Planet Coaster - Adding a Station to a Coaster Blueprint

Planet Coaster - Adding a Station to a Coaster Blueprint

A guide to show you how you can add a station and/or scenery to a coaster blueprint. You can also use this this combine anything in the game into a blueprint.

Planet Coaster - Adding a Station to a Coaster Blueprint image 1

Selecting The Tool

Planet Coaster - Adding a Station to a Coaster Blueprint image 3

Press the "Multi Selection" in the bottom right corner.

Planet Coaster - Adding a Station to a Coaster Blueprint image 5

Press the second button from above, which reads "Click or drag to add to selection. You can use the first tool if you want to select everything within a square.

Selecting The Coaster / Scenery

Planet Coaster - Adding a Station to a Coaster Blueprint image 8

Press everything that you want to select, you don't have to hold any buttons.

Saving The Blueprint

Planet Coaster - Adding a Station to a Coaster Blueprint image 11

Press the "Save Selection As Blueprint" button, in the top right of the screen.

Planet Coaster - Adding a Station to a Coaster Blueprint image 13

A menu will pop up, press the "New Blueprint" button.

Planet Coaster - Adding a Station to a Coaster Blueprint image 15

Insert your "Item Title", your "Item Description" and select your tags. Feel free to make a custom thumbnail with the usual movement buttons. Then press the "Create Blueprint" button.


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