How to import PSP / PPSSPP save to Steam

How to import PSP / PPSSPP save to Steam


Some people wanted me to make a Steam guide based on my original Reddit post on how to import a P3P save from PSP/PPSSPP to the Steam version. Most of my findings are based on zestiva's post over on GBAtemp.

How To Import

First of, if you either used the original PSP or an emulator to play the game, you will need PPSSPP and the P3P ROM in order to continue.

This step only applies to OG PSP transfers. Find your P3P save folder on your PSP (ULES01523DATAxx, the xx depends on what save slot you used) and transfer it to your PPSSPP save file folder: PPSSPP\memstick\PSP\SAVEDATA

Now you have to re-save the game without encryption. To do this we first have to change a .ini file. Go to the file: PPSSPP\memstick\PSP\SYSTEM\ppsspp.ini, Find EncryptSave and change it from EncryptSave=True to EncryptSave=False.

After you've done this, go into the PPSSPP game and re-save the PPSSPP file inside the emulator so you have a non-encrypted save file.

Making a new temporary save on P3Steam: Make a new character with the SAME NAME and GENDER as your PSP save. You need to save this character ASAP (4/7).

The transfer: Fire up P3Steam and go to the LOAD menu. Click on your temporary P3Steam save once to bring up the "Load this file?" but DO NOT click YES yet. Now, tab out from the game and delete the temporary P3Steam save (P3PSAVE0001.BIN if you're using the first save slot). After this, take your newly saved, un-encrypted PPSSPP save file from PPSSPP\memstick\PSP\SAVEDATA\ULES01523DATAxx(the xx depends on what save slot you used), transfer it to Steam\userdata\your_steam_ID\1809700\remote (1809700 is the P3P directory) and rename it to the same file name as your temporary character (should be from P3PSAVE.BIN to P3PSAVE0001.BIN if you're using the first save slot). Now when your temporary file is overwritten with the PPSSPP un-encrypted file, go back into P3Steam and click YES to actually load the file, and then, DONE!

Troubleshooting And Notes


Not being able to save after successfully loading? Non matching character name or gender between the two save files.

Game crashes while trying to load? Happens when you try to load an encrypted PPSSPP file.

Getting "Load failed" message? Save file is either not present in the save folder OR doesn't have the correct name: "P3PSAVE00xx.BIN" (where xx is 01 for slot 1, 02 for slot 2 etc)

Some people have said that the date needs to be the same for the game to not crash, but this isn't true for me at least. I've managed to load a PPSSPP file from summer using a P3Steam base file from 4/7.


Make backups of your save files. Ofcourse don't delete the original PPSSPP file. Also make a back up of the un-encrypted file so you don't have to re-save it. And finally, make a backup of the P3Steam file so you don't have to spend 5-10min if you manage to overwrite it without successfully importing the PPSSPP save.

I tried playing around with un-matching difficulty settings and sometimes it worked, sometimes not. Just set the same difficulty and change it in the in game menu when you managed to save your PPSSPP file in Steam.

After you manage to load the PPSSPP file I would re-save, probably in slot 2, quit the game and load in again to make sure it works.

Guide With Pictures

How to import PSP / PPSSPP save to Steam image 20
How to import PSP / PPSSPP save to Steam image 21
How to import PSP / PPSSPP save to Steam image 22
How to import PSP / PPSSPP save to Steam image 23

How to import PSP / PPSSPP save to Steam image 24
How to import PSP / PPSSPP save to Steam image 25
How to import PSP / PPSSPP save to Steam image 26
How to import PSP / PPSSPP save to Steam image 27
How to import PSP / PPSSPP save to Steam image 28

Check the step numbers from How to import

2. Find ppsspp.ini

2. Change EncryptSave=True

2. to EncryptSave=False

3. Go into PPSSPP and re-save without encryption. Note Name, gender and difficulty.

4. Make a new temporary save in P3Steam with the same NAME, GENDER and DIFFICULTY

5. Click to load your temp file, but do NOT click Yes

5. Tab out and delete the temp file (P3PSAVE0001.BIN) and then move your PPSSPP file to the same folder and rename it to P3PSAVE0001.BIN, the same name as the temp save. Do NOT touch P3PSAVE0001.BINslot

5. Go in game and click Yes to load your PPSSPP file

5. Re-save with your new file, preferably in slot 2


And Lastly

How to import PSP / PPSSPP save to Steam image 41

I hope this could be of some help to any of you trying to import your NG+ omega Messiah playthroughs.

Lastly I want to thank my parents dog, Emma


PekkaJukkasson / Just Ate Some Tasty Pasta Bruh


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