Planet Coaster - How to Create Easy Plaza

Planet Coaster - How to Create Easy Plaza

Creating a basic 30m X 30m Plaza.

Planet Coaster - How to Create Easy Plaza image 1

Creating A Base

First set the length and width sliders to 1 and 10 respectively. Select Angle snap and place a line of three. the starting point and two adds.

Planet Coaster - How to Create Easy Plaza image 4


Snap to grid allows the square edges option to be selected. placing the grid over the middle joint auto creates the grid outline for the next step.

Planet Coaster - How to Create Easy Plaza image 7

Squared Paths

Planet Coaster - How to Create Easy Plaza image 9

Now Select the square corners option and fill in the square. Paths auto correct with this option.

Flourish (Optional)

Planet Coaster - How to Create Easy Plaza image 12

Creating planters is optional, simply deselct the snap to grid otion, remove middle square and place smaller paths.

Planet Coaster - How to Create Easy Plaza image 14

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