It's a very simple process and very similar to the one used for Amnesia. If you're wondering how to enable quicksave and quickload for Amnesia then check out my other guide.


Soma Quicksavew & Quickload image 4
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1). You’ll need to edit a config file, however this won’t appear until you edit the button options in game first. Launch the game, edit an option, save it and exit.

2). You’ll need to navigate to the folder the config file is stored in.

C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Documents\my games\Soma\Main

Alternatively you could type:


3). Look for the the file that ends in “user_settings.cfg”. The first part of the file name will be your Steam player name, then a bunch of numbers, then “user_settings.cfg”.

4). Open this document with a text editor. (You might have to right click > open with > notepad). We need to change two lines.

5). Look for: AllowAllowQuickSave="false"

6). Change it to: AllowAllowQuickSave="true"

7). Look for: DebugMode="false"

8). Change it to: DebugMode="true"

9). Save and close the file. You’re all down.

You can now quicksave and quickload! You also gain access to the debug panel, though I haven't played much with that. Your hot keys for these features are:

F1 = Debug Panel

F9 = Quicksave

F10 = Quickload

Some of the other Function keys have other effects, though I'm not sure what they are.


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