Getting The Bug To Work
To get the bug to work you need Zero shell's in the chamber (Basically no ammo in the gun) of whatever shotgun you're using.
Now once you did that. All you need to do is press R and then quickly press the Left Mouse Button and you should see one of these things happen. Depending on what shotgun you're using.
NOTE: Sometimes when you do this correctly it won't always work so it's sometimes better to click your Mouse rapidly.
It also doesn't have to look like this for the Bug to work. But I will only choose these two examples because they're the most effective way to do this Bug with both shotguns.
How Is This Bug Useful?
This Bug is useful because it allows you to have one shell in the gun while skipping the whole animation. This Bug also gives you unlimited ammo. Don't believe me? Look at the GIF below and try focus on both the gun and ammo counter.
As you can see the ammo counter on the top changes from zero to one. And the ammo counter on the bottom stays the same.
How Does This Bug Work?
It works when "Animation 1" is played and adds one to the "Top/Main Ammo Counter". confused? Well here's another GIF.
NOTE:This is just a theory of mine. I didn't rip the game files. I just know that the animations look like they're in a particular order. I'm neither a game developer. Or a person who rips and looks at random code.
This is the same with the Mossberg the M1014 is just for a better understanding of it.
The only way for the "Bottom/Secondary Ammo Counter" drops is when "Animation 2" plays.
I'm sure you're totally somewhat confused. But I'm sure you will understand later. Also note that it subtracts one in the "Secondary Ammo Counter" even if the shell isn't loaded in "Animation 2".
Reload Speed Tests
NOTE GIFs might? Be slower compared to gameplay
I also have no idea if they're completely accurate.
Bug In Action
Last Section
Good job now you learned how to become a maniac.
But no seriously this bug is pretty cool and I think that learning this bug is good for people who look forward to speedrunning the game. It's also useful if you don't have enough ammo and you can't find a ammo box anywhere.
If this bug gets patched which I won't be surprised if it does. this ♥♥♥♥ still works in 0.13... I will update this guide saying that it's expired. If I find out about it that is.
So yeah that's all for this guide.
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