All Travel Banter Walkthrough

All Travel Banter Walkthrough


Remember how everyone complained that there wasn't enough character interaction in the first game? Travel banter was all we had to see those characters talk to each other. Now we have some other ways to see the travelers talk to each other, but travel banter is still around! You have to have the right character in the party at the right time during a chapter to see travel banter. The good news is that Octopath 2 has made it easier to see them all!

This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on who to have in your party when so you can see all the travel banter. As soon as you see a banter for one character on the list, you should switch to the next character before the next event takes place. Hope you enjoy!

8/8/23- added 3 and 4 person banters


All Travel Banter Walkthrough image 5

Osvald has no banter in Chapters 1 and 2.

Chapter 3

Start the chapter with Throne and Agnea

Switch to Ochette and Temenos

Switch to Partitio

Take Castti and Hikari to the boss

Chapter 4

Start the chapter with Hikari and Agnea

**Take Ochette and Temenos when using Path Actions** (This is the easiest banter in the game to miss!)

Enter the dungeon with Throne

Fight the mid-boss with Partitio

Take Castti to the boss fight

Chapter 5

Start the chapter with Ochette and Temenos

Take Castti and Throne to the dungeon

Switch to Hikari

Take Agnea and Partitio to the boss fight


All Travel Banter Walkthrough image 24

Castti has no banter in Chapter 1.

Chapter 2 Sai Route

Take Osvald and Throne to the tent

Switch to Partitio

Take Hikari to the first room of the dungeon

Switch to Agnea, then Ochette

Chapter 2 Winterbloom Route

Start the chapter with Partitio

Take Agnea and Hikari to the house

Take Osvald to the garden

Take Temenos and Ochette back inside the house

Finish the chapter with Throne

Chapter 3

Start the chapter with Temenos

Take Hikari to the dungeon

Chapter 4

Start the chapter with Temenos

Switch to Throne

Switch to Partitio

Take Ochette to the dungeon

Take Osvald and Agnea to the boss


All Travel Banter Walkthrough image 47

Temenos has no travel banter in Chapter 1.

Chapter 2

Start the chapter with Castti

Switch to Partitio and Agnea

Take Throne to the house

Take Hikari to the tavern

Take Ochette to the boss

Chapter 3 Crackridge Route

Take Agnea to the inn

Enter the dungeon with Ochette

Take Partitio and Osvald to the end of the dungeon

Chapter 3 Stormhail Route

Start the chapter with Agnea and Osvald

Switch to Partitio and Ochette

Switch to Castti and Hikari

Take Throne to the boss fight

Chapter 4

Start the chapter with Castti

Enter the dungeon with Osvald and Hikari

Take Throne to the boss


All Travel Banter Walkthrough image 69

Ochette has no travel banter in Chapter 1.

Chapter 2 Cateracta Route

Start the chapter with Agnea and Partitio

Switch to Throne

Take Hikari and Temenos to the dungeon

Chapter 2 Tera Route

Start the chapter with Partitio

Switch to Castti and Temenos

Switch to Agnea, then Throne

Take Osvald to the boss

Chapter 2 Glacis Route

Start the chapter with Osvald

Enter the dungeon with Hikari

Take Partitio and Castti to the boss

Chapter 3

Start the chapter with Temenos

Switch to Agnea

Take Hikari to the dungeon

Switch to Osvald

Switch to Throne

Take Castti to the boss fight


All Travel Banter Walkthrough image 92

Partitio has no travel banter in Chapter 1.

Chapter 2

Begin the chapter with Ochette

Switch to Temenos, then take Castti to the office

Take Throne and Hikari to deliver the supplies

Switch to Osvald

Take Agnea to the boss

Chapter 3

Start the chapter with Osvald and Agnea

Take Castti and Hikari to the manor

Switch to Temenos then Ochette

Take Throne to the boss fight

Chapter 4

Start the chapter with Ochette

Take Castti to the first part of the dungeon

Take Throne and Osvald to the second part of the dungeon

Switch to Agnea

Take Hikari and Temenos to the boss


All Travel Banter Walkthrough image 112

Chapter 2

Begin the chapter with Temenos

Take Throne and Partitio to the theater

Take Osvald to the tavern

Take Hikari to the boss

Chapter 3

Start the chapter with Throne

Switch to Hikari

Take Castti to the island

Switch to Ochette

Chapter 4

Start the chapter with Partitio and Castti

Switch to Hikari

Switch to Osvald and Temenos

Switch to Ochette

Chapter 5

Start the chapter with Throne and Partitio

Switch to Ochette

Enter the dungeon with Temenos

Switch to Osvald

Take Hikari to the boss fight


All Travel Banter Walkthrough image 135

Throne has no travel banter in Chapter 1.

Chapter 2 Mother route

Enter with Partitio

Switch to Castti

Take Hikari to the alleyway

Switch to Ochette to end the chapter

Chapter 2 Father Route

Begin the chapter with Osvald

Take Partitio to the tavern

Switch to Ochette after meeting Father on the east side

Take Temenos into the dungeon

Take Agnea to the boss

Chapter 3 Mother Route

Start the chapter with Temenos

Switch to Agnea

Take Partitio and Hikari and Castti to the dungeon (if you can’t take all three, switch to Castti when fast travel becomes available and come back)

Chapter 3 Father Route

Start the chapter with Agnea

Switch to Osvald

Take Temenos to the boss

Chapter 4

Start the chapter with Hikari

Switch to Ochette

Switch to Castti and Osvald


All Travel Banter Walkthrough image 161

Hikari has no travel banter in Chapter 1.

Chapter 2

Start the chapter with Throne and Partitio

Switch to Agnea

Take Castti to the boss fight

Chapter 3

Start the chapter with Ochette

Switch to Castti

Enter the dungeon with Temenos and Throne

Take Osvald and Partitio to the boss fight

Chapter 4

Start the chapter with Temenos

Switch to Osvald and Castti

Take Agnea to the dungeon

Take Ochette to the boss fight

Chapter 5

Start the chapter with Ochette

Switch to Temenos and Throne

Switch to Osvald

Take Agnea to the dungeon

Take Partitio to the boss fight

Chapter 4 Banters

But wait, there's more!

After your main character completes their Chapter 4, you can get three or four person conversations based on who you switch into your party. These are the conversations I've found so far:












Found by Hentaika:










This is not a complete list- please add more in the comments if you find them!


I hope this helps, and I hope you all enjoy the banter!
