Naval Mode

The Basic Things

The basic things

-new radar design

-water maps

-Naval weapons

-Naval parts

-New giant mothership (bigger then the tx-1 mothership)

-Way more cpu

The Maps

-The maps must have water of curse

-Underwater design (for submarines or something else)

-Things to hide (Icebergs,Underwater Mountains,Mountains)

-Underwater caves(?)

The Parts

-Ship propellers (T1-TX)

-Mega ship parts for TX-1 (why not ?)

-Pressure tanks for submarines

-New naval radar design

-Sails ?


-Naval railgun

-Naval gun (replaces the smg in this mode)

-Torpedo (for submarines)


-Naval Grenade launcher

-Seamines ?

The Gameplay

-Teams like the normal game modes

-Maybe not just water (for tanks and other ground vehicles)

-A little harbour replaces the base

The End

Thanks for reading my guide,and i hope you liked it :D



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