Shadow Power Levels

Dark Souls

There are 120 Dark Souls scattered throughout Liveside and Deadside. Here is the # of Dark Souls required to level up your shadow power.

Level 0 - Your starting level

Level 1 - 1 Dark Soul

Level 2 - 3 Dark Souls

Level 3 - 7 Dark Souls

Level 4 - 15 Dark Souls

Level 5 - 23 Dark Souls

Level 6 - 35 Dark Souls

Level 7 - 51 Dark Souls

Level 8 - 71 Dark Souls

Level 9 - 95 Dark Souls

Level 10 - 120 Dark Souls

Also, most Dark Souls in the Asylum: Engine Room are inside True Forms which can be accessed via the Fives' prism gates, but there are a few that lie exposed within machines.


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