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Equipment For Logging
The Logging Frame Add-On loads short logs. These are only found in Amur, that is the phase 4 DLC region.
The Log Carrier attachment is only available for the Caterpillar CAT 745c truck and loads medium logs.
The Log trailer loads medium logs as well.
The Log Carrier Front and Log Carrier rear together carry long logs.
Pacific 512 PF -- Paystar 5600 TS -- Azov 73210 -- Pacific P12
"I Can't Find My Truck!"
Your player profile shows you every truck you own, and where it is.
The garage has six (6) slots, and the left-most slots can be off screen, so be sure to check these.
A truck that was out on the map when you left a multiplayer session will be in storage. You can simply go to any garage, open the storage, and deploy it again.
"I Can't Find The Garage"
Go to the global overview map (M to open the map, G to open the global map from there) and look at the region:
"The Controller Steering Is Terrible!"
The first page of the SETTINGS menu lets you set your controller type. Switch that from "controller" to "steering wheel" and see if that improves things for you.
Using Your Crane / Manual Loading
You can connect the crane to a point by moving the tip of the crane arm near it, or by dragging the white point at the tip of the crane to the point you want to attach to, or using the DPad to select a target.
Tip: if you want to load packed cargo from a trailer that you can't attach to unpack it, use your crane to tip the trailer over! That unloads the cargo, and then you can pick it up.
Here's how you do manual loading at warehouses etc. (useful for hard mode, or just for fun):
- I recommend using a gamepad to operate the crane (even if you don't use it to drive).
- The functions menu lets you "remove cargo" that you no longer need.
- See the end of this guide for a list of trucks suited to have a crane with a flatbed or sideboard bed.
Manual Log Loading
You can load all types of logs automatically, just like cargo, at a log station that has them.
You can load logs manually with the LP-4 log loader crane. Do this if
you play hard mode where auto-loading costs money
you have tipped your log load over, and it disintegrated into 3 single logs
you enjoy using cranes
In multiplayer, ensure that there is only 1 player near the logging site until everything is packed. When the physics don't sync up, the results can be catastrophic!
Hard Mode: Refill Repair Points
This works for add-ons, spare wheels, and trailers.
Multiplayer Progress
Your player profile has your money, your XP, your unlocks, and all trucks that are in your garages and your storage. You take that profile to any multiplayer game when you join as a guest. You will get the same amount of money and XP for completed tasks as you would in single player, even if someone else completed it. This progress is saved with your profile and carries over to your single-player game. Multiplayer games count towards your achievement progress. When you get disconnected, any of your trucks still on the map are moved to your storage, and all trailers you bought are deleted and you get your money back automatically.
The host owns the "world" of the multiplayer session, and that includes all progress with contracts and missions. For upgrades, only the host will receive the free upgrade item. For example, if you unlock a raised suspension, only the host can equip it (once) for free, but everyone else can buy it.
Note that in multiplayer, all garages are private, but all trucks are public. You can drive any other player's truck if it is out on the map and nobody is using it, but you can't recover it to the garage: only the owner can do that.
More Multiplayer Questions
"if I get my truck stuck in mud, and don't have another one to recover it with, can I start a coop lobby and have someone join to hoist me out?" -- yes
"Do they come with their own trucks or would they need me to have multiple?" -- they come with their own trucks, but they can also use yours when they are out on the map (and you can use theirs)
"How does MP count toward map progression?" -- it doesn't (except for the host)
"Who gets money for completing contracts?" -- everybody in the session receives the same amount of money and XP as if they had done the contract in single-player
"Can you even complete contracts?" -- yes,you can complete contracts together
"What about if I have a mod downloaded?" -- the game will download the same mods for the players who join you, and enable the mods for them for the co-op session only. Their own campaign is not affected unless they explicitly enable the mods themselves. (Currently, you can only host private games with mods.)
"I was playing with a mod truck earlier, stored it then joined a friend's game. Once I left his game, I went back to mine and the mod truck is gone." -- when you take your player profile with your trucks into a game that does not have this mod, the game sells your mod truck because it is no longer "legal". If you leave the mod truck out on a map (just outside the garage is fine), it won't be affected.
Dealing With Multiplayer Griefing
If you only play with friends, you never need to open a public session. But if you do, sometimes players join who don't play nice. To kick the griefer from the session, press the "Esc" key to call up the pause menu; at the bottom, you find the option to manage the team ("C" key?). This is where you can invite friends and kick players.
Generally, you can recover from all forms of griefing that can happen in a multiplayer game; it'll just be more or less annoying to deal with.
The worst thing another player can do to immediately foil your plans is to ram your truck as you are transporting cargo; if you tip over, you'll spill that load and need to rescue your truck.
Minor Annoyances
Displaced trucks can be recovered to the garage. Cargo dropped as roadblocks can just be deleted ("remove cargo" in the functions menu). Special mission objects can be re-spawned in their original locations by restarting the contract or mission. Any changes to environment objects reset when you leave the map and come back to it (except near trailers).
If you were looking forward to doing a mission, and a guest player does it, well, you can't re-do it unless you start a new campaign.
Major Annoyances
Trailers can be sold for good money. Dropping a trailer in a remote location means either a challenging and fun rescue mission, or writing it off (easy to do if you also join other players' co-op games, as you earn extra money that way.)
Deleting Cargo you were planning to use can be annoying. Every region has a way to secure infinite amounts of any cargo you need, but that may take more time and effort than using the cargo that the griefer deleted. This is especially nasty in regions that have limited stocks of cargoes in most warehouses.
In hard mode, griefers can access your fuel trailers. If you were planning to empty that mission fuel trailer down to 10%+ (needs over 10% to deliver it), and someone simply returns it full, that's a loss of a good amount of free fuel. They could also smash up their truck and help themselves to your service trailers. (In normal mode, these are minor annoyances, as refills are free.)
Obviously, some of the above minor annoyances turn into major annoyances in hard mode as they will cost you money to recover from. However, you can also join money by joining other players' games, so it evens out.
Tips For Beginners
repair the Fleetstar and equip AWD
find the Scout 800
use the Scout 800 and the CK1500 to explore the map and get upgrades, maybe even the next map
there are also scout missions that only require you to reach certain points (e.g. The Place Beyond The Spruces)
do some easy jobs with the Fleetstar (equip a flatbed and a crane)
transporting logs is NOT a beginner task
check the contracts (from your map screen) and find missions on the map as well
you can choose which task is active by tracking it
explore the map with the scouts first, then clear any obstacles and build the bridges
you can only earn money from contracts, missions, or contests (once you unlock them)
only the contests are "grindable", but generally you do NOT need to grind in this game
"Can I sell the GMC truck?" - You will need it when you get the Fleetstar stuck
most trucks have better traction if you load some cargo, because the weight on the wheels helps (cargo is free)
you can delete cargo via the functions menu, select "REMOVE CARGO" and click on the items you want to delete
this game is like a sandbox
just try things out and see what works for you
have fun!
don't start hard mode until you've played about an hour of normal mode, that covers much of the tutorial
Some people will advise you to get an endgame truck from Russia. If you follow this advice, please do not
complain that Snowrunner is "too easy", "arcadey", etc.
complain that some maps are suddenly "too difficult"Michigan can be done 100% with the trucks you find there, the same goes for Alaska, and doing it that way will let you learn how to overcome difficulty properly.
Recovering The Truck
"Is there any downside to using the automatic recovery mechanic?"
Recovering the truck via the functions menu (V) doesn't cost you anything, unless you are playing in hard mode.
Still, a downside to recovering too often is
a) you don't learn ways to keep going in a difficult situation
b) you won't be ready when you play a map that has no garage
But yeah, mechanically, there is no downside. Unless you have a trailer. Then you need to recover that and your truck is elsewhere, much like you can lose your souls/equipment/whatever when you die and respawn in a MP game.
The load on your truck disappears when you recover. If that was a special mission load, you need to restart the mission.
Some contests fail when you recover, but unless you are in hard mode, you can just repeat it.
Lastly, you may find that, for your next mission, you need your truck close to where you recovered it from, and that you would have been better off if you had just parked it where it was.
Gearbox Speed
You can equip a faster gearbox at the cost of a slightly higher fuel consumption, but if you accelerate normally, you won't see much of a speed increase in a "drag race" situation.
However, you can force the gearbox to shift earlier by re-engaging the "auto" gear, either by tapping the clutch, or tapping the key/button assigned to "auto" if you did that.
The times given are for manual up-shifting/automatic up-shifting, from the starting line to the splash.
These Trucks Can Equip A Sideboard, A Crane, And Pull A Trailer
Highway: Ford CLT9000, GMC MH9500
Heavy Duty: Fleetstar F2070A, CAT 681 [Free DLC], International HX 520 [Free DLC], GMC Brigadier 8000 [DLC]
Heavy: Azov 73210, Pacific 512 PF [Wisconsin], Paystar 5600TS [Wisconsin], Western Star 49X [DLC]
Offroad: Freightliner 114SD, Paystar 5070, Voron D-53233, KRS 58 "Bandit" [Yukon], TUZ 16 "Actaeon" [Kola]
CAT 681, Paystar 5070 and the Bandit can't turn corners well with this equipment because there is very little space between the sideboard and the 2-slot sideboard trailer (and many others).
See more: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2497611331
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2497449538
More SnowRunner guilds
- All Guilds
- Map by map cargo planning guide (currently Michigan only)
- Findable/unfindable truck list
- How to start the Game
- Hard Mode SWITCH - Bez ztrty hernho postupu
- Overloading Your Truck
- Aralar TR
- SnowRunner Guide 633
- SnowRunner Guide 624
- SnowRunner Guide 614
- SnowRunner Guide 604