BEFORE READING: I'm (Author) a member of the Russian Branch, which means that the original of this guide is written in Russian. All links and images adapted to English. Due to the large amount of text, I decided to use machine translation for the first time. If suddenly you notice details that are difficult to understand or grammar fails, I'll be grateful if you help correct me. I'll be glad.
The guide briefly describes all the required information on the lore of the universe of the game for people who are interested in what is going on here, but do not want to kill time for a lot of letters to read I will try to help with this, also leaving links to the original for the most interested as far as possible.
This guide is based on the information I received from in-game documents, articles I've read, my own guesses, comments of developers, theories of translators I know, other members of the Russian Branch and smart colleagues from the English Branch.
You ought to also be understood that the Foundation as a collaborative writing site does not have a monolite canon, because so far I can't say for sure that all the information from this guide is 100% SCP:5K canon. All this is actually one big guess of what placeholdermcd, Gabriel & HarryBlank were thinking when they wrote the storyline of this game.
Just in case, I'll write that exactly is canon:
1. The canon of SCP-5000 (The world described in it)
2. Information from documents inside the game
3. Information received from the lips of developers (devlogs, videos, messages and posts)
What is most likely is canon:
1. SCP in the context of this guide
2. Stories and objects referenced in the documentation from the game
3. Stories and objects of lead writers and other developers of the game on scp-wiki.
Before starting, I recommend that you read my guide to translating in-game documentation in order to at least get a little bit into the course of what is happening: (CURRENT ONLY FOR RUSSIAN)
Introduction: Beginning And Q&A
According to the plot of the main mission of the game, we are entering into the SCP Foundation Biological Research and Specialized Containment Area-12. The very first sentence raises a lot of questions:
Question 1: What is the SCP Foundation?
Answer: International Organization[] operates to maintain normalcy. The Foundation is not the only such organization, but the largest and strongest. It has a huge pool of resources; human, material and financial. Further, "Foundation" and "Organization", regardless of the context, will mean exactly "SCP Foundation".
Question 2: Who are we?
Answer: Players take on the role of members of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation Unusual Incidents Unit (FBIUIU)[] . Prior to the events of the game, the division was engaged in roughly similar tasks to those of the Foundation, and took part in some joint operations. In general, the UIU is part of the Anti-Foundation Coalition (AFC) - an association of humanity, oddly enough, opposed to the Foundation.
Question 3: Why are we no longer friends with the Foundation and what has they done?
Answer: The Foundation launched an omnicide, i.e. declared war on the entire human race and announced its total cutting with all available tools.
Question 4: Okay, why did we come to Area-12?
Answer: In short, screw the Foundation and try to save humanity by finding out exactly how the Organization was going to produce omnicide. At the moment there is no pre-operation briefing in the game, so I will make it for you. Your task is:
1. Capturing data from the servers of the Site, as well as its various documentation;
2. Explosion of a nuclear reactor located in the complex;
3. Destruction of Psi-Z, a program to create zombies, à la The Walking Dead.
Here we answered the main questions, and now let's kill ourselves in a full-fledged lore of the game
Section-12 structure.
Story Background: Events Before Start Of The Game
As we now know that the Foundation launched a mass omnicide of humanity, but why did they do it? Why?
The answer lies in:
SCP-5000 - Why?[]
SCP-3125 - The Escapee[]
SCP-682 - Hard-to-Destroy Reptile[]
SCP-055 - [unknown][]
Let's start with SCP-5000. As an item we don't need it, but it tells the story of the timeline where we are. More precisely, the one in which the Foundation plunged into the study of the human collective unconscious (note: in reality - a pseudoscientific theory about the presence of traits common to each person) as a result of which he came to the conclusion that humanity was infected with some kind of strange ENTITY which is, to put it mildly, disgusting[] . After analyzing all chances of saving humanity, Foundation realized that it would only have time to save its employees, as a result of which it notified the higher-ranking persons in the Organization, who reacted to the news in two ways. Someone left the Organization (we'll talk about them later), and someone agreed to save the world through omnicide. After a short time, the Foundation was able to remove this ENTITY from the heads of its employees with a memetic construct (a set of information capable of influencing consciousness, for example, music, sound, photo, video, picture or words), thus freeing them from side effects (such as pain). And began preparations for the PROTOCOL FOUNDATION - this is how the Foundation called its plan to war against the human race.
Here begins the first details that can be found in the game. In documents there is OPERATION: MOONFALL which says that after the discovery of the entity, Lunar Area-32 (a facility located, as one can logically assume, on the Moon) disagreed with the ideas of most of the Foundation. It was isolated from the rest of the Foundation and apparently it could not be cleared of this ENTITY, as a result of which it was decided to destroy it (I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the document before viewing it):
Let's return to the employees who left the Foundation. One of the developers' early posts about the history of the game indicated that some remained opposed to the Foundation's decision and left the Foundation by contacting the Groups of Interest (as the Foundation refers to any paranormal organizations separate from it), primarily the Global Occult Coalition (the second largest paranormal organization, which is part of the United Nations and includes more than two hundred national services such as the British Occult Service (aka MI666) and the FBIUIU.
There are also other documents in the game that talk about preparing operations to eliminate rebel cells and effectively destroy humanity by cutting off communications (Internet, radio, etc.), creating various weapons (such as manipulating Reality Benders - people with the ability to restructure reality actually by the power of thought) and the creation of a program to create zombies (which are present in the game).
It's also worth noting that SCP-939[] has been turned into a Psi-Resonator:
After developing dozens of projects and protocols, Foundation was ready for an omnicide, about which ti politely informed all of humanity, thereby revealing to it (yes, it is also worth noting that the Foundation hid it from the public throughout its existence and only the GoI and national governments), but we do not care much about this, like the rest of the plot of SCP-5000, because it tells a little about something else.
Story: This Is Why.
And here we come to the worst. We figured out what and how happens within the game and what you can learn from the in-game environment and plot. There is no god further, because we are going to the bottom of the plot where you will never find one exact answer.
Here even my brain cannot give an unambiguous and 100% answer, because IT is nowhere described more specifically than absolute evil, because of which humanity must be eliminated.
Let's walk through related objects for clarity:
SCP-5000 - We covered it in the last section, but for more details, click here.
SCP-682 - A hard-to-destroy reptile that wants to annihilate all people in its path. The first object known to the Foundation that was aware of the IT that infested humanity.
SCP-682's words to humanity about the IT. The spider here is called SCP-3125
SCP-055 - An antimeme (an idea that encrypts itself, i.e. does not allow you to remember it), which, in conjunction with SCP-579 (Antimeme #2), resets reality and prevents the end of the world. Most likely it has consciousness and supports this IT in its quest to survive. SCP-5000's storyline is that the IT is helping to reset reality for a Foundation employee who has escaped the memetic agent. SCP-055 itself may be the skull of an ancient sub-race of humans that had an antimemetic effect (this is indicated by another SCP Foundation storyline currently maintained by SCP:5K's current writer and lead writers - placeholdermcd. HarryBlank & Gabriel)
SCP-579 - Antimeme #2, no comment here, it's even more complex and incomprehensible than SCP-055, but the only thing we know is that it can roll back reality to the right moment to prevent death humanity, as well as IT
SCP-3125 - Another antimeme, which is something like an alien creature that was outside the universe and which makes its way into the human noosphere (pseudo-scientific term characterizing the 5D-space, which contains all kinds of data for humanity). According to the plot of the object itself, it is an evil that the Foundation is fighting, but in the plot of SCP-5000, it is ambiguous due to information from SCP-7555.
SCP-3125 or its "iconic" image
SCP-7555 - OBJECT-5 contained in Area-12, which is actually SCP-3125. I'll make a note here:
SCP-3125 = SCP-7555
SCP-7555 = OBJECT-5
OBJECT-5 = SCP-3125
OBJECT-5 wants to rid humans of the IT from SCP-5000 through deprivation of personality and humanity. (text and theory taken from SCP-7555's translator, Dawn-of-Ash, thanks to him).
SCP-7555 in containment at Area-12
SCP-3125's words about IT
In all this incomprehensible nightmare, we can assume that IT is very bad and is doing something to humanity, for which it will have to pay with its existence after a while. If you look from the perspective that the IT is evil, then we, as people infected by it, act as villains in history, and the Foundation, SCP-3125, SCP-7555, SCP-682 are good boys who save humanity and world as a whole.
It is worth adding here that during the preparation for PROTOCOL FOUNDATION, the Foundation releases SCP-682 with many other objects into the wild, but it is with him that the conversation is started:
For context, the PNEUMA project is one in which the Foundation studies the psychosphere and the human unconscious in general, finding this IT from the plot of SCP-5000:
And here we can roughly estimate the result for this IT:
IT the source of some of the negative aspects of humanity, incl. pain. Once upon a time, IT penetrated into the collective unconscious and influenced it tremendously, thereby invading the minds of people. She is intelligent and strong, but unable to control people directly (otherwise she would have stopped O5 Counctil - Foundation leadership). IT due to the fact that it is responsible for some of the negative aspects of humanity, it has never good intentions. They are so bad that the Foundation Ethics Committee (the department that certifies research and containment projects in the Foundation in terms of ethical decisions) chose to destroy humanity, just to prevent the IT from continuing dirty work.
Story: Events Of The World During The Action Of The Game
Conclusion: Summarizing The Information Received
To summarize: The story of SCP:5K is about how the Anti-Foundation Coalition (a formation of the United Nations Global Occult Coalition, Federal Bureau of Investigation Unusual Incidents Unit and other Groups of Interest) is trying to prevent the SCP Foundation omnicide of humanity. The Foundation itself produces it in order to save the world from the ENTITY terrible and intelligent thing that wanted to prepare very bad things for humanity. So terrible that the Foundation, as the smartest and most powerful Organization, made a similar decision and began to fight against all governments and paranormal groups in the world.
Who won this confrontation within the game? Perhaps we'll see in the release of SCP:5K.
I think this is the end. This is pretty much all the information I know about SCP:5K at the moment. In the future, I will try to maintain the guide as new updates and information related to SCP:5K are released on the SCP Foundation wiki. I will also try to make the best design. In the meantime, I will be grateful for your assessment of this guide and correcting my mistakes. Thanks for reading!
And remember, Dave loves you for finding his family.
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