Achievement & Progression Guide - PW: AA

Achievement & Progression Guide - PW: AA


Achievement & Progression Guide - PW: AA image 1

This a complete guide for Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney, aka part 1/3 of the steam game.

I decided to split the sections for achievements and progression guide, so that people who want to figure out the logic puzzles themselves will have the chance to do so.

In the progression guide, I'll hide the specific answers, while openly displaying the kind of action you have to take, as another way to customize difficulty a little, if you want.

Kind of like this:

Press on the statement that begins with "This is clearly not a stepladder!"

Present Missile to Detective Gumshoe

Examine Hotdog Stand

Achievements, on the other hand, will be displayed like this:

First Steps Start the game

TIP: You can skip text by holding the right mouse-button! It took me waaaay to long to figure this out.^^''

If you have any corrections, please feel free to tell me!

Same if you think that I should've recommended a certain optional course of action (like Pressing or Presenting certain things), for being funny, touching or interesting.

I hope this will be helpful to you!

Episode 1 - Achievements

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Achievement & Progression Guide - PW: AA image 17

The First Turnabout Finish the 1st Episode

Turn In Your Badge During the tutorial, when asked about the name of the defendant, answer "Mia Fey"

Episode 1 - Solutions

The first Episodes of all games in the series tend to be very easy. As a rule of thumb, just don't overthink things and don't be afraid to give the obvious answer. The music stopping after you've presented a piece of evidence is usually a good sign, so look out for that.

Also, check the Court Record.^^''

A final note: I'll only be mentioning what you need to do to progress or unlock achievements in the Trial segments, but you can press on every statement during witness testimonies to see a bit of banter. Go ahead and do it, if you feel like it.

Day 1 - TrialTutorial

Choose Larry Butz (or Mia Fey, then Larry Butz for achievement)

Choose Cindy Stone

Choose Hit with a blunt object

Choose what you want for the next one, it doesn't matter. Dang it, Larry.

The one after that doesn't matter, either.

Witness's Account

Present Cindy's Autopsy Report on the statement that begins with "I remember the time exactly:"

The Time of Discovery

Present Blackout Report on the statement that begins with "There was a voice saying the time..."

Hearing the Time

Present Statue on the statement that begins with "Yeah, the murder weapon!"

Choose Yes

Choose Went into the apartment

Choose Try sounding the clock

Choose Yes

Present Passport


Present Statue

Episode 2 - Achievements

Achievement & Progression Guide - PW: AA image 44

Turnabout Sisters Finish the 2nd Episode

Episode 2 - Solutions: Day 1

Just to be clear, during the Investigation sections, feel free to talk to people about all sorts of topics and examine every object you can. Some of those items have some really interesting flavour text associated with them. I'll mostly restrict myself to only mentioning what is vital, but if something seems particularly of note to me, I'll recommend it.

For instance, you can check the plant in the office whenever you're there, the text changes a lot and is sometimes quite funny.

Also, show your Badge to everyone, a lot of people have unique responses to it. Albeit not in this particular case, it seems.

Also, also, pressing Backspace allows you to switch between modes such as Talking, Moving and Examining. Also took me way too long to figure this one out.^^''

Day 1 - InvestigationLaw Office

Move to Office

Examine Mia

Examine Piece of Paper

Move to Office

Slide to the right

Examine Telephone

Move to Fey & Co. Law Offices

Optional: Talk to Maya about both topics available (For a little context)

Present Receipt to Maya

Detention Center

Choose what you want for the next question. Just try not to be a heartless jerk, okay?

Optional: Present Receipt to Maya again, for a chance to be nice to her. Or quite mean. But seriously, give the poor girl some slack.

Talk to Maya about all topics available

I don't think it matters if you accept her request, but you might as well do it. It's her choice, after all.

Move to Grossberg Law Offices

Grossberg Law Offices

Nothing to do here.

Optional: Examine the Painting , if you want, since it will become relevant later. But you can also just do that once the owner of the office returns.

Move to Fey & Co. Law Offices

Fey & Co. Law Offices

Choose whatever you like. But the right answer is Detective Gumshoe, since that's his job, get it?^^''

Talk to Gumshoe about all topics available (It doesn't matter if Phoenix says that he knows Edgey... I mean, Edgeworth)

Present Maya's Memo to Gumshoe

Choose whatever you like

Move to the Detention Center

Detention Center

Talk to Maya about all available topics

Optional: Present her cellphone to her . Aaaaw. T.T

Move to Gatewater Hotel

Gatewater Hotel

Examine Screwdriver

Talk to April about all available topics

Move to Grossberg Law Offices

Grossberg Law Offices

Talk to Grossberg about all available topics

Move to Detention Center

Detention Center

Choose Defend Maya , obviously!

The next answer is up to you, though.^^ I chose Because I can't abandon you , due to backstory reasons.

Move to Gatewater Hotel

Gatewater Hotel

Examine Screwdriver

Episode 2 - Solutions: Day 2

Day 2 -TrialMaya Fey's Arrest

Press Gumshoe on the statement that starts with "Why?" The one after that seems to work, as well.

Hard Evidence

Present Mia's Autopsy Report on the statement that starts with "Before she died"

Choose whatever you like after that.

Witness's Account

Choose Yes, I'm doing it (Since giving up at this point would be kind of silly, haha.^^'')

Press on the statement that starts with "The one attacking her" (The last one also seems to work) and choose to question her testimony

Present The Thinker on the statement that starts with "That... that clock!"

Choose It couldn't have rung

Choose It's empty

Present Maya's Cell Phone

Choose Yes

Present The Thinker

Choose You had heard about it

Present Wiretap

Present Maya's Cell Phone

Choose what you want on the next question.

Choose Call the bellboy as a witness

Choose Accept the condition

Miss May's Room Service

Press on the statement that starts with "She asked for"

Press on the statement that starts with "And I delivered the ice coffee"

Choose Protest

Choose Room service

Choose The man with Miss May

Day 2 - InvestigationDetention Center

Talk to April about all available topics

Move to Grossberg Law Offices

Grossberg Law Offices

Examine Photograph and choose Exhibit B

Move to Gatewater Hotel

Gatewater Hotel

Talk to the bellboy about all available topics

Present Photograph to him and have him write down his conclusion

Move to Detention Center

Detention Center

Present Bellboy's Affidavit to April

Answer Push her hard

Move to Bluecorp


Talk to White about all available topics and suggest that you recognize the painting

Move to Grossberg Law Offices

Grossberg Law Offices

Talk to Grossberg about all available topics and mention the big painting to him (You can also give the Photograph back to him, if you want)

Answer He's blackmailing you

Move to Fey & Co. Law Offices

Fey & Co. Law Offices

Examine Shelf and choose J-S, then skim through the section

Move to Bluecorp


Present Newspaper Clipping to White

Answer You blackmailed him

Pick what you want on the next question.

Answer whatever you like after that.

Episode 2 - Solutions: Day 3

Day 3 -TrialChoose whatever you like

Witness's Account

Press White on the statement that starts with "The victim, she..."

Present May Testimony on the statement that starts with "The victim ran"

Choose Both are right

Point to the red circle

She ran to the "Left"

Present Mia's Autopsy Report on the statement that starts with "You see?"

The Two Accounts

Press White on the statement that starts with "Umm, well"

Choose Yeah, very odd

Present Floor Plans on the statement that starts with "A light stand"

The Wiretapping

Press White on all statements

Present Receipt on the statement that starts with "It was the beginning"

Choose whatever you like

Present Mia's Memo

Episode 3 - Achievements

Achievement & Progression Guide - PW: AA image 169
Achievement & Progression Guide - PW: AA image 170

Turnabout Samurai Finish the 3rd Episode

Ladders Vs Step-Ladders Find every ladder argument in all 3 games, by clicking on all ladders you come across.

The first one can be found Inside Studio One (reachable during the 1st Investigation) in this chapter.

Episode 3 - Solutions: Day 1

Day 1 - InvestigationMove to Detention Center

Detention Center

Talk to Will about all available topics

Move to Studio - Main Gate

Studio - Main Gate

Talk to Oldbag about all available topics

Move to Detention Center

Detention Center

Talk to Will about all available topics

Move to Studio - Main Gate

Studio - Main Gate

Present Powers's Request to Oldbag

Move to Outside Studio One

Outside Studio One

Talk to Gumshoe about all available topics

Examine the Security Camera

Move to Studio - Main Gate

Studio - Main Gate

Talk to Oldbag about all available topics

Move to Employee Area

Employee Area

Move to Dressing Room

Dressing Room

Examine the Bag

Move to Outside Studio One

Outside Studio One

Examine the Gate

Move to Inside Studio One

Inside Studio One

Optional: Examine the Ladder/Step-Ladder to help unlock an achievement later

Examine the Camera

Talk to Penny about all available topics

Move to Studio - Main Gate

Studio - Main Gate

Talk to Oldbag about all available topics

Examine and choose to use the Computer

Choose ST-307

Episode 3 - Solutions: Day 2

Day 2 - TrialChoose according to your needs, if you paid attention, you can choose Skip it

Witness's Account

Present Powers's(?) Photo on the statement that begins with "It was Powers!"

The Man in the Photo

Press Oldbag on all available statements

Pick what you want on the next question

Witness's Account, cont.

Present Powers's(?) Photo on the statement that says "No one else went there!"

The Other Person

Press Oldbag on the statement that begins with "Come to think of it"

Choose The security lady

Choose what you want on the next question

Present Cardkey

My Lips Were Sealed

Press Oldbag on the statement that begins with "There were..." (The last one seems to work as well)

Choose Take a break if you want to move on with the story

Day 2 - InvestigationOptional: Visit the defendant in the Detention Center, talk to him and show him your evidence

Move to Employee Area

Employee Area

Examine Cardboard and choose to Rip it off

Move to Studio - Main Gate

Studio - Main Gate

Talk to Penny about all available topics

Move to Outside Studio One

Move to Outside Studio Two

Move to Dressing Room

Dressing Room

Talk to Manella about all available topics

Move to Studio - Main Gate

Move to Employee Area

Employee Area

Talk to Cody about all available topics

Move to Studio - Main Gate

Examine Guard Station

Move to Outside Studio Two

Outside Studio Two

Examine Trailer Door

Move to Trailer


Optional: Examine the posters, for a little backstory on the victim

Talk to Vasquez about all available topics

Move to Dressing Room

Dressing Room

Present Vasquez's Memo to Manella

Move to Inside Studio One

Inside Studio One

Examine Director's Chair

Move to Trailer


Present Script to Vasquez

Talk to Vasquez about all available topics

Move to Wright & Co. Law Offices

Move to Studio - Main Gate

Studio - Main Gate

Talk to Oldbag about all available topics

Present Cardkey to Oldbag (And agree to give it to her)

Move to Dressing Room

Dressing Room

Talk to Cody about all available topics

Present Steel Samurai Card to Cody

Move to Trailer


Talk to Penny about all available topics

Present Steel Samurai Card to Penny and agree to trade it

Move to Dressing Room

Dressing Room

Present URP Card to Cody

Talk to Cody about all available topics

Choose His fighting skills (to make Cody happy)

Choose what you like for the next question. But, you know, maybe don't throw poor Will under the bus.^^''

Episode 3 - Solutions: Day 3

Day 3 - TrialThe Day of the Murder

Press on the statement that starts with "But I had a meeting"

Choose It's contradictory

Press on the statement that starts with "During the meeting"

Choose Press harder

The Break

Press Manella on all statements

Choose No, it's impossible

Witness's Account

Present Cody's Camera on the statement that starts with "If I had my camera"

What I Saw

Press on the statement that starts with "Then..."

Choose Press him harder

Choose Show evidence

Present Cody's Camera

No Photo?

Press on the statement that starts with "Th-that's all that happened."

Choose Press him hard

Present "Path to Glory" on the statement that starts with "I took a few shots"

Choose The Steel Samurai didn't win

Choose Steel Samurai was the victim

Point to the number 2 on the gate

Point to the Studio 2 area

Choose The path was blocked

Choose I have proof

Present Empty Bottle

Choose Fingerprint the bottle

Day 3 - InvestigationMove to Detention Center

Detention Center

Talk to Will about all available topics

Move to Employee Area

Employee Area

Talk to Gumshoe about all available topics

Optional: Present Steak Plate & Empty Bottle to Gumshoe for a short bonding moment. Aaaw.

Move to Dressing Room

Dressing Room

Talk to Penny about all available topics and present "Path to Glory" when prompted

Move to Studio - Main Gate

Studio - Main Gate

Talk to Oldbag about all available topics

Choose I have proof

Present Sleeping Pill Bottle

Present Steak Plate

Move to Outside Studio Two

Outside Studio Two

Present Five-Year-Old Photo to Vasquez

Move to Trailer

Episode 3 - Solutions: Final Day

Final Day - Trial

The Day of the Murder

Present Steak Plate on the statement that starts with "Sal and I ate"

Choose You didn't eat the steak

Choose Meeting the Steel Samurai

Choose You couldn't could you

Present Samurai Spear

Choose I can tell you

Present Five-Year-Old Photo

Choose She had another way

Present Van

Choose Of course he was

Choose what you want for the next one.

After Finding the Body

Press on the statement that starts with "I went back to the trailer"

Choose Press harder

Present Powers's(?) Photo on the statement that starts with "I knew that Hammer was injured"

Choose You saw Hammer limping

Choose Of course I can prove it!

Present Five-Year-Old Photo

Choose She had no motive


Choose Present Evidence

Present "Path to Glory"

Episode 4 - Achievements

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Achievement & Progression Guide - PW: AA image 358

Turnabout Goodbyes Finish the 4th Episode

Secret Weapons Three During Day 2 - Investigation borrow all three of Gumshoe's Secret Weapons: The Fishing Rod, Missile and the Metal Detector (Choose that one last, ideally, since it's the one that advances the story)

Episode 4 - Solutions: Day 1

Day 1 - InvestigationOptional: Examine the shelf to see how Phoenix's legal training is coming along

Move to Detention Center

Detention Center

Present Badge to Edgeworth

Move to Gourd Lake Entrance

Gourd Lake Entrance

Talk to Gumshoe about all available topics

Choose what you want for the question

Optional: Move to Detention Center and talk to Edgeworth about all available topics

Move to Gourd Lake Public Beach

Gourd Lake Public Beach

Examine the party poppers and choose to take them along

Move to Gourd Lake Woods

Gourd Lake Woods

Slide to the left and examine the camera

Present Badge to the woman

Talk to Lotta about all available topics

Present Lotta's Camera to Lotta

Move to Criminal Affairs Dept.

Criminal Affairs Dept.

Talk to Gumshoe about all available topics

Move to Gourd Lake Woods

Gourd Lake Woods

Choose what you want for the question ('Cuz Lotta reckons she's gonna be a witness, ya yellow-bellied varmin!)

Move to Gourd Lake Public Beach

Gourd Lake Public Beach

Talk to Larry about all available topics

Move to Wright & Co. Law Offices

Move to Grossberg Law Offices

Grossberg Law Offices

Talk to Grossberg about all available topics

Present Autopsy Report to Grossberg

Talk to Grossberg about all available topics

Move to Detention Center

Detention Center

Optional: Talk to Edgeworth about all available topics

Present Misty Fey's Photo to Edgeworth

Talk to Edgeworth about all available topics

Present Lake Photo to Edgeworth

Choose what you want, since you'll end up defending poor Edgey anyway.

Move to Criminal Affairs Dept.

Criminal Affairs Dept.

Optional: Talk to Gumshoe about all available topics (for some hints about what you'll be up against in the trial)

Present Edgeworth's Request to Gumshoe

Episode 4 - Solutions: Day 2

Day 2 - Trial

The Arrest of Edgeworth

Press Gumshoe on the statement that starts with "But..."

Press Gumshoe on the statement that starts with "The murder weapon"

Pick what you want during the recess. But, y'know... Don't be mean.°^°

Choose I think there was

Witness's Account

Press Lotta on all available statements and choose Press Further whenever prompted

Choose Wrong

That Last Statement

Present Lake Photo on the only statement available

How Edgeworth Was Seen

Press Lotta on the statement that starts with "Still,"

Choose Press further

Present Lotta's Camera on the statement that starts with "The camera"

Choose Show evidence

Present Gourdy Article

Choose I have proof

Present Lotta's Camera

Lotta's New Testimony

Present Gourdy Article on the statement that starts with "There wasn't much"

Choose Make her show the enlargement

Choose Object to the enlargement

Point to the shooter's left hand

Present Pistol

Choose The victim himself

Day 2 - Investigation

Detention Center

Optional: Talk to Maya about all available topics

Move to Gourd Lake Woods

Gourd Lake Woods

Talk to Gumshoe about all available topics

Move to Detention Center

Move to Gourd Lake Entrance

Gourd Lake Entrance

Talk to Lotta about all available topics

Choose what you want to with regards to her offer

Move to Gourd Lake Public Beach

Gourd Lake Public Beach

Talk to Larry about all available topics

Move to Criminal Affairs Dept.

Criminal Affairs Dept.

Talk to Gumshoe about all available topics

When deciding on a "Secret Weapon" :

If you want to get the achievement (or just see some funny scenes), ask for the Fishing Rod and Missile first, take them to the Woods & Public Beach respectively, returning to Gumshoe and asking about "Secret Weapons" again to switch)

If you just want to progress the story, pick the Metal Detector

Move to Gourd Lake Public Beach

Move to Boat Rental Shop

Move to Gourd Lake Public Beach

Gourd Lake Public Beach

Present Air Tank to Larry

Choose Is it yours?

Choose To inflate something

Choose Ask more about the tank

Talk to Larry about all available topics

Move to Gourd Lake Woods

Gourd Lake Woods

Talk to Lotta about all available topics

Choose Gourdy doesn't exist

Choose Is here

Present Air Tank

Talk to Lotta about all available topics

Move to Boat Rental Shop

Move to Caretaker's Shack

Caretaker's Shack

Present Attorney's Badge to the Caretaker

Choose Promise to run the Noodle

Present Lake Photo to the Caretaker

Examine the parrot

Talk to the Caretaker about all available topics

Move to Criminal Affairs Dept.

Criminal Affairs Dept.

Talk to Gumshoe about all available topics

Present Parrot to Gumshoe

Move to Records Room

Records Room

Talk to Maya about all available topics

Episode 4 - Solutions: Day 3

Day 3 - TrialChoose what you want on the issue of the Caretaker's name

The Night of the Murder

Choose Cross-examine

Press the Caretaker on the statement that starts with "Just about then"

Press the Caretaker on the statement that starts with "That man"

Choose what you want on the next two issues

The Night of the Murder (Larry Version-.-)

Present Lotta's Deposition on the statement that starts with "So after I heard"

Choose Continue

What Larry Heard

Press Larry on the statement that starts with "I remember exactly"

Choose We should care

Present Lake Photo on the statement that starts with "Just when she said"

Choose Larry's right

Present Second Lake Photo

Present Pistol

Choose Edgeworth and the murderer

Choose I don't know

Point to the boat shop

Choose The boat shop caretaker

Choose To create a witness

Day 3 - Investigation

Wright & Co. Law Offices

Talk to Larry about all available topics

Move to Caretaker's Shack

Caretaker's Shack

Examine the safebox

Move to Detention Center

Detention Center

Talk to Edgeworth about all available topics

Present Letter from the Safe to Edgeworth

Talk to Edgeworth about all available topics

Move to Grossberg Law Offices

Grossberg Law Offices

Talk to Grossberg about all available topics

Present Letter from the Safe to Grossberg

Choose Manfred von Karma

Talk to Grossberg about all available topics

Move to Records Room

Records Room

Examine the open drawer

Talk to Manfred von Karma about all available topics

Present Letter from the Safe to Manfred von Karma (In what is clearly not Phoenix's brightest moment, but required to advance the game -.-)

Episode 4 - Solutions: Final Day

Final Day - Trial

Why I Left Court

Press the Caretaker on all available statements

Choose Yanni Yogi

Choose Yes, I'm doing it (Because you're here to make legal history, dangit!)

Who Is Your Owner?

Press Polly on either "statement"

Choose What's your name?

Choose Of course

Present DL-6 Case File

Choose "Suspect Data"

Press Polly on either "statement"

Choose Have we forgotten something?

Press Polly on either "statement"

Choose What's the safe number?

Choose Actually, it does

Present DL-6 Case File

Choose "Case Summary"

Choose what you want on the next issue

The DL-6 Incident

Present DL-6 Incident Photo on the statement that starts with "A moment later"

Point to the bullet hole in the elevator door

Choose Yes

Present DL-6 Case File

Choose "Victim Data"

Choose I have an objection

Choose The murderer didn't need it

Choose Say it now

Choose Show evidence

Present Metal Detector

Present DL-6 Bullet


Present DL-6 Bullet

Episode 5 - Achievements

Achievement & Progression Guide - PW: AA image 563
Achievement & Progression Guide - PW: AA image 564
Achievement & Progression Guide - PW: AA image 565

Rise from the Ashes Finish the 5th Episode

Lunchbox Specialist See all of Angel Starr's Lunchboxes. Most of them are discovered through progressing the story, with three notable exceptions:

- Pickle Supreme: Present your Attorney's Badge to her during Day 1

- First Love Lunchbox: During the Day 2 Trial (Former), in the follow-up to the "Witness's Account", choose No problem!

- P'tooey on rice & Orange-peel Lunchbox: During the Day 2 Trial (Former), in the follow-up to the "Apprehending the Suspect" account, when asked what the witness lied about, pick BOTH of the two wrong options first (you will take damage)

You should receive the achievement during the Day 3 - Investigation

Ladders Vs Step Ladders The next... object of relevance to this is in the Underground Parking Lot, reachable during Day 1

Episode 5 - Solutions: Day 1

Day 1 - Investigation

Wright & Co. Law Offices

Talk to Ema about all available topics

Move to Detention Center

Detention Center

Talk to Lana about all available topics

Move to Underground Parking Lot

Underground Parking Lot

Optional: Examine the ladder/step-ladder to help unlock an achievement later

Examine the wallet

Point to the clasp

Slide to the right and examine the mobile phone

Optional: Present Attorney's Badge to Angel to help unlock an achievement later

Talk to Angel about all available topics

Move to High Prosecutor's Office

High Prosecutor's Office

Optional: Examine as much as you can, there is some quite funny stuff here

Examine the trophy

Talk to Edgeworth about all available topics

Present King of Prosecutors Trophy to Edgeworth

Talk to Edgeworth about all available topics

Move to Underground Parking Lot

Move to Police Department Entrance

Police Department Entrance

Examine the mascot

Present King of Prosecutors Trophy to Gumshoe

Present Edgeworth's Knife or Parking Stub to Gumshoe

Present Goodman's ID to Gumshoe

Talk to Gumshoe about all available topics

Move to Underground Parking Lot

Underground Parking Lot

Present Letter of Introduction to Marshall

Talk to Marshall about all available topics

Slide to the right and examine the mobile phone

Choose Check it out

Point to the blue button

Point to the redial button

Talk to Marshall about all available topics

Examine the car trunk

Episode 5 - Solutions: Day 2

Day 2 - Trial Former

Witness's Account

Press Angel on all available statements

Press Angel on the statement that starts with Through the wire fence

Present Crime Photo on the statement that starts with The chief prosecutor

Choose Objection! (but pick the other option first, if you want to get the Lunchbox achievement)

Present Edgeworth's Knife on the statement that starts with The murder was

Angel's Deduction

Present Goodman's Autopsy Report on the statement that starts with Nothing else

Present Crime Photo on the statement that starts with Her red muffler

Apprehending the Suspect

Press Angel on the statement that starts with I quickly caught her

Choose Press her

Press Angel on the statement that starts with Ah yes

Choose Ask further

Present Parking Lot Floor Plans on the statement that starts with I saw it all

Choose Where she saw it (If you want to get the Lunchbox achievement, pick the other 2 options first - beware, your health will tank^^'')

Point to the Security Room

Choose Distance to the crime

Choose Raise an objection

Decisive Evidence

(SAVE here, if you're going for the Lunchbox achievement, in case you miss "Pepper Fish Gut")

Press Angel on all available statements

Choose There's a problem

Point to the blood on the sole

Present Crime Photo

Point to the cloth in the exhaust pipe

Present Lana's Cell Phone

Day 2 - Trial LatterPoint to the switch

Department in Disorder

Present Goodman's Note on the statement that starts with Unless there's evidence

Press Gant on the statement that starts with A detective was killed

Choose Where the victim was found

Press Gant on the statement that starts with It's not oficially linked

Press Gant on the statement that starts with I'll cooperate

Choose The victim's ID number

Choose This tells me something!

Present Goodman's ID

Day 2 - Investigation

Underground Parking Garage

Spray to the left of the body outline

Examine the luminol reaction

Choose The amount of blood

Talk to Angel about all available topics

Present Crime Photo to Angel

Present Goodman's Note or Switchblade Knife to Angel

Talk to Angel about all available topics

Move to Police Department Entrance

Move to Guard Station

Move to Police Department Entrance

Move to Detention Center

Detention Center

Talk to Meekins about all available topics

Present Goodman's ID to Meekins

Talk to Meekins about all available topics

Move to Criminal Affairs Dept.

Criminal Affairs Dept.

Talk to Gant about all available topics

Examine the man at the center desk

Talk to Gant about all available topics

Move to Guard Station

Guard Station

Examine the door

Present Steak Lunch to Marshall

Talk to Marshall about all available topics

Present Goodman's ID to Marshall

Move to Evidence Room

Evidence Room

Talk to Gumshoe about all available topics

Present Goodman's Note or Switchblade Knife to Gumshoe

Talk to Gumshoe about all available topics

Slide to the right and examine the bloody handprint

Examine the glove

Use the Luminol (press the Present button on the item)

Spray the bloody handprint

Examine the luminol reaction

Spray the shards

Examine the luminol reaction

Slide to the left and spray the upper left locker

Examine the luminol reaction

Slide to the right and examine the shards

Choose Take a closer look

Choose the 4th piece from the right

Choose the 4th piece from the left

Choose the 3rd piece from the right

Choose the 1st piece from the left

Choose the 1st piece from the right and rotate right once

Choose the 3rd piece from the left and rotate left once

Choose the 2nd piece from the left and rotate right twice

Choose the remaining piece

Present ID Card Record to Gumshoe

Move to High Prosecutor's Office

High Prosecutor's Office

Talk to Edgeworth about all available topics

Present ID Card Record to Edgeworth

Present Switchblade Knife to Edgeworth

Talk to Edgeworth about all available topics

Move to Evidence Room

Evidence Room

Choose the thumbprint

Point to the dark smear

Choose Detective Gumshoe

Slide to the left and examine the upper left locker

Choose Check for Prints

Point to the area left of the leftmost visible finger (where the next finger would probably be)

Choose the Jake Marshall

Episode 5 - Solutions: Day 3

Day 3 - Trial Former

Crime Report, Sir!

Press Meekins on all available statements

Mystery Man

Press Meekins on the statement that starts with "So it must be him!"

Choose There is a problem

Pause while the camera first pans to the right

Point to the light over the locker

Pause while the locker is opened

Point to the falling glove

Present Rubber Glove

Mystery Man (2)

Present Goodman's ID or Goodman's Lost Item Report on the statement that starts with "At the time of the crime"

Choose Object

Choose Jake Marshall

Day 3 - Trial Latter

Day of the Crime

Present Marshall's Fingerprints on the statement that starts with "If I remember right"

Bloodstained Fingerprints

Press Marshall on the statement that starts with "Like I said"

Press Marshall on the statement that starts with "Or didn't you know"

Press Marshall on the statement that starts with "Too bad"

Choose Show evidence

Pause during the final pan to the left

Point to the cloth sticking out of the locker

Present Evidence Locker

Point to the victim's position

Pause during the fight

Point to "Goodman"'s bloody shoulder

Marshall's Confession

Press Marshall on all available statements

Present SL-9 Incident Files on the statement that starts with "I can't just forget"

Choose I object!

Present Blue Badger Panel

Present ID Card Record

Day 3 - Investigation

Wright & Co. Law Offices

Talk to Ema about all available topics

Move to Detention Center

Detention Center

Talk to Lana about all available topics

Move to Police Department Entrance

Police Department Entrance

Talk to Marshall about all available topics

Move to Criminal Affairs Dept.

Move to Chief's Office

Move to Criminal Affairs Dept.

Criminal Affairs Dept.

Talk to Gumshoe about all available topics

Present Switchblade Knife to Gumshoe

Talk to Gumshoe about all available topics

Move to High Prosecutor's Office

High Prosecutor's Office

Talk to Edgeworth about all available topics

Present Gant Team Picture to Edgeworth

Talk to Edgeworth about all available topics

Examine crumbled paper

Move to Underground Parking Lot

Underground Parking Lot

(If you followed the optional steps for it, the Lunchbox Specialist achievement should unlock now)

Talk to Angel about all available topics

Move to Criminal Affairs Dept.

Criminal Affairs Dept.

Present Letter of Resignation to Gumshoe

Move to Chief's Office

Chief's Office

Talk to Gumshoe about all available topics

Examine the desk

Optional: Check Evidence List in the Court Record (Especially the backside...)

Examine the safe

Choose Input number

Enter 7777777

Examine the safe

Present Unstable Jar to Gumshoe

Choose Assemble Fragments

Rotate left once (Definitely the hardest puzzle in the entire series^^'')

Present Fingerprinting Set to Gumshoe

Point to the middle finger

Choose Ema Skye

Detention Center

Talk to Lana about all available topics

Choose Damon Gant

Present Unstable Jar, Piece of Cloth or Evidence List

Episode 5 - Solutions: Final Day

Final Day - Trial Former

Two Years Ago

Press Ema on all available statements

Choose Hear more

Choose Ask about the picture

Present Evidence List on the statement that starts with "I drew a picture"

Ema's Picture

Present Neil's Autopsy Report on the statement that starts with "This picture shows"

Point to the weapon

Choose There is another one

Present Gant Team Picture

Ema's Recollection

Present Unstable Jar on the statement that starts with "Just then"

Rotate the jar so it looks like this:

(I tried to describe it with words, but language can not convey the greatness of the Badger...^^'')

Choose The location

Choose is in the evidence

Present Unstable Jar

Draw the word EMA

Final Day - Trial LatterChoose Damon Gant

SL-9 Incident

Present Unstable Jar or Evidence List on the statement that starts with "As you can see"

Evidence & Forgery

Press Gant on the statement that starts with "Rearranging the crime scene"

Press Gant on the statement that starts with "I wouldn't be"

Choose Point out accomplice

Choose Lana Skye

Present ID Card Record

Present Goodman's Lost Item Report

Present Screwdriver

Choose I have no proof yet

Choose Lana Skye

Final Day - Trial Latter 2

Gant & The Fabrication

Press Lana on the statement that starts with "When I found"

Press Lana on the statement that starts with "I broke off"

Choose Why did you move the body

Present Unstable Jar on the statement that starts with "The pieces"

Jar & Message in Blood

Present Unstable Jar on the statement that starts with "The fragments were large"

Actual Crime Scene

Check Evidence Law

Point to the back cover

SAVE here! If you mess up the next two choices, you're gonna have a bad time.

Choose Cannot show evidence (It's against the rules! :<)

Choose Show evidence (Now it's okay! But only after Gant dug his grave^^)

Present Piece of Cloth

Choose Ema Skye

Present Lana's Picture

Choose I did not

Present Evidence Law


Present Evidence List

Point to the back cover

You did it! You finished the first game! Now on to the next one!

(For which there'll be a separate guide, because the table of contents is already way too long^^'')


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