Starting Mission
You and your possible team load in and you get the goal of having to remove vines coming from SCP-1262.
You'll mainly be shooting instances of SCP-621 (Blue Flower & Pods) to force SCP-1262 to retract its vines so you may proceed further down.
{Photo of SCP-1262 engrossed on a pillar. Showing just how much of growth and how big of a issue it has now become.}
You will find 3 different "Datapads" throughout the map that hold helpful hints. They will give clues about what specific room you will need to find for Security Clearance down the road.
{Photos of a Dead Foundation Personnel next to their Datapad holding a helpful hint.}
Suspected Enemies
Here, is a list and photos of all possible encounters during Chapter 3.
{Photo of Foundation Personel attempting to Attack a UIU Officer}
{Photo of a Class-D Personel attempting to attack a UIU Officer}
{Photo of a escaped SCP-098 in the Prison Ward}
{Photo of Instance SCP-1262}
Vines Vines & More Vines
{This is SCP-621 "Pod Seed" Instance.}
{SCP-621 "Flower" Instance.}
So, now we get to the fun part of roaming around dorms and lounges. While searching for instances of SCP-621 be wary that SCP-1262 will awake from a dormant state to defend it's self and therefore SCP-621.
There is three different set of vines you must eliminate to proceed forward.
One is located in the "East Wing"
One is located in the "West Wing"
One is located in the "Central area between both Wing's"
There is one big blue vine that guides you to where you need to go in order to find the flowers you need to shoot.
Your goal is to clear the vines in order to get to the central elevator, but is blocked off by vines (crazy right!?) as shown in this photo below. The central elevator is crucial later on after you find your way through more of the facility.
Out Of Order? Call Maintencence
While exploring you will notice maintenance rooms more than likely as you walk around the complex. These will possibly hold Foundation Personnel hiding away from SCP-1262 or hold no one inside, regardless after discovering it you will want to flip the switch (Note: Pictured below on the left with the red light) enabling you to open the dormitory doors where the researchers slept.
{Maintenance room cleared.}
It is hard to see but on the table to the right in the photo there is a fuse you can pick up enabling you to open Shutter doors to other area's (Note: They are just passageways to make access of moving around easier no secret areas or nothing.)
They can open shutter doors like pictured below making access to other rooms easier.
{Shutter Doors and a Fuse Box.}
On the right of the shutters is the Fuse box where you can enter in the fuse to open the door.(Note: This will consume the fuse in your inventory so you will have to find more around the map.)
Security Clearance For Elevator
Here, after managing to kick SCP-1262 vines to the curb you now must gain security access to the prison ward. Simply after finding the datapads (Clues, Codes, & Notes) looking at your Journal (J) or by chance stumbling upon the panic room you will find a deceased personnel member where you need to acquire security clearance to proceed. All you have to do is take the dead personnel members eye... Trust us he won't be needing it anymore.
{Dead Administration.}
Prison Ward
Here, SCP-1262 has engrossed itself all over the Prison ward and now we get the fun job of cleaning up this plant matter. Firstly we have to move through the entrance zone to the prison ward and deal with the escaping D-Class and any Foundation Members still on duty.
{Dead Class-D Personnel after attempting to escape.}
Watch out for a two instances of SCP-098 as they will try to sneak up behind you as you progress through the prison.
Run N' Gun
{Photo upon entering SubLevel-1.}
Now the clock is ticking you are going to want to be quick but also effective. Every level you climb up you will have to shoot some instances of SCP-621 and 1262 to proceed up. Time is of the essence as you will have to go into prison cells that branch off the center tower and find SCP-621 around the area and SCP-1262 standing guard ready to shoot spikes at unsuspecting victims.
{Photo of water level rising and already taken the first level.}
There is Class-D Personnel and Foundation Security up towards the top as you move on and they are looking for someone to take their anger out on for being abandoned so get your gun ready and mow them down.
Pulling The Plug
As you make your way to the top finally through it all you can take a moment of pause as the water stops up at the top.
You can then make your way into the room with dead Foundation Personnel and proceed to turn the Red Valve on the Yellow Pipe.
{Photo of the Main Water Valve.}
The End Is Nigh
Now after turning the Valve the water will start to go down. Now is your time to get to Sublevel 2 all the way at the very bottom. Be warned though as the rising water cleared out alot of SCP-1262 & SCP-621, Foundation Personnel and Class-D have grown in numbers and are now fighting down below. Get rid of them and proceed down.
After making your way to the bottom and taking the stairs even further down, you will find some Instances of SCP-1262 guarding the area and a dead Foundation Personnel Member in the corner with a data-pad holding the code to the door blocking the elevator.
{Photo after the door blocking the elevator is opened. Note; The Foundation Member is to the right of this door.}
Now all you have to do is step inside the elevator turn around and shoot the black box on the right wall under the red light and the elevator will activate and thus ending Chapter 3.
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