

Shift + left click on an ingredient will toss it directly into the cauldron.

Control + left click on an ingredient to toss it into the mortar and pestle.

Shift + left click on an ingredient that a merchant is selling to transfer the whole stack to the trading area.

Ctrl + scroll wheel on an ingredient that a merchant is selling to add/remove ingredients from the trade area.

Right click on a potion to instantly put it on the scale for sale.

R to open recipe book.

L to open legendary recipes.

G to open Alchemist's Path.

T to open Talents.

F5 for quick save and F7, F8 or F9 for loading your quick save.

Alt + Enter to make your game into windowed mode.

Ctrl + L or Shift + L for changing the game language.

Ctrl + M to mute/unmute the music

Ctrl + S to mute/unmute the sound effects

Left click on your potion symbol on the alchemy map centers it on your screen


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