How to get TUZ 420 "Tatarin"

How to get TUZ 420 "Tatarin"


How to get TUZ 420 "Tatarin" image 1

The first step Firstly, you need to open the Taimyr itself, that is, move into the garage there.

To do this, first press the M key, then the G key, then select the location "Taimyr" and choose that location.

P.S. I advise you to do a couple of tasks in Michigan first, and open a couple of cars to stock up on money to buy Azov 64131 with seismovibration module (it's free)

Our Plan To Get It

The second step To open the transition to the desired area in Taimyr, you need to do two tasks first:

1. Intelligence work

2. Beyond the horizon

Now I will tell you how to make these tasks easier.

First Task

How to get TUZ 420 "Tatarin" image 11
How to get TUZ 420 "Tatarin" image 12
How to get TUZ 420 "Tatarin" image 13

Intelegence work To complete it you need to buy Azov 64131(!)

1. After purchasing the Azov 64131, go to the Tuning Modules of the body and install a seismic vibrator. Great, now you can send on a mission :3

2. You need to find 3 points and perform geological exploration. You can find out about the approach to the point by the beep of the sensor, which will appear when approaching the point at a distance of less than 150 meters. Next, keep track of the distance in tracking the task and adjust the course. When the point is found, the beep of the sensor will change. Now use the seismovibrator by pressing the [7] key from the functions menu. Do not turn off the engine, otherwise you will not be able to use the equipment.

First point

Second point

Third point

Now you completed thats task! Great!

Second Task

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Beyond the horizon To make it, just buy trailer with 2x slots.

1. We immediately load up near the railway with Spare parts, as many as 2 pieces are needed in the body according to the task, we leave the trailer empty, for loading metal parts, along the route.

2. Now, we need to load metal parts into an empty trailer in the Warehouse.

3. Turn back and take other parts to complete that.

4. Great! Now, you opened the "Carrier" and "Zimnegorsk" locations:

Location Of TUZ 420 "Tatarin"

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Now just find it and climb on the little mountain Thats stay here:

Thank You, My Friend!

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Thank you for reading it! If you like that tutorial give me some rewards, I love you <3


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