Bugthrough: So I just bug SOMA

Bugthrough: So I just bug SOMA

Bug Localization.

When you are on the mission to get into Lambda station to meet your beautiful chat woman, then you can experience a funny nice bug that allows you to enter the station from outside thru the wall, while still under the water effect.

First Step

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As first you need to open the station door from outside(to not let yourself be trapped), but dont enter inside using your Omnitool.

Actual Way To The Bug

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After you are done opening the door, then go back and continue in your walk(ofcourse not the direction you came). On your walk, you pass around a working submarine and few more steps forward you find a giant metal rope. Jump on the rope.

Almost There

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Keep walking towards to the rock wall while still standing on the rope. On the end of the rope start jumping till you get on the rock wall.

Now It Gets Harder

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When you are already up there, then walk to the shining blue light and you can see the station from outside thru the walls. Come to the station and try jumping from bellow the floor to pass the floor and you are in ;).

Some Funny Catch

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Here is some funny photo I just took while monster AI for some reason has stopped working :D

(Dont judge me, judge creators of the model :D)

Oh Almost Forgot

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Be careful, you can get out of the map ;)

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=913030513					

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