Two Ingredient Levitation Potion Level 3

Two Ingredient Levitation Potion Level 3

Okay So...

Two Ingredient Levitation Potion Level 3 image 1

Two Ingredient Levitation Potion Level 3 image 2

Basically what you want to do is foggy parasol all the way up, grinding when possible so that you move left of center. I think there is a world where you could get all the way up and around the first bone yard that's in the way of levitation with just foggy parasol. I opted to hop both with cloud crystals and instead used the initial parasols to position myself under the levitation icon to try to cloud hop right above it. (I was only slightly off, so if your accuracy was better you could also do this with one less parasol if crystals is what you have.)

If you make it up and you're off for a level 3, you can use water and another fully ground foggy parasol to reposition yourself correctly. It's a bit of back and forth. Not optimal, but hey, I almost never am in this game and it's working out fine.

If you get this potion request (Levitation max strength with only 2 ingredients) the customer will pay 1980G base price no haggling.

Peace and love on planet Earth


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