A Fungus Among Us

A Fungus Among Us

How To Find It:

A Fungus Among Us image 1

A Fungus Among Us image 2

Completing the side mission will unlock the "A Fungus Among Us" -achievement and a PSI Challenge Marker. It is required for 100% completion.

You can start the quest very early on by finding Lili from her garden outside Motherlobe. After exiting Motherlobe, turn right and you'll see some rocks for platforming. Following this path will guide you to Lili's garden. Lili will ask you to retrieve her a rare musroom.

The actual mushroom is located in the Questionable Area. It's behind the huge upside down waterfall and there are multiple ways to get it.

You can do what I did and ride the log from down to all the way up and exiting it in time to get inside the cave, which is located in the middle of the waterfall. This can get quite tricky and you'll probably drown multiple times.

The other way is to actually repair the funicular and ride it all the way up. It is easier to jump in from this position:

The easiest way is to wait untill you've aquired the Time Bubble skill from Jack Black land. By slowing down the log, it is trivial to jump in.

And... That's It!

Hope you've got it!

Be sure to check out my complete guide for scavenger hunt mission!


Thanks for reading.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2585752046					

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