Figments Lookup


This guide is meant to be used to compare to the list of figments that you have already found so that you can then go back and find any missed figments later. This is not a walkthrough telling you how to find the figments in order so that you can get everything as soon as possible - a video walkthrough is better for that.

This guide is not spoiler free. I try to keep the descriptions relatively vague so that it is at most hint-ish instead of an out and out spoiler, but things like level names and the general theme of the figments are unavoidable. Don't read ahead if you want to avoid spoilers/hints. This is your spoiler warning.

Duplicate figments are collapsed into one in the log, with an x/x counter indicating how many copies you've found and how many there are total. If you have not found all copies of a figment, then that figment will be grey in your log.

Figments are identified in this guide by Page/Row/Columns according to where they appear in the log. Some minds are split into multiple sections in this guide simply due to limits on how long a section can be - each section consists of one or more pages from the Figment log in the game.

No figments are completely missable. If they are in an area that becomes inaccessible, then all you need to do is finish the level normally and come back in through the Brain Tumbler. Either the inaccessible area will be accessible through the fast travel booger guy or the missed figments will be moved to an accessible adjacent area.

When describing the location of a figment, I use the area name according to the fast travel booger guy.

Loboto's Labyrinth - Page 1&2

Page 1, Row 1, Col 1: Lady in floral dress with hands in air, x1

- Central Office, behind a shelf containing boxes you're able to punch.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 2: Man in full suit, x1

- Central Office, behind a shelf containing boxes you're able to punch.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 3: 6 books placed so you see the spines (6 different height rectangles), x1

- Central Office, on top of the file cabinets you're meant to wall jump on.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 4: Rotary telephone, x2

- In the Trashcan with Oleander.

- Central Office, on top of the file cabinets you're meant to wall jump on.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 5: Flying tooth with small wings smoking cigar, x5

- Central Office, near the desks.

- Mouth after the conference room, flying around the gold tooth you jump on.

- Poster Gallery, after jumping through the first burnt painting. Flying around overhead partway through.

- Dental Void, flying around the second updraft.

- Dental Void, over the gap between second and third collapsing tooth bridges.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 6: Man in shirt and tie holding coffee and a paper, x1

- Central Office, near the desks.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 1: Slightly smaller tooth with straight but splayed roots, x2

- In the Trashcan with Oleander.

- Dental Void, on the gum platform with the Doubts.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 2: Dentist toothpick, x3

- In the Trashcan with Oleander.

- Dental Void, on the first sink platform you come to after the first updraft.

- Dental Void, while levitating through the electrified areas. After the first jump.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 3: Syringe, x3

- In the Trashcan with Oleander.

- Dental Void, between a gum platform and a rotating mirror platform.

- Dental Void, when levitating after the first collapsing tooth bridge.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 4: Potted plant with pointed leaves, x1

- Central Office, on the platform that originally has the zipper teeth.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 5: Flying bee, x2

- Central Office, between the file cabinets you're meant to wall jump on.

- Poster Gallery, after the 2nd picture you have to burn to progress on a floating tooth cluster.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 6: Rolling cart, x1

- Central Office, between the file cabinets you're meant to wall jump on.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 1: Loboto wanted poster, x3

- Central Office, between the file cabinets you're meant to wall jump on.

- Conference room, on the table next to a projector.

- Poster Gallery, after burning the second picture to progress, in the office. On top of a bookshelf.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 2: Psychonauts strong box, x1

- Central Office, on a shelf to the left of the platform that originally has the zipper teeth.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 3: Bird with ?!, x2

- Poster Gallery, after going through golden door from the Central Office, before sliding down a hallway. Probably relocated in later visits, but hard to miss.

- Dental Void, on the third collapsing tooth bridge.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 4: Man in scout uniform with spoon, x1

- Poster Gallery, after going through golden door from the Central Office, before sliding down a hallway. Probably relocated in later visits, but hard to miss.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 5: Fish poster, x1

- Poster Gallery, after burning picture and going through hole, on a floating tooth cluster.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 6: Insane manatee, x1

- Poster Gallery. After burning the picture and going through the hole, there is a poster behind the floating tooth cluster with the fish poster. Burn that picture and jump through the hole behind it.


Page 2, Row 1, Col 1: Chair, x3

- In the Trashcan with Oleander.

- Conference room, between the Psychonauts logo and the pick coming out of the wall.

- Poster Gallery, after burning picture and going through hole, on a floating tooth cluster.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 2: Lady in floral dress holding coffee, x1

- Poster Gallery, near the next picture that has to be burnt to continue with the level.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 3: Toothbrush, x2

- Poster Gallery, after burning the second picture to progress, in the office. On a floating tooth.

- Dental Void, the sink platform after the second updraft.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 4: Dentist tooth mirror, x3

- Poster Gallery, after burning the second picture to progress, in the office. On a floating tooth cluster.

- Dental Void, between a rotating mirror platform and a static mirror platform.

- Dental Void, on the third collapsing tooth bridge.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 5: Potted plant with round leaves, x1

- Conference room, on the floor near a projector.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 6: Framed picture of Loboto, x1

- Poster Gallery, after burning the second picture to progress, in the office. On top of a bookshelf.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 1: Dentist pliers, x2

- Dental Void. On one of the first gum platforms.

- Dental Void, when levitating after the first collapsing tooth bridge.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 2: Tooth where the top is as long as the roots, x3

- Dental Void, on the gum platform with the Doubts.

- Dental Void, over the hole after the electrified area while levitating.

- Dental Void, while levitating through the electrified area over the first collapsing teeth bridge.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 3: Flying tooth with big wings smoking cigar, x5

- Mouth after the conference room, flying around the gold tooth you jump on.

- Dental Void. Flying around the first updraft and the surrounding platforms.

- Dental Void. Flying around the first updraft and the surrounding platforms.

- Dental Void. Flying around the first updraft and the surrounding platforms.

- Dental Void, over the gap between second and third collapsing tooth bridges.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 4: Walking dentures, x4

- Mouth after the conference room, before the gold tooth you jump on.

- Mouth after the conference room, before the gold tooth you jump on.

- Dental Void, at the top of the second updraft.

- Dental Void, while levitating through the electrified area. After the first jump.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 5: Dentist glove, x2

- Conference room, just before the mouth where Sasha fights the uvula.

- Dental Void, while levitating over the second collapsing tooth bridge.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 6: Sheegor (female igor from Psychonauts), x1

- Asylum, on the stairs going up.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 1: Mr. Pokeylope (turtle with crown from Psychonauts), x1

- Asylum, on the stairs going up.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 2: Circle with sun in the middle, x1

- Asylum, on a floating tooth that you jump on.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 3: Tooth where the roots are longer than the top, x2

- Conference room, between the Psychonauts logo and the pick coming out of the wall.

- Dental Void, while levitating over the first collapsing teeth bridge.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 4: Bent spoon, x2

- Central Office, behind a shelf containing boxes you're able to punch.

- Asylum, on the gum platform where you fight stuff

Page 2, Row 3, Col 5: Tooth with splayed roots, x2

- Dental Void, when Levitating down the electrified area.

- Dental Void, while levitating over the first collapsing teeth bridge.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 6: Tooth with very splayed roots, x2

- Dental Void, on the platform with the Doubts.

- Dental Void, over the hole after the electrified area while levitating.

Loboto's Labyrinth - Page 3

Page 3, Row 1, Col 1: Reclining Loboto with phone, x1

- Dental Void, while levitating over the second collapsing tooth bridge.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 2: Teddy bear, x1

- Asylum, between two of the floating teeth that you jump on.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 3: Bird in birdcage, x1

- Asylum, at the top of the stairs.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 4: Stylized flower with leaves on upper right, x1

- Asylum, on the gum platform after jumping from tooth to tooth.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 5: Stylized flower with leaves on lower right, x1

- Dental Void, over the gap between second and third collapsing tooth bridges.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 6: Evil eyes, x1

- Dental Void, on the third collapsing tooth bridge.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 1: Tube of toothpaste, x1

- Dental Void, on the first sink platform you come to after the first updraft.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 2: Clock, x1

- In the Trashcan with Oleander.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 3: Flower with stem and leaves, x1

- Conference room mouth, just after the directional sign and before the exit.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 4: House with a covered porch, x1

- Asylum, on the gum platform where you fight stuff.

Hollis' Classroom

Page 1, Row 1, Col 1: Sitting girl wearing medical gown, x1

- Classroom, on one of the seating platforms.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 2: Sitting boy wearing medical gown, x1

- Classroom, on one of the seating platforms.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 3: Stack of medical books, x2

- Classroom, on one of the seating platforms.

- Chapel, between two mental nodes.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 4: Bunch of dots connected with lines (same as Hot Streak), x1

- Classroom, between the middle high floating platform and a node.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 5: Hollis's head "cut" horizontally, x1

- Classroom on the high floating platform closest to the "Risk" idea.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 6: Medical cadeuceus (same as in Hot Streak), x1

- Classroom, on the high floating platform next to the "Disgust" idea.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 1: Thought bubble with "idea", x1

- Classroom, on one of the seating platforms.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 2: Thought bubble with "Tuna Salad", x1

- Classroom, on one of the seating platforms.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 3: Thought bubble with "Tiny Hat", x1

- Classroom, on one of the seating platforms.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 4: Two birds, x2

- Outside of the hospital ER, mental connection onto the roof, on top of the left HVAC duct.

- Outside of the hospital ER, mental connection onto the roof, on top of the right HVAC duct.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 5: A/C unit on roof of large buildings, x1

- Outside of the hospital ER, mental connection onto the roof, on top of the middle HVAC.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 6: 3 oval pills, x1

- Outside of the hospital ER, mental connection onto the roof, in the air between the middle and right HVACs.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 1: 3 round pills, x1

- Outside of the hospital ER, mental connection onto the roof, in the air between the middle and right HVACs.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 2: Medicine bottle and dosing cup, x1

- Outside of the hospital ER, mental connection onto the roof, in the air between the middle and right HVACs.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 3: Stack of 3 medical coolers, x1

- Outside of the hospital ER, mental connection onto the roof, on top of the HVAC.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 4: Thin bird, x1

- Outside of the hospital ER, mental connection onto the roof, on top of the left HVAC duct.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 5: Thicker bird, x1

- Outside of the hospital ER, mental connection onto the roof, on top of the left HVAC duct.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 6: Palm tree, x1

- Outside the hospital ER, to the left of the doors leading inside in the plants.


Page 2, Row 1, Col 1: LED lightbulb lit up, x2

- Outside the hospital ER, on top of the ambulance parked against the back wall.

- Outside the hospital ER, on top of the ambulance parked next to the covered entry into the building.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 2: Man in wheelchair with tall neck brace, x1

- Outside the hospital ER, to the right of the doors leading inside.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 3: Crutches, x1

- Outside the hospital ER, to the right of the doors leading inside, in the bushes.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 4: Person in medical gown smoking a cigarette, x1

- Outside the hospital ER, to the right of the doors leading inside.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 5: Poster diagram of a head and shoulders, x1

- Hallway between morgue and chapel, on lit x-ray viewing wall.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 6: Person in scrubs wearing a lab coat and name tag, x1

- Hallway between morgue and chapel.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 1: X-ray of a broken leg, x1

- Hallway between morgue and chapel, on lit x-ray viewing wall.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 2: Person in medical gown with casts on both feet, x1

- Chapel, between two mental nodes.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 3: Lady in normal clothes with a neck brace and a cast/sling on one arm (same as Hot Streak), x1

- Chapel, between "Money" idea and a mental node.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 4: Hollis' degree, x1

- Chapel, between two mental nodes.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 5: Person in medical gown with arm in cast, neck brace, and IV, x1

- Chapel, between two mental nodes.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 6: Wheelchair, x1

- Outside the hospital ER, in the corner of the area near the fountain that is not next to the hospital building.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 1: Bag with medical cross on it, x1

- Morgue, on top of a closed cabinet.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 2: Syringe, x1

- Morgue, on top of a countertop.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 3: Bandaid, x1

- Morgue, on top of a light.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 4: Medical poster of the full human body, x1

- Morgue, on lit x-ray viewing wall.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 5: "Medical bible" book, x2

- Classroom, on one of the seating platforms.

- Chapel, between two mental nodes.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 6: Sitting girl in medical gown with bandages over one side of her face and a cast on one foot, x1

- Chapel, between two mental nodes.


Page 3, Row 1, Col 1: Man wearing medical gown on crutches with one hand raised, x1

- Chapel, between two mental nodes.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 2: Open pill bottle spilling pills (same as in Hot Streak), x1

- Morgue, on top of floating platform underneath "Disgust" thought.

Hollis' Hot Streak - Page 1&2

Page 1, Row 1, Col 1: Anatomically accurate heart, x1

- Pharmacy, in Pillinko. If missed there, it will be somewhere in Pharmacy after Hot Streak is completed.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 2: Lungs, x1

- Pharmacy, in Pillinko. If missed there, it will be somewhere in Pharmacy after Hot Streak is completed.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 3: Intestines, x1

- Pharmacy, in Pillinko. If missed there, it will be somewhere in Pharmacy after Hot Streak is completed.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 4: Kidneys connected to urethra, x1

- Pharmacy, in Pillinko. If missed there, it will be somewhere in Pharmacy after Hot Streak is completed.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 5: Stomach, x1

- Pharmacy, in Pillinko. If missed there, it will be somewhere in Pharmacy after Hot Streak is completed.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 6: Circular pill case, x1

- Pharmacy, in Pillinko. If missed there, it will be somewhere in Pharmacy after Hot Streak is completed.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 1: Oval pill with line down the middle, x3

- Pharmacy, in Pillinko. If missed there, it will be somewhere in Pharmacy after Hot Streak is completed.

- Pharmacy, in Pillinko. If missed there, it will be somewhere in Pharmacy after Hot Streak is completed.

- Pharmacy backroom, in circle of physical oval pills floating around two heart trampolines.


Page 2, Row 1, Col 1: IV bag containing hearts and connected tube, x2

- Classroom, on one of the seating platforms.

- Maternity, near the Lost Baby.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 2: Brain balloons, x1

- Cardiology, over a wheelchair near the booths.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 3: Spade doctor having a drink, x1

- Cardiology, in the spade booth.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 4: Diamond doctor with martini, x1

- Cardiology, in the diamond booth.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 5: Club doctor with martini, x1

- Cardiology, in the club booth.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 6: Two nurse dogs sitting on bar stools, x1

- Cardiology, next to the bar where you place bets.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 1: Heart monitor machine on a cart, x1

- Cardiology, behind the bar where you place bets.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 2: Doctor in die scrubs looking at x-ray head with diamond in it, x2

- Cardiology, in the entrance hallway.

- Cardiology, behind the bar where you place bets.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 3: Operating room light, x1

- Cardiology, in the runners' break room, between the shelves.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 4: Medical reference skeleton on wheels, x1

- Cardiology, in the runners' break room, underneath the screen.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 5: Injured person with casts lying in hospital bed, x1

- Cardiology, in the runners' break room.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 6: Lit cigarette in an ash tray, x1

- Cardiology, on pill bottle high top table next to the bar where you place bets.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 1: Palm tree with dice instead of coconuts, x1

- Casino Parking lot, to the right of the doors leading inside in the bushes.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 2: Creature with die for head, x1

- Casino Parking lot, in the corner between the back wall and the non-gated wall.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 3: Medical cadeuceus (same as in Classroom), x2

- Classroom, on one of the seating platforms near the "Risk" thought.

- Casino Parking lot, on top of roof, on top of a tall air vent.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 4: Winged skeleton holding up a torch, x1

- Casino Parking lot, on top of roof, on top of an HVAC.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 5: Gambling bird wearing tiny fedora, x1

- On top of the covered entrance leading inside the building.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 6: Gambling bird wearing visor, x1

- On top of the covered entrance leading inside the building.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 2: 3 Oval pills, x2

- Pharmacy, floating in the air over the upper level behind the Pillinko game. Reachable by mental nodes.

- Pharmacy, in Pillinko. If missed there, it will be somewhere in Pharmacy after Hot Streak is completed.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 3: Open pill bottle spilling pills (same as in Classroom), x2

- Cardiology backroom, over procedure bed on the path with the electrified/heated panels built in.

- Pharmacy, in Pillinko. If missed there, it will be in the entryway to Pharmacy after Hot Streak is completed.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 4: Hospital bed, x3

- Cardiology, in the runners' break room behind the curtain next to the door.

- Cardiology, in the runners' break room behind the curtain next to Hearts.

- Maternity, to the right of the wheel.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 5: Wheeled baby bassinet, x1

- Maternity, near the dice/chips used to get in/out of the area.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 6: Wheeled cart containing medical supplies, x2

- Cardiology, behind the bar where you place bets.

- Maternity, to the left of the bar.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 1: Four leaf clover, x2

- Cardiology backroom, after going through the first doorway look left. On the floating booth that can be levitated to.

- Maternity, on the stack of chips left of the bar.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 2: Swaddled baby heart and swaddled baby spade, x1

- Maternity, behind the bar.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 3: Tall corked bottle containing liquid, x3

- Cardiology, in the storage room, on top of the overhead lights.

- Cardiology, in the hall leading to the runners' break room.

- Maternity, behind the wheel on a die.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 4: Pill bottle with a pile of casino chips on top (looks like weird tower), x1

- Maternity, on stack of chips behind the wheel.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 5: Roulette wheel and betting table, x1

- Maternity, on stack of chips behind the wheel.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 6: Diagram of brain with sections labeled with letters, x1

- Maternity ward, behind the stacks of chips to the left of the wheel.

Hollis' Hot Streak - Page 3,4,5

Page 3, Row 1, Col 1: Open pill bottle with oval pills and casino chips, x3

- Casino Parking lot, in the corner between the doors leading inside and the gate.

- Cardiology backroom, on the platform with electrified/heated panels built in.

- Pharmacy, floating in the air over the upper level behind the Pillinko game. Reachable with mental nodes.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 2: "Brain" on top of an H, x2

- Casino Parking lot, in the corner between the gate and the back wall, in the bushes.

- Cardiology backroom, over electrified panel between a plain platform and a platform with a booth.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 3: Big bill, x1

- Casino Parking lot, on top of dumpster next to the doors leading inside.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 4: Closed pill bottle, x1

- Pharmacy, near the bar where you ask to play Pillinko.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 5: Bunch of dots connected with lines (same as Classroom), x3

- Classroom, over remnants of central platform.

- Cardiology backroom, near the entrance, over one of the heated panels.

- Pharmacy, floating in the air over the upper level behind the Pillinko game. Reachable by mental nodes.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 6: Slot machine x1

- Pharmacy, in the row of gambling machines on the lower level.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 1: Person in medical gown with a head made of casino chips, x1

- Pharmacy, at gambling machine to the side of Pillinko.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 2: Fancy lady with playing cards on her head holding up a spade, x1

- Pharmacy, just before the bar where you ask to play Pillinko.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 3: Slot machine with $ sign on top, x1

- Pharmacy, in the row of gambling machines on the lower level.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 4: Dollar sign, x1

- Outside of the hospital, on top of the stretch ambulance.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 5: Card game dealer and table, x1

- Maternity, in the entrance hallway.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 6: Roulette wheel and ball(in air), x1

- Maternity, in the entrance hallway.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 1: Diagram of taking a brain out of a head, x1

- Classroom, in the short corridor where you enter the level.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 2: Drilling into head, x1

- Classroom, between two mental nodes.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 3: Overhead cross-section view of brain in a head, x1

- Classroom, over remnants of central platform.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 4: Horseshoe with "Casino", x2

- Cardiology backroom, over one of the electrified panels after the first doorway.

- Maternity backroom, on the platform just after the spinning tube.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 5: Gambling octopus, holding cards away from face and is playing a card, x1

- Cardiology backroom, on a floating platform in a booth.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 6: Gambling octopus, holding cards away from face and wearing heart visor, x1

- Cardiology backroom, on the platform after the booth platform.


Page 4, Row 1, Col 1: Octopus with bowtie holding 3 martinis, x1

- Cardiology backroom, booth platform next to the platform with the electrified/heated panels built into it.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 2: Doctor octopus holding syringe, x1

- Cardiology backroom, just before a long column of electrified panels next to a column of heated panels.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 3: Octopus wearing crown with coins, x1

- Cardiology backroom, Booth platform after long column of electrified panels next to column of heated panels.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 4: Octopus wearing doctor coat holding stack of chips, x1

- Cardiology backroom, in the first doorway you come to.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 5: Two dice overlapping, x2

- Classroom, on one of the seating platforms.

- Maternity backroom, over a platform reachable by mental node just before the spinning tube.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 6: Ultrasound of a baby holding a dice, x1

- Maternity backroom, on top of the spinning tube. Jump on the heart trampoline at the other end of the tube to get on top, then run across the tube to get this figment.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 1: Horseshoe over H, x1

- Maternity backroom, hovering over area where moving platform goes.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 2: Toilet, x1

- Maternity backroom, on an overhead light bar. Jump on the heart trampoline at the end of the spinning tube, then jump across overhead light bars until you reach it.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 3: Diamond-headed lady holding stack of chips/coins, x1

- Cardiology, on big chips between the entrance and the doors into the storage room.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 4: Oxygen tank, x1

- Cardiology, in the storage room.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 5: Reclining heart-headed doctor taking pills, x1

- Cardiology, in the storage room.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 6: Pill bottle with octopus on label, x1

- Cardiology, in the storage room, on top of the overhead lights.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 1: Two dice with space between them, x1

- Classroom, between two mental nodes.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 2: Plant growing out of a die, x1

- Classroom, on remnants of central platform.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 3: Smiling microorganism, x1

- Classroom, on one of the seating platforms.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 4: Empty circles connected by lines, kinda looks like a die, x1

- Classroom, on a seating platform nearest to the exit into the ambulance.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 5: Two IV bags on one IV stand, x1

- Classroom, on one of the seating platforms.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 6: Casino chip, x1

- Maternity backroom, over 3 rotating chips.


Page 5, Row 1, Col 1: Two casino chips, x1

- Maternity backroom, over 3 rotating chips where 2 are tiny and one is big.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 2: Bandaid, x1

- Cardiology backroom, near the entrance over one of the electrified panels.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 3: Gambling octopus with long visor holding cards up to face, x1

- Cardiology backroom, on a floating platform in a booth.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 4: Pouring medicine from a bottle into a spoon, x1

- Cardiology, in the runners' break room, on top of the shelves.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 5: Doctor/nurse in scrubs carrying a spade, x1

- Cardiology, in the entrance hallway.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 6: Janitor cleaning up, x1

- Cardiology, in the entrance hallway.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 1: Ace of spades, x1

- Pharmacy backroom, over the first heart trampoline.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 2: Ace of clubs with an A in the middle, x1

- Pharmacy backroom, over the first heart trampoline.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 3: Dice-headed person in wheelchair with dice IV bag, x1

- Pharmacy backroom, on top of rotating pill bottle before some heart trampolines.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 4: Lemon, x1

- Pharmacy backroom, over a heart trampoline near the pill bottle chandelier.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 5: Pear, x1

- Pharmacy backroom, over a heart trampoline near the pill bottle chandelier.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 6: Grapes, x1

- Pharmacy backroom, between "Share" idea and mental node.

Page 5, Row 3, Col 1: Stylized 7, x1

- Pharmacy backroom, over a box near the pill bottle chandelier. Jump on the heart trampoline just before the nearby tunnel, and levitate over to the box.

Page 5, Row 3, Col 2: Lady in normal clothes with a neck brace and a cast/sling on one arm (same as Classroom), x1

- Pharmacy, at a gambling machine behind Pillinko.

Compton's Cookoff

Page 1, Row 1, Col 1: Spork, x1

- Boiling pot station, on the upper path leading to the pot.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 2: Spatula, x1

- Boiling pot station, over the hippo's head.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 3: Pizza with a loose slice, x1

- Over the blue rail leading down from the boiling pot station.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 4: Stove/oven, x1

- Blender station, at the top, over the left spatula.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 5: Bell pepper, x1

- Blender station, over the blue rail leading to the boiling pot station.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 6: Cheese wheel with a loose wedge, x1

- Over the jump between the blue and yellow rails.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 1: Fish, x1

- Red rail near where you can flip over to the yellow rail.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 2: Slice of cake, x1

- Chopping station, over the red rail.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 3: Bowl of ramen/udon, x1

- Chopping station, over the red rail.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 4: Running pig, x2

- Chopping station, over the slide.

- Chopping station, on the structure over and behind the pig's arm that you pull. Can be reached by running up the chopping arm, jumping onto the pig's nose, jumping onto the pig's head, and then jumping and levitating from around the front of the chef's hat onto the structure. Or you can stand on the pig's shoulder beneath the figment and pouncy ball jump up.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 5: Chicken leg, x2

- Chopping station, over the slide.

- Chopping station, over the chopping board.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 6: Plate of eggs, sausage, and hash browns, x1

- Over the blue rail.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 1: Plate of spaghetti and meatballs, x1

- Over the blue rail.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 2: Happy beehive, x1

- Dark Thoughts Mental Connection upgrade required. Behind the back sign for the boiling pot station.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 3: Celery/leeks, x1

- Boiling pot station, at the top of the slide leading down.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 4: Sprig of rosemary, x1

- Boiling pot station, on the slide leading down.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 5: Ford goat head, x1

- Over the orange rail between the stove station and the blender station.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 6: Butcher knife, x1

- Over the orange slide between the blender and stove stations.


Page 2, Row 1, Col 1: Small fire, x1

- Stove station, over the path of burners.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 2: Big fire, x1

- Stove station, over the path of burners.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 3: Puff of steam, x1

- Stove station, over the path of burners.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 4: Loaf of sliced bread, x1

- Over the orange rail between the stove station and the blender station.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 5: Otto goat head, x1

- Blender station, left climbing wall with knives.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 6: Chef's knife, x1

- Blender station, right climbing wall with knives.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 1: Onion with roots, x1

- Blender station, right climbing wall with knives.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 2: Bunch of basil, x1

- Boiling pot station, over the yellow rail.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 3: Boiling pot, x1

- Boiling pot station, beneath the steam coming out of the hippo's mouth.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 4: Happy watermelon, x1

- Boiling pot station, on the trampoline beneath the steam vent.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 5: Colander/strainer, x1

- Boiling pot station, on the trampoline at the bottom hidden off to the side.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 6: Squash, x1

- Boiling pot station, between two mental nodes hidden off to the side. Will have to use the trampoline, levitate over to get the figment, then quickly mental connect to a node before falling.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 1: Hollis goat head, x1

- Blender station, over a trampoline to the side of the rotating blade barrel.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 2: Carrots, x1

- Audience stands, next to one of the actual TV cameras.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 3: Stick of butter, x1

- Over the slide between the blender station and the stove station.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 4: Compton petting a squirrel, x1

- Stove station. Intead of running up the stove path, run off to the left through some goop to find this figment.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 5: Avocado cut in half, x1

- Floating in mid-air between the chopping station and the stove station near the red rail. Can be reached by using the jump spatula on the stove station to the chopping station.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 6: TV camera, x1

- Audience stands near the stove station.


Page 3, Row 1, Col 1: Strawberry, x1

- Chopping station, over the shoulder of the hand that you pull.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 2: Croissant, x1

- Audience stands.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 3: Pineapple, x1

- Audience stands.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 4: Bananas, x1

- Entrance to the boiling pot station.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 5: Hamburger, x1

- Chopping station entrance when dodging knives.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 6: Pan/skillet, x1

- Over the rotating blade barrel leading to the blender station.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 1: Garlic bulb (or onion without roots?), x1

- Over the rotating blade barrel leading to the blender station.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 2: Radish, x1

- On the audience stands beneath the boiling pot station slide.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 3: Truman Zanotto goat head, x1

- Main stage, near the leftmost "curtain" that the Truman goat head appears out of.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 4: Broccoli, x1

- Chopping station entrance when dodging knives.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 5: Happy egg, x1

- Blender station, at the top, over the trampoline near the yellow rail.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 6: Shark hand mixer, x1

- Blender station, near the top and the mental nodes.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 1: Sausage, x1

- Chopping station, over the button to start chopping.

PSI King's Sensorium - Page 1

Page 1, Row 1, Col 1: Layered hearts, x4

- Backstage, on top of a crate on the ground next to the stage platform.

- Concessions. On the ground underneath the platform between the two spinning star platforms.

- Concessions. Between the third and fourth tightropes almost at the top.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path between the second rainbow bridge and its spotlight. On the platform just before jumping to the platform with the spotlight.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 2: Stylized fan flower, x5

- Backstage, in some flowers next to the Feel Mobile/gate leading out.

- Concessions, in the first area with the Feel Mobile on top of the cage containing the memory vault.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, in the starting area next to the bag of gobstoppers.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, just before the third rainbow bridge.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the guitars platform.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 3: Stylized "firework" flower, x6

- Backstage, on top of some crates on the ground next to the stage platform.

- Eye Shrine, next to the second rainbow bridge's spotlight.

- Concessions, in the first area with the Feel Mobile on top of the cage containing the memory vault.

- Concessions. On the ground underneath the platform between the two spinning star platforms.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the platform after the second rainbow bridge.

- Woods, on the stone platform above the climbing vines.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 4: Bob Zanotto watering something, x1

- Concessions, in the first area with the Feel Mobile on top of the cage containing the memory vault.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 5: Slice of cake with icing swirl on top, x2

- Backstage, hidden behind the large stylized flowers at one end on the ground.

- Concessions. On the ground underneath the platform between the two spinning star platforms.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 6: Flowers in grass, one without petals, x10

- Eye Shrine, on the platform just after the second rainbow bridge.

- Concessions. On the ground underneath the platform between the two spinning star platforms.

- Concessions. On the ground underneath the platform between the two spinning star platforms.

- Concessions. On the roof of a booth underneath the spinning star platforms.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, in the starting area next to the bag of gobstoppers.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, just after the second rainbow bridge.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the platform near the Dark Thoughts nodes.

- Woods, next to the Feel Mobile on a log.

- Woods, on the highest platform with tents next to the waterfall.

- Ear Hand Shrine, between the first spinning fan and some climbing vines.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 1: Stylized "vase" flower/plant, x4

- Eye Shrine, on a mushroom next to the platform just after the first spinning fan.

- Eye Shrine, just after the second rainbow bridge at the bottom of climbing vines.

- Concessions, on the platform in the middle of the spinning star platforms.

- Woods, on top of a rock after crossing the river using the moving logs.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 2: Stylized "lollipop" flower, x6

- Eye Shrine, on a mushroom next to the platform just after the first spinning fan.

- Eye Shrine, on the path from the second rainbow bridge leading to its spotlight. On some climbing vines.

- Eye Shrine, on the platform with the giant Vision.

- Concessions. On the roof of a booth being shaken underneath the spinning star platforms.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, in the starting area in front of the door leading out.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the platform with the spotlight for the second rainbow bridge.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 3: Bird with shorter closed beak and shorter wings, x3

- Backstage, on top of a camper trailer.

- Concessions, on top of the platform past all of the spinning star platforms.

- Concessions. On the ground in an empty booth after walking the second tightrope.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 4: Bird with longer open beak and longer wings, x5

- Backstage, on top of a camper trailer.

- Concessions, in the first area with the Feel Mobile.

- Concessions, on the rail after walking the second tightrope.

- Concessions, on the rail after walking the second tightrope.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, in the starting area in the doorway out.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 5: Flying eyeball on a plinth, x5

- Nose Mouth Shrine, just after the second rainbow bridge.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, next to the third spotlight.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the guitars platform.

- Woods, on a wall next to the rocks used to cross the river.

- Woods, on the highest platform with tents next to the waterfall.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 6: Mouth with tongue sticking out, x5

- On the festival map when driving the Feel Mobile.

- Concessions. On the ground on top of a booth after walking the second tightrope.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path between the second rainbow bridge and its spotlight (will pass the fourth bridge on the way). On the first swing pole.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path to the third spotlight. Between mental nodes and passing some slapping nose hairs.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, just before the third rainbow bridge.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 1: Star, x9

- Backstage, on top of some crates next to one of the ramps leading up to the stage.

- Eye Shrine, just after the second rainbow bridge on some climbing vines.

- Eye Shrine, on the path from the second rainbow bridge leading to its spotlight. On some climbing vines.

- Concessions, in the first area with the Feel Mobile. On the first tightrope.

- Concessions, on the rail after walking the second tightrope.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path to the third spotlight. After the climbable boogers, there will be a series of mental connections through spinning fans. This figment is on a platform partly through and beneath this section.

- Woods, between Dark Thoughts nodes over the rocks used to cross the river.

- Woods, in an alcove with two tents across from the rocks used to cross the river.

- Ear Hand Shrine, on the climbing vines after the first spinning fan.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 2: Bush with "oranges" on it, x7

- Backstage, next to the Feel Mobile/gate leading out.

- Eye Shrine, on top of a mushroom at the very beginning. If you are returning from the booger guy teleport, you should turn away from the jumping fish and backtrack through the first spinning fan to reach this one.

- Eye Shrine, next to the spotlight for the second rainbow bridge.

- Eye Shrine, on the giant Vision's foot.

- Concessions. On the ground on top of a big rock after walking the second tightrope.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path to the third spotlight. Platform after mentally connecting through fans.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the guitars platform.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 3: 4 mushrooms, x4

- Eye Shrine, on a mushroom next to the platform just after the first spinning fan.

- Concessions, on the platform after the first tightrope.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path to the third spotlight.

- Woods, next to a log used to cross the river in front of the waterfall.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 4: 2 trees, x2

- On the festival map when driving the Feel Mobile.

- On the festival map when driving the Feel Mobile.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 5: Hand with no wrist/arm, but detail on palm, x1

- On the festival map when driving the Feel Mobile.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 6: Nose, x4

- On the festival map when driving the Feel Mobile.

- Concessions. On the ground on top of a booth after walking the second tightrope.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path to the third spotlight.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path to the third spotlight. On the climbable booger.

PSI King's Sensorium - Page 2

Page 2, Row 1, Col 1: Band poster, x1

- Backstage, over some equipment on the stage platform actually backstage.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 2: Stylized plant that looks kinda like a mushroom cloud explosion or a fancy comb, x6

- Eye Shrine, just after the second rainbow bridge. On the platform leading up to the 3rd rainbow bridge.

- Concessions. On the ground underneath the platform between the two spinning star platforms.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, in the starting area next to the bag of gobstoppers.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the platform next to the platform with the spotlight for the second rainbow bridge.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the guitars platform.

- Woods, on grass next to some tents after crossing the river using the moving logs.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 3: Soda float/milkshake topped with whipped cream and cherry in a tall glass with a straw, x2

- Concessions. On the roof of a booth beneath the spinning star platforms.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path between the second rainbow bridge and its spotlight (will pass the fourth bridge along the way). Under the first slapping tongue.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 4: Oval eye with lashes, x5

- Eye Shrine, on the platform just after the first spinning fan. If you are returning using the booger guy, turn away from the fish.

- Eye Shrine, just after the second rainbow bridge on some climbing vines.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the third rainbow bridge and its spotlight. On some climbing vines.

- On the festival map when driving the Feel Mobile.

- Woods, hidden behind trees/plants behind the Feel Mobile.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 5: 6 petaled flower with no stem, x3

- On the festival map when driving the Feel Mobile.

- Nose Mouth Shrine. On the path to the third spotlight. Requires Dark Thoughts Mental Connection upgrade.

- Woods, on the climbing vines before crossing the river using the moving logs.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 6: Ear, x2

- On the festival map when driving the Feel Mobile.

- Ear Hand Shrine, between the first rainbow bridge and the spinning fan.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 1: Trashcan, x5

- Backstage, on top of some crates beside a ramp leading up to the stage.

- Eye Shrine, on top of a crate just before the first spinning fan. If you are returning using the booger guy, turn away from the fish.

- Eye Shrine, on the platforms before the jumping fish.

- Eye Shrine, on the platform just after the second rainbow bridge.

- Concessions, in the first area with the Feel Mobile.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 2: Fish with a lot of eyes, x4

- Eye Shrine, on the platform just after the jumping fish.

- Eye Shrine, on the path from the second rainbow bridge leading to its spotlight. Between the first two swing poles.

- Eye Shrine, on the path from the fourth rainbow bridge leading to its spotlight. Just before the jumping fish.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the fourth rainbow bridge and its spotlight. When swinging on the trapeze.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 3: Round eye with clear pupil, x1

- Eye Shrine, after the 2 rows of microphones in the plants to the left just before the second rainbow bridge.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 4: Raised hand, x1

- Ear Hand Shrine, next to the first rainbow bridge.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 5: Microphone on stand, x2

- Eye Shrine, next to the spotlight for the second rainbow bridge.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path between the second rainbow bridge and its spotlight. On the platform just before jumping to the platform with the spotlight.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 6: 3 raised hands of different sizes, x2

- Ear Hand Shrine, next to the first rainbow bridge.

- Ear Hand Shrine, next to the spotlight for the first rainbow bridge.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 1: 2 sixteenth music notes, connected/beamed, x5

- Eye Shrine, jumping over the second rainbow bridge.

- Eye Shrine, on the rail that starts the path from the fourth rainbow bridge to its spotlight.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the first rainbow bridge.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the rail after the fourth rainbow bridge.

- Woods, when wall climbing up next to the waterfall.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 2: Oval eye, turned 90 degrees, x2

- Eye Shrine, on the path from the second rainbow bridge leading to its spotlight. Just before the first swing pole.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on top of the first rainbow bridge.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 3: Wedding cake on a table, x1

- Backstage, underneath one of the ramps leading up to the stage.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 4: Music staff, treble clef with key signature and 4/4 time signature, x3

- Backstage, on one of the ramps leading to the stage.

- Eye Shrine, jumping over the second rainbow bridge.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path between the second rainbow bridge and its spotlight (will pass the fourth bridge on the way). On the trampolines.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 5: Sixteenth note and half note, x9

- Backstage, on stage.

- Eye Shrine, on top of the first rainbow bridge. If you are returning using the booger guy, turn away from the fish and backtrack through the first spinning fan.

- Eye Shrine, jumping over the second rainbow bridge.

- Eye Shrine, on the second rainbow bridge.

- Eye Shrine, on the rail that starts the path from the fourth rainbow bridge to its spotlight.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path to the third spotlight. On the climbable booger.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the third rainbow bridge.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the rail after the fourth rainbow bridge.

- Woods, over the fence just past the rocks used to cross the river.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 6: Treble clef, x7

- Backstage, hovering high over the actual backstage platform. Get on top of some crates and Pouncy Ball levitate jump up to get this one.

- Eye Shrine, on the second rainbow bridge.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the third rainbow bridge and its spotlight. Drop down and hang from the second tightrope.

- Eye Shrine, on the platform just past the spotlight for the third rainbow bridge. Walk over some tightropes and levitate to this platform.

- Eye Shrine, on the third rainbow bridge.

- Eye Shrine, on the fourth rainbow bridge.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the rail after the fourth rainbow bridge.

PSI King's Sensorium - Page 3

Page 3, Row 1, Col 1: Stylized bush/grass where the back row is three times the height of the front, x2

- Eye Shrine, on the path leading from the second rainbow bridge to its spotlight. Just before the first spinning fan.

- Woods, downhill from the Feel Mobile next to the Dark Thoughts nodes.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 2: 4 hearts, x5

- Eye Shrine, on the bridge over the ground between the first and second rainbow bridges.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the fourth rainbow bridge and its spotlight. Just after the trapeze.

- Eye Shrine, on the rail starting from the spotlight for the fourth rainbow bridge.

- Eye Shrine, on the giant Vision's shoulder.

- Woods, on top of a log used to cross the river in front of the waterfall.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 3: 5 petaled flower with no stem, x5

- Backstage, on the ground next to the crates/equipment next to the stage platform.

- Eye Shrine, on the path from the second rainbow bridge to its spotlight. Between the first two spinning fans.

- Eye Shrine, next to the spotlight for the third rainbow bridge.

- Eye Shrine, next to the giant Vision's arm.

- Woods, on the climbing vines after wall climbing next to the waterfall.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 4: Pile of presents, x1

- Backstage, path leading under the stage. This path starts under one of the ramps.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 5: Viking ship, x2

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the second rainbow bridge and its spotlight. On top of some crates at the top of the climbing vines.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path to the third spotlight. After the slapping nose hairs.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 6: 4 sixteenth notes, connected/beamed, x10

- Backstage, on one of the ramps leading to the stage.

- Eye Shrine, on top of the first rainbow bridge. If you are returning using the booger guy, turn away from the fish and backtrack through the first spinning fan.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the third rainbow bridge and its spotlight. On the platform after jumping through the same set of spinning platforms twice. Just after the burnable poster.

- Eye Shrine, on the rail that starts the path from the fourth rainbow bridge to its spotlight.

- Eye Shrine, on the rail that starts the path from the fourth rainbow bridge to its spotlight.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path to the third spotlight. On the climbable booger.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the third rainbow bridge.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the rail after the fourth rainbow bridge.

- Woods, over the fence just past the rocks used to cross the river.

- Ear Hand Shrine, next to the second rainbow bridge.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 1: Treble clef with key signature, x7

- Eye Shrine, on top of the first rainbow bridge. If you are returning using the booger guy, turn away from the fish and backtrack through the first spinning fan.

- Eye Shrine, on the rail that starts the path from the fourth rainbow bridge to its spotlight. Have to jump to a left rail to get it.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the first rainbow bridge.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path to the third spotlight. On the climbable booger.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the third rainbow bridge.

- Woods, over the fence just past the rocks used to cross the river.

- Ear Hand Shrine, next to the second rainbow bridge.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 2: Bob Zanotto holding flowers, x1

- Ear Hand Shrine, between the first rainbow bridge and the spinning fan.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 3: Bob Zanotto dancing, x1

- Eye Shrine, next to the spotlight for the second rainbow bridge.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 4: Latching box with handle, x1

- Eye Shrine, next to the second rainbow bridge.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 5: Bob Zanotto on picnic blanket, x1

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the third rainbow bridge and its spotlight. On the platform just after the climbing vines just before the spotlight.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 6: Spotlight, x6

- Backstage, at the top of one of the ramps leading to the stage.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the third rainbow bridge and its spotlight. On the platform just past the spinning fan between the swing poles.

- Eye Shrine, next to the spotlight for the third rainbow bridge.

- Eye Shrine, next to the spotlight for the fourth rainbow bridge.

- Eye Shrine, next to the spotlight for the fourth rainbow bridge.

- Eye Shrine, next to the spotlight for the fourth rainbow bridge.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 1: Music staff with notes on it and treble clef underneath, x8

- Backstage, over some crates on the stage platform actually backstage.

- Backstage, on the stage.

- Eye Shrine, over the second rainbow bridge.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the third rainbow bridge and its spotlight. Drop down and hang from the second tightrope.

- Eye Shrine, on the third rainbow bridge.

- Eye Shrine, on the rail starting from the spotlight for the fourth rainbow bridge.

- Eye Shrine, on the fourth rainbow bridge.

- Eye Shrine, on giant Vision's leg.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 2: Amplifier, x4

- Backstage, over some crates on the ground next to the stage platform.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the third rainbow bridge and its spotlight. Platform between two tightropes.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the third rainbow bridge and its spotlight. On the platform between the spinning fans and the climbing vines. Look on top of the stacks of crates/equipment to your left after jumping off the swing pole.

- Concessions, on the platform after the first swing pole.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 3: Fish with a big ear, x3

- Woods, overlooking the river/waterfall. Use the rocks to cross the river, then keep going.

- Woods, over the river when crossing using the logs that you can slow down.

- Ear Hand Shrine, on the platform (without climbing vines) that you can levitate to from the beginning of the second rainbow bridge.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 4: Eye cake, x2

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path between the second rainbow bridge and its spotlight (will pass the fourth bridge along the way). Under the second slapping tongue.

- Ear Hand Shrine, on a platform above the spotlight for the first rainbow bridge.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 5: Bob Zanotto sitting holding potted flowers, x3

- Eye Shrine, behind/next to the giant Vision's knee on the ground.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path to the third spotlight.

- Woods, after using the rocks to cross the river.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 6: Bob Zanotto standing under archway, x1

- Backstage, path leading under the stage. This path starts under one of the ramps.

PSI King's Sensorium - Page 4&5

Page 4, Row 1, Col 1: Fish with a hand where the mouth should be, x1

- Ear Hand Shrine, on the stone just before the spinning fan near the first rainbow bridge.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 2: Round eye with filled in pupil, x4

- Eye Shrine, on the platforms just before the jumping fish.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the fourth rainbow bridge and its spotlight. When swinging on the trapeze.

- Eye Shrine, on the rail starting from the spotlight for the fourth rainbow bridge.

- Eye Shrine, on the platform with the giant Vision.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 3: Lava lamp, x2

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the third rainbow bridge and its spotlight. On the platform just after the spinning platforms.

- Eye Shrine, next to the spotlight for the third rainbow bridge.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 4: Concert ticket, x1

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the third rainbow bridge and its spotlight. On the platform after jumping through the same set of spinning platforms twice. Just after the burnable poster.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 5: Broken glasses, x1

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the third rainbow bridge and its spotlight. On the platform just past the second spinning platforms with the burnable poster.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 6: Tulip, x3

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the third rainbow bridge and its spotlight. On the platform after jumping through the same set of spinning platforms twice. Just after the burnable poster.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the platform with the spotlight for the second rainbow bridge.w

- Woods, between wall climbing and the climbing vines next to the waterfall.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 1: Cassette tape, x3

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the third rainbow bridge and its spotlight. After the spinning fan between two swing poles.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the fourth rainbow bridge and its spotlight. Just after the starting rail and trampoline.

- Eye Shrine, on the fourth rainbow bridge.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 2: Teardrop, x5

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the third rainbow bridge and its spotlight. Falling over the climbing vines.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the fourth rainbow bridge and its spotlight. Falling over the climbing vines.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the fourth rainbow bridge and its spotlight. Falling over the climbing vines.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the fourth rainbow bridge and its spotlight. Falling over the climbing vines.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the fourth rainbow bridge and its spotlight. Falling over the climbing vines.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 3: 2 teardrops, x5

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the third rainbow bridge and its spotlight. Falling over the climbing vines.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the third rainbow bridge and its spotlight. Falling over the climbing vines.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the third rainbow bridge and its spotlight. Falling over the climbing vines.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the fourth rainbow bridge and its spotlight. Falling over the climbing vines.

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the fourth rainbow bridge and its spotlight. Falling over the climbing vines.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 4: 2 swords and 2 shields, x2

- Eye Shrine, on the platform just after the second rainbow bridge.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the platform after mentally connecting through fans.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 5: 4 sixteenth notes connected/beamed, last note is dotted and beam is on the bottom, x6

- Backstage, on one of the ramps leading to the stage.

- Eye Shrine, on the rail that starts the path from the fourth rainbow bridge to its spotlight.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path between the second rainbow bridge and its spotlight (will pass the fourth bridge on the way). On the trampolines.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the third rainbow bridge.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the rail after the fourth rainbow bridge.

- Woods, when wall climbing up next to the waterfall.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 6: Bass clef, x3

- Eye Shrine, on the rail that starts the path from the fourth rainbow bridge to its spotlight. Have to jump to a left rail to get it.

- Nose Mouth Shrine, next to the third rainbow bridge.

- Woods, when wall climbing up next to the waterfall.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 1: Rotary telephone, x1

- Eye Shrine, on the path between the fourth rainbow bridge and its spotlight. When swinging on the trapeze.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 2: Dotted outline of Sniffles (nose lady), x1

- Backstage, on stage.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 3: Ford and Lucy, x1

- Backstage, path leading under the stage. This path starts under one of the ramps.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 4: Otto Mentallis, x1

- Backstage, path leading under the stage. This path starts under one of the ramps.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 5: Dotted outline of Audie O (ear man), x1

- Backstage, on stage.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 6: Dotted outline of the PSI King, x1

- Backstage, on stage.


Page 5, Row 1, Col 1: Dotted outline of Tasty (mouth man), x1

- Backstage, on the stage.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 2: Compton Boole and Cassie O'Pea, x1

- Backstage, path leading under the stage. This path starts under one of the ramps.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 3: Camper trailer, x1

- Backstage, next to one of the ramps leading up to the stage.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 4: Speaker, x1

- Backstage, at the top of a ramp leading up to the stage.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 5: Normal fish, x1

- Backstage, in the middle of the ground between two different sets of flowers.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 6: Dotted outline of Vision (eye man), x1

- Backstage, on stage.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 1: Dotted outline of Dr. Touch (hand man), x1

- Backstage, on stage.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 2: Fish with a plant pattern on it, x2

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path between the second rainbow bridge and its spotlight. On the path just after the jumping fishes.

- Woods, on the rock in front of the waterfall.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 3: Stylized bush/grass where the front row is half as tall as the back, x2

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the guitars platform.

- Woods, on the highest platform with tents next to the waterfall.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 4: Bob Zanotto's head, x1

- Nose Mouth Shrine. Near a bag of gobstoppers around the third spotlight.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 5: Fish with big feminine lips, x1

- Nose Mouth Shrine. In the doorway near the third spotlight.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 6: Fish with nose, x1

- Nose Mouth Shrine, on the path between the second rainbow bridge and its spotlight. Jumping with the jumping fishes.

Ford's Follicles

Page 1, Row 1, Col 1: Scissors, x1

- Barbershop Waiting Area. On the platform after floating through the updraft that you turned on.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 2: Loose razor blade, x1

- Top of the Windmill. Go to the corner of the platform with the countertop and look down. There is a platform there that can be reached with levitation.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 3: Towel, x1

- Base of Lighthouse. Near the jump from the Town Outskirts, there is a bottle of "Victory Shampoo". This figment is next to that.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 4: Wave crashing on minarets, x1

- Top of the Windmill. After the area where you drown the lice, jump out onto the platform and turn left. Over the tightrope.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 5: Lightning bolt with only one zig-zag, x1

- Base of Lighthouse. When walking up the outside through the clouds, go right past the first cloud moving up and down into a small alcove.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 6: Lightning bolt with two zig-zags, x1

- Base of Lighthouse. When walking up the outside through the clouds, it's at the bottom of the section with two clouds moving clockwise around a third cloud.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 1: Bottle with mustache on label, x2

- Barbershop Waiting Area. Jump from the second level of the tower with the combs moving down to the platform just before the swinging razor.

- Top of the Windmill. After the area where you drown the lice, jump out onto the platform and turn right. In the updraft that you turn on.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 2: Bottle with lady face on label, x1

- Top of the Windmill. After the area where you drown the lice, jump out onto the platform and turn left. Floating over the tightrope.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 3: Hair brush, x1

- Barbershop Waiting Area. On the platform with the lamp just after the updraft area.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 4: Fine toothed comb, x1

- Barbershop Waiting Area. Floating between platforms just before the tower with the combs moving down.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 5: Decorative comb with a flower design, x1

- Barbershop Waiting Area. On the lowest level of the tower with the combs moving down.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 6: Cup of shaving cream, x1

- Barbershop Waiting Area. On the second level of the tower with the combs moving down.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 1: Dustpan full of hair, x1

- Barbershop Waiting Area. On the third level of the tower with the combs moving down.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 2: Barber jar full of combs (maybe looks like a trashcan), x1

- Top of the Windmill. In the area where you drown the lice.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 3: Tin of pomade, x1

- Top of the Windmill. After the area where you drown the lice, jump out onto the platform and turn right. Just before the updraft that you turn on.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 4: Barber chair, x1

- Town Outskirts. In the area with the booger guy (area where you fight censors), over the bridge.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 5: Brush used to sweep loose hair off shoulders, x1

- Town Outskirts. In the area between the "War Going On?" poster and the Maligula statue.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 6: Hand coming out of water holding "Help!" sign, x1

- Town Outskirts. Over the jump leading out of the area with the Maligula statue.


Page 2, Row 1, Col 1: Barrel with "XX" on label, x1

- Base of Lighthouse. Near the door leading into the lighthouse.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 2: Cloud, x1

- Base of Lighthouse. When walking up the outside, it's in an alcove below the ladder leading out of the area.m

Page 2, Row 1, Col 3: Fake head used to hold wigs, x1

- Barbershop Waiting Area. Floating over the updraft that you turned on.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 4: House made of hair, x1

- Barbershop Waiting Area. Walk out of the initial area and it'll be on your left before any jumps.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 5: Hair pick, x1

- Barbershop Waiting Area. Floating between two of the platforms to the side of the updraft.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 6: Straight razor, x1

- Barbershop Waiting Area. Floating between two of the platforms to the side of the updraft.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 1: Tree made out of hair, x1

- Top of the Windmill. Go to the corner of the platform with the countertop and look down. There is a platform there that can be reached with levitation.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 2: Long droopy moustache, x1

- Top of the Windmill. When jumping from the top of the windmill over to the cross-draft.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 3: Cracked hand mirror, x1

- Top of the Windmill. When jumping from the top of the windmill over to the cross-draft.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 4: 2 lice, x3

- Top of the Windmill. Near the lice pile after the cross-draft.

- Town Outskirts. In the area with the Maligula statue near the jump out of it.

- Town Outskirts. In the area with the Maligula statue near the jump out of it.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 5: Disposable razor, x1

- Top of the Windmill. After the area where you drown the lice, jump out onto the platform and turn left. On the next floating platform.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 6: Table with magazines on it, x1

- Town Outskirts. In the hallway with the "Tides Turn in Grulovia" newspaper.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 1: Fake head wearing feminine wig, x1

- Town Outskirts. In the area just before the the "War Going On?" poster.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 2: Hair roller, x1

- Town Outskirts. Hidden in a corner of the area with the Maligula statue.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 3: Table with candle on it, x1

- Town Outskirts. In the area with the Maligula statue near the jump out of it.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 4: Fake head wearing masculine wig, x1

- Town Outskirts. In the area with the Maligula statue near the jump out of it.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 5: Brush used to froth and apply shaving cream, x2

- Barbershop Waiting Area. Jump from the second level of the tower with the combs moving down over to the platform with the "Malik Razors" ad.

- Town Outskirts. In the area with the Maligula statue near the jump out of it.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 6: Womans head with curly hair, x1

- Town Outskirts. In the area just before the "War Going On?" poster.


Page 3, Row 1, Col 1: Mustache with stress marks/sparkles around it, x3

- Barbershop Waiting Area. Jump from the second level of the tower with the combs moving down over to the platform with the "Malik Razors" ad.

- Top of the Windmill. When jumping from the top of the windmill over to the cross-draft.

- Top of the Windmill. When jumping from the top of the windmill over to the cross-draft.

Strike City

Page 1, Row 1, Col 1: Microorganism that looks like a suction cup ball, x2

- Start of Kingpin Express, on the really slimy section. When jumping from structure to structure on the bowling ball.

- Construction Site. When riding the girder from the second floor to the third.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 2: Can of disinfectant spray, x2

- Start of Kingpin Express, on the first ramp.

- Foul Line Overlook, on the "E" of the "Joe's" sign.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 3: Germ in dress with sun hat holding purse, x2

- Foul Line Overlook, when rolling up the wall.

- Foul Line Overlook. After rolling up and down the walls, get off the bowling ball. Look past the ball return to see a building that you can jump/levitate to. This is on the AC units on the side of the building.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 4: Ford and Lucy holding hands, x1

- Downtown Center, hidden behind the platform with the first ball polisher.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 5: Bowling scorecard for Ford and Lucy, x1

- Downtown Center. At the end of the ramp from the Alley Interior, behind the "Great Smoking Flavor" billboard.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 6: Germ dressed in baseball uniform smoking a cigarette, x1

- Downtown Center. At the end of the ramp from the Alley Interior. Go behind the "Great Smoking Flavor" billboard and continue around the building.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 1: Round microorganism with smiley face, x1

- Foul Line Overlook, on the "S" of the "Joe's" sign.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 2: Microorganism with 10 suction cup arms, x2

- Downtown Center. At the end of the ramp from the Alley Interior, go away from the "Great Smoking Flavor" billboard. Over the first jump between buildings.

- Foul Line Overlook, over the middle of the "O" on the "Joe's" sign.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 3: "Germz at work" sign on orange cone, x1

- Construction Site. On the ramp for the bowling ball from the first floor to the second.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 4: "Love is Forever!!" sign, x1

- Foul Line Overlook, on the apostrope of the "Joe's" sign.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 5: Pile of construction supplies, x1

- Construction Site, second floor. Just after the platform that rocks from side to side.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 6: Microorganism shaped like a peanut shell, x1

- Start of Kingpin Express, on the really slimy section. Use the ball to get on top of a structure, then jump for it.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 1: Bowling pin with 2 lines around its neck, x4

- Alley Interior. Ramp leading down into Downtown Center.

- Downtown Center. At the end of the ramp from the Alley Interior, go away from the "Great Smoking Flavor" billboard. In the middle of 3 real bowling pins.

- Foul Line Overlook, when rolling down the wall after jumping off the "Joe's" sign.

- Construction Site. On the last section of the Foul Line leading to Lovers Lane.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 2: Suit germ wearing hat and smoking pipe, x1

- Foul Line Overlook. After rolling up and down the walls, get off the bowling ball. Look past the ball return to see a building that you can jump/levitate to. This is on the AC units on the side of the building.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 3: Bowling pins set up for bowling, x3

- Alley Interior. Ramp leading down into Downtown Center.

- Foul Line Overlook, on the "J" of the "Joe's" sign.

- Construction Site, on the bowling lane ramp.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 4: Construction lights, x2

- Construction Site. On the third floor, on some of the girders you roll over.

- Construction Site. On the third floor, after riding the moving girder.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 5: 3 bowling pins, x3

- Alley Interior. Ramp leading down into Downtown Center.

- Foul Line Overlook, rolling down the wall after jumping off the "Joe's" sign.

- Construction Site, on the bowling lane ramp.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 6: Bowling ball, x2

- Start of Kingpin Express, on the first ramp.

- Construction Site. At the start of the bowling lane ramp.


Page 2, Row 1, Col 1: Ford and Lucy walking together, x1

- Construction Site. On the first floor hidden in the corner behind the ramp leading up for the bowling ball next to the elevator.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 2: Lunchbox and thermos, x1

- Construction Site, on the third floor near the elevator.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 3: Pictures from a photo booth, x1

- Alley Interior, inside the photo booth.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 4: Construction worker germ, x1

- Construction Site, second floor, on a palette next to some boxes. Get off the bowling ball to get it.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 5: Bowling pin with 3 lines around its neck, x2

- Alley Interior. Ramp leading down into Downtown Center.

- Construction Site. On the last section of the Foul Line leading to Lovers Lane.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 6: Milkshake with cherry on top and two straws, x1

- Downtown Center, underneath the first ball polisher.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 1: "Lovers Lane" arrow sign, x1

- Start of Kingpin Express. On the ramp after the really slimy section.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 2: Bowling pin Lucy holding bowling ball, x1

- Foul Line Overlook, on the ramp after the sick halfpipe.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 3: Bowling pin Ford holding bowling ball, x1

- Foul Line Overlook, on the ramp after the sick halfpipe.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 4: Skateboarding schoolkid germ, x1

- Foul Line Overlook, on the sick halfpipe leading to the second ball polisher.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 5: Bent oval microorganism with smiley face, x1

- Foul Line Overlook, on the ramp after the sick halfpipe.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 6: Newspaper seller germ, x2

- Foul Line Overlook, when rolling up the wall.

- Foul Line Overlook, rolling down the wall after jumping off of the "Joe's" sign.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 1: "Fat" germ dressed in suit wearing hat, x1

- Foul Line Overlook, when rolling up the wall.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 2: Germ wearing sign that says "I can't wait 2 die", x1

- Foul Line Overlook, when rolling up the wall.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 3: "No ball rolls forever" sign, x1

- Foul Line Overlook, on the "S" of the "Joe's" sign.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 4: Germ in skirt and bow listening to music, x1

- Foul Line Overlook. After rolling up and down the walls, get off the bowling ball. Look past the ball return to see a building that you can jump/levitate to. This is on the water tower on top of the building. Pouncy Ball jump up to the ladder.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 5: Construction worker germ holding "slow down germs at work" sign, x1

- Construction Site, third floor. On the static girder near the elevator.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 6: Bowling shoe, x1

- Alley Interior, floating over the bowling ball return.


Page 3, Row 1, Col 1: Germ holding "The end is nigh" sign, x1

- Start of Kingpin Express, on the really slimy section. After jumping over all the structures on the bowling ball but before going through the turnstile, get off the ball. Jump onto the nearby water tower to get this figment.

Cruller's Correspondence

Page 1, Row 1, Col 1: Box labeled "Mail" with bag in it, x1

- Typewriter. Ride the letters from the typewriter, then turn around to see a platform that you can jump to with this figment on it.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 2: Wire box with letters in it, x1

- Typewriter. On top of the box that the letters go into from the typewriter.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 3: Rolling, swiveling chair, x1

- Typewriter. After riding the letters from the typewriter and mentally connecting, there is a rubber stamp. Use this stamp to get into the first cubby, then jump on the handle of the stamp to get this figment.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 4: Clipboard with some documents on it, x2

- Dead Letter Office. Take the flying letters to the typewriter. Floating just past the platform with the two rollers.

- International Dead Letter Office. On a pin on the corkboard above the Typewriter. Have to platform from the office to reach this.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 5: Desk lamp with bendable arm, x2

- Dead Letter Office. On top of a set of shelves.

- Dead Letter Office. On top of the typewriter.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 6: Envelope with face and legs wearing a hat, x3

- Starting Cubby, in the first corridor before the postcard.

- Typewriter. After riding the letters from the typewriter, then mental connecting. In the cubby next to the last node.

- Ford-Bot Interior. Found when using the flying letters from the interior.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 1: Rolling bin containing packages, x1

- Dead Letter Office. When on the platform leading to the typewriter, look for a pin that you can swing on to the side instead of using the flying letters. This will take you to this figment.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 2: Package wrapped in fancy paper tied with string with a tag, x5

- Dead Letter Office. In a lit cubby with an envelope sticking out of the front of it.

- Typewriter. Next to the typewriter.

- International Dead Letter Office. Mental connection between the shelf between the office and the typewriter.

- International Dead Letter Office. Mental connection between the shelf between the office and the typewriter.

- International Dead Letter Office. Mental connection between the shelf between the office and the typewriter.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 3: "Mail" logo with one "wing", x1

- International Dead Letter Office. From the platform back into the main room, over the first tightrope.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 4: Typewriter viewed from the side, x1

- Starting Cubby. Come out into the main room, then carefully drop down onto the desk/table below. Use the flying envelopes to get to this figment, which is floating over the ink pad with the roller rolling across the top of it.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 5: Package wrapped in paper tied with string with a big label stuck on it, x3

- Dead Letter Office. On the ground near the back of the room.

- Ford-Bot Interior. When on the flying letters coming from the interior.

- International Dead Letter Office, at the back of the room next to the hole leading down.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 6: "Mail" logo with 2 "wings", x2

- Typewriter, almost to Ford-Bot Interior. Trickiest figment to get. Ride the letters from the typewriter, then mentally connect. Go past the rubber stamp. Jump across the letters to get to the rope. There should be two more rubber stamps ahead of you, and you need to be standing on the handle of the second to reach this figment. You cannot reach the handle of the stamp from Ford-Bot Interior. I recommend using the base of the first stamp to get onto the second stamp's base, then jumping up when the second stamp is in the air in the hopes that it will drop and you can position yourself so that you'll land on the top of the handle as it comes back up. Time Bubble may help, it may not.

- International Dead Letter Office. When platforming across the corkboards, it's floating above the package going up and down.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 1: Tied shut bag with "MAIL" written on it, x2

- Dead Letter Office. Sitting on the drift of mail next to the half-buried automobile.

- International Dead Letter Office. On the shelf underneath the corkboard between the office and the typewriter. Under one of the books.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 2: Stamp of the Motherlobe, x1

- International Dead Letter Office, on the slide down.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 3: Letter with a clip on the top of it, x2

- Dead Letter Office. On top of a package wrapped in brown paper and tied with string.

- Typewriter. Where the envelopes are coming out from underneath the typewriter.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 4: Package wrapped in paper tied with string and no label or tag, x2

- Dead Letter Office. On the ground between a set of shelves and the cubbies.

- Typewriter. After riding the letters from the typewriter then mentally connecting there should be a rubber stamp going up and down. Use this stamp to get up to the cubby containing this figment.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 5: 4-legged stool, x1

- Ford-Bot Interior. On a platform next to the flying letters coming from the interior.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 6: Typewriter viewed from the front (kinda looks like it has a face), x1

- International Dead Letter Office. When swinging on pins on the corkboard next to the typewriter.


Page 2, Row 1, Col 1: Stamp of Whispering Rock, x2

- Dead Letter Office. On the platform in the main room when leaving for the typewriter.

- International Dead Letter Office. Next to the hole leading down.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 2: Stamp of a face viewed from the side on a criss-cross background, x5

- Starting Cubby, in the first corridor after the postcard.

- International Dead Letter Office, at the top before sliding down.

- International Dead Letter Office, at the bottom of the slide.

- International Dead Letter Office, next to the hole leading down in the cubby.

- International Dead Letter Office. On a pin on the corkboard above the Typewriter. Have to platform from the office to reach this.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 3: Package tied with string, has some small labels, x1

- Dead Letter Office. On top of a set of shelves.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 4: Stamp of Otto Mentallis that says "Psychic" across the top, x1

- International Dead Letter Office, on the slide down.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 5: Stamp of the Psychonauts eye swirl, x1

- International Dead Letter Office, on the slide down.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 6: Stamp of a head/brain, x2

- Ford-Bot Interior, near the flying letters.

- International Dead Letter Office, on the slide down.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 1: Public mailbox, x1

- Dead Letter Office, on the ground near the back of the room.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 2: Rubber stamp, x1

- Typewriter. After riding the letters from the typewriter and mentally connecting, there is a rubber stamp. Use this stamp to get into the first cubby, then jump on the handle of the stamp to get on top of the cubbies to get this figment.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 3: Stapler turned into creature head with teeth, x1

- International Dead Letter Office. On the far end of the shelf underneath the corkboard between the Office and the typewriter.

Tomb Of The Sharkophagus

Page 1, Row 1, Col 1: Skull, x1

- Coffin, after the skeleton bed.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 2: Long bone, x2

- Falling portion, before the first ledge.

- Coffin, after the skeleton bed.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 3: Wrapped bouquet of flowers, x1

- Coffin, after the skeleton bed.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 4: Gravestone with a statue of a woman looking down with folded hands that reads "Maligula", x1

- Coffin, after the skeleton bed.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 5: Gravestone that says "R.I.P Squeakers", x1

- Graveyard.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 6: Gravestone that says "R.I.P." with an angel figure, x1

- Graveyard.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 1: Gravestone with a sleeping cat angel on top that says "R.I.P", x1

- Graveyard.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 2: Praying angel statue, x1

- Graveyard.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 3: Zombie hand coming out of ground, x1

- Graveyard.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 4: Lantern with a lit candle, x1

- Graveyard.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 5: 3 lit candles, x1

- Falling portion, on the first ledge.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 6: Bowling ball, x1

- Falling portion, on the first ledge behind the doors.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 1: Cartoony ghost, x1

- Falling portion, on the second ledge.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 2: Lit candle, x1

- Falling portion, on the third ledge.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 3: Coffin shark with "RIP" written on it, x1

- Falling portion, before the first ledge.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 4: Coffin shark with mouth open, x1

- Falling portion, before the second ledge.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 5: Lower leg, foot, and toe bones, x1

- Falling portion, before the second ledge.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 6: Public mailbox, x1

- Falling portion, before the third ledge.


Page 2, Row 1, Col 1: Coffin with a cross on it, x1

- Falling portion, before the third ledge.

Bob's Bottles - Page 1

Page 1, Row 1, Col 1: 2 mushrooms, x2

- Sunken Motherlobe. Between the doorway that would normally lead to the Agent offices and the doorway that leads to the Nerve Center.

- Bog of the Betrothed. From the entrance bottle, jump across 2 lilypads to another island. This figment is in the back corner of the island.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 2: Man in suit holding open bottle with bubbles coming out of it, x1

- Sunken Motherlobe. Next to the doorway that would normally lead into the cafeteria.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 3: Tropical bush with one really tall leaf, x4

- Bob's Island. On the light pink flower island, on the hill next to the bottle.

- Bob's Island. Island next to the light pink flower island, near the structure with Bob's mental image of Lili.

- Bob's Island. On the dark red flower island on the arm in the middle of the rest of the dark red flower island.

- Bob's Island. Sail around to the opposite side of Bob's island from the dock (behind the flowerpots), turn away from Bob's island and sail out into the ocean. You will quickly encounter the island this figment is on. Has Bob's version of Truman Zanotto on it. Jump across to another island nearby. Next to an exploding plant.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 4: Tentacle, x2

- Bob's Island. Go to the light pink flower island and sail around it. This is near the first bottle in the ocean.

- Bob's Island. Go to the light pink flower island and sail around it. This is near the first bottle in the ocean.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 5: Crab, x3

- Bob's Island. Island next to the light pink flower island, past the exploding plant, then past the palm tree.

- Bob's Island. Island next to the light pink flower island, near the structure with Bob's mental image of Lili.

- Bob's Island. Sail around to the opposite side of Bob's island from the dock (behind the flowerpots), turn away from Bob's island and sail out into the ocean. You will quickly encounter the island this figment is on. Has Bob's version of Truman Zanotto on it. Jump across to another island nearby.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 6: Palm tree w/coconuts, x2

- Bob's Island. On the dark red flower island on the outer arm of the island.

- Bob's Island. Sail around to the opposite side of Bob's island from the dock (behind the flowerpots), turn away from Bob's island and sail out into the ocean. You will quickly encounter the island this figment is on. Has Bob's version of Truman Zanotto on it.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 1: Dog in a boat, x1

- Bob's Island. Between Bob's island, the dark red flower island, and a little island with no dock.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 2: Ship with a sail and oars, x1

- Bob's Island. Go to the light pink flower island and sail around it. This is in the middle of the ocean with the first bottle still in sight.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 3: Lighthouse on a rock, x1

- Bob's Island. On a small island with a rocky outcropping between the yellow flower island and the dark red flower island. Can get to it either by sailing by or jumping from the yellow flower island.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 4: Bag of dirt, x1

- Bob's Island. Over the campfire on Bob's Island.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 5: Brochure that says "Get help now", x1

- Bob's Island. Over the campfire on Bob's island.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 6: Coconut, x1

- Bob's Island. Island next to the light pink flower island, near the structure with Bob's mental image of Lili, up in a palm tree.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 1: Spiky vines, x2

- Bob's Island. Sail around to the opposite side of Bob's island from the dock (behind the flowerpots), turn away from Bob's island and sail out into the ocean. You will quickly encounter the island this figment is on. Has Bob's version of Truman Zanotto on it. Jump across to another island nearby. Next to an exploding plant.

- Bob's Island. Sail around to the opposite side of Bob's island from the dock (behind the flowerpots), turn away from Bob's island and sail out into the ocean. You will quickly encounter the island this figment is on. Has Bob's version of Truman Zanotto on it. Jump across to another island nearby. Next to an exploding plant.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 2: Tropical bush with a vine growing up out of it, x1

- Bob's Island. Sail around to the opposite side of Bob's island from the dock (behind the flowerpots), turn away from Bob's island and sail out into the ocean. You will quickly encounter the island this figment is on. Has Bob's version of Truman Zanotto on it. Jump across to another island nearby. Next to an exploding plant.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 3: Barrel with "XXX" on it, x1

- Bob's Island. Sail around to the opposite side of Bob's island from the dock (behind the flowerpots), turn away from Bob's island and sail out into the ocean. You will quickly encounter the island this figment is on. Has Bob's version of Truman Zanotto on it.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 4: Alcohol bottles "growing" out of a flowerpot, x2

- Bob's Island. Sail around to the opposite side of Bob's island from the dock (behind the flowerpots), turn away from Bob's island and sail out into the ocean. You will quickly encounter the island this figment is on. Has Bob's version of Truman Zanotto on it.

- Tia's Kitchen. In the first platforming area past the giant lime. Climb up a straw pole to reach this figment on top of a rock outcropping.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 5: Sitting and drunk Bob Zanotto, x2

- Bob's Island. On the dark red flower island next to a palm tree near the dock.

- Ship in a Bottle. On the higher platform of the ship on the end that is partially submerged.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 6: Fly with big mandibles, x3

- Tia's Kitchen. In the first platforming area, flying around the area with the first swinging Bulb Bob.

- Tia's Kitchen. In the first platforming area between the first swinging Bulb Bob and the first flying Bulb Bob. Turn left and jump across some disappearing lilypads to a platform. This figment is flying over this platform.

- Bog of the Betrothed, from the logs between the flying Bulb Bob and swinging Bulb Bob jump onto the nearby island. This figment is in the trees.

Bob's Bottles - Page 2&3

Page 2, Row 1, Col 1: Gardening shears, x1

- Tia's Kitchen. In the first platforming area, near the second flying Bulb Bob. Start on the giant lime, then jump over the two platforms revealed by the Bulb Bob to a platform with this figment. Grind up the nearby straw to return to where you started.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 2: Spiky cattails, x4

- Tia's Kitchen. Just before the first swinging Bulb Bob.

- Tia's Kitchen. In the first platforming area, underneath the second flying Bulb Bob.

- Tia's Kitchen. In the first platforming area, underneath the second flying Bulb Bob.

- Tia's Kitchen. In the first platforming area, underneath the second flying Bulb Bob.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 3: Strawberry, x1

- Tia's Kitchen. In the first platforming area past the giant lime. Climb up a straw pole to reach a rock outcropping. Run around to the other side of the outcropping, then jump across more straw poles to reach this figment.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 4: 2 flowerpots with wilted flowers/plants, x2

- Tia's Kitchen. In the first platforming area past the giant lime. Climb up a straw pole to reach this figment on top of a rock outcropping.

- Tia's Kitchen. After the third platforming area, next to one of the Tia statues.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 5: Lilypad, x1

- Tia's Kitchen. In the first platforming area past the giant lime. Underneath the first flying Bulb Bob.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 6: Greenhouse with an eye motif, x1

- Tia's Kitchen. At the end of the second platforming area just after the trapeze.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 1: Stove with a pot on top, x1

- Tia's Kitchen. In the third warped kitchen area.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 2: Frog, x6

- Tia's Kitchen. In the third platforming area on a lilypad.

- Tia's Kitchen. In the third platforming area on a lilypad.

- Tia's Kitchen. In the third platforming area on a lilypad.

- Tia's Kitchen. In the third platforming area on a lilypad.

- Tia's Kitchen. In the third platforming area on a lilypad.

- Bog of the Betrothed, from the logs between the flying Bulb Bob and swinging Bulb Bob jump onto the nearby island. This figment is in the trees.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 3: Macaroni spilling off of a plate, x1

- Tia's Kitchen. In the first warped kitchen area near a window.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 4: Cooked chicken leg with a bite taken out of it, x1

- Tia's Kitchen. In the first warped kitchen area on a table next to a guitar.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 5: Hamburger, x1

- Tia's Kitchen. In the first warped kitchen area on a table.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 6: Grandma sneakily pouring booze, x1

- Tia's Kitchen. In the first kitchen area near the corridor that you enter through in the bottle neck.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 1: Corked wine bottle with "1937" label, x1

- Tia's Kitchen. In the first kitchen area near the corridor that you enter through in the bottle neck.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 2: Knife and fork, x1

- Tia's Kitchen. In the first warped kitchen area, on the floor near a fridge.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 3: Flamingo with closed beak and wings holding booze bottle, x1

- Sunken Motherlobe. On one of the platforms you jump across to cross the water.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 4: Flamingo with open beak and wings holding booze bottle, x1

- Sunken Motherlobe. On one of the platforms you jump across to cross the water.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 5: Corked booze bottle with "XXX" label, x2

- Tia's Kitchen. In the third platforming area. On one of the platforms.

- Bob's Island into Bog of the Betrothed. Found when sliding down the bottle.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 6: Rectangular booze bottle with "XXX" and mushroom label, x2

- Tia's Kitchen. In the third platforming area. On one of the platforms.

- Sunken Motherlobe. In the hallway just after the transition from the ship.


Page 3, Row 1, Col 1: Booze bottle corked with skull and "XXX" label, x1

- Tia's Kitchen. In the third platforming area. On one of the platforms.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 2: Carnation, x1

- Tia's Kitchen. In the third platforming area. On some climbing vines.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 3: Bob Zanotto standing holding open booze bottle, x1

- Tia's Kitchen. In the third platforming area. On the platform above some climbing vines.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 4: Water lily, x2

- Tia's Kitchen. In the third platforming area on a lilypad.

- Bog of the Betrothed, from the logs between the flying Bulb Bob and swinging Bulb Bob jump onto the nearby island. This figment is in the trees.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 5: Rotary telephone, x1

- Tia's Kitchen. In the first warped kitchen area. When you reach the door leading out of the kitchen, walk around it. This figment is behind the door.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 6: Horned viking helmet, x2

- Ship in a Bottle. On the front/bow of the ship.

- Bob's Island into Bog of the Betrothed. Found when sliding down the bottle.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 1: Wooden shield, x1

- Bob's Island into Bog of the Betrothed. Found when sliding down the bottle.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 2: Feel Mobile, x1

- Bob's Island into Bog of the Betrothed. Found when sliding down the bottle.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 3: Music notes on a staff, x1

- Bob's Island into Bog of the Betrothed. Found when sliding down the bottle.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 4: "H+B" heart with an arrow through it, x2

- Bob's Island into Bog of the Betrothed. Found when sliding down the bottle.

- Cake Summit. Found when levitating through the updrafts.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 5: Banner that says "B{heart}H", x1

- Bob's Island into Bog of the Betrothed. Found when sliding down the bottle.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 6: Framed picture of Helmut Fullbear, x2

- Bob's Island into Bog of the Betrothed. Found when sliding down the bottle.

- Cake Summit. Found when levitating through the updrafts.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 1: Heart necklace with pictures of Bob Zanotto and Helmut Fullbear, x2

- Bob's Island into Bog of the Betrothed. Found when sliding down the bottle.

- Cake Summit. Found when levitating through the updrafts.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 2: Guitar, x1

- Bob's Island into Bog of the Betrothed. Found when sliding down the bottle.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 3: Mushroom, x3

- Sunken Motherlobe. Between the doorway that would normally lead to the Agent offices and the doorway that leads to the Nerve Center.

- Bob's Island into Bog of the Betrothed. Found when sliding down the bottle.

- Bog of the Betrothed. From the entrance bottle, jump across 2 lilypads to another island. This figment is in the back corner of the island.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 4: Diamond ring, x3

- Bob's Island into Bog of the Betrothed. Found when sliding down the bottle.

- Viking Reception. Near the cake pillars that you wall jump up is another cake pillar. Walk out on the cake decoration to see a climbable straw poking out of the cake - climb up. From the top of the cake pillar, do a long levitation jump across to another cake (might want to start on levitation ball, jump, then swap to hovering just as you start losing height.) This figment is floating over a candle with an updraft on this cake.

- Cake Summit. On the sword crossing over between cakes.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 5: Sword, x1

- Bob's Island into Bog of the Betrothed. Found when sliding down the bottle.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 6: Booze bottle with flower in it on top of lilypad, x1

- Bog of the Betrothed. Underneath the flying Bulb Bob.

Bob's Bottles - Page 4

Page 4, Row 1, Col 1: Flower with long rectangular petals, x1

- Bog of the Betrothed. Underneath the flying Bulb Bob.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 2: String of lights, x3

- Bog of the Betrothed. On a swing pole after the flying Bulb Bob.

- Bog of the Betrothed. On a swing pole after the flying Bulb Bob.

- Bog of the Betrothed. At the beginning of the hallway that starts to look like cake.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 3: Bottle with a lit candle stuck in the top, x1

- Bog of the Betrothed. On some logs between the flying Bulb Bob and swinging Bulb Bob.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 4: 3 lit candles, one stuck in a bottle, x1

- Bog of the Betrothed. On some logs between the flying Bulb Bob and swinging Bulb Bob.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 5: Flowers in vases and lit candles, x1

- Bog of the Betrothed. On the island just after the swinging Bulb

Page 4, Row 1, Col 6: Wine bottle being used as a vase sitting on a doily, x3

- Viking Reception. On a table near the entry cake pillars.

- Viking Reception. At a round table near the dance floor.

- Viking Reception. At a round table near the dance floor.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 1: Teddy bear, x1

- Viking Reception. At a round table near the dance floor.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 2: Dressed up Bob Zanotto, x1

- Viking Reception. At a round table near the dance floor and the main table.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 3: Dressed up Helmut Fullbear, x1

- Viking Reception. At a round table near the dance floor and the main table.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 4: Dressed up Truman Zanotto, x1

- Viking Reception. At the main table.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 5: 3 balloons tied together with a bow, x2

- Viking Reception. Use some Dark Thoughts to reach this figment.

- Viking Reception. On one of the oars on the ship. Pouncy ball on the water icing at one end of the ship to get up there.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 6: Fancy fork, x4

- Bog of the Betrothed to Viking Reception. In the section where you wall jump up cake pillars.

- Bog of the Betrothed to Viking Reception. In the section where you wall jump up cake pillars.

- Bog of the Betrothed to Viking Reception. In the section where you wall jump up cake pillars.

- Bog of the Betrothed to Viking Reception. In the section where you wall jump up cake pillars.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 1: Wedding cake on a table, x1

- Cake Summit. Found when levitating through the updrafts.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 2: Frosting swirl (kinda looks like an onion/garlic out of context), x4

- Cake Summit. On the cake after levitating through the updrafts.

- Cake Summit. On the cake after levitating through the updrafts.

- Cake Summit. On the cake after levitating through the updrafts.

- Cake Summit. On the cake after levitating through the updrafts.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 3: Diamond ring in a ring box, x1

- Cake Summit. On the sword crossing over between cakes.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 4: 2 connected rings, x3

- Viking Reception. Near the cake pillars that you wall jump up is another cake pillar. Walk out on the cake decoration to see a climbable straw poking out of the cake - climb up. From the top of the cake pillar, do a long levitation jump across to another cake (might want to start on levitation ball, jump, then swap to hovering just as you start losing height.) This figment is floating over a candle with an updraft on this cake.

- Cake Summit. Found when levitating through the updrafts.

- Cake Summit. On the sword crossing over between cakes.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 5: Full slice of cake, x4

- Bog of the Betrothed. From the entrance bottle, jump across 2 lilypads to a different island. Jump up onto a stone, then on top of a can. Grind across the straw, then levitate into the room with the table set for a party. This figment is on this table.

- Bog of the Betrothed. From the entrance bottle, jump across 2 lilypads to a different island. Jump up onto a stone, then on top of a can. Grind across the straw, then levitate into the room with the table set for a party. This figment is on this table.

- Bog of the Betrothed. From the entrance bottle, jump across 2 lilypads to a different island. Jump up onto a stone, then on top of a can. Grind across the straw, then levitate into the room with the table set for a party. This figment is on this table.

- Cake Summit. Found when levitating through the updrafts.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 6: 2 champagne glasses clinking, x2

- Viking Reception. Near the cake pillars that you wall jump up is another cake pillar. Walk out on the cake decoration to see a climbable straw poking out of the cake - climb up. From the top of the cake pillar, do a long levitation jump across to another cake (might want to start on levitation ball, jump, then swap to hovering just as you start losing height.) This figment is floating over a candle with an updraft on this cake.

- Cake Summit. Found when levitating through the updrafts.

Bob's Bottles - Page 5&6

Page 5, Row 1, Col 1: Bob Zanotto and Helmut Fullbear holding hands and waving, x1

- Viking Reception. Near the cake pillars that you wall jump up is another cake pillar. Walk out on the cake decoration to see a climbable straw poking out of the cake. This figment is at the top of this cake pillar.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 2: Wine glass sloshing, x1

- Viking Reception. On one of the oars on the ship. Pouncy ball on the water icing at one end of the ship to get up there.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 3: Partially eaten slice of cake, x3

- Bog of the Betrothed. On a platform just after the swinging Bulb Bob.

- Bog of the Betrothed. On a platform just after the swinging Bulb Bob.

- Bog of the Betrothed. On a platform just after the swinging Bulb Bob.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 4: Thorny vines/brambles with 90 degree angles, x1

- Bog of the Betrothed. From the entrance bottle, jump across 2 lilypads to a different island. Jump up onto a stone, then on top of a can. Grind across the straw, then levitate into the room with the table set for a party. At the other end of this table is another island with this figment on it.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 5: Wine bottle in ice bucket, x1

- Bog of the Betrothed. From the entrance bottle, jump across 2 lilypads to a different island. Jump up onto a stone, then on top of a can. Grind across the straw, then levitate into the room with the table set for a party. This figment is on this table.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 6: Wine glass upright, x2

- Bog of the Betrothed. From the entrance bottle, jump across 2 lilypads to a different island. Jump up onto a stone, then on top of a can. Grind across the straw, then levitate into the room with the table set for a party. This figment is on this table.

- Bog of the Betrothed. From the entrance bottle, jump across 2 lilypads to a different island. Jump up onto a stone, then on top of a can. Grind across the straw, then levitate into the room with the table set for a party. This figment is on this table.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 1: Mushroom and plant arrangement in vase with "B+H" on it, x1

- Bog of the Betrothed. From the entrance bottle, jump across 2 lilypads to a different island. Jump up onto a stone, then on top of a can. Grind across the straw, then levitate into the room with the table set for a party. This figment is on this table.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 2: 3 fishing hooks, x1

- Ship in a Bottle. On some planks next to the stone platform where you pick up the Bulb Bob.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 3: Rectangular fish, x1

- Ship in a Bottle. While carrying the Bulb Bob, near the first set of planks leading down.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 4: Pirate boot, x1

- Ship in a Bottle. While carrying the Bulb Bob. Over some wooden planks.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 5: Coiled rope, x1

- Ship in a Bottle. Use some Dark Thoughts near the ship to mentally connect up to this figment.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 6: Open treasure chest, x1

- Ship in a Bottle. Use some Dark Thoughts near the ship to mentally connect down to this figment.

Page 5, Row 3, Col 1: Bob Zanotto dumping out booze bottle, x1

- Ship in a Bottle. On the ship, near the hatch leading down.

Page 5, Row 3, Col 2: Wooden crate, x2

- Bob's Island. On the dark red flower island on the arm in the middle of the rest of the dark red flower island.

- Sunken Motherlobe. In the hallway just after the transition from the ship.

Page 5, Row 3, Col 3: Rectangular bottle laying on the ground with "Rum" on the label, x1

- Ship in a Bottle. Jump down the hatch to inside the ship. Where the ship starts turning into the Motherlobe.

Page 5, Row 3, Col 4: Drunk sitting man, x1

- Sunken Motherlobe. Next to the doorway that would normally lead to the classrooms/Forsythe's office.

Page 5, Row 3, Col 5: 3 mushrooms, x1

- Sunken Motherlobe. Between the doorway that would normally lead to the classrooms/Forsythe's office and the doorway that would lead to the Nerve Center.

Page 5, Row 3, Col 6: 2 drunk people with their arms around each other and holding up bottles, x1

- Sunken Motherlobe. Next to what would normally be the door into the Mailroom.


Page 6, Row 1, Col 1: Vomiting man, x1

- Sunken Motherlobe. Next to the doorway that would normally lead into the cafeteria.

Page 6, Row 1, Col 2: Wooden crate with bottles and cans on top of and around it, x1

- Sunken Motherlobe. Next to the doorway that would normally lead to Ford's barber shop.

Page 6, Row 1, Col 3: Drunk sleeping man, x1

- Sunken Motherlobe. Next to the doorway that would normally lead into the cafeteria.

Page 6, Row 1, Col 4: Banana, x2

- Bob's Island. Island next to the light pink flower island, near the structure with Bob's mental image of Lili.

- Bob's Island. Light pink flower island, in a palm tree next to the bottle.

Page 6, Row 1, Col 5: Flower in the process of blooming, x1

- Bob's Island. On the dark red flower island on the outer arm of the island.

Page 6, Row 1, Col 6: Seashell, x3

- Bob's Island. On the dark red flower island on the arm in the middle of the rest of the dark red flower island.

- Bob's Island. On the dark red flower island on the arm in the middle of the rest of the dark red flower island.

- Bob's Island. On the dark red flower island on the outer arm of the island near a big rock outcropping.

Page 6, Row 2, Col 1: Weird horned creature with shaggy hair, x1

- Bog of the Betrothed. Look behind the bottle you slide in from.

Page 6, Row 2, Col 2: Sitting Compton Boole, x1

- Viking Reception. At a round table near the dance floor.

Page 6, Row 2, Col 3: Sitting Lucy holding wine glass, x1

- Viking Reception. At a round table near the dance floor and the main table.

Page 6, Row 2, Col 4: Waiter with wine bottle and glass on tray, x1

- Viking Reception. At a round table near the dance floor and the main table.

Page 6, Row 2, Col 5: Sitting young Ford Cruller, x1

- Viking Reception. At a round table near the dance floor and the main table.

Page 6, Row 2, Col 6: Sitting young Cassie O'Pea, x1

- Viking Reception. At a round table near the dance floor.

Page 6, Row 3, Col 1: Wedding DJ (man in flashy suit wearing sunglasses and holding microphone), x1

- Viking Reception. Next to the turntables on the stage.

Page 6, Row 3, Col 2: Rounder fish, x1

- Bob's Island. Jumping over the trail of light pink flowers leading to the first bottle island.

Page 6, Row 3, Col 3: Kisser fish, x2

- Bob's Island. Jumping over the trail of light pink flowers leading to the first bottle island.

- Bob's Island. Jumping next to the trail of light pink flowers leading to the first bottle island.

Page 6, Row 3, Col 4: Starfish, x1

-Bob's Island. Jumping next to the trail of light pink flowers leading to the first bottle island.

Page 6, Row 3, Col 5: Abstract-ish fish, x1

- Bob's Island. Jumping next to the trail of light pink flowers leading to the first bottle island.

Cassie's Collection - Page 1

Page 1, Row 1, Col 1: Open book with columns of dots on the pages, x1

- Librarian's Desk. On the floor in front of the door into the Children's Corner.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 2: Closed book laid flat, x2

- Librarian's Desk. Between Literature Lane and Children's Corner, on top of a large pile of books.

- Librarian's Desk. Behind the door into Children's Corner.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 3: Dog, x1

- Librarian's Desk. On a table on the floor of Children's Corner.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 4: Goat, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In an opening/closing card catalogue drawer in Children's Corner.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 5: Monkey, x1

- Librarian's Desk. On some beehive lace in Children's Corner.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 6: Beehive lace, x1

- Librarian's Desk. Above some real beehive lace in Children's Corner.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 1: Chinese dragon not overlapping itself, x1

- Librarian's Desk. Above an opening/closing card catalog drawer in Children's Corner.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 2: Rabbit/hare, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In an opening/closing card catalogue drawer in Children's Corner.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 3: Ox with rat on its head, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In an opening/closing card catalogue drawer in Children's Corner.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 4: Sleeping pig, x2

- Librarian's Desk. In Children's Corner on the upper platform with the special book.

- Waterfront. In the entrance to the print shop.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 5: Leaping tiger, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In Children's Corner on the upper platform with the special book. Next to the projection door, jump up the book stacks.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 6: Rooster, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In Children's Corner on the upper platform with the special book.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 1: Horse, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In Children's Corner on the upper platform with the special book. Next to the projection door.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 2: Bee seen from the side and horizontal, x12

- Librarian's Desk. Over the door into Literature Lane and between the two moving card catalog drawers.

- Librarian's Desk. In Children's Corner over the upper platform with the special book. Next to the projection door, jump up the book stacks, then jump over to some beehive lace.

- Librarian's Desk. In the special book in Children's Corner. After turning the page once.

- Teacher's Domain. In the hallway after the first door you open with your archetype.

- Teacher's Domain. Just past the first gate you open with your archetype.

- Teacher's Domain. In the room where you fight censors and enablers. Before the gate leading out of the room.

- Teacher's Domain. Past the gate just before the special book.

- Librarian's Desk. In the special book from Literature Lane. On the first set of pages.

- Waterfront. In the path of the boats floating around in a circle next to the sculpted book terrain.

- Waterfront. In the market, and through the door to the book.

- Waterfront. In the market, and through the door to the book.

- Waterfront. In the fish cannery and through the door into the book.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 3: Snake in a spiral, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In Children's Corner on the upper platform with the special book. Next to the projection door.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 4: Cat clawing at the ground, x2

- Librarian's Desk. On top of the switch in front of the door leading into the Children's Corner.

- Librarian's Desk. On top of the switch that controls the chandelier.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 5: Books viewed from their spines, x2

- Librarian's Desk. On top of a stack of books on the central desk.

- Librarian's Desk. In Children's Corner on the upper platform with the special book.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 6: Open book but can see the cover not the pages, x1

- Librarian's Desk. On top of a stack of books next to the central desk.

Cassie's Collection - Page 2

Page 2, Row 1, Col 1: Cassie bust with just an updo, x1

- Librarian's Desk. Between Literature Lane and Children's Corner in an alcove next to the unmoving and open card catalog drawer.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 2: Cassie bust with a pointy hat and topknot, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In an alcove above the door into Literature Lane.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 3: Cassie bust with a feathered headdress, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In an alcove above the switch that controls the chandelier.


Page 2, Row 1, Col 4: Cassie bust with a topknot and big looped hair, x2

- Librarian's Desk. In an alcove reachable from a large heap of books.

- Deep Inside Teacher's Domain. In an alcove reachable by mental connections from the book with the updraft.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 5: Cassie bust with a small bun on top of her head, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In an alcove on the wall to the side of the Children's Corner doorway.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 6: Lady in dress with scientific flasks floating around her, x1

- Librarian's Desk. Continuously moving in and out of the door into Literature Lane.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 1: Library card v1 (writing in the top left box but no other writing in the 1st row or 1st column), x3

- Librarian's Desk. Above the door to Literature Lane on an unmoving card catalog drawer.

- Librarian's Desk. On the moving card catalog drawer that can get you to the chandelier.

- Librarian's Desk. On the moving card catalog drawer that can only be reached from the chandelier.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 2: Horizontal arrow (not the weapon), x3

- Librarian's Desk. At the end of the moving card catalog drawer that can get you to the chandelier.

- Librarian's Desk. In the special book in Children's Corner. On the title page.

- Librarian's Desk. In the special book in Children's Corner. After turning the page once.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 3: Library card v2 (writing across the entire first row), x4

- Librarian's Desk. Between Literature Lane and Children's Corner on top of an unmoving and open card catalog drawer.

- Librarian's Desk. On top of the moving card catalog drawer that can only be reached from the chandelier.

- Librarian's Desk. Get on top of the moving card catalog drawer that can get you to the chandelier, and look to the side. This figment is on top of an unmoving card catalog drawer that can only be reached from the moving card catalog drawer.

- Librarian's Desk. In Literary Lane. On one of the card catalogue drawers holding the tightrope.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 4: Snake wrapped around tortoise, x1

- Librarian's Desk. When standing on the chandelier in its non-active state.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 5: Chinese dragon overlapping itself, x1

- Librarian's Desk. When standing on the chandelier in its non-active state.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 6: Book labeled "Pratchett" with disc held up by 4 elephants on the back of a giant turtle, x1

- Librarian's Desk. Between Literature Lane and Children's Corner on top of some books.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 1: Library card v3 (writing in the top left box and the second row first box, but no other writing in the 1st row or 1st column), x1

- Librarian's Desk. On top of the moving card catalog drawer that can only be reached from the chandelier.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 2: Overhead view of bee flying upwards diagonally, x6

- Librarian's Desk. Between the moving card catalog drawer and the chandelier.

- Librarian's Desk. In the special book in Children's Corner. On the title page, but you'll have to turn the page to approach it from the next page.

- Teacher's Domain. In the hallway after the first door you open with your archetype.

- Teacher's Domain. Past the gate just before the special book.

- Waterfront. Flying around the tightrope strung between the gates in front of the print shop.

- Waterfront. Inside the print shop.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 3: (x+y)^2-(x-y), x2

- Librarian's Desk. Ride the chandelier up, then jump onto the upper platform.

- Teacher's Domain. In the room where you fight censors and enablers. On some books leading out of the room.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 4: Bacon, x1

- Librarian's Desk. Ride the chandelier up, then jump onto the upper platform. Next to the Ford memory.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 5: Phoenix, x1

- Librarian's Desk. When standing on the chandelier in its non-active state.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 6: Striped fat cat sitting and looking happy, x1

- Librarian's Desk. When standing on the chandelier in its non-active state.

Cassie's Collection - Page 3

Page 3, Row 1, Col 1: Simple star, x4

- Librarian's Desk. When standing on the chandelier while it's moving up/down.

- Librarian's Desk. When standing on the chandelier while it's moving up/down.

- Librarian' s Desk. When standing on the chandelier while it's moving up/down.

- Waterfront. On one of the boats floating around in a circle next to the sculpted book terrain.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 2: 5 stars, x7

- Librarian's Desk. Between Literature Lane and Children's Corner between two tightropes.

- Librarian's Desk. When standing on the chandelier while it's moving up/down.

- Librarian's Desk. When standing on the chandelier while it's moving up/down.

- Librarian's Desk. In front of some beehive lace in Literature Lane.

- Waterfront. On one of the boats floating around in a circle next to the sculpted book terrain.

- Waterfront. In the market, on the bookmark when entering the market from the updraft.

- Waterfront. In the market, and through the door leading into the book.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 3: Star with lines down the middle of each arm, x4

- Librarian's Desk. When standing on the chandelier while it's moving up/down.

- Librarian's Desk. Inside Literature Lane. Between a moving card catalogue drawer and a swingable lightpost.

- Waterfront. On one of the boats floating around in a circle next to the sculpted book terrain.

- Waterfront. On one of the gates next to the print shop that the boats pass under.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 4: Cassie O'Pea's public library card, x1

- Librarian's Desk. On the floor in the middle of the central desk.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 5: Amelia Earhardt with a plane, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In Literature Lane. On top of a stack of books in the middle of the room.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 6: Person using an old device to look at stars, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In Literature Lane. On one of the second level platforms with the pirate.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 1: Sitting old lady in polka dot dress holding purse on her lap, x1

- Librarian's Desk. On the ground on top of a heap of books next to some beehive lace.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 2: Cassie bust with a big bun on top of her head, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In an alcove beneath the tightrope.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 3: Sitting lady singing, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In Literature Lane. On top of a stack of books in the middle of the room.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 4: Person looking through telescope at stars, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In Literature Lane. On the platform with the special book.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 5: Greek lady with book and writing implements, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In Literature Lane. Over a tightrope between two card catalogue drawers.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 6: Ancient Egyptian, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In Literature Lane. Floating around the top of the room.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 1: Chinese paper lantern with no pattern, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In Literature Lane. "Hanging" from a lamp next to the special book.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 2: Rabbit in the moon making mochi, x1

- Librarian's Desk. Over the door into Literature Lane, and over the second moving card catalog drawer.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 3: Child riding a boar, x1

- Librarian's Desk. On the floor of Children's Corner.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 4: Diagram of a cube with a and b labels, x2

- Teacher's Domain. In the room where you fight censors and enablers. Underneath the paper tree stump.

- Waterfront. On top of the print shop and through the door that leads into the notebook.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 5: Flying wasp seen from the side (probably meant to be a bee), x7

- Librarian's Desk. In the special book in Children's Corner. After turning the page once.

- Teacher's Domain. In the hallway after the first door you open with your archetype.

- Teacher's Domain. In the room where you fight censors and enablers. Before the gate leading out of the room.

- Teacher's Domain. In the special book. On the first set of pages.

- Librarian's Desk. In the special book from Literature Lane. On the second set of pages.

- Waterfront. Moving around inside the print shop.

- Waterfront. On top of the print shop, and through the door leading into the notebook.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 6: Diagram of a circle with 2 arrowed lines going through it and labeled intersection points, x2

- Teacher's Domain. In the room where you fight censors and enablers. On a heap of books near the beehive lace and the hard snake equation.

- Waterfront. On top of the print shop and through the door leading inside the notebook.

Cassie's Collection - Page 4

Page 4, Row 1, Col 1: Bee seen from overhead while flat on a surface, x4

- Teacher's Domain. Before the first gate you open with your archetype.

- Teacher's Domain. In the room where you fight censors and enablers. Before the gate leading out of the room.

- Waterfront. Moving up and down the ladder inside the print shop.

- Waterfront. In the market, and through the door leading into the book.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 2: Beehive, x5

- Librarian's Desk. In the special book in Children's Corner. After turning the page once.

- Teacher's Domain. Just past the first gate you open with your archetype.

- Librarian's Desk. In the special book from Literature Lane. On the first set of pages.

- Waterfront. On one of the gates next to the print shop that the boats pass under.

- Waterfront. In the market, and through the door into the book.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 3: "xyz", x2

- Deep Inside Teacher's Domain. When jumping across books.

- Waterfront. In the market, and through the door into the book.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 4: "efg", x4

- Deep Inside Teacher's Domain. Over the book updraft.

- Waterfront. On a platform next to the entrance to the print shop and the boats going in a circle.

- Waterfront. On the path leading to the market. In the book draft.

- Waterfront. In the fish cannery and through the door into the book.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 5: "tuvw", x3

- Deep Inside Teacher's Domain. Over the book updraft.

- Waterfront. On top of the print shop.

- Waterfront. In the fish cannery and through the door into the book.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 6: "lmno", x2

- Deep Inside Teacher's Domain. Over the book updraft.

- Waterfront. In the fish cannery and through the door into the book.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 1: "pqrs", x2

- Waterfront. On top of the print shop.

- Waterfront. In the fish cannery and through the door into the book.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 2: "hijk", x4

- Deep Inside Teacher's Domain. Over the book updraft.

- Waterfront. On top of the print shop.

- Waterfront. On the path leading to the market. After landing from the first draft, on the book with the second draft.

- Waterfront. In the fish cannery and through the door into the book.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 3: Vertical flag with "Japanese"/"Chinese" characters on it hanging from a long pole in the ground, x5

- Waterfront. On top of Fannie Flats building.

- Waterfront. On top of one of the pens acting as a support for one of the docks next to Fannie Flats building.

- Waterfront. On one of the docks next to Fannie Flats building.

- Waterfront. On the path leading to the market. After the first trapeze.

- Waterfront. In the market.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 4: Laying down cat, x4

- Waterfront. On top of a platform on the outside of Fannie Flats building.

- Waterfront. On top of one of the pens acting as a support for one of the docks next to Fannie Flats building.

- Waterfront. On one of the pens supporting a tightrope next to the sculpted book terrain.

- Waterfront. On the path leading to the market. After the first trapeze.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 5: Dead fish with "X" on its eye, x1

- Waterfront. "Swimming" around in the "water" of the fish cannery near the door to the book.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 6: Fish bones, x2

- Waterfront. Past the gate into the print shop.

- Waterfront. Flying around the "water" in the fish cannery.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 1: An eighth note, x1

- Teacher's Domain. In the special book. On the second set of pages.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 2: 2 sixteenth notes connected/beamed, x2

- Teacher's Domain. In the special book. On the second set of pages.

- Teacher's Domain. In the special book. On the second set of pages.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 3: Music notes tie (curved line), x2

- Teacher's Domain. In the special book. On the second set of pages.

- Teacher's Domain. In the special book. On the second set of pages.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 4: 3 sixteenth notes connected/beamed, x1

- Teacher's Domain. In the special book. On the second set of pages.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 5: A quarter note, x1

- Teacher's Domain. In the special book. On the second set of pages.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 6: Ants marching in a diagonal line, x1

- Librarian's Desk. In the special book from Literature Lane. On the first set of pages.

Cassie's Collection - Page 5&6

Page 5, Row 1, Col 1: "ab", x4

- Deep Inside Teacher's Domain. On the first platform before jumping across books.

- Librarian's Desk. In the special book from Literature Lane. On the second set of pages.

- Waterfront. On top of the print shop.

- Waterfront. On the path leading to the market. In the book draft.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 2: Big leafed bush with no trunk, x4

- Teacher's Domain. Past the gate just before the special book.

- Waterfront. On the sculpted book terrain.

- Waterfront. On the sculpted book terrain.

- Waterfront. In the front of a fake path leading into the print shop, visible from the sculpted book terrain. Ride the boats around, jumping over gates as needed to reach this.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 3: Fish riding a bicycle, x1

- Waterfront. On the sculpted book terrain.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 4: Vertical sign with "Japanese"/"Chinese" characters, x3

- Waterfront. On a light post on the dock connecting Fannie Flats building to the sculpted book terrain.

- Waterfront. On a pencil pole next to the tightrope next to the sculpted book terrain.

- Waterfront. In the market.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 5: 3 barrels, x1

- Waterfront. Outside the gate leading into the fish cannery, just after riding the "fish" up the inkfall.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 6: Fish, x3

- Waterfront. On one of the boats floating around in a circle next to the sculpted book terrain.

- Waterfront. On top of the print shop. Jump up on top of a really thick book and go through a gate. Go left around a corner, then walk through a doorway that magically leads down to a platform next to the main sculpted book terrain. Look left around the books making up the doorway for this figment.

- Waterfront. Jumping in the "water" in the fish cannery.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 1: Pigeon, x4

- Waterfront. On the inkslide from the top of the print shop.

- Waterfront. On the inkslide from the top of the fish cannery. (Go through the second door inside the book.)

- Waterfront. On the inkslide from the top of the fish cannery. (Go through the second door inside the book.)

- Waterfront. On the inkslide from the top of the fish cannery. (Go through the second door inside the book.)

Page 5, Row 2, Col 2: Flower cake(?), x3

- Waterfront. On the sculpted book terrain, over the bookmark.

- Waterfront. Inside the print shop.

- Waterfront. On the inkslide from the top of the fish cannery. (Go through the second door inside the book.)

Page 5, Row 2, Col 3: Ox on a ladder, x1

- Waterfront. On one of the boats floating around in a circle next to the print shop.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 4: Monkey king balancing on tail and meditating, x2

- Waterfront. On one of the boats floating around in a circle next to the sculpted book terrain.

- Waterfront. On one of the gates next to the print shop that the boats pass under. On the ladder.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 5: 2 herons, x2

- Waterfront. On one of the boats floating around in a circle next to the sculpted book terrain.

- Waterfront. On one of the boats floating around in a circle next to the print shop.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 6: Picture/poster of a lady holding a booze bottle and a glass, x1

- Waterfront. Inside the first room of the print shop.

Page 5, Row 3, Col 1: Poster of a lady holding a fan, x1

- Waterfront. Inside the first room of the print shop.

Page 5, Row 3, Col 2: "cd", x3

- Deep Inside Teacher's Domain. Above the books you jump across, but not reachable from there. Start at the book with the updraft. Mentally connect up to the alcove. Look down from the alcove to see a platform next to more mental connections. Jump down to that platform. You should be able to levitate down to the figment.

- Waterfront. On top of the print shop. Jump up on top of a really thick book and go through a gate.

- Waterfront. On the path leading to the market. In the book draft.

Page 5, Row 3, Col 3: Rabbit carrying baskets of carrots hanging off a stick over its shoulders, x2

- Waterfront. On a platform inside the boats floating around in a circle next to the sculpted book terrain.

- Waterfront. On the inkslide from the top of the print shop.

Page 5, Row 3, Col 4: Bowl of dumplings/apples(?), x1

- Waterfront. On the inkslide from the top of the print shop.

Page 5, Row 3, Col 5: Sitting rat with long tail, x1

- Waterfront. On one of the boats floating around in a circle next to the sculpted book terrain.

Page 5, Row 3, Col 6: Fox standing on hind legs and doffing its hat, x1

- Waterfront. On one of the boats floating around in a circle next to the sculpted book terrain.


Page 6, Row 1, Col 1: Pig pulling a tiger in a rickshaw, x2

- Waterfront. On a dock next to Fannie Flats building.

- Waterfront. On the beginning of the path to the market where you can choose to climb a ladder or mentally connect. Climb the ladder.

Page 6, Row 1, Col 2: Bicycle, x1

- Waterfront. In the market.

Page 6, Row 1, Col 3: Vertical banner with "Japanese"/"Chinese" characters held by a horizontal pole, x3

- Waterfront. On the sculpted book terrain, on the tree.

- Waterfront. On the path leading to the market. After the first trapeze. Turned 90 degrees and on a pencil pole.

- Waterfront. In the market.

Page 6, Row 1, Col 4: Man selling something round, x1

- Waterfront. In the market.

Page 6, Row 1, Col 5: Chinese paper lantern with flower pattern on it, x1

- Waterfront. On the ink slide from the market.

Page 6, Row 1, Col 6: Vertical banner with a bee on it held by a horizontal pole, x1

- Waterfront. On the path leading to the market. After the first trapeze. Turned 90 degrees and on a pencil pole.

Page 6, Row 2, Col 1: "123", x3

- Teacher's Domain. In the room where you fight censors and enablers. On the book next to the paper tree.

- Teacher's Domain. In the room where you fight censors and enablers. On the platform with the knight and dragon.

- Deep Inside Teacher's Domain. On top of a stack of books on the platform you enter on. Easiest way to get this one is to go to the book with the updraft, mental connect to the topmost alcove, then levitate/jump down.

Page 6, Row 2, Col 2: f(x)=ax^2+bx+c, x1

- Teacher's Domain. In the room where you fight censors and enablers. Over some beehive lace.

Page 6, Row 2, Col 3: Atom diagram, x1

- Teacher's Domain. In the room you fight censors and enablers. On top of the paper tree stump.

Page 6, Row 2, Col 4: "789", x1

- Teacher's Domain. In the room you fight censors and enablers. On top of some book "stairs".

Page 6, Row 2, Col 5: The periodic table square for hydrogen, x1

- Teacher's Domain. In the room where you fight censors and enablers. On the floor.

Page 6, Row 2, Col 6: Bar graph, x1

- Teacher's Domain. In the room where you fight censors and enablers. On some books leading out of the room.

Page 6, Row 3, Col 1: "456", x1

- Teacher's Domain. In the room where you fight censors and enablers. On the platform with the knight and dragon.

Page 6, Row 3, Col 2: Woman wearing armor holding pole with banner, x1

- Librarian's Desk. Moving around inside Literature Lane.

Page 6, Row 3, Col 3: Vertical banner with "Japanese"/"Chinese" characters with fringe and no pole, x3

- Waterfront. On top of the print shop.

- Waterfront. In the market.

- Waterfront. In the fish cannery next to the door to the book.

Page 6, Row 3, Col 4: Rectangular sign with "Japanese"/"Chinese" characters in two rows and a line between them, x3

- Waterfront. In the market.

- Waterfront. In the market.

Page 6, Row 3, Col 5: Rectangular sign with "Japanese"/"Chinese" characters in three columns, x2

- Waterfront. In the market.

- Waterfront. In the market.

Page 6, Row 3, Col 6: Rectangular sign with "Japanese"/"Chinese" characters in one row, x2

- Waterfront. In the market.

- Waterfront. In the market.

Cassie's Collection - Page 7

Page 7, Row 1, Col 1: Double decker bus, x1

- Waterfront. On the sculpted book terrain.

Page 7, Row 1, Col 2: Old automobile, x3

- Waterfront. On one of the docks next to Fannie Flats building.

- Waterfront. On the extension of the sculpted book terrain next to the dock connecting to Fannie Flats building.

- Waterfront. On the sculpted book terrain.

Page 7, Row 1, Col 3: Bus, x2

- Waterfront. On one of the docks next to Fannie Flats building.

- Waterfront. On the sculpted book terrain.

Page 7, Row 1, Col 4: Rabbit pulling heron in rickshaw, x1

- Waterfront. On the sculpted book terrain.

Page 7, Row 1, Col 5: Ship with 2 tall smokestacks, x2

- Waterfront. Between the two docks next to Fannie Flats building. Easily reachable from the end of one of the docks.

- Waterfront. Next to one of the two docks next to Fannie Flats building. Have to jump across some floating boxes to safely get this one.

Page 7, Row 1, Col 6: Ship with 1 smokestack and a lot of cranes, x2

- Waterfront. At the end of one of the docks next to Fannie Flats building.

- Waterfront. Floating around in the middle of the boats floating around in a circle next to the sculpted book terrain.

Lucrecia's Lament - Page 1&2

Page 1, Row 1, Col 1: Leaping flea in a tutu, x1

- Flea Circus. On the jar lid trampoline next to the knife throwing act.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 2: Flea wearing vest on tiptoe, x1

- Flea Circus. On the platform after the trapese leading to the knife throwing act.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 3: Flea spinning on tiptoe (dangling from invisible trapeze), x1

- Flea Circus. On the trapeze leading to the carousel.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 4: Flea working a ticket booth, x1

- Flea Circus. On the platform with the carousel.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 5: 2 running kid fleas, x1

- Flea Circus. On the platform with the carousel.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 6: Flea in leotard spinning 3 rings, x1

- Flea Circus. On the trapeze leading up to the knife throwing act.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 1: Flea with mustache and bowler hat holding 4 knives, x1

- Flea Circus. Next to the knife throwing act.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 2: "Popcorn" sign hanging over 3 buckets of popcorn, x1

- Flea Circus. Next to the knife throwing act.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 3: Flea balancing on ball while juggling, x1

- Flea Circus. On the wall of the ball balancing act.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 4: Flea riding unicycle while juggling, x1

- Flea Circus. On one of the tightropes.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 5: Flea doing highwire act, x1

- Flea Circus. On one of the tightropes.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 6: Flea wearing bikini in triumphant gymnast pose, x1

- Flea Circus. Jump from the carousel platform onto a nearby platform with this figment.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 1: Rhino balancing on ball while juggling, x1

- Flea Circus. On top of a box near the tennis ball container.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 2: A match, x1

- Flea Circus. In the back corner of the ground floor nearest the knife throwing act.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 3: Flea about to be shot out of a cannon, x1

- Flea Circus. Between the trampoline and the ball balancing act.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 4: Slightly open match box, x1

- Flea Circus. On ground level near the ladder leading up to the high dive.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 5: Sword-swallowing flea, x1

- Flea Circus. On the high dive platform.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 6: Jumping flea wearing suspenders, x1

- Flea Circus. On the ground floor trampoline in the corner nearest the knife throwing act.


Page 2, Row 1, Col 1: Merry-go-round flea, x1

- Flea Circus. On the carousel.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 2: 2 knives, x1

- Flea Circus. Near the knife throwing act.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 3: Weightlifting/strongman flea, x1

- Flea Circus. Take the tightrope from the knife throwing act to the platform with this figment.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 4: Sleeping flea, x2

- Flea Circus. In the middle of the carousel over the button.

- Flea Circus. On the handle of the suitcase underneath the stands.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 5: Merry-go-round flea with kid flea wearing hat sitting on it, x1

- Flea Circus. On the carousel.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 6: Merry-go-round flea with big-eyed happy kid flea sitting on it, x1

- Flea Circus. On the carousel.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 1: Parent flea and toddler flea, x1

- Flea Circus. On the platform with the carousel.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 2: Tennis ball, x1

- Flea Circus. On top of the tennis ball container.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 3: Flea balancing precariously on ball, x1

- Flea Circus. On the wall of the ball balancing course.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 4: Sitting flea eating popcorn, x1

- Flea Circus. In the stands.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 5: Sitting kid flea and parent flea, x1

- Flea Circus. In the stands.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 6: Flea having knives thrown at her, x1

- Flea Circus. Next to the knife throwing act.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 1: Toy patchwork fish with dots on the face, x3

- Nona's Quilts. When jumping over the first river.

- Nona's Quilts. When jumping over the first river.

- Nona's Quilts. When jumping over the first river.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 2: Toy patchwork fish with chevron pattern, x2

- Nona's Quilts. When jumping over the first river.

- Nona's Quilts. When jumping over the first river.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 3: Fire, x3

- Nona's Quilts. Over a campfire in the area with the first picture.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, look behind the frame you just walked through.

- Nona's Quilts. Just before the second picture frame, over a campfire.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 4: Rolled up piece of cloth with loose end, x2

- Nona's Quilts. Just before the second picture frame, over a campfire.

- Nona's Quilts. Just before the second picture frame, over a campfire.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 5: Piece of cloth relatively straight up and down, x2

- Nona's Quilts. Just before the second picture frame, over a campfire.

- Nona's Quilts. Just before the second picture frame, over a campfire.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 6: Piece of cloth bent to one side, x1

- Nona's Quilts. Just before the second picture frame, over a campfire.

Lucrecia's Lament - Page 3

Page 3, Row 1, Col 1: Flea circus stage in suitcase, x1

- Flea Circus. Must have completed all 3 acts and extended the high dive platform. Go from the high dive platform onto the open suitcase lid. This figment is behind the circus sign.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 2: 2 spools of thread next to each other each with a pin stuck in them, x1

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the second picture frame, there should be a second button sewn into the ground. Pull up this button with telekinesis, then jump into the hole that is revealed.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 3: Heart button with 2 holes and thread in the holes, x2

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the second picture frame, there should be a button sewn into the ground. Pull up this button with telekinesis, then jump into the hole that is revealed.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the second picture frame, there should be a second button sewn into the ground. Pull up this button with telekinesis, then jump into the hole that is revealed.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 4: Round button with 4 holes and thread in the holes, x3

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the second picture frame, there should be a button sewn into the ground. Pull up this button with telekinesis, then jump into the hole that is revealed.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the second picture frame, there should be a button sewn into the ground. Pull up this button with telekinesis, then jump into the hole that is revealed.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the second picture frame, there should be a second button sewn into the ground. Pull up this button with telekinesis, then jump into the hole that is revealed.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 5: 2 spools of thread with one on top of the other each with a pin stuck in them, x2

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, off to the side in some trees near the bottom of the first rail.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the second picture frame, there should be a second button sewn into the ground. Pull up this button with telekinesis, then jump into the hole that is revealed.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 6: Spool of thread with a loose end, x1

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the second picture frame, there should be a button sewn into the ground. Pull up this button with telekinesis, then jump into the hole that is revealed.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 1: Scissors cutting cloth, x1

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the second picture frame, there should be a button sewn into the ground. Pull up this button with telekinesis, then jump into the hole that is revealed.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 2: Ball of yarn with two loose ends on opposite sides, x2

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame. On the first railing you come to.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, at the beginning of the third rail.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 3: Ball of yarn with 2 knitting needles stuck through it, x1

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, look behind the frame you just walked through. Light the campfire, use the updraft, then mentally connect to reach this figment.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 4: Rolled up measuring tape, x1

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, look behind the frame you just walked through. Light the campfire, use the updraft, then mentally connect to reach this figment.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 5: Thimble, x1

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, look behind the frame you just walked through. Light the campfire, use the updraft, then mentally connect to reach this figment.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 6: Picture of Nona in an embroidery frame, x1

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, look behind the frame you just walked through. Light the campfire, use the updraft, then mentally connect to reach this figment.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 1: Sewing machine, x1

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, look behind the frame you just walked through. Light the campfire, use the updraft, then mentally connect to reach this figment.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 2: Fabric with a fruit pattern on it, x2

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the first rail you come to and jump on the yarn ball that forms at the bottom to reach this figment.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the third rail and jump on the formed ball of yarn to reach this one.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 3: Fabric with a checkerboard pattern on it, x2

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the first rail you come to and jump on the yarn ball that forms at the bottom to reach this figment.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the third rail and jump on the formed ball of yarn to reach this one.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 4: Fabric with a small flower pattern on it, x3

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the first rail you come to and jump on the yarn ball that forms at the bottom to reach this figment.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the first rail you come to and jump on the yarn ball that forms at the bottom to reach this figment.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the third rail and jump on the formed ball of yarn to reach this one.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 5: Fabric with an intersecting diagonal lines pattern on it, x2

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the first rail you come to and jump on the yarn ball that forms at the bottom to reach this figment.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the third rail and jump on the formed ball of yarn to reach this one.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 6: Upside down thimble with 3 pins in it, x1

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the first rail you come to and jump on the yarn ball that forms at the bottom to reach this figment.

Lucrecia's Lament - Page 4&5

Page 4, Row 1, Col 1: Quilt square with triangles alternating a dotted pattern and no pattern, x1

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the first rail you come to and jump on the yarn ball that forms at the bottom to reach this figment.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 2: Ball of yarn with 2 loose ends on the same side, x1

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, at the beginning of the second rail.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 3: Spool of thread with no loose end, x1

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the second rail and jump on the formed ball of yarn to reach this one.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 4: 3 round buttons with 4 holes, x1

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the second rail and jump on the formed ball of yarn to reach this one.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 5: Square button with 2 holes, x2

- Nona's Quilts. In the area with the first picture from a fire updraft.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the second rail and jump on the formed ball of yarn to reach this one.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 6: Flower button with 2 holes, x3

- Nona's Quilts. In the area with the first picture from a fire updraft.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the second rail and jump on the formed ball of yarn to reach this one.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the third rail and jump on the formed ball of yarn to reach this one.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 1: 2 round and 1 rectangular buttons strung on a thread, x1

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the second rail and jump on the formed ball of yarn to reach this one.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 2: Round button with 4 holes, x2

- Nona's Quilts. In the area with the first picture from a fire updraft.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the second rail and jump on the formed ball of yarn to reach this one.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 3: Sewn pine tree, x1

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, at the bottom of the hill near the switchback where the third rail starts.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 4: Round button with 2 holes, x2

- Nona's Quilts. In the area with the first picture from a fire updraft.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the third rail and jump on the formed ball of yarn to reach this one.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 5: Heart button with 2 holes, x2

- Nona's Quilts. In the area with the first picture from a fire updraft.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the first picture frame, grind down the third rail and jump on the formed ball of yarn to reach this one.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 6: Pincushion with 5 pins and a sewing needle stuck in it, x1

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the second picture frame, along the path.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 1: Pin, x2

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the second picture frame, along the path.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the second picture frame, along the path.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 2: Sewn non-pine tree, x2

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the second picture frame, along the path.

- Nona's Quilts. After going through the second picture frame, along the path.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 3: Needle threaded with very thin thread, x1

- Nona's Quilts. On top of a trampoline pincushion.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 4: 2 spools of thread next to each other and the short spool has a pin stuck in it, x1

- Nona's Quilts. On top of a trampoline pincushion.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 5: Slightly unrolled fabric with some kind of pattern on it, x1

- Nona's Quilts. On top of a trampoline pincushion.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 6: Needle threaded with thicker thread, x1

- Nona's Quilts. On top of a trampoline pincushion.


Page 5, Row 1, Col 1: Piece of thread with a knot tied in one end, x1

- Nona's Quilts. Arching over the path from a trampoline pincushion.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 2: Piece of thread in an arch shape, x1

- Nona's Quilts. Arching over the path from a trampoline pincushion.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 3: Piece of thread looped over itself, x1

- Nona's Quilts. Arching over the path from a trampoline pincushion.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 4: Piece of thread in a kinda S shape, x1

- Nona's Quilts. Arching over the path from a trampoline pincushion.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 5: Scissors, x1

- Nona's Quilts. Just before the second picture frame, over a campfire.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 6: Piece of fabric in a kinda/sorta S shape, x2

- Nona's Quilts. Just before the second picture frame, over a campfire.

- Nona's Quilts. Just before the second picture frame, over a campfire.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 1: A goat with horns standing on top of another goat, x1

- Flea Circus. In the middle of the ring where you balance on the ball.

Fatherland Follies - Page 1&2

Page 1, Row 1, Col 1: Lit candle in candlestick, x3

- Ride Entrance. Turn away from the ride entrance and look up at the fragmented floor.

- Ride Entrance. Turn away from the ride entrance and look up at the fragmented floor.

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the happy village scene, up on a balcony. Use the well roof to reach it.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 2: Tombstone that says "R.I.P.", x1

- Life In Exile. Next to the Maligula statue.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 3: Compton Boole falling backwards, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the battle scene, there is a small doorway behind Maligula. This figment is between the walls you jump between.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 4: Cassie O'Pea falling backwards, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the battle scene, there is a small doorway behind Maligula. This figment is between the walls you jump between.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 5: Cut out cactus, x1

- Life In Exile. Behind the wall for the deathbed scene, reachable from the exile diorama.

Page 1, Row 1, Col 6: Prop thundercloud hanging from ropes, x1

- Life In Exile. Behind the wall for the deathbed scene, reachable from the exile diorama.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 1: Janitor with ponytail cleaning up, x1

- Life In Exile. Behind the wall for the deathbed scene, reachable from the exile diorama.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 2: Rat, x2

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the catwalks over the battle scene.

- Life In Exile. In the deathbed scene.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 3: Pigeon, x1

- Life In Exile. On top of one of the tombstones near the entrance.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 4: 2 birds, x1

- Life In Exile. On top of one of the tombstones near the entrance.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 5: Brain hovering over Malik's cut in half head, x2

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. In the mental connection through fans section.

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Moving in a circle around the exit to the section.

Page 1, Row 2, Col 6: Torch (long stick with fire on top), x2

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama, go in the furthest back cabin, through the back door of the cabin, and shoot the two shootable walls.

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 1: Flying bird, x2

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama. Light a fire and use the updraft.

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama. Light a fire and use the updraft.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 2: Fire, x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 3: Dogen Boole (boy wearing footie pajamas), x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 4: Mikhail (boy with tall fur hat), x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 5: Clem and Crystal (boy and girl, both smiling), x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama.

Page 1, Row 3, Col 6: Flying bird carrying ball, x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama. Light a fire and use the updraft.


Page 2, Row 1, Col 1: Box with "Eggs" written on the side, x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. In the section with mentally connecting through fans.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 2: Brain in a basket, x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. In the section with mentally connecting through fans.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 3: Brain next to open suitcase, x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. In the section with mentally connecting through fans.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 4: Dr Loboto holding a brain, x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. On the platform underneath the mental connections and spinning fans.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 5: Squirrel holding a nut, x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama.

Page 2, Row 1, Col 6: Wooden door, x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama into the Motherlobe scene.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 1: Spider on a web, x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama into the Motherlobe scene.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 2: Web without a spider, x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama into the Motherlobe scene.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 3: Prop tree, x2

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama.

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama, go in the furthest back cabin, through the back door of the cabin, and shoot the two shootable walls.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 4: Bobby Zilch (lanky boy with big poufy hair), x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 5: Whispering Rock sign, x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama, go in the furthest back cabin, through the back door of the cabin, and shoot the two shootable walls.

Page 2, Row 2, Col 6: Upper half of a mannequin on wheels wearing a cape and crown, x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama, go in the furthest back cabin, through the back door of the cabin, and shoot the two shootable walls.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 1: Prop bear on a stick, x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama, go in the furthest back cabin, through the back door of the cabin, and shoot the two shootable walls.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 2: Wooden crate containing 3 lit candles and a mannequin wearing a grulovian hat, x1

- Infiltrating the Psychonauts. Whispering Rock diorama, go in the furthest back cabin, through the back door of the cabin, and shoot the two shootable walls.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 3: 2 prop clouds, x2

- The Fall of Grulovia. Go behind the scene with the waving royal family, and use some hidden trampolines to reach this figment.

- The Fall of Grulovia. Go behind the scene with the waving royal family, and use some hidden trampolines to reach this figment.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 4: Child Malik running with his crown falling off, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the battle scene, there is a small doorway behind Maligula. This figment is on the platform after the wall jumps.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 5: Malik's mother running, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the battle scene, there is a small doorway behind Maligula. This figment is on the platform after the wall jumps.

Page 2, Row 3, Col 6: Malik's father running, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the battle scene, there is a small doorway behind Maligula. This figment is on the platform after the wall jumps.

Fatherland Follies - Page 3,4,5

Page 3, Row 1, Col 1: Grulovian crown, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the battle scene, there is a small doorway behind Maligula. This figment is on the platform after the wall jumps.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 2: Baseball hat, x2

- Dressing Room. Floating over a floating hat rack.

- Dressing Room. Behind the curtain that is behind the mirror.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 3: Truman Zanotto face shirt on a hanger, x1

- Dressing Room. On a clothes rack.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 4: Baseball hat on a fake head, x1

- Dressing Room. On top of a shelf.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 5: Wide brimmed ladies hat on a fake head, x1

- Dressing Room. On top of a shelf.

Page 3, Row 1, Col 6: Fedora on top of a big wig on a fake head, x1

- Dressing Room. On top of a shelf.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 1: A fish, x1

- Life In Exile. Behind the "Adrift at Sea" diorama.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 2: A school of fish, x1

- Life In Exile. Behind the "Adrift at Sea" diorama.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 3: Book with an Eye on the cover titled "Deluginist", x1

- Life In Exile. Behind the "Adrift at Sea" diorama. On the table underneath the burnable painting.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 4: Grass, x1

- Life In Exile. Behind one of the tombstones near the entrance.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 5: Man and young girl wearing pro-Grulovia items, x1

- Ride Entrance. In the queue.

Page 3, Row 2, Col 6: Person with long hair drinking drink wearing pro-Grulovia items, x1

- Ride Entrance. In the queue.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 1: Man holding up a sign that says "Gristol", x1

- Ride Entrance. In the queue.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 2: Woman holding notepad and pen wearing pro-Grulovia hat, x1

- Ride Entrance. In the queue.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 3: Person in wheelchair wearing pro-Grulovia items, x1

- Ride Entrance. In the queue.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 4: Small child wearing pro-Grulovia items, x1

- Ride Entrance. In the queue.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 5: Dog wearing pro-Grulovia hat, x1

- Ride Entrance. In the queue.

Page 3, Row 3, Col 6: Person reading book wearing pro-Grulovia hat, x1

- Ride Entrance. In the queue.


Page 4, Row 1, Col 1: 3 pro-Malik books, x1

- Gift Shop.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 2: Fancy decorative egg, x1

- Gift Shop.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 3: Truman Zanotto plushie, x1

- Gift Shop.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 4: Rack of glasses/sunglasses, x1

- Gift Shop.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 5: "Eggs!" Shirt on hanger, x1

- Gift Shop.

Page 4, Row 1, Col 6: Maligula poster, x1

- Gift Shop.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 1: Rat carrying a letter, x1

- Dressing Room. Running around the curtains behind the Truman statue.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 2: Cut out of Grulovian woman, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the happy village scene.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 3: Cut out of Grulovian man with a long beard, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the happy village scene.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 4: Paper that says "I am Truman!", x1

- Dressing Room. Next to the mirror.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 5: "Truman" hoodie on hanger, x1

- Dressing Room. On a clothes rack.

Page 4, Row 2, Col 6: Teenager in pro-Grulovia items, x1

- Ride Entrance. In the queue.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 1: Person wearing pro-Grulovia items with a camera hung around their neck, x1

- Ride Entrance. In the queue.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 2: Young Ford, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the battle scene, there is a small doorway behind Maligula. This figment is over the second spinning swords.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 3: Falling Bob Zanotto, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the battle scene, there is a small doorway behind Maligula. This figment is between the walls you jump between.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 4: Rat wearing pro-Grulovia hat, x2

- The Fall of Grulovia. On the back of the happy village scene. Use the well roof to jump to the nearby balcony, then go past the happy villager to find this figment.

- The Fall of Grulovia. Go behind the scene with the waving royal family, and use some hidden trampolines to reach a hidden platform over the scene. This figment is running around this platform.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 5: Cutout of of Grulovian man wearing a scarf, x2

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the happy village scene.

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the happy village scene.

Page 4, Row 3, Col 6: Angel with a trumpet, x2

- The Fall of Grulovia. Go behind the scene with the waving royal family, and use some hidden trampolines to reach a hidden platform over the scene. This figment is on this platform.

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the catwalks over the waving royal family scene.


Page 5, Row 1, Col 1: Sad Grulovian man and woman, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the battle scene.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 2: Weathervane, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the battle scene, almost in the catwalks.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 3: Worker wearing pro-Grulovia items while working, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the catwalks over the battle scene.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 4: 3 prop clouds, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the battle scene, between Ford and Maligula.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 5: Coiled extension cord with 2 hammers sticking out the top, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the catwalks over the battle scene.

Page 5, Row 1, Col 6: Spotlight, x3

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the catwalks over the battle scene.

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the catwalks over the Grulovian village scene.

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the catwalks over the Grulovian village scene.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 1: Grulovian house, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. Between the waterwheel/ride drop and the happy village scene.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 2: Boards sticking up out of a wheeled trashcan, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. In the catwalks over the Grulovian village scene.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 3: Grulovian props, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. Across from the happy village scene is a fake building. This figment is on the back of this fake building.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 4: Gramophone, x1

- The Fall of Grulovia. Where the ride stops, there is a fake building nearby. This figment is on the back of this fake building.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 5: Malik in his underwear while lounging and eating junk food, x1

- Life In Exile. Behind the "Adrift at Sea" diorama. On the bed.

Page 5, Row 2, Col 6: Malik smiling evilly while holding pictures, x1

- Life In Exile. Behind the "Adrift at Sea" diorama. Behind the burnable painting.


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